/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Copyright (C) 2013 Robert Beckebans Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Sam Lantinga (MS ADPCM decoder) Copyright (c) 2011 Chris Robinson (OpenAL helpers) This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #include "../snd_local.h" extern idCVar s_useCompression; extern idCVar s_noSound; #define GPU_CONVERT_CPU_TO_CPU_CACHED_READONLY_ADDRESS( x ) x const uint32 SOUND_MAGIC_IDMSA = 0x6D7A7274; extern idCVar sys_lang; /* ======================== AllocBuffer ======================== */ static void* AllocBuffer( int size, const char* name ) { return Mem_Alloc( size, TAG_AUDIO ); } /* ======================== FreeBuffer ======================== */ static void FreeBuffer( void* p ) { return Mem_Free( p ); } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::idSoundSample_OpenAL ======================== */ idSoundSample_OpenAL::idSoundSample_OpenAL() { timestamp = FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP; loaded = false; neverPurge = false; levelLoadReferenced = false; memset( &format, 0, sizeof( format ) ); totalBufferSize = 0; playBegin = 0; playLength = 0; lastPlayedTime = 0; openalBuffer = 0; } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::~idSoundSample_OpenAL ======================== */ idSoundSample_OpenAL::~idSoundSample_OpenAL() { FreeData(); } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::WriteGeneratedSample ======================== */ void idSoundSample_OpenAL::WriteGeneratedSample( idFile* fileOut ) { fileOut->WriteBig( SOUND_MAGIC_IDMSA ); fileOut->WriteBig( timestamp ); fileOut->WriteBig( loaded ); fileOut->WriteBig( playBegin ); fileOut->WriteBig( playLength ); idWaveFile::WriteWaveFormatDirect( format, fileOut ); fileOut->WriteBig( ( int )amplitude.Num() ); fileOut->Write( amplitude.Ptr(), amplitude.Num() ); fileOut->WriteBig( totalBufferSize ); fileOut->WriteBig( ( int )buffers.Num() ); for( int i = 0; i < buffers.Num(); i++ ) { fileOut->WriteBig( buffers[ i ].numSamples ); fileOut->WriteBig( buffers[ i ].bufferSize ); fileOut->Write( buffers[ i ].buffer, buffers[ i ].bufferSize ); }; } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::WriteAllSamples ======================== */ void idSoundSample_OpenAL::WriteAllSamples( const idStr& sampleName ) { idSoundSample_OpenAL* samplePC = new idSoundSample_OpenAL(); { idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > inName = sampleName; inName.Append( ".msadpcm" ); idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > inName2 = sampleName; inName2.Append( ".wav" ); idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > outName = "generated/"; outName.Append( sampleName ); outName.Append( ".idwav" ); if( samplePC->LoadWav( inName ) || samplePC->LoadWav( inName2 ) ) { idFile* fileOut = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( outName, "fs_basepath" ); samplePC->WriteGeneratedSample( fileOut ); delete fileOut; } } delete samplePC; } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::LoadGeneratedSound ======================== */ bool idSoundSample_OpenAL::LoadGeneratedSample( const idStr& filename ) { #if 1 idFileLocal fileIn( fileSystem->OpenFileReadMemory( filename ) ); if( fileIn != NULL ) { uint32 magic; fileIn->ReadBig( magic ); fileIn->ReadBig( timestamp ); fileIn->ReadBig( loaded ); fileIn->ReadBig( playBegin ); fileIn->ReadBig( playLength ); idWaveFile::ReadWaveFormatDirect( format, fileIn ); int num; fileIn->ReadBig( num ); amplitude.Clear(); amplitude.SetNum( num ); fileIn->Read( amplitude.Ptr(), amplitude.Num() ); fileIn->ReadBig( totalBufferSize ); fileIn->ReadBig( num ); buffers.SetNum( num ); for( int i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { fileIn->ReadBig( buffers[ i ].numSamples ); fileIn->ReadBig( buffers[ i ].bufferSize ); buffers[ i ].buffer = AllocBuffer( buffers[ i ].bufferSize, GetName() ); fileIn->Read( buffers[ i ].buffer, buffers[ i ].bufferSize ); buffers[ i ].buffer = GPU_CONVERT_CPU_TO_CPU_CACHED_READONLY_ADDRESS( buffers[ i ].buffer ); } return true; } #endif return false; } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::Load ======================== */ void idSoundSample_OpenAL::LoadResource() { FreeData(); if( idStr::Icmpn( GetName(), "_default", 8 ) == 0 ) { MakeDefault(); return; } if( s_noSound.GetBool() ) { MakeDefault(); return; } loaded = false; for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > sampleName = GetName(); if( ( i == 0 ) && !sampleName.Replace( "/vo/", va( "/vo/%s/", sys_lang.GetString() ) ) ) { i++; } idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > generatedName = "generated/"; generatedName.Append( sampleName ); { if( s_useCompression.GetBool() ) { sampleName.Append( ".msadpcm" ); } else { sampleName.Append( ".wav" ); } generatedName.Append( ".idwav" ); } loaded = LoadGeneratedSample( generatedName ) || LoadWav( sampleName ); if( !loaded && s_useCompression.GetBool() ) { sampleName.SetFileExtension( "wav" ); loaded = LoadWav( sampleName ); } if( loaded ) { if( cvarSystem->GetCVarBool( "fs_buildresources" ) ) { fileSystem->AddSamplePreload( GetName() ); WriteAllSamples( GetName() ); if( sampleName.Find( "/vo/" ) >= 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < Sys_NumLangs(); i++ ) { const char* lang = Sys_Lang( i ); if( idStr::Icmp( lang, ID_LANG_ENGLISH ) == 0 ) { continue; } idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > locName = GetName(); locName.Replace( "/vo/", va( "/vo/%s/", Sys_Lang( i ) ) ); WriteAllSamples( locName ); } } } // upload PCM data to OpenAL CreateOpenALBuffer(); return; } } if( !loaded ) { // make it default if everything else fails MakeDefault(); } return; } void idSoundSample_OpenAL::CreateOpenALBuffer() { // build OpenAL buffer CheckALErrors(); alGenBuffers( 1, &openalBuffer ); if( CheckALErrors() != AL_NO_ERROR ) { common->Error( "idSoundSample_OpenAL::CreateOpenALBuffer: error generating OpenAL hardware buffer" ); } if( alIsBuffer( openalBuffer ) ) { CheckALErrors(); // RB: TODO decode idWaveFile::FORMAT_ADPCM to idWaveFile::FORMAT_PCM // and build one big OpenAL buffer using the alBufferSubData extension void* buffer = NULL; uint32 bufferSize = 0; if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_ADPCM ) { buffer = buffers[0].buffer; bufferSize = buffers[0].bufferSize; if( MS_ADPCM_decode( ( uint8** ) &buffer, &bufferSize ) < 0 ) { common->Error( "idSoundSample_OpenAL::CreateOpenALBuffer: could not decode ADPCM '%s' to 16 bit format", GetName() ); } buffers[0].buffer = buffer; buffers[0].bufferSize = bufferSize; totalBufferSize = bufferSize; } else if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_XMA2 ) { common->Error( "idSoundSample_OpenAL::CreateOpenALBuffer: could not decode XMA2 '%s' to 16 bit format", GetName() ); } else if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE ) { common->Error( "idSoundSample_OpenAL::CreateOpenALBuffer: could not decode extensible WAV format '%s' to 16 bit format", GetName() ); } else { // TODO concatenate buffers assert( buffers.Num() == 1 ); buffer = buffers[0].buffer; bufferSize = buffers[0].bufferSize; } #if 0 if( alIsExtensionPresent( "AL_SOFT_buffer_samples" ) ) { ALenum type = AL_SHORT_SOFT; if( format.basic.bitsPerSample != 16 ) { //common->Error( "idSoundSample_OpenAL::LoadResource: '%s' not a 16 bit format", GetName() ); } ALenum channels = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_MONO_SOFT : AL_STEREO_SOFT; ALenum alFormat = GetOpenALSoftFormat( channels, type ); alBufferSamplesSOFT( openalBuffer, format.basic.samplesPerSec, alFormat, BytesToFrames( bufferSize, channels, type ), channels, type, buffer ); } else #endif { alBufferData( openalBuffer, GetOpenALBufferFormat(), buffer, bufferSize, format.basic.samplesPerSec ); } if( CheckALErrors() != AL_NO_ERROR ) { common->Error( "idSoundSample_OpenAL::CreateOpenALBuffer: error loading data into OpenAL hardware buffer" ); } } } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::LoadWav ======================== */ bool idSoundSample_OpenAL::LoadWav( const idStr& filename ) { // load the wave idWaveFile wave; if( !wave.Open( filename ) ) { return false; } idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > sampleName = filename; sampleName.SetFileExtension( "amp" ); LoadAmplitude( sampleName ); const char* formatError = wave.ReadWaveFormat( format ); if( formatError != NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "LoadWav( %s ) : %s", filename.c_str(), formatError ); MakeDefault(); return false; } timestamp = wave.Timestamp(); totalBufferSize = wave.SeekToChunk( 'data' ); if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_PCM || format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE ) { if( format.basic.bitsPerSample != 16 ) { idLib::Warning( "LoadWav( %s ) : %s", filename.c_str(), "Not a 16 bit PCM wav file" ); MakeDefault(); return false; } playBegin = 0; playLength = ( totalBufferSize ) / format.basic.blockSize; buffers.SetNum( 1 ); buffers[0].bufferSize = totalBufferSize; buffers[0].numSamples = playLength; buffers[0].buffer = AllocBuffer( totalBufferSize, GetName() ); wave.Read( buffers[0].buffer, totalBufferSize ); if( format.basic.bitsPerSample == 16 ) { idSwap::LittleArray( ( short* )buffers[0].buffer, totalBufferSize / sizeof( short ) ); } buffers[0].buffer = GPU_CONVERT_CPU_TO_CPU_CACHED_READONLY_ADDRESS( buffers[0].buffer ); } else if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_ADPCM ) { playBegin = 0; playLength = ( ( totalBufferSize / format.basic.blockSize ) * format.extra.adpcm.samplesPerBlock ); buffers.SetNum( 1 ); buffers[0].bufferSize = totalBufferSize; buffers[0].numSamples = playLength; buffers[0].buffer = AllocBuffer( totalBufferSize, GetName() ); wave.Read( buffers[0].buffer, totalBufferSize ); buffers[0].buffer = GPU_CONVERT_CPU_TO_CPU_CACHED_READONLY_ADDRESS( buffers[0].buffer ); } else if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_XMA2 ) { if( format.extra.xma2.blockCount == 0 ) { idLib::Warning( "LoadWav( %s ) : %s", filename.c_str(), "No data blocks in file" ); MakeDefault(); return false; } int bytesPerBlock = format.extra.xma2.bytesPerBlock; assert( format.extra.xma2.blockCount == ALIGN( totalBufferSize, bytesPerBlock ) / bytesPerBlock ); assert( format.extra.xma2.blockCount * bytesPerBlock >= totalBufferSize ); assert( format.extra.xma2.blockCount * bytesPerBlock < totalBufferSize + bytesPerBlock ); buffers.SetNum( format.extra.xma2.blockCount ); for( int i = 0; i < buffers.Num(); i++ ) { if( i == buffers.Num() - 1 ) { buffers[i].bufferSize = totalBufferSize - ( i * bytesPerBlock ); } else { buffers[i].bufferSize = bytesPerBlock; } buffers[i].buffer = AllocBuffer( buffers[i].bufferSize, GetName() ); wave.Read( buffers[i].buffer, buffers[i].bufferSize ); buffers[i].buffer = GPU_CONVERT_CPU_TO_CPU_CACHED_READONLY_ADDRESS( buffers[i].buffer ); } int seekTableSize = wave.SeekToChunk( 'seek' ); if( seekTableSize != 4 * buffers.Num() ) { idLib::Warning( "LoadWav( %s ) : %s", filename.c_str(), "Wrong number of entries in seek table" ); MakeDefault(); return false; } for( int i = 0; i < buffers.Num(); i++ ) { wave.Read( &buffers[i].numSamples, sizeof( buffers[i].numSamples ) ); idSwap::Big( buffers[i].numSamples ); } playBegin = format.extra.xma2.loopBegin; playLength = format.extra.xma2.loopLength; if( buffers[buffers.Num() - 1].numSamples < playBegin + playLength ) { // This shouldn't happen, but it's not fatal if it does playLength = buffers[buffers.Num() - 1].numSamples - playBegin; } else { // Discard samples beyond playLength for( int i = 0; i < buffers.Num(); i++ ) { if( buffers[i].numSamples > playBegin + playLength ) { buffers[i].numSamples = playBegin + playLength; // Ideally, the following loop should always have 0 iterations because playBegin + playLength ends in the last block already // But there is no guarantee for that, so to be safe, discard all buffers beyond this one for( int j = i + 1; j < buffers.Num(); j++ ) { FreeBuffer( buffers[j].buffer ); } buffers.SetNum( i + 1 ); break; } } } } else { idLib::Warning( "LoadWav( %s ) : Unsupported wave format %d", filename.c_str(), format.basic.formatTag ); MakeDefault(); return false; } wave.Close(); if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE ) { // HACK: XAudio2 doesn't really support FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE so we convert it to a basic format after extracting the channel mask format.basic.formatTag = format.extra.extensible.subFormat.data1; } // sanity check... assert( buffers[buffers.Num() - 1].numSamples == playBegin + playLength ); return true; } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::MakeDefault ======================== */ void idSoundSample_OpenAL::MakeDefault() { FreeData(); static const int DEFAULT_NUM_SAMPLES = 4096; timestamp = FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP; loaded = true; memset( &format, 0, sizeof( format ) ); format.basic.formatTag = idWaveFile::FORMAT_PCM; format.basic.numChannels = 1; format.basic.bitsPerSample = 16; format.basic.samplesPerSec = 22050; //44100; //XAUDIO2_MIN_SAMPLE_RATE; format.basic.blockSize = format.basic.numChannels * format.basic.bitsPerSample / 8; format.basic.avgBytesPerSec = format.basic.samplesPerSec * format.basic.blockSize; assert( format.basic.blockSize == 2 ); totalBufferSize = DEFAULT_NUM_SAMPLES * 2;// * sizeof( short ); short* defaultBuffer = ( short* )AllocBuffer( totalBufferSize, GetName() ); for( int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_NUM_SAMPLES; i += 2 ) { float v = sin( idMath::PI * 2 * i / 64 ); int sample = v * 0x4000; defaultBuffer[i + 0] = sample; defaultBuffer[i + 1] = sample; //defaultBuffer[i + 0] = SHRT_MIN; //defaultBuffer[i + 1] = SHRT_MAX; } buffers.SetNum( 1 ); buffers[0].buffer = defaultBuffer; buffers[0].bufferSize = totalBufferSize; buffers[0].numSamples = DEFAULT_NUM_SAMPLES; buffers[0].buffer = GPU_CONVERT_CPU_TO_CPU_CACHED_READONLY_ADDRESS( buffers[0].buffer ); playBegin = 0; playLength = DEFAULT_NUM_SAMPLES; CheckALErrors(); alGenBuffers( 1, &openalBuffer ); if( CheckALErrors() != AL_NO_ERROR ) { common->Error( "idSoundSample_OpenAL::MakeDefault: error generating OpenAL hardware buffer" ); } if( alIsBuffer( openalBuffer ) ) { CheckALErrors(); alBufferData( openalBuffer, GetOpenALBufferFormat(), defaultBuffer, totalBufferSize, format.basic.samplesPerSec ); if( CheckALErrors() != AL_NO_ERROR ) { common->Error( "idSoundSample_OpenAL::MakeDefault: error loading data into OpenAL hardware buffer" ); } } } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::FreeData Called before deleting the object and at the start of LoadResource() ======================== */ void idSoundSample_OpenAL::FreeData() { if( buffers.Num() > 0 ) { soundSystemLocal.StopVoicesWithSample( ( idSoundSample* )this ); for( int i = 0; i < buffers.Num(); i++ ) { FreeBuffer( buffers[i].buffer ); } buffers.Clear(); } amplitude.Clear(); timestamp = FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP; memset( &format, 0, sizeof( format ) ); loaded = false; totalBufferSize = 0; playBegin = 0; playLength = 0; if( alIsBuffer( openalBuffer ) ) { CheckALErrors(); alDeleteBuffers( 1, &openalBuffer ); if( CheckALErrors() != AL_NO_ERROR ) { common->Error( "idSoundSample_OpenAL::FreeData: error unloading data from OpenAL hardware buffer" ); } else { openalBuffer = 0; } } } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::LoadAmplitude ======================== */ bool idSoundSample_OpenAL::LoadAmplitude( const idStr& name ) { amplitude.Clear(); idFileLocal f( fileSystem->OpenFileRead( name ) ); if( f == NULL ) { return false; } amplitude.SetNum( f->Length() ); f->Read( amplitude.Ptr(), amplitude.Num() ); return true; } /* ======================== idSoundSample_OpenAL::GetAmplitude ======================== */ float idSoundSample_OpenAL::GetAmplitude( int timeMS ) const { if( timeMS < 0 || timeMS > LengthInMsec() ) { return 0.0f; } if( IsDefault() ) { return 1.0f; } int index = timeMS * 60 / 1000; if( index < 0 || index >= amplitude.Num() ) { return 0.0f; } return ( float )amplitude[index] / 255.0f; } const char* idSoundSample_OpenAL::OpenALSoftChannelsName( ALenum chans ) const { switch( chans ) { case AL_MONO_SOFT: return "Mono"; case AL_STEREO_SOFT: return "Stereo"; case AL_REAR_SOFT: return "Rear"; case AL_QUAD_SOFT: return "Quadraphonic"; case AL_5POINT1_SOFT: return "5.1 Surround"; case AL_6POINT1_SOFT: return "6.1 Surround"; case AL_7POINT1_SOFT: return "7.1 Surround"; } return "Unknown Channels"; } const char* idSoundSample_OpenAL::OpenALSoftTypeName( ALenum type ) const { switch( type ) { case AL_BYTE_SOFT: return "S8"; case AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_SOFT: return "U8"; case AL_SHORT_SOFT: return "S16"; case AL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_SOFT: return "U16"; case AL_INT_SOFT: return "S32"; case AL_UNSIGNED_INT_SOFT: return "U32"; case AL_FLOAT_SOFT: return "Float32"; case AL_DOUBLE_SOFT: return "Float64"; } return "Unknown Type"; } ALsizei idSoundSample_OpenAL::FramesToBytes( ALsizei size, ALenum channels, ALenum type ) const { switch( channels ) { case AL_MONO_SOFT: size *= 1; break; case AL_STEREO_SOFT: size *= 2; break; case AL_REAR_SOFT: size *= 2; break; case AL_QUAD_SOFT: size *= 4; break; case AL_5POINT1_SOFT: size *= 6; break; case AL_6POINT1_SOFT: size *= 7; break; case AL_7POINT1_SOFT: size *= 8; break; } switch( type ) { case AL_BYTE_SOFT: size *= sizeof( ALbyte ); break; case AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_SOFT: size *= sizeof( ALubyte ); break; case AL_SHORT_SOFT: size *= sizeof( ALshort ); break; case AL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_SOFT: size *= sizeof( ALushort ); break; case AL_INT_SOFT: size *= sizeof( ALint ); break; case AL_UNSIGNED_INT_SOFT: size *= sizeof( ALuint ); break; case AL_FLOAT_SOFT: size *= sizeof( ALfloat ); break; case AL_DOUBLE_SOFT: size *= sizeof( ALdouble ); break; } return size; } ALsizei idSoundSample_OpenAL::BytesToFrames( ALsizei size, ALenum channels, ALenum type ) const { return size / FramesToBytes( 1, channels, type ); } ALenum idSoundSample_OpenAL::GetOpenALSoftFormat( ALenum channels, ALenum type ) const { ALenum format = AL_NONE; /* If using AL_SOFT_buffer_samples, try looking through its formats */ if( alIsExtensionPresent( "AL_SOFT_buffer_samples" ) ) { /* AL_SOFT_buffer_samples is more lenient with matching formats. The * specified sample type does not need to match the returned format, * but it is nice to try to get something close. */ if( type == AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_SOFT || type == AL_BYTE_SOFT ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = AL_MONO8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = AL_STEREO8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_QUAD_SOFT ) format = AL_QUAD8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_5POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_5POINT1_8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_6POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_6POINT1_8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_7POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_7POINT1_8_SOFT; } else if( type == AL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_SOFT || type == AL_SHORT_SOFT ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = AL_MONO16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = AL_STEREO16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_QUAD_SOFT ) format = AL_QUAD16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_5POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_5POINT1_16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_6POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_6POINT1_16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_7POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_7POINT1_16_SOFT; } else if( type == AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE3_SOFT || type == AL_BYTE3_SOFT || type == AL_UNSIGNED_INT_SOFT || type == AL_INT_SOFT || type == AL_FLOAT_SOFT || type == AL_DOUBLE_SOFT ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = AL_MONO32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = AL_STEREO32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_QUAD_SOFT ) format = AL_QUAD32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_5POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_5POINT1_32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_6POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_6POINT1_32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_7POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_7POINT1_32F_SOFT; } if( format != AL_NONE && !alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT( format ) ) format = AL_NONE; /* A matching format was not found or supported. Try 32-bit float. */ if( format == AL_NONE ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = AL_MONO32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = AL_STEREO32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_QUAD_SOFT ) format = AL_QUAD32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_5POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_5POINT1_32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_6POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_6POINT1_32F_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_7POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_7POINT1_32F_SOFT; if( format != AL_NONE && !alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT( format ) ) format = AL_NONE; } /* 32-bit float not supported. Try 16-bit int. */ if( format == AL_NONE ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = AL_MONO16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = AL_STEREO16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_QUAD_SOFT ) format = AL_QUAD16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_5POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_5POINT1_16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_6POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_6POINT1_16_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_7POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_7POINT1_16_SOFT; if( format != AL_NONE && !alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT( format ) ) format = AL_NONE; } /* 16-bit int not supported. Try 8-bit int. */ if( format == AL_NONE ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = AL_MONO8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = AL_STEREO8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_QUAD_SOFT ) format = AL_QUAD8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_5POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_5POINT1_8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_6POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_6POINT1_8_SOFT; else if( channels == AL_7POINT1_SOFT ) format = AL_7POINT1_8_SOFT; if( format != AL_NONE && !alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT( format ) ) format = AL_NONE; } return format; } /* We use the AL_EXT_MCFORMATS extension to provide output of Quad, 5.1, * and 7.1 channel configs, AL_EXT_FLOAT32 for 32-bit float samples, and * AL_EXT_DOUBLE for 64-bit float samples. */ if( type == AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_SOFT ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; else if( alIsExtensionPresent( "AL_EXT_MCFORMATS" ) ) { if( channels == AL_QUAD_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_QUAD8" ); else if( channels == AL_5POINT1_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_51CHN8" ); else if( channels == AL_6POINT1_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_61CHN8" ); else if( channels == AL_7POINT1_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_71CHN8" ); } } else if( type == AL_SHORT_SOFT ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; else if( alIsExtensionPresent( "AL_EXT_MCFORMATS" ) ) { if( channels == AL_QUAD_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_QUAD16" ); else if( channels == AL_5POINT1_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_51CHN16" ); else if( channels == AL_6POINT1_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_61CHN16" ); else if( channels == AL_7POINT1_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_71CHN16" ); } } else if( type == AL_FLOAT_SOFT && alIsExtensionPresent( "AL_EXT_FLOAT32" ) ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32" ); else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32" ); else if( alIsExtensionPresent( "AL_EXT_MCFORMATS" ) ) { if( channels == AL_QUAD_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_QUAD32" ); else if( channels == AL_5POINT1_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_51CHN32" ); else if( channels == AL_6POINT1_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_61CHN32" ); else if( channels == AL_7POINT1_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_71CHN32" ); } } else if( type == AL_DOUBLE_SOFT && alIsExtensionPresent( "AL_EXT_DOUBLE" ) ) { if( channels == AL_MONO_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_MONO_DOUBLE" ); else if( channels == AL_STEREO_SOFT ) format = alGetEnumValue( "AL_FORMAT_STEREO_DOUBLE" ); } /* NOTE: It seems OSX returns -1 from alGetEnumValue for unknown enums, as * opposed to 0. Correct it. */ if( format == -1 ) format = 0; return format; } ALenum idSoundSample_OpenAL::GetOpenALBufferFormat() const { ALenum alFormat; #if 0 if( alIsExtensionPresent( "AL_SOFT_buffer_samples" ) ) { if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_PCM ) { alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_MONO16_SOFT : AL_STEREO16_SOFT; } else if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_ADPCM ) { alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_MONO8_SOFT : AL_STEREO8_SOFT; //alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_MONO16_SOFT : AL_STEREO16_SOFT; } else if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_XMA2 ) { alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_MONO16_SOFT : AL_STEREO16_SOFT; } else { alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_MONO16_SOFT : AL_STEREO16_SOFT; } if( !alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT( alFormat ) ) { alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } } else #endif { if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_PCM ) { alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } else if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_ADPCM ) { //alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO8 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; //alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO_IMA4 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO_IMA4; } else if( format.basic.formatTag == idWaveFile::FORMAT_XMA2 ) { alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } else { alFormat = NumChannels() == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } } return alFormat; } int32 idSoundSample_OpenAL::MS_ADPCM_nibble( MS_ADPCM_decodeState_t* state, int8 nybble ) { const int32 max_audioval = ( ( 1 << ( 16 - 1 ) ) - 1 ); const int32 min_audioval = -( 1 << ( 16 - 1 ) ); const int32 adaptive[] = { 230, 230, 230, 