/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop typedef struct { keyNum_t keynum; const char* name; const char* strId; // localized string id } keyname_t; #define NAMEKEY( code, strId ) { K_##code, #code, strId } #define NAMEKEY2( code ) { K_##code, #code, #code } #define ALIASKEY( alias, code ) { K_##code, alias, "" } // names not in this list can either be lowercase ascii, or '0xnn' hex sequences keyname_t keynames[] = { NAMEKEY( ESCAPE, "#str_07020" ), NAMEKEY2( 1 ), NAMEKEY2( 2 ), NAMEKEY2( 3 ), NAMEKEY2( 4 ), NAMEKEY2( 5 ), NAMEKEY2( 6 ), NAMEKEY2( 7 ), NAMEKEY2( 8 ), NAMEKEY2( 9 ), NAMEKEY2( 0 ), NAMEKEY( MINUS, "-" ), NAMEKEY( EQUALS, "=" ), NAMEKEY( BACKSPACE, "#str_07022" ), NAMEKEY( TAB, "#str_07018" ), NAMEKEY2( Q ), NAMEKEY2( W ), NAMEKEY2( E ), NAMEKEY2( R ), NAMEKEY2( T ), NAMEKEY2( Y ), NAMEKEY2( U ), NAMEKEY2( I ), NAMEKEY2( O ), NAMEKEY2( P ), NAMEKEY( LBRACKET, "[" ), NAMEKEY( RBRACKET, "]" ), NAMEKEY( ENTER, "#str_07019" ), NAMEKEY( LCTRL, "#str_07028" ), NAMEKEY2( A ), NAMEKEY2( S ), NAMEKEY2( D ), NAMEKEY2( F ), NAMEKEY2( G ), NAMEKEY2( H ), NAMEKEY2( J ), NAMEKEY2( K ), NAMEKEY2( L ), NAMEKEY( SEMICOLON, "#str_07129" ), NAMEKEY( APOSTROPHE, "#str_07130" ), NAMEKEY( GRAVE, "`" ), NAMEKEY( LSHIFT, "#str_07029" ), NAMEKEY( BACKSLASH, "\\" ), NAMEKEY2( Z ), NAMEKEY2( X ), NAMEKEY2( C ), NAMEKEY2( V ), NAMEKEY2( B ), NAMEKEY2( N ), NAMEKEY2( M ), NAMEKEY( COMMA, "," ), NAMEKEY( PERIOD, "." ), NAMEKEY( SLASH, "/" ), NAMEKEY( RSHIFT, "#str_bind_RSHIFT" ), NAMEKEY( KP_STAR, "#str_07126" ), NAMEKEY( LALT, "#str_07027" ), NAMEKEY( SPACE, "#str_07021" ), NAMEKEY( CAPSLOCK, "#str_07034" ), NAMEKEY( F1, "#str_07036" ), NAMEKEY( F2, "#str_07037" ), NAMEKEY( F3, "#str_07038" ), NAMEKEY( F4, "#str_07039" ), NAMEKEY( F5, "#str_07040" ), NAMEKEY( F6, "#str_07041" ), NAMEKEY( F7, "#str_07042" ), NAMEKEY( F8, "#str_07043" ), NAMEKEY( F9, "#str_07044" ), NAMEKEY( F10, "#str_07045" ), NAMEKEY( NUMLOCK, "#str_07125" ), NAMEKEY( SCROLL, "#str_07035" ), NAMEKEY( KP_7, "#str_07110" ), NAMEKEY( KP_8, "#str_07111" ), NAMEKEY( KP_9, "#str_07112" ), NAMEKEY( KP_MINUS, "#str_07123" ), NAMEKEY( KP_4, "#str_07113" ), NAMEKEY( KP_5, "#str_07114" ), NAMEKEY( KP_6, "#str_07115" ), NAMEKEY( KP_PLUS, "#str_07124" ), NAMEKEY( KP_1, "#str_07116" ), NAMEKEY( KP_2, "#str_07117" ), NAMEKEY( KP_3, "#str_07118" ), NAMEKEY( KP_0, "#str_07120" ), NAMEKEY( KP_DOT, "#str_07121" ), NAMEKEY( F11, "#str_07046" ), NAMEKEY( F12, "#str_07047" ), NAMEKEY2( F13 ), NAMEKEY2( F14 ), NAMEKEY2( F15 ), NAMEKEY2( KANA ), NAMEKEY2( CONVERT ), NAMEKEY2( NOCONVERT ), NAMEKEY2( YEN ), NAMEKEY( KP_EQUALS, "#str_07127" ), NAMEKEY2( CIRCUMFLEX ), NAMEKEY( AT, "@" ), NAMEKEY( COLON, ":" ), NAMEKEY( UNDERLINE, "_" ), NAMEKEY2( KANJI ), NAMEKEY2( STOP ), NAMEKEY2( AX ), NAMEKEY2( UNLABELED ), NAMEKEY( KP_ENTER, "#str_07119" ), NAMEKEY( RCTRL, "#str_bind_RCTRL" ), NAMEKEY( KP_COMMA, "," ), NAMEKEY( KP_SLASH, "#str_07122" ), NAMEKEY( PRINTSCREEN, "#str_07179" ), NAMEKEY( RALT, "#str_bind_RALT" ), NAMEKEY( PAUSE, "#str_07128" ), NAMEKEY( HOME, "#str_07052" ), NAMEKEY( UPARROW, "#str_07023" ), NAMEKEY( PGUP, "#str_07051" ), NAMEKEY( LEFTARROW, "#str_07025" ), NAMEKEY( RIGHTARROW, "#str_07026" ), NAMEKEY( END, "#str_07053" ), NAMEKEY( DOWNARROW, "#str_07024" ), NAMEKEY( PGDN, "#str_07050" ), NAMEKEY( INS, "#str_07048" ), NAMEKEY( DEL, "#str_07049" ), NAMEKEY( LWIN, "#str_07030" ), NAMEKEY( RWIN, "#str_07031" ), NAMEKEY( APPS, "#str_07032" ), NAMEKEY2( POWER ), NAMEKEY2( SLEEP ), // -- NAMEKEY( MOUSE1, "#str_07054" ), NAMEKEY( MOUSE2, "#str_07055" ), NAMEKEY( MOUSE3, "#str_07056" ), NAMEKEY( MOUSE4, "#str_07057" ), NAMEKEY( MOUSE5, "#str_07058" ), NAMEKEY( MOUSE6, "#str_07059" ), NAMEKEY( MOUSE7, "#str_07060" ), NAMEKEY( MOUSE8, "#str_07061" ), NAMEKEY( MWHEELDOWN, "#str_07132" ), NAMEKEY( MWHEELUP, "#str_07131" ), NAMEKEY( JOY1, "#str_07062" ), NAMEKEY( JOY2, "#str_07063" ), NAMEKEY( JOY3, "#str_07064" ), NAMEKEY( JOY4, "#str_07065" ), NAMEKEY( JOY5, "#str_07066" ), NAMEKEY( JOY6, "#str_07067" ), NAMEKEY( JOY7, "#str_07068" ), NAMEKEY( JOY8, "#str_07069" ), NAMEKEY( JOY9, "#str_07070" ), NAMEKEY( JOY10, "#str_07071" ), NAMEKEY( JOY11, "#str_07072" ), NAMEKEY( JOY12, "#str_07073" ), NAMEKEY( JOY13, "#str_07074" ), NAMEKEY( JOY14, "#str_07075" ), NAMEKEY( JOY15, "#str_07076" ), NAMEKEY( JOY16, "#str_07077" ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_DPAD_UP ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_DPAD_DOWN ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_DPAD_LEFT ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_DPAD_RIGHT ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_STICK1_UP ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_STICK1_DOWN ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_STICK1_LEFT ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_STICK1_RIGHT ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_STICK2_UP ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_STICK2_DOWN ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_STICK2_LEFT ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_STICK2_RIGHT ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_TRIGGER1 ), NAMEKEY2( JOY_TRIGGER2 ), //------------------------ // Aliases to make it easier to bind or to support old configs //------------------------ ALIASKEY( "ALT", LALT ), ALIASKEY( "RIGHTALT", RALT ), ALIASKEY( "CTRL", LCTRL ), ALIASKEY( "SHIFT", LSHIFT ), ALIASKEY( "MENU", APPS ), ALIASKEY( "COMMAND", LALT ), ALIASKEY( "KP_HOME", KP_7 ), ALIASKEY( "KP_UPARROW", KP_8 ), ALIASKEY( "KP_PGUP", KP_9 ), ALIASKEY( "KP_LEFTARROW", KP_4 ), ALIASKEY( "KP_RIGHTARROW", KP_6 ), ALIASKEY( "KP_END", KP_1 ), ALIASKEY( "KP_DOWNARROW", KP_2 ), ALIASKEY( "KP_PGDN", KP_3 ), ALIASKEY( "KP_INS", KP_0 ), ALIASKEY( "KP_DEL", KP_DOT ), ALIASKEY( "KP_NUMLOCK", NUMLOCK ), ALIASKEY( "-", MINUS ), ALIASKEY( "=", EQUALS ), ALIASKEY( "[", LBRACKET ), ALIASKEY( "]", RBRACKET ), ALIASKEY( "\\", BACKSLASH ), ALIASKEY( "/", SLASH ), ALIASKEY( ",", COMMA ), ALIASKEY( ".", PERIOD ), {K_NONE, NULL, NULL} }; class idKey { public: idKey() { down = false; repeats = 0; usercmdAction = 0; } bool down; int repeats; // if > 1, it is autorepeating idStr binding; int usercmdAction; // for testing by the asyncronous usercmd generation }; bool key_overstrikeMode = false; idKey* keys = NULL; /* =================== idKeyInput::ArgCompletion_KeyName =================== */ void idKeyInput::ArgCompletion_KeyName( const idCmdArgs& args, void( *callback )( const char* s ) ) { for( keyname_t* kn = keynames; kn->name; kn++ ) { callback( va( "%s %s", args.Argv( 0 ), kn->name ) ); } } /* =================== idKeyInput::GetOverstrikeMode =================== */ bool idKeyInput::GetOverstrikeMode() { return key_overstrikeMode; } /* =================== idKeyInput::SetOverstrikeMode =================== */ void idKeyInput::SetOverstrikeMode( bool state ) { key_overstrikeMode = state; } /* =================== idKeyInput::IsDown =================== */ bool idKeyInput::IsDown( int keynum ) { if( keynum == -1 ) { return false; } return keys[keynum].down; } /* ======================== idKeyInput::StringToKeyNum ======================== */ keyNum_t idKeyInput::StringToKeyNum( const char* str ) { if( !str || !str[0] ) { return K_NONE; } // scan for a text match for( keyname_t* kn = keynames; kn->name; kn++ ) { if( !idStr::Icmp( str, kn->name ) ) { return kn->keynum; } } return K_NONE; } /* ======================== idKeyInput::KeyNumToString ======================== */ const char* idKeyInput::KeyNumToString( keyNum_t keynum ) { // check for a key string for( keyname_t* kn = keynames; kn->name; kn++ ) { if( keynum == kn->keynum ) { return kn->name; } } return "?"; } /* ======================== idKeyInput::LocalizedKeyName ======================== */ const char* idKeyInput::LocalizedKeyName( keyNum_t keynum ) { // RB: FIXME #if defined(_WIN32) if( keynum < K_JOY1 ) { // On the PC, we want to turn the scan code in to a key label that matches the currently selected keyboard layout unsigned char keystate[256] = { 0 }; WCHAR temp[5]; int scancode = ( int )keynum; int vkey = MapVirtualKey( keynum, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX ); int result = -1; while( result < 0 ) { result = ToUnicode( vkey, scancode, keystate, temp, sizeof( temp ) / sizeof( temp[0] ), 0 ); } if( result > 0 && temp[0] > ' ' && iswprint( temp[0] ) ) { static idStr bindStr; bindStr.Empty(); bindStr.AppendUTF8Char( temp[0] ); return bindStr; } } // check for a key string for( keyname_t* kn = keynames; kn->name; kn++ ) { if( keynum == kn->keynum ) { return idLocalization::GetString( kn->strId ); } } return "????"; #else return KeyNumToString( keynum ); #endif // RB end } /* =================== idKeyInput::SetBinding =================== */ void idKeyInput::SetBinding( int keynum, const char* binding ) { if( keynum == -1 ) { return; } // Clear out all button states so we aren't stuck forever thinking this key is held down usercmdGen->Clear(); // allocate memory for new binding keys[keynum].binding = binding; // find the action for the async command generation keys[keynum].usercmdAction = usercmdGen->CommandStringUsercmdData( binding ); // consider this like modifying an archived cvar, so the // file write will be triggered at the next oportunity cvarSystem->SetModifiedFlags( CVAR_ARCHIVE ); } /* =================== idKeyInput::GetBinding =================== */ const char* idKeyInput::GetBinding( int keynum ) { if( keynum == -1 ) { return ""; } return keys[ keynum ].binding; } /* =================== idKeyInput::GetUsercmdAction =================== */ int idKeyInput::GetUsercmdAction( int keynum ) { return keys[ keynum ].usercmdAction; } /* =================== Key_Unbind_f =================== */ void