/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "../../idLib/precompiled.h" #include "../Game_local.h" /* ================================================================================================ idMenuWidget_Button SWF object structure -------------------- BUTTON (Frames: up, over, out, down, release, disabled, sel_up, sel_over, sel_out, sel_down, sel_release, selecting, unselecting) txtOption txtValue (Text) optionType (Frames: One per mainMenuOption_t enum) sliderBar bar (Frames: 1-100 for percentage filled) btnLess btnMore sliderText txtVal (Text) btnLess btnMore Future work: - Perhaps this should be called "MultiButton", since it merges additional controls with a standard button? ================================================================================================ */ //--------------------------------- // Animation State Transitions // // Maps animations that should be called when transitioning states: // // X-axis = state transitioning FROM // Y-axis = state transitioning TO // // An empty string indicates remain at current animation. //--------------------------------- static const char * ANIM_STATE_TRANSITIONS[ idMenuWidget_Button::ANIM_STATE_MAX * idMenuWidget_Button::ANIM_STATE_MAX ] = { // UP DOWN OVER "", "release", "out", // UP "down", "", "down", // DOWN "over", "over", "", // OVER }; // script name for the control object for a given type of button static const char * const CONTROL_SPRITE_NAMES[ MAX_MENU_OPTION_TYPES ] = { NULL, "sliderBar", "sliderText", "sliderText", NULL, "sliderText", }; compile_time_assert( sizeof( CONTROL_SPRITE_NAMES ) / sizeof( CONTROL_SPRITE_NAMES[ 0 ] ) == MAX_MENU_OPTION_TYPES ); /* ======================== idMenuWidget_Button::Update ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_Button::Update() { if ( menuData != NULL && menuData->GetGUI() != NULL ) { BindSprite( menuData->GetGUI()->GetRootObject() ); } if ( GetSprite() == NULL ) { return; } idSWFScriptObject * const spriteObject = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject(); if ( btnLabel.IsEmpty() ) { if ( values.Num() > 0 ) { for ( int val = 0; val < values.Num(); ++val ) { idSWFScriptObject * const textObject = spriteObject->GetNestedObj( va( "label%d", val ), "txtVal" ); if ( textObject != NULL ) { idSWFTextInstance * const text = textObject->GetText(); text->SetIgnoreColor( ignoreColor ); text->tooltip = ignoreColor; // ignoreColor does double duty as "allow tooltips" text->SetText( values[ val ].c_str() ); text->SetStrokeInfo( true, 0.75f, 2.0f ); } } } else if ( img != NULL ) { idSWFSpriteInstance * btnImg = spriteObject->GetNestedSprite( "img" ); if ( btnImg != NULL ) { btnImg->SetMaterial( img ); } btnImg = spriteObject->GetNestedSprite( "imgTop" ); if ( btnImg != NULL ) { btnImg->SetMaterial( img ); } } else { ClearSprite(); } } else { idSWFScriptObject * const textObject = spriteObject->GetNestedObj( "label0", "txtVal" ); if ( textObject != NULL ) { idSWFTextInstance * const text = textObject->GetText(); text->SetIgnoreColor( ignoreColor ); text->tooltip = ignoreColor; // ignoreColor does double duty as "allow tooltips" text->SetText( btnLabel.c_str() ); text->SetStrokeInfo( true, 0.75f, 2.0f ); } } // events spriteObject->Set( "onPress", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS, 0 ) ); spriteObject->Set( "onRelease", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_RELEASE, 0 ) ); idSWFScriptObject * hitBox = spriteObject->GetObject( "hitBox" ); if ( hitBox == NULL ) { hitBox = spriteObject; } hitBox->Set( "onRollOver", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OVER, 0 ) ); hitBox->Set( "onRollOut", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OUT, 0 ) ); } /* ======================== idMenuWidget_Button::ExecuteEvent ======================== */ bool idMenuWidget_Button::ExecuteEvent( const idWidgetEvent & event ) { bool handled = false; // do nothing at all if it's disabled if ( GetState() != WIDGET_STATE_DISABLED ) { switch ( event.type ) { case WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS: { if ( GetMenuData() != NULL ) { GetMenuData()->PlaySound( GUI_SOUND_ADVANCE ); } AnimateToState( ANIM_STATE_DOWN ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_EVENT_RELEASE: { AnimateToState( ANIM_STATE_UP ); GetMenuData()->ClearWidgetActionRepeater(); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OVER: { if ( GetMenuData() != NULL ) { GetMenuData()->PlaySound( GUI_SOUND_ROLL_OVER ); } AnimateToState( ANIM_STATE_OVER ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OUT: { AnimateToState( ANIM_STATE_UP ); GetMenuData()->ClearWidgetActionRepeater(); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_EVENT_FOCUS_OFF: { SetState( WIDGET_STATE_NORMAL ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_EVENT_FOCUS_ON: { SetState( WIDGET_STATE_SELECTING ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_RELEASE: { GetMenuData()->ClearWidgetActionRepeater(); break; } case WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_RELEASE: { GetMenuData()->ClearWidgetActionRepeater(); break; } } } idMenuWidget::ExecuteEvent( event ); return handled; } /* ======================== idMenuWidget_Button::AddValue ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_Button::SetValues( idList< idStr > & list ) { values.Clear(); for ( int i = 0; i < list.Num(); ++ i ) { values.Append( list[ i ] ); } } /* ======================== idMenuWidget_Button::GetValue ======================== */ const idStr & idMenuWidget_Button::GetValue( int index ) const { return values[ index ]; } /* ======================== idMenuWidget_Button::SetupTransitionInfo ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_Button::SetupTransitionInfo( widgetTransition_t & trans, const widgetState_t buttonState, const animState_t sourceAnimState, const animState_t destAnimState ) const { trans.prefixes.Clear(); if ( buttonState == WIDGET_STATE_DISABLED ) { trans.animationName = "disabled"; } else { const int animIndex = (int)destAnimState * ANIM_STATE_MAX + (int)sourceAnimState; trans.animationName = ANIM_STATE_TRANSITIONS[ animIndex ]; if ( buttonState == WIDGET_STATE_SELECTING ) { trans.prefixes.Append( "sel_" ); } } trans.prefixes.Append( "" ); } /* ======================== idMenuWidget_Button::AnimateToState Plays an animation from the current state to the target state. ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_Button::AnimateToState( const animState_t targetAnimState, const bool force ) { if ( !force && targetAnimState == GetAnimState() ) { return; } if ( GetSprite() != NULL ) { widgetTransition_t trans; SetupTransitionInfo( trans, GetState(), GetAnimState(), targetAnimState ); if ( trans.animationName[0] != '\0' ) { for ( int i = 0; i < trans.prefixes.Num(); ++i ) { const char * const frameLabel = va( "%s%s", trans.prefixes[ i ], trans.animationName ); if ( GetSprite()->FrameExists( frameLabel ) ) { GetSprite()->PlayFrame( frameLabel ); Update(); break; } } } idSWFSpriteInstance * const focusSprite = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetSprite( "focusIndicator" ); if ( focusSprite != NULL ) { if ( targetAnimState == ANIM_STATE_OVER ) { focusSprite->PlayFrame( "show" ); } else { focusSprite->PlayFrame( "hide" ); } } } SetAnimState( targetAnimState ); } //***************************************************************************************************************** // CONTROL BUTTON /* ======================== idMenuWidget_ControlButton::Update ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_ControlButton::Update() { if ( GetSprite() == NULL ) { return; } idSWFScriptObject * const spriteObject = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetNestedObj( "type" ); if ( spriteObject == NULL ) { return; } idSWFSpriteInstance * type = spriteObject->GetSprite(); if ( type == NULL ) { return; } if ( GetOptionType() != OPTION_BUTTON_FULL_TEXT_SLIDER ) { type->StopFrame( GetOptionType() + 1 ); } idSWFTextInstance * text = spriteObject->GetNestedText( "label0", "txtVal" ); if ( text != NULL ) { text->SetText( btnLabel ); text->SetStrokeInfo( true, 0.75f, 2.0f ); } if ( CONTROL_SPRITE_NAMES[ GetOptionType() ] != NULL ) { idSWFSpriteInstance * controlSprite = NULL; if ( CONTROL_SPRITE_NAMES[ GetOptionType() ] != NULL ) { controlSprite = type->GetScriptObject()->GetSprite( CONTROL_SPRITE_NAMES[ GetOptionType() ] ); if ( verify( controlSprite != NULL ) ) { if ( verify( GetDataSource() != NULL ) ) { idSWFScriptVar fieldValue = GetDataSource()->GetField( GetDataSourceFieldIndex() ); if ( GetOptionType() == OPTION_SLIDER_BAR ) { controlSprite->StopFrame( 1 + fieldValue.ToInteger() ); } else if ( GetOptionType() == OPTION_SLIDER_TOGGLE ) { idSWFTextInstance * const txtInfo = controlSprite->GetScriptObject()->GetNestedText( "txtVal" ); if ( verify( txtInfo != NULL ) ) { txtInfo->SetText( fieldValue.ToBool() ? "#str_swf_enabled" : "#str_swf_disabled" ); txtInfo->SetStrokeInfo( true, 0.75f, 2.0f ); } } else if ( GetOptionType() == OPTION_SLIDER_TEXT || GetOptionType() == OPTION_BUTTON_FULL_TEXT_SLIDER ) { idSWFTextInstance * const txtInfo = controlSprite->GetScriptObject()->GetNestedText( "txtVal" ); if ( verify( txtInfo != NULL ) ) { txtInfo->SetText( fieldValue.ToString() ); txtInfo->SetStrokeInfo( true, 0.75f, 2.0f ); } } } idSWFScriptObject * const btnLess = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetObject( "btnLess" ); idSWFScriptObject * const btnMore = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetObject( "btnMore" ); if ( btnLess != NULL && btnMore != NULL ) { if ( disabled ) { btnLess->GetSprite()->SetVisible( false ); btnMore->GetSprite()->SetVisible( false ); } else { btnLess->GetSprite()->SetVisible( true ); btnMore->GetSprite()->SetVisible( true ); btnLess->Set( "onPress", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT, 0 ) ); btnLess->Set( "onRelease", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_RELEASE, 0 ) ); btnMore->Set( "onPress", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT, 0 ) ); btnMore->Set( "onRelease", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_RELEASE, 0 ) ); btnLess->Set( "onRollOver", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OVER, 0 ) ); btnLess->Set( "onRollOut", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OUT, 0 ) ); btnMore->Set( "onRollOver", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OVER, 0 ) ); btnMore->Set( "onRollOut", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OUT, 0 ) ); } } } } } else { idSWFScriptObject * const btnLess = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetObject( "btnLess" ); idSWFScriptObject * const btnMore = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetObject( "btnMore" ); if ( btnLess != NULL && btnMore != NULL ) { btnLess->GetSprite()->SetVisible( false ); btnMore->GetSprite()->SetVisible( false ); } } // events GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->Set( "onPress", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS, 0 ) ); GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->Set( "onRelease", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_RELEASE, 0 ) ); idSWFScriptObject * hitBox = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetObject( "hitBox" ); if ( hitBox == NULL ) { hitBox = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject(); } hitBox->Set( "onRollOver", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OVER, 0 ) ); hitBox->Set( "onRollOut", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OUT, 0 ) ); } /* ======================== idMenuWidget_ControlButton::Update ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_ControlButton::SetupEvents( int delay, int index ) { AddEventAction( WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT ).Set( WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_ADJUST_FIELD, -1, delay, index ); AddEventAction( WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT ).Set( WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_ADJUST_FIELD, 1, delay, index ); AddEventAction( WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_RELEASE ).Set( WIDGET_ACTION_STOP_REPEATER ); AddEventAction( WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_RELEASE ).Set( WIDGET_ACTION_STOP_REPEATER ); AddEventAction( WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_LSTICK ).Set( WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_ADJUST_FIELD, -1, delay, index ); AddEventAction( WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_LSTICK ).Set( WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_ADJUST_FIELD, 1, delay, index ); AddEventAction( WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_LSTICK_RELEASE ).Set( WIDGET_ACTION_STOP_REPEATER ); AddEventAction( WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_LSTICK_RELEASE ).Set( WIDGET_ACTION_STOP_REPEATER ); } //**************************************************************** // SERVER BUTTON //**************************************************************** /* ======================== idMenuWidget_ServerButton::Update ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_ServerButton::Update() { if ( GetSprite() == NULL ) { return; } idSWFScriptObject * const spriteObject = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject(); idSWFTextInstance * const txtName = spriteObject->GetNestedText( "label0", "txtVal" ); if ( txtName != NULL ) { txtName->SetText( serverName ); txtName->SetStrokeInfo( true, 0.75f, 1.75f ); } // events spriteObject->Set( "onPress", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS, 0 ) ); spriteObject->Set( "onRelease", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_RELEASE, 0 ) ); idSWFScriptObject * hitBox = spriteObject->GetObject( "hitBox" ); if ( hitBox == NULL ) { hitBox = spriteObject; } hitBox->Set( "onRollOver", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OVER, 0 ) ); hitBox->Set( "onRollOut", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OUT, 