/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #include "../framework/Common_local.h" #include "sys_session_local.h" // The more the idLobby class needs to call back into this class, the more likely we're doing something wrong, and there is a better way. /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::BecomingHost This is called when ======================== */ bool idSessionLocalCallbacks::BecomingHost( idLobby& lobby ) { if( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME ) { if( sessionLocal->GetActivePlatformLobby() != &lobby ) { idLib::Printf( "BecomingHost: Must be past the party lobby to become host of a game lobby.\n" ); return false; } if( sessionLocal->localState == idSessionLocal::STATE_INGAME || sessionLocal->localState == idSessionLocal::STATE_LOADING ) { // If we are in a game, go back to the lobby before becoming the new host of a game lobby sessionLocal->SetState( idSessionLocal::STATE_GAME_LOBBY_PEER ); // session mgr housekeeping that would usually be done through the standard EndMatch path sessionLocal->EndMatchForMigration(); } } return true; } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::BecameHost ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::BecameHost( idLobby& lobby ) { // If we were in the lobby when we switched to host, then set the right state if( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_PARTY && sessionLocal->localState == idSessionLocal::STATE_PARTY_LOBBY_PEER ) { sessionLocal->SetState( idSessionLocal::STATE_PARTY_LOBBY_HOST ); } else if( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME && sessionLocal->localState == idSessionLocal::STATE_GAME_LOBBY_PEER ) { sessionLocal->SetState( idSessionLocal::STATE_GAME_LOBBY_HOST ); } } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::BecomingPeer ======================== */ bool idSessionLocalCallbacks::BecomingPeer( idLobby& lobby ) { if( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME ) { if( sessionLocal->localState == idSessionLocal::STATE_INGAME || sessionLocal->localState == idSessionLocal::STATE_LOADING ) { // Go to the party lobby while we try to connect to the new host // This isn't totally necessary but we want to end the current game now and go to some screen. // When the connection goes through or fails will send the session mgr to the appropriate state (game lobby or main menu) // What happens if we got the game migration before the party migration? sessionLocal->SetState( sessionLocal->GetPartyLobby().IsHost() ? idSessionLocal::STATE_PARTY_LOBBY_HOST : idSessionLocal::STATE_PARTY_LOBBY_PEER ); // session mgr housekeeping that would usually be done through the standard EndMatch path sessionLocal->EndMatchForMigration(); return true; // return true tells the session that we want him to tell us when the connects/fails } } return false; } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::BecamePeer ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::BecamePeer( idLobby& lobby ) { if( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME ) { sessionLocal->SetState( idSessionLocal::STATE_GAME_LOBBY_PEER ); } } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::FailedGameMigration ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::FailedGameMigration( idLobby& lobby ) { // We failed to complete a game migration this could happen for a couple reasons: // -The network invites failed / failed to join migrated session // -There was nobody to invite lobby.ResetAllMigrationState(); if( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME ) // this check is a redundant since we should only get this CB from the game session { sessionLocal->SetState( idSessionLocal::STATE_GAME_LOBBY_HOST ); // Make sure the sessions are joinable again sessionLocal->EndSessions(); } } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::MigrationEnded ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::MigrationEnded( idLobby& lobby ) { if( lobby.migrationInfo.persistUntilGameEndsData.wasMigratedGame ) { #if 1 if( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME || ( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_PARTY && session->GetState() <= idSession::PARTY_LOBBY ) ) { common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_MIGRATING ); common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_WAITING ); common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_RELAUNCHING ); if( lobby.GetNumLobbyUsers() <= 1 ) { if( MatchTypeHasStats( lobby.parms.matchFlags ) ) { common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_FAILED_DISBANDED_STATS, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false, "", 0, true ); // Game has disbanded } else { common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_FAILED_DISBANDED, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false, "", 0, true ); // Game has disbanded } } else { //common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_FAILED_CONNECTION, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false, "", 