Key_Unbind_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int b; if( args.Argc() != 2 ) { common->Printf( "unbind <key> : remove commands from a key\n" ); return; } b = idKeyInput::StringToKeyNum( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if( b == -1 ) { // If it wasn't a key, it could be a command if( !idKeyInput::UnbindBinding( args.Argv( 1 ) ) ) { common->Printf( "\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", args.Argv( 1 ) ); } } else { idKeyInput::SetBinding( b, "" ); } } /* =================== Key_Unbindall_f =================== */ void Key_Unbindall_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { for( int i = 0; i < K_LAST_KEY; i++ ) { idKeyInput::SetBinding( i, "" ); } } /* =================== Key_Bind_f =================== */ void Key_Bind_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int i, c, b; char cmd[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; c = args.Argc(); if( c < 2 ) { common->Printf( "bind <key> [command] : attach a command to a key\n" ); return; } b = idKeyInput::StringToKeyNum( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if( b == -1 ) { common->Printf( "\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", args.Argv( 1 ) ); return; } if( c == 2 ) { if( keys[b].binding.Length() ) { common->Printf( "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", args.Argv( 1 ), keys[b].binding.c_str() ); } else { common->Printf( "\"%s\" is not bound\n", args.Argv( 1 ) ); } return; } // copy the rest of the command line cmd[0] = 0; // start out with a null string for( i = 2; i < c; i++ ) { strcat( cmd, args.Argv( i ) ); if( i != ( c - 1 ) ) { strcat( cmd, " " ); } } idKeyInput::SetBinding( b, cmd ); } /* ============ Key_BindUnBindTwo_f binds keynum to bindcommand and unbinds if there are already two binds on the key ============ */ void Key_BindUnBindTwo_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int c = args.Argc(); if( c < 3 ) { common->Printf( "bindunbindtwo <keynum> [command]\n" ); return; } int key = atoi( args.Argv( 1 ) ); idStr bind = args.Argv( 2 ); if( idKeyInput::NumBinds( bind ) >= 2 && !idKeyInput::KeyIsBoundTo( key, bind ) ) { idKeyInput::UnbindBinding( bind ); } idKeyInput::SetBinding( key, bind ); } /* ============ idKeyInput::WriteBindings Writes lines containing "bind key value" ============ */ void idKeyInput::WriteBindings( idFile* f ) { f->Printf( "unbindall\n" ); for( int i = 0; i < K_LAST_KEY; i++ ) { if( keys[i].binding.Length() ) { const char* name = KeyNumToString( ( keyNum_t )i ); f->Printf( "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", name, keys[i].binding.c_str() ); } } } /* ============ Key_ListBinds_f ============ */ void Key_ListBinds_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { for( int i = 0; i < K_LAST_KEY; i++ ) { if( keys[i].binding.Length() ) { common->Printf( "%s \"%s\"\n", idKeyInput::KeyNumToString( ( keyNum_t )i ), keys[i].binding.c_str() ); } } } /* ============ idKeyInput::KeysFromBinding returns the localized name of the key for the binding ============ */ const char* idKeyInput::KeysFromBinding( const char* bind ) { static char keyName[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; keyName[0] = 0; if( bind && *bind ) { for( int i = 0; i < K_LAST_KEY; i++ ) { if( keys[i].binding.Icmp( bind ) == 0 ) { if( keyName[0] != '\0' ) { idStr::Append( keyName, sizeof( keyName ), idLocalization::GetString( "#str_07183" ) ); } idStr::Append( keyName, sizeof( keyName ), LocalizedKeyName( ( keyNum_t )i ) ); } } } if( keyName[0] == '\0' ) { idStr::Copynz( keyName, idLocalization::GetString( "#str_07133" ), sizeof( keyName ) ); } idStr::ToLower( keyName ); return keyName; } /* ======================== idKeyInput::KeyBindingsFromBinding return: bindings for keyboard mouse and gamepad ======================== */ keyBindings_t idKeyInput::KeyBindingsFromBinding( const char* bind, bool firstOnly, bool localized ) { idStr keyboard; idStr mouse; idStr gamepad; if( bind && *bind ) { for( int i = 0; i < K_LAST_KEY; i++ ) { if( keys[i].binding.Icmp( bind ) == 0 ) { if( i >= K_JOY1 && i <= K_JOY_DPAD_RIGHT ) { const char* gamepadKey = ""; if( localized ) { gamepadKey = LocalizedKeyName( ( keyNum_t )i ); } else { gamepadKey = KeyNumToString( ( keyNum_t )i ); } if( idStr::Icmp( gamepadKey, "" ) != 0 ) { if( !gamepad.IsEmpty() ) { if( firstOnly ) { continue; } gamepad.Append( ", " ); } gamepad.Append( gamepadKey ); } } else if( i >= K_MOUSE1 && i <= K_MWHEELUP ) { const char* mouseKey = ""; if( localized ) { mouseKey = LocalizedKeyName( ( keyNum_t )i ); } else { mouseKey = KeyNumToString( ( keyNum_t )i ); } if( idStr::Icmp( mouseKey, "" ) != 0 ) { if( !mouse.IsEmpty() ) { if( firstOnly ) { continue; } mouse.Append( ", " ); } mouse.Append( mouseKey ); } } else { const char* tmp = ""; if( localized ) { tmp = LocalizedKeyName( ( keyNum_t )i ); } else { tmp = KeyNumToString( ( keyNum_t )i ); } if( idStr::Icmp( tmp, "" ) != 0 && idStr::Icmp( tmp, keyboard ) != 0 ) { if( !keyboard.IsEmpty() ) { if( firstOnly ) { continue; } keyboard.Append( ", " ); } keyboard.Append( tmp ); } } } } } keyBindings_t bindings; bindings.gamepad = gamepad; bindings.mouse = mouse; bindings.keyboard = keyboard; return bindings; } /* ============ idKeyInput::BindingFromKey returns the binding for the localized name of the key ============ */ const char* idKeyInput::BindingFromKey( const char* key ) { const int keyNum = idKeyInput::StringToKeyNum( key ); if( keyNum < 0 || keyNum >= K_LAST_KEY ) { return NULL; } return keys[keyNum].binding.c_str(); } /* ============ idKeyInput::UnbindBinding ============ */ bool idKeyInput::UnbindBinding( const char* binding ) { bool unbound = false; if( binding && *binding ) { for( int i = 0; i < K_LAST_KEY; i++ ) { if( keys[i].binding.Icmp( binding ) == 0 ) { SetBinding( i, "" ); unbound = true; } } } return unbound; } /* ============ idKeyInput::NumBinds ============ */ int idKeyInput::NumBinds( const char* binding ) { int count = 0; if( binding && *binding ) { for( int i = 0; i < K_LAST_KEY; i++ ) { if( keys[i].binding.Icmp( binding ) == 0 ) { count++; } } } return count; } /* ============ idKeyInput::KeyIsBountTo ============ */ bool idKeyInput::KeyIsBoundTo( int keynum, const char* binding ) { if( keynum >= 0 && keynum < K_LAST_KEY ) { return ( keys[keynum].binding.Icmp( binding ) == 0 ); } return false; } /* =================== idKeyInput::PreliminaryKeyEvent Tracks global key up/down state Called by the system for both key up and key down events =================== */ void