0 ) ); } /* ======================== idMenuWidget_ServerButton::SetButtonInfo ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_ServerButton::SetButtonInfo( idStr name_, idStrId mapName_, idStr modeName_, int index_, int players_, int maxPlayers_, bool joinable_, bool validMap_ ) { serverName = name_; index = index_; players = players_; maxPlayers = maxPlayers_; joinable = joinable_; validMap = validMap_; mapName = mapName_; modeName = modeName_; idStr desc; if ( index >= 0 ) { idStr playerVal = va( "%s %d/%d", idLocalization::GetString( "#str_02396" ), players, maxPlayers ); idStr lobbyMapName = va( "%s %s", idLocalization::GetString( "#str_02045" ), mapName.GetLocalizedString() ); idStr lobbyMode; if ( !modeName.IsEmpty() ) { lobbyMode = va( "%s %s", idLocalization::GetString( "#str_02044" ), modeName.c_str() ); } desc = va( "%s %s %s", playerVal.c_str(), lobbyMapName.c_str(), lobbyMode.c_str() ); } SetDescription( desc ); } //**************************************************************** // LOBBY BUTTON //**************************************************************** /* ======================== idMenuWidget_LobbyButton::Update ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_LobbyButton::Update() { if ( GetSprite() == NULL ) { return; } idSWFScriptObject * const spriteObject = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject(); idSWFTextInstance * const txtName = spriteObject->GetNestedText( "itemName", "txtVal" ); idSWFSpriteInstance * talkIcon = spriteObject->GetNestedSprite( "chaticon" ); if ( txtName != NULL ) { txtName->SetText( name ); } if ( talkIcon != NULL ) { talkIcon->StopFrame( voiceState + 1 ); talkIcon->GetScriptObject()->Set( "onPress", new (TAG_SWF) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_COMMAND, WIDGET_ACTION_MUTE_PLAYER ) ); } // events spriteObject->Set( "onPress", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS, 0 ) ); spriteObject->Set( "onRelease", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_RELEASE, 0 ) ); idSWFScriptObject * hitBox = spriteObject->GetObject( "hitBox" ); if ( hitBox == NULL ) { hitBox = spriteObject; } hitBox->Set( "onRollOver", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OVER, 0 ) ); hitBox->Set( "onRollOut", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OUT, 0 ) ); } /* ======================== idMenuWidget_LobbyButton::SetButtonInfo ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_LobbyButton::SetButtonInfo( idStr name_, voiceStateDisplay_t voiceState_ ) { name = name_; voiceState = voiceState_; } //**************************************************************** // SCOREBOARD BUTTON //**************************************************************** /* ======================== idMenuWidget_ScoreboardButton::Update ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_ScoreboardButton::Update() { if ( GetSprite() == NULL ) { return; } if ( index == -1 ) { GetSprite()->SetVisible( false ); return; } GetSprite()->SetVisible( true ); idSWFScriptObject * const spriteObject = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject(); for ( int val = 0; val < values.Num(); ++val ) { idSWFScriptObject * const textObject = spriteObject->GetNestedObj( va( "label%d", val ), "txtVal" ); if ( textObject != NULL ) { idSWFTextInstance * const text = textObject->GetText(); text->SetIgnoreColor( ignoreColor ); text->tooltip = ignoreColor; // ignoreColor does double duty as "allow tooltips" text->SetText( values[ val ].c_str() ); text->SetStrokeInfo( true, 0.75f, 2.0f ); } } idSWFSpriteInstance * talkIcon = spriteObject->GetNestedSprite( "chaticon" ); if ( talkIcon != NULL ) { talkIcon->StopFrame( voiceState + 1 ); talkIcon->GetScriptObject()->Set( "onPress", new (TAG_SWF) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_COMMAND, WIDGET_ACTION_MUTE_PLAYER ) ); } // events spriteObject->Set( "onPress", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS, 0 ) ); spriteObject->Set( "onRelease", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_RELEASE, 0 ) ); idSWFScriptObject * hitBox = spriteObject->GetObject( "hitBox" ); if ( hitBox == NULL ) { hitBox = spriteObject; } hitBox->Set( "onRollOver", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OVER, 0 ) ); hitBox->Set( "onRollOut", new ( TAG_SWF ) WrapWidgetSWFEvent( this, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OUT, 0 ) ); } /* ======================== idMenuWidget_ScoreboardButton::SetButtonInfo ======================== */ void idMenuWidget_ScoreboardButton::SetButtonInfo( int index_, idList< idStr > & list, voiceStateDisplay_t voiceState_ ) { index = index_; voiceState = voiceState_; SetValues( list ); }