0, true ); // Lost connection to game if( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME && MatchTypeHasStats( lobby.parms.matchFlags ) ) { // This means we came from a public match, so tell them they didn't lose stats common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_HOST_CONNECTION_LOST_STATS, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false, "", 0, true ); // The connection to the host has been lost. This game will not count towards your ranking. } else { // This means we came from a private match, just say host quit common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_HOST_CONNECTION_LOST, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false, "", 0, true ); // The connection to the host has been lost. } } lobby.ResetAllMigrationState(); // Make sure the sessions are joinable again sessionLocal->EndSessions(); } #else // If we get here, we migrated from a game if( lobby.GetNumLobbyUsers() <= 1 && lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME ) { if( !MatchTypeIsJoinInProgress( lobby.parms.matchFlags ) ) { // Handles 'soft' failed game migration where we migrated from a game and are now alone gameDialogMessages_t errorDlg = GDM_INVALID; lobby.migrationInfo.persistUntilGameEndsData.hasGameData = false; // never restart the game if we are by ourselves if( lobby.migrationInfo.invites.Num() > 0 ) { // outstanding invites: migration failed errorDlg = ( MatchTypeHasStats( lobby.migrateMsgFlags ) && ( sessionLocal->GetFlushedStats() == false ) ) ? GDM_MIGRATING_FAILED_CONNECTION_STATS : GDM_MIGRATING_FAILED_CONNECTION; } else { // there was no one to invite errorDlg = ( MatchTypeHasStats( lobby.migrateMsgFlags ) && ( sessionLocal->GetFlushedStats() == false ) ) ? GDM_MIGRATING_FAILED_DISBANDED_STATS : GDM_MIGRATING_FAILED_DISBANDED; } if( errorDlg != GDM_INVALID ) { common->Dialog().AddDialog( errorDlg, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false ); } common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_MIGRATING ); common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_WAITING ); common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_RELAUNCHING ); FailedGameMigration( lobby ); } } else if( lobby.lobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_PARTY ) { if( session->GetState() <= idSession::PARTY_LOBBY ) { // We got dropped the party lobby, let them know what happened common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_MIGRATING ); common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_WAITING ); common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_RELAUNCHING ); if( lobby.GetNumLobbyUsers() <= 1 ) { common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_FAILED_DISBANDED, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false, "", 0, true ); // Game has disbanded } else { //common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_MIGRATING_FAILED_CONNECTION, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false, "", 0, true ); // Lost connection to game common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_HOST_CONNECTION_LOST_STATS, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false, "", 0, true ); } lobby.ResetAllMigrationState(); // Make sure the sessions are joinable again sessionLocal->EndSessions(); } } #endif } else if( lobby.GetNumLobbyUsers() <= 1 && session->GetState() == idSession::PARTY_LOBBY ) { // If they didn't come from a game, and are by themselves, just show the lobby disband msg common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_LOBBY_DISBANDED, DIALOG_ACCEPT, NULL, NULL, false, "", 0, true ); // The lobby you were previously in has disbanded // Make sure the sessions are joinable again sessionLocal->EndSessions(); } } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::GoodbyeFromHost ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::GoodbyeFromHost( idLobby& lobby, int peerNum, const lobbyAddress_t& remoteAddress, int msgType ) { sessionLocal->GoodbyeFromHost( lobby, peerNum, remoteAddress, msgType ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::AnyPeerHasAddress ======================== */ bool idSessionLocalCallbacks::AnyPeerHasAddress( const lobbyAddress_t& remoteAddress ) const { return sessionLocal->GetPartyLobby().FindAnyPeer( remoteAddress ) || sessionLocal->GetGameLobby().FindAnyPeer( remoteAddress ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::RecvLeaderboardStats ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::RecvLeaderboardStats( idBitMsg& msg ) { // Steam and PS3 just write them as they come per player, they don't need to flush sessionLocal->RecvLeaderboardStatsForPlayer( msg ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::ReceivedFullSnap ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::ReceivedFullSnap() { // If we received a full snap, then we can transition into the INGAME state sessionLocal->numFullSnapsReceived++; if( sessionLocal->numFullSnapsReceived < 2 ) { return; } if( sessionLocal->localState != idSessionLocal::STATE_INGAME ) { sessionLocal->GetActingGameStateLobby().QueueReliableMessage( sessionLocal->GetActingGameStateLobby().host, idLobby::RELIABLE_IN_GAME ); // Let host know we are in game now sessionLocal->SetState( idSessionLocal::STATE_INGAME ); } } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::LeaveGameLobby ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::LeaveGameLobby() { // Make sure we're in the game lobby if( session->GetState() != idSession::GAME_LOBBY ) { return; } // If we're the host of the party, only we are allowed to make this call if( sessionLocal->GetPartyLobby().IsHost() ) { return; } sessionLocal->GetGameLobby().Shutdown(); sessionLocal->SetState( idSessionLocal::STATE_PARTY_LOBBY_PEER ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::PrePickNewHost This is called when we have determined that we need to pick a new host. Call PickNewHostInternal to continue on with the host picking process. ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::PrePickNewHost( idLobby& lobby, bool forceMe, bool inviteOldHost ) { sessionLocal->PrePickNewHost( lobby, forceMe, inviteOldHost ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::PreMigrateInvite This is called just before we get invited to a migrated session If we return false, the invite will be ignored ======================== */ bool idSessionLocalCallbacks::PreMigrateInvite( idLobby& lobby ) { return sessionLocal->PreMigrateInvite( lobby ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::ConnectAndMoveToLobby ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::ConnectAndMoveToLobby( idLobby::lobbyType_t destLobbyType, const lobbyConnectInfo_t& connectInfo, bool waitForPartyOk ) { // See if we are already in the game lobby idLobby* lobby = sessionLocal->GetLobbyFromType( destLobbyType ); if( lobby == NULL ) { idLib::Printf( "RELIABLE_CONNECT_AND_MOVE_TO_LOBBY: Invalid lobby type.\n" ); return; } if( lobby->lobbyBackend != NULL && lobby->lobbyBackend->IsOwnerOfConnectInfo( connectInfo ) ) { idLib::Printf( "RELIABLE_CONNECT_AND_MOVE_TO_LOBBY: Already in lobby.\n" ); return; } // See if we are in a game, or loading into a game. If so, ignore invites from our party host if( destLobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME || destLobbyType == idLobby::TYPE_GAME_STATE ) { if( GetState() == idSession::INGAME || GetState() == idSession::LOADING ) { idLib::Printf( "RELIABLE_CONNECT_AND_MOVE_TO_LOBBY: In a different game, ignoring.\n" ); return; } } // End current game lobby lobby->Shutdown(); // waitForPartyOk will be true if the party host wants us to wait for his ok to stay in the lobby lobby->waitForPartyOk = waitForPartyOk; // Connect to new game lobby sessionLocal->ConnectAndMoveToLobby( *lobby, connectInfo, true ); // Consider this an invite if party host told us to connect } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::HandleServerQueryRequest ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::HandleServerQueryRequest( lobbyAddress_t& remoteAddr, idBitMsg& msg, int msgType ) { sessionLocal->HandleServerQueryRequest( remoteAddr, msg, msgType ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::HandleServerQueryAck ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::HandleServerQueryAck( lobbyAddress_t& remoteAddr, idBitMsg& msg ) { sessionLocal->HandleServerQueryAck( remoteAddr, msg ); } extern idCVar net_headlessServer; /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::HandlePeerMatchParamUpdate ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::HandlePeerMatchParamUpdate( int peer, int msg ) { if( net_headlessServer.GetBool() ) { sessionLocal->storedPeer = peer; sessionLocal->storedMsgType = msg; } } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::CreateLobbyBackend ======================== */ idLobbyBackend* idSessionLocalCallbacks::CreateLobbyBackend( const idMatchParameters& p, float skillLevel, idLobbyBackend::lobbyBackendType_t lobbyType ) { return sessionLocal->CreateLobbyBackend( p, skillLevel, lobbyType ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::FindLobbyBackend ======================== */ idLobbyBackend* idSessionLocalCallbacks::FindLobbyBackend( const idMatchParameters& p, int numPartyUsers, float skillLevel, idLobbyBackend::lobbyBackendType_t lobbyType ) { return sessionLocal->FindLobbyBackend( p, numPartyUsers, skillLevel, lobbyType ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::JoinFromConnectInfo ======================== */ idLobbyBackend* idSessionLocalCallbacks::JoinFromConnectInfo( const lobbyConnectInfo_t& connectInfo , idLobbyBackend::lobbyBackendType_t lobbyType ) { return sessionLocal->JoinFromConnectInfo( connectInfo, lobbyType ); } /* ======================== idSessionLocalCallbacks::DestroyLobbyBackend ======================== */ void idSessionLocalCallbacks::DestroyLobbyBackend( idLobbyBackend* lobbyBackend ) { sessionLocal->DestroyLobbyBackend( lobbyBackend ); }