idKeyInput::PreliminaryKeyEvent( int keynum, bool down ) { keys[keynum].down = down; } /* ================= idKeyInput::ExecKeyBinding ================= */ bool idKeyInput::ExecKeyBinding( int keynum ) { // commands that are used by the async thread // don't add text if( keys[keynum].usercmdAction ) { return false; } // send the bound action if( keys[keynum].binding.Length() ) { cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, keys[keynum].binding.c_str() ); cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, "\n" ); } return true; } /* =================== idKeyInput::ClearStates =================== */ void idKeyInput::ClearStates() { for( int i = 0; i < K_LAST_KEY; i++ ) { if( keys[i].down ) { PreliminaryKeyEvent( i, false ); } keys[i].down = false; } // clear the usercommand states usercmdGen->Clear(); } /* =================== idKeyInput::Init =================== */ void idKeyInput::Init() { keys = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idKey[K_LAST_KEY]; // register our functions cmdSystem->AddCommand( "bind", Key_Bind_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "binds a command to a key", idKeyInput::ArgCompletion_KeyName ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "bindunbindtwo", Key_BindUnBindTwo_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "binds a key but unbinds it first if there are more than two binds" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "unbind", Key_Unbind_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "unbinds any command from a key", idKeyInput::ArgCompletion_KeyName ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "unbindall", Key_Unbindall_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "unbinds any commands from all keys" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listBinds", Key_ListBinds_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists key bindings" ); } /* =================== idKeyInput::Shutdown =================== */ void idKeyInput::Shutdown() { delete [] keys; keys = NULL; } /* ======================== Key_CovertHIDCode Converts from a USB HID code to a K_ code ======================== */ int Key_CovertHIDCode( int hid ) { if( hid >= 0 && hid <= 106 ) { int table[] = { K_NONE, K_NONE, K_NONE, K_NONE, K_A, K_B, K_C, K_D, K_E, K_F, K_G, K_H, K_I, K_J, K_K, K_L, K_M, K_N, K_O, K_P, K_Q, K_R, K_S, K_T, K_U, K_V, K_W, K_X, K_Y, K_Z, K_1, K_2, K_3, K_4, K_5, K_6, K_7, K_8, K_9, K_0, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_BACKSPACE, K_TAB, K_SPACE, K_MINUS, K_EQUALS, K_LBRACKET, K_RBRACKET, K_BACKSLASH, K_NONE, K_SEMICOLON, K_APOSTROPHE, K_GRAVE, K_COMMA, K_PERIOD, K_SLASH, K_CAPSLOCK, K_F1, K_F2, K_F3, K_F4, K_F5, K_F6, K_F7, K_F8, K_F9, K_F10, K_F11, K_F12, K_PRINTSCREEN, K_SCROLL, K_PAUSE, K_INS, K_HOME, K_PGUP, K_DEL, K_END, K_PGDN, K_RIGHTARROW, K_LEFTARROW, K_DOWNARROW, K_UPARROW, K_NUMLOCK, K_KP_SLASH, K_KP_STAR, K_KP_MINUS, K_KP_PLUS, K_KP_ENTER, K_KP_1, K_KP_2, K_KP_3, K_KP_4, K_KP_5, K_KP_6, K_KP_7, K_KP_8, K_KP_9, K_KP_0, K_KP_DOT, K_NONE, K_APPS, K_POWER, K_KP_EQUALS, K_F13, K_F14, K_F15 }; return table[hid]; } if( hid >= 224 && hid <= 231 ) { int table[] = { K_LCTRL, K_LSHIFT, K_LALT, K_LWIN, K_RCTRL, K_RSHIFT, K_RALT, K_RWIN }; return table[hid - 224]; } return K_NONE; }