230, 307, 409, 512, 614, 768, 614, 512, 409, 307, 230, 230, 230 }; int32 new_sample, delta; new_sample = ( ( state->iSamp1 * state->coef1 ) + ( state->iSamp2 * state->coef2 ) ) / 256; if( nybble & 0x08 ) { new_sample += state->iDelta * ( nybble - 0x10 ); } else { new_sample += state->iDelta * nybble; } if( new_sample < min_audioval ) { new_sample = min_audioval; } else if( new_sample > max_audioval ) { new_sample = max_audioval; } delta = ( ( int32 ) state->iDelta * adaptive[nybble] ) / 256; if( delta < 16 ) { delta = 16; } state->iDelta = ( uint16 ) delta; state->iSamp2 = state->iSamp1; state->iSamp1 = ( int16 ) new_sample; return ( new_sample ); } int idSoundSample_OpenAL::MS_ADPCM_decode( uint8** audio_buf, uint32* audio_len ) { static MS_ADPCM_decodeState_t states[2]; MS_ADPCM_decodeState_t* state[2]; uint8* freeable, *encoded, *decoded; int32 encoded_len, samplesleft; int8 nybble; int8 stereo; int32 new_sample; // Allocate the proper sized output buffer encoded_len = *audio_len; encoded = *audio_buf; freeable = *audio_buf; *audio_len = ( encoded_len / format.basic.blockSize ) * format.extra.adpcm.samplesPerBlock * format.basic.numChannels * sizeof( int16 ); *audio_buf = ( uint8* ) Mem_Alloc( *audio_len, TAG_AUDIO ); if( *audio_buf == NULL ) { //SDL_Error( SDL_ENOMEM ); return ( -1 ); } decoded = *audio_buf; assert( format.basic.numChannels == 1 || format.basic.numChannels == 2 ); // Get ready... Go! stereo = ( format.basic.numChannels == 2 ) ? 1 : 0; state[0] = &states[0]; state[1] = &states[stereo]; while( encoded_len >= format.basic.blockSize ) { // Grab the initial information for this block state[0]->hPredictor = *encoded++; assert( state[0]->hPredictor < format.extra.adpcm.numCoef ); state[0]->hPredictor = idMath::ClampInt( 0, 6, state[0]->hPredictor ); state[0]->coef1 = format.extra.adpcm.aCoef[state[0]->hPredictor].coef1; state[0]->coef2 = format.extra.adpcm.aCoef[state[0]->hPredictor].coef2; if( stereo ) { state[1]->hPredictor = *encoded++; assert( state[1]->hPredictor < format.extra.adpcm.numCoef ); state[1]->hPredictor = idMath::ClampInt( 0, 6, state[1]->hPredictor ); state[1]->coef1 = format.extra.adpcm.aCoef[state[1]->hPredictor].coef1; state[1]->coef2 = format.extra.adpcm.aCoef[state[1]->hPredictor].coef2; } state[0]->iDelta = ( ( encoded[1] << 8 ) | encoded[0] ); encoded += sizeof( int16 ); if( stereo ) { state[1]->iDelta = ( ( encoded[1] << 8 ) | encoded[0] ); encoded += sizeof( int16 ); } state[0]->iSamp1 = ( ( encoded[1] << 8 ) | encoded[0] ); encoded += sizeof( int16 ); if( stereo ) { state[1]->iSamp1 = ( ( encoded[1] << 8 ) | encoded[0] ); encoded += sizeof( int16 ); } state[0]->iSamp2 = ( ( encoded[1] << 8 ) | encoded[0] ); encoded += sizeof( int16 ); if( stereo ) { state[1]->iSamp2 = ( ( encoded[1] << 8 ) | encoded[0] ); encoded += sizeof( int16 ); } // Store the two initial samples we start with decoded[0] = state[0]->iSamp2 & 0xFF; decoded[1] = ( state[0]->iSamp2 >> 8 ) & 0xFF; decoded += 2; if( stereo ) { decoded[0] = state[1]->iSamp2 & 0xFF; decoded[1] = ( state[1]->iSamp2 >> 8 ) & 0xFF; decoded += 2; } decoded[0] = state[0]->iSamp1 & 0xFF; decoded[1] = ( state[0]->iSamp1 >> 8 ) & 0xFF; decoded += 2; if( stereo ) { decoded[0] = state[1]->iSamp1 & 0xFF; decoded[1] = ( state[1]->iSamp1 >> 8 ) & 0xFF; decoded += 2; } // Decode and store the other samples in this block samplesleft = ( format.extra.adpcm.samplesPerBlock - 2 ) * format.basic.numChannels; while( samplesleft > 0 ) { nybble = ( *encoded ) >> 4; new_sample = MS_ADPCM_nibble( state[0], nybble ); decoded[0] = new_sample & 0xFF; decoded[1] = ( new_sample >> 8 ) & 0xFF; decoded += 2; nybble = ( *encoded ) & 0x0F; new_sample = MS_ADPCM_nibble( state[1], nybble ); decoded[0] = new_sample & 0xFF; decoded[1] = ( new_sample >> 8 ) & 0xFF; decoded += 2; ++encoded; samplesleft -= 2; } encoded_len -= format.basic.blockSize; } Mem_Free( freeable ); return 0; }