/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #include "tr_local.h" /* ================ BitsForFormat ================ */ int BitsForFormat( textureFormat_t format ) { switch( format ) { case FMT_NONE: return 0; case FMT_RGBA8: return 32; case FMT_XRGB8: return 32; case FMT_RGB565: return 16; case FMT_L8A8: return 16; case FMT_ALPHA: return 8; case FMT_LUM8: return 8; case FMT_INT8: return 8; case FMT_DXT1: return 4; case FMT_DXT5: return 8; case FMT_DEPTH: return 32; case FMT_X16: return 16; case FMT_Y16_X16: return 32; default: assert( 0 ); return 0; } } /* ======================== idImage::DeriveOpts ======================== */ ID_INLINE void idImage::DeriveOpts() { if( opts.format == FMT_NONE ) { opts.colorFormat = CFM_DEFAULT; switch( usage ) { case TD_COVERAGE: opts.format = FMT_DXT1; opts.colorFormat = CFM_GREEN_ALPHA; break; case TD_DEPTH: opts.format = FMT_DEPTH; break; case TD_DIFFUSE: // TD_DIFFUSE gets only set to when its a diffuse texture for an interaction opts.gammaMips = true; opts.format = FMT_DXT5; opts.colorFormat = CFM_YCOCG_DXT5; break; case TD_SPECULAR: opts.gammaMips = true; opts.format = FMT_DXT1; opts.colorFormat = CFM_DEFAULT; break; case TD_DEFAULT: opts.gammaMips = true; opts.format = FMT_DXT5; opts.colorFormat = CFM_DEFAULT; break; case TD_BUMP: opts.format = FMT_DXT5; opts.colorFormat = CFM_NORMAL_DXT5; break; case TD_FONT: opts.format = FMT_DXT1; opts.colorFormat = CFM_GREEN_ALPHA; opts.numLevels = 4; // We only support 4 levels because we align to 16 in the exporter opts.gammaMips = true; break; case TD_LIGHT: opts.format = FMT_RGB565; opts.gammaMips = true; break; case TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_MONO: opts.format = FMT_INT8; break; case TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_ALPHA: opts.format = FMT_ALPHA; break; case TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGB1: case TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGBA: opts.format = FMT_RGBA8; break; default: assert( false ); opts.format = FMT_RGBA8; } } if( opts.numLevels == 0 ) { opts.numLevels = 1; if( filter == TF_LINEAR || filter == TF_NEAREST ) { // don't create mip maps if we aren't going to be using them } else { int temp_width = opts.width; int temp_height = opts.height; while( temp_width > 1 || temp_height > 1 ) { temp_width >>= 1; temp_height >>= 1; if( ( opts.format == FMT_DXT1 || opts.format == FMT_DXT5 ) && ( ( temp_width & 0x3 ) != 0 || ( temp_height & 0x3 ) != 0 ) ) { break; } opts.numLevels++; } } } } /* ======================== idImage::AllocImage ======================== */ void idImage::AllocImage( const idImageOpts& imgOpts, textureFilter_t tf, textureRepeat_t tr ) { filter = tf; repeat = tr; opts = imgOpts; DeriveOpts(); AllocImage(); } /* ================ GenerateImage ================ */ void idImage::GenerateImage( const byte* pic, int width, int height, textureFilter_t filterParm, textureRepeat_t repeatParm, textureUsage_t usageParm ) { PurgeImage(); filter = filterParm; repeat = repeatParm; usage = usageParm; cubeFiles = CF_2D; opts.textureType = TT_2D; opts.width = width; opts.height = height; opts.numLevels = 0; DeriveOpts(); // if we don't have a rendering context, just return after we // have filled in the parms. We must have the values set, or // an image match from a shader before the render starts would miss // the generated texture if( !R_IsInitialized() ) { return; } idBinaryImage im( GetName() ); im.Load2DFromMemory( width, height, pic, opts.numLevels, opts.format, opts.colorFormat, opts.gammaMips ); AllocImage(); for( int i = 0; i < im.NumImages(); i++ ) { const bimageImage_t& img = im.GetImageHeader( i ); const byte* data = im.GetImageData( i ); SubImageUpload( img.level, 0, 0, img.destZ, img.width, img.height, data ); } } /* ==================== GenerateCubeImage Non-square cube sides are not allowed ==================== */ void idImage::GenerateCubeImage( const byte* pic[6], int size, textureFilter_t filterParm, textureUsage_t usageParm ) { PurgeImage(); filter = filterParm; repeat = TR_CLAMP; usage = usageParm; cubeFiles = CF_NATIVE; opts.textureType = TT_CUBIC; opts.width = size; opts.height = size; opts.numLevels = 0; DeriveOpts(); // if we don't have a rendering context, just return after we // have filled