/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "Precompiled.h" #include "globaldata.h" #include #include #include #include "i_video.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "sys/sys_public.h" #define ALLOW_CHEATS 1 extern int PLAYERCOUNT; #define NUM_BUTTONS 4 static bool Cheat_God() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } ::g->plyr->cheats ^= CF_GODMODE; if (::g->plyr->cheats & CF_GODMODE) { if (::g->plyr->mo) ::g->plyr->mo->health = 100; ::g->plyr->health = 100; ::g->plyr->message = STSTR_DQDON; } else ::g->plyr->message = STSTR_DQDOFF; return true; } #include "g_game.h" static bool Cheat_NextLevel() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } G_ExitLevel(); return true; } static bool Cheat_GiveAll() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } ::g->plyr->armorpoints = 200; ::g->plyr->armortype = 2; int i; for (i=0;iplyr->weaponowned[i] = true; for (i=0;iplyr->ammo[i] = ::g->plyr->maxammo[i]; for (i=0;iplyr->cards[i] = true; ::g->plyr->message = STSTR_KFAADDED; return true; } static bool Cheat_GiveAmmo() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } ::g->plyr->armorpoints = 200; ::g->plyr->armortype = 2; int i; for (i=0;iplyr->weaponowned[i] = true; for (i=0;iplyr->ammo[i] = ::g->plyr->maxammo[i]; ::g->plyr->message = STSTR_KFAADDED; return true; } static bool Cheat_Choppers() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } ::g->plyr->weaponowned[wp_chainsaw] = true; ::g->plyr->message = "Chainsaw!"; return true; } extern qboolean P_GivePower ( player_t* player, int /*powertype_t*/ power ); static void TogglePowerUp( int i ) { if (!::g->plyr->powers[i]) P_GivePower( ::g->plyr, i); else if (i!=pw_strength) ::g->plyr->powers[i] = 1; else ::g->plyr->powers[i] = 0; ::g->plyr->message = STSTR_BEHOLDX; } static bool Cheat_GiveInvul() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } TogglePowerUp( 0 ); return true; } static bool Cheat_GiveBerserk() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } TogglePowerUp( 1 ); return true; } static bool Cheat_GiveBlur() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } TogglePowerUp( 2 ); return true; } static bool Cheat_GiveRad() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } TogglePowerUp( 3 ); return true; } static bool Cheat_GiveMap() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } TogglePowerUp( 4 ); return true; } static bool Cheat_GiveLight() { if( PLAYERCOUNT != 1 || ::g->netgame ) { return false; } TogglePowerUp( 5 ); return true; } #ifndef __PS3__ static bool tracking = false; static int currentCode[NUM_BUTTONS]; static int currentCheatLength; #endif typedef bool(*cheat_command)(void); struct cheatcode_t { int code[NUM_BUTTONS]; cheat_command function; }; static cheatcode_t codes[] = { { {0, 1, 1, 0}, Cheat_God }, // a b b a { {0, 0, 1, 1}, Cheat_NextLevel }, // a a b b { {1, 0, 1, 0}, Cheat_GiveAmmo }, // b a b a { {1, 1, 0, 0}, Cheat_Choppers}, // b b a a { {0, 1, 0, 1}, Cheat_GiveAll }, // a b a b { {2, 3, 3, 2}, Cheat_GiveInvul }, // x y y x { {2, 2, 2, 3}, Cheat_GiveBerserk }, // x x x y { {2, 2, 3, 3}, Cheat_GiveBlur }, // x x y y { {2, 3, 3, 3}, Cheat_GiveRad }, // x y y y { {3, 2, 3, 2}, Cheat_GiveMap }, // y x y x { {3, 3, 3, 2}, Cheat_GiveLight}, // y y y x }; const static int numberOfCodes = sizeof(codes) / sizeof(codes[0]); void BeginTrackingCheat() { #if ALLOW_CHEATS tracking = true; currentCheatLength = 0; memset( currentCode, 0, sizeof( currentCode ) ); #endif } void EndTrackingCheat() { #if ALLOW_CHEATS tracking = false; #endif } extern void S_StartSound ( void* origin, int sfx_id ); void CheckCheat( int button ) { #if ALLOW_CHEATS if( tracking && !::g->netgame ) { currentCode[ currentCheatLength++ ] = button; if( currentCheatLength == NUM_BUTTONS ) { for( int i = 0; i < numberOfCodes; ++i) { if( memcmp( &codes[i].code[0], ¤tCode[0], sizeof(currentCode) ) == 0 ) { if(codes[i].function()) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_cybsit); } } } // reset the code memset( currentCode, 0, sizeof( currentCode ) ); currentCheatLength = 0; } } #endif } float xbox_deadzone = 0.28f; // input event storage //PRIVATE TO THE INPUT THREAD! void I_InitInput(void) { } void I_ShutdownInput() { } static float _joyAxisConvert(short x, float xbxScale, float dScale, float deadZone) { //const float signConverted = x - 127; float y = x - 127; y = y / xbxScale; return (fabs(y) < deadZone) ? 0.f : (y * dScale); } int I_PollMouseInputEvents( controller_t *con) { int numEvents = 0; return numEvents; } int I_ReturnMouseInputEvent( const int n, event_t* e) { e->type = ev_mouse; e->data1 = e->data2 = e->data3 = 0; switch(::g->mouseEvents[n].type) { case IETAxis: switch (::g->mouseEvents[n].action) { case M_DELTAX: e->data2 = ::g->mouseEvents[n].data; break; case M_DELTAY: e->data3 = ::g->mouseEvents[n].data; break; } return 1; default: break; } return 0; } int I_PollJoystickInputEvents( controller_t *con ) { int numEvents = 0; return numEvents; } // // Translates the key currently in X_event // static int xlatekey(int key) { int rc = KEY_F1; switch (key) { case 0: // A //rc = KEY_ENTER; rc = ' '; break; case 3: // Y rc = '1'; break; case 1: // B if( ::g->menuactive ) { rc = KEY_BACKSPACE; } else { rc = '2'; } break; case 2: // X //rc = ' '; rc = KEY_TAB; break; case 4: // White rc = KEY_MINUS; break; case 5: // Black rc = KEY_EQUALS; break; case 6: // Left triggers rc = KEY_RSHIFT; break; case 7: // Right rc = KEY_RCTRL; break; case 8: // Up if( ::g->menuactive ) { rc = KEY_UPARROW; } else { //rc = KEY_ENTER; rc = '3'; } break; case 9: if( ::g->menuactive ) { rc = KEY_DOWNARROW; } else { //rc = KEY_TAB; rc = '5'; } break; case 10: if( ::g->menuactive ) { rc = KEY_UPARROW; } else { //rc = '1'; rc = '6'; } break; case 11: if( ::g->menuactive ) { rc = KEY_DOWNARROW; } else { //rc = '2'; rc = '4'; } break; case 12: // start rc = KEY_ESCAPE; break; case 13: //select //rc = KEY_ESCAPE; break; case 14: // lclick case 15: // rclick //rc = ' '; break; } return rc; } int I_ReturnJoystickInputEvent( const int n, event_t* e) { e->data1 = e->data2 = e->data3 = 0; switch(::g->joyEvents[n].type) { case IETAxis: e->type = ev_joystick;//ev_mouse; switch (::g->joyEvents[n].action) { case J_DELTAX: /* if (::g->joyEvents[n].data < 0) e->data2 = -1; else if (::g->joyEvents[n].data > 0) e->data2 = 1; */ e->data2 = ::g->joyEvents[n].data; break; case J_DELTAY: e->type = ev_mouse; e->data3 = ::g->joyEvents[n].data; break; } return 1; case IETButtonAnalog: case IETButtonDigital: if (::g->joyEvents[n].data) e->type = ev_keydown; else e->type = ev_keyup; e->data1 = xlatekey(::g->joyEvents[n].action); return 1; case IETNone: break; } return 0; } void I_EndJoystickInputEvents() { int i; for(i = 0; i < 18; i++) { ::g->joyEvents[i].type = IETNone; } }