in the parms. We must have the values set, or // an image match from a shader before the render starts would miss // the generated texture if( !R_IsInitialized() ) { return; } idBinaryImage im( GetName() ); im.LoadCubeFromMemory( size, pic, opts.numLevels, opts.format, opts.gammaMips ); AllocImage(); for( int i = 0; i < im.NumImages(); i++ ) { const bimageImage_t& img = im.GetImageHeader( i ); const byte* data = im.GetImageData( i ); SubImageUpload( img.level, 0, 0, img.destZ, img.width, img.height, data ); } } /* =============== GetGeneratedName name contains GetName() upon entry =============== */ void idImage::GetGeneratedName( idStr& _name, const textureUsage_t& _usage, const cubeFiles_t& _cube ) { idStrStatic< 64 > extension; _name.ExtractFileExtension( extension ); _name.StripFileExtension(); _name += va( "#__%02d%02d", ( int )_usage, ( int )_cube ); if( extension.Length() > 0 ) { _name.SetFileExtension( extension ); } } /* =============== ActuallyLoadImage Absolutely every image goes through this path On exit, the idImage will have a valid OpenGL texture number that can be bound =============== */ void idImage::ActuallyLoadImage( bool fromBackEnd ) { // if we don't have a rendering context yet, just return if( !R_IsInitialized() ) { return; } // this is the ONLY place generatorFunction will ever be called if( generatorFunction ) { generatorFunction( this ); return; } if( com_productionMode.GetInteger() != 0 ) { sourceFileTime = FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP; if( cubeFiles != CF_2D ) { opts.textureType = TT_CUBIC; repeat = TR_CLAMP; } } else { if( cubeFiles != CF_2D ) { opts.textureType = TT_CUBIC; repeat = TR_CLAMP; R_LoadCubeImages( GetName(), cubeFiles, NULL, NULL, &sourceFileTime ); } else { opts.textureType = TT_2D; R_LoadImageProgram( GetName(), NULL, NULL, NULL, &sourceFileTime, &usage ); } } // Figure out opts.colorFormat and opts.format so we can make sure the binary image is up to date DeriveOpts(); idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > generatedName = GetName(); GetGeneratedName( generatedName, usage, cubeFiles ); idBinaryImage im( generatedName ); binaryFileTime = im.LoadFromGeneratedFile( sourceFileTime ); // BFHACK, do not want to tweak on buildgame so catch these images here if( binaryFileTime == FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP && fileSystem->UsingResourceFiles() ) { int c = 1; while( c-- > 0 ) { if( generatedName.Find( "guis/assets/white#__0000", false ) >= 0 ) { generatedName.Replace( "white#__0000", "white#__0200" ); im.SetName( generatedName ); binaryFileTime = im.LoadFromGeneratedFile( sourceFileTime ); break; } if( generatedName.Find( "guis/assets/white#__0100", false ) >= 0 ) { generatedName.Replace( "white#__0100", "white#__0200" ); im.SetName( generatedName ); binaryFileTime = im.LoadFromGeneratedFile( sourceFileTime ); break; } if( generatedName.Find( "textures/black#__0100", false ) >= 0 ) { generatedName.Replace( "black#__0100", "black#__0200" ); im.SetName( generatedName ); binaryFileTime = im.LoadFromGeneratedFile( sourceFileTime ); break; } if( generatedName.Find( "textures/decals/bulletglass1_d#__0100", false ) >= 0 ) { generatedName.Replace( "bulletglass1_d#__0100", "bulletglass1_d#__0200" ); im.SetName( generatedName ); binaryFileTime = im.LoadFromGeneratedFile( sourceFileTime ); break; } if( generatedName.Find( "models/monsters/skeleton/skeleton01_d#__1000", false ) >= 0 ) { generatedName.Replace( "skeleton01_d#__1000", "skeleton01_d#__0100" ); im.SetName( generatedName ); binaryFileTime = im.LoadFromGeneratedFile( sourceFileTime ); break; } } } const bimageFile_t& header = im.GetFileHeader(); if( ( fileSystem->InProductionMode() && binaryFileTime != FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP ) || ( ( binaryFileTime != FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP ) && ( header.colorFormat == opts.colorFormat ) && ( header.format == opts.format ) && ( header.textureType == opts.textureType ) ) ) { opts.width = header.width; opts.height = header.height; opts.numLevels = header.numLevels; opts.colorFormat = ( textureColor_t )header.colorFormat; opts.format = ( textureFormat_t )header.format; opts.textureType = ( textureType_t )header.textureType; if( cvarSystem->GetCVarBool( "fs_buildresources" ) ) { // for resource gathering write this image to the preload file for this map fileSystem->AddImagePreload( GetName(), filter, repeat, usage, cubeFiles ); } } else { if( cubeFiles != CF_2D ) { int size; byte* pics[6]; if( !R_LoadCubeImages( GetName(), cubeFiles, pics, &size, &sourceFileTime ) || size == 0 ) { idLib::Warning( "Couldn't load cube image: %s", GetName() ); return; } opts.textureType = TT_CUBIC; repeat = TR_CLAMP; opts.width = size; opts.height = size; opts.numLevels = 0; DeriveOpts(); im.LoadCubeFromMemory( size, ( const byte** )pics, opts.numLevels, opts.format, opts.gammaMips ); repeat = TR_CLAMP; for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { if( pics[i] ) { Mem_Free( pics[i] ); } } } else { int width, height; byte* pic; // load the full specification, and perform any image program calculations R_LoadImageProgram( GetName(), &pic, &width, &height, &sourceFileTime, &usage ); if( pic == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "Couldn't load image: %s : %s", GetName(), generatedName.c_str() ); // create a default so it doesn't get continuously reloaded opts.width = 8; opts.height = 8; opts.numLevels = 1; DeriveOpts(); AllocImage(); // clear the data so it's not left uninitialized idTempArray clear( opts.width * opts.height * 4 ); memset( clear.Ptr(), 0, clear.Size() ); for( int level = 0; level < opts.numLevels; level++ ) { SubImageUpload( level, 0, 0, 0, opts.width >> level, opts.height >> level, clear.Ptr() ); } return; } opts.width = width; opts.height = height; opts.numLevels = 0; DeriveOpts(); im.Load2DFromMemory( opts.width, opts.height, pic, opts.numLevels, opts.format, opts.colorFormat, opts.gammaMips ); Mem_Free( pic ); } binaryFileTime = im.WriteGeneratedFile( sourceFileTime ); } AllocImage(); for( int i = 0; i < im.NumImages(); i++ ) { const bimageImage_t& img = im.GetImageHeader( i ); const byte* data = im.GetImageData( i ); SubImageUpload( img.level, 0, 0, img.destZ, img.width, img.height, data ); } } /* ============== Bind Automatically enables 2D mapping or cube mapping if needed ============== */ void idImage::Bind() { RENDERLOG_PRINTF( "idImage::Bind( %s )\n", GetName() ); // load the image if necessary (FIXME: not SMP safe!) if( !IsLoaded() ) { // load the image on demand here, which isn't our normal game operating mode ActuallyLoadImage( true ); } const int texUnit = backEnd.glState.currenttmu; tmu_t* tmu = &backEnd.glState.tmu[texUnit]; // bind the texture if( opts.textureType == TT_2D ) { if( tmu->current2DMap != texnum ) { tmu->current2DMap = texnum; qglBindMultiTextureEXT( GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + texUnit, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texnum ); } } else if( opts.textureType == TT_CUBIC ) { if( tmu->currentCubeMap != texnum ) { tmu->currentCubeMap = texnum; qglBindMultiTextureEXT( GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + texUnit, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_EXT, texnum ); } } } /* ================ MakePowerOfTwo ================ */ int MakePowerOfTwo( int num ) { int pot; for( pot = 1; pot < num; pot <<= 1 ) { } return pot; } /* ==================== CopyFramebuffer ==================== */ void idImage::CopyFramebuffer( int x, int y, int imageWidth, int imageHeight ) { qglBindTexture( ( opts.textureType == TT_CUBIC ) ? GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_EXT : GL_TEXTURE_2D, texnum ); qglReadBuffer( GL_BACK ); opts.width = imageWidth; opts.height = imageHeight; qglCopyTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, x, y, imageWidth, imageHeight, 0 ); // these shouldn't be necessary if the image was initialized properly qglTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); qglTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); qglTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE ); qglTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE ); backEnd.pc.c_copyFrameBuffer++; } /* ==================== CopyDepthbuffer ==================== */ void idImage::CopyDepthbuffer( int x, int y, int imageWidth, int imageHeight ) { qglBindTexture( ( opts.textureType == TT_CUBIC ) ? GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_EXT : GL_TEXTURE_2D, texnum ); opts.width = imageWidth; opts.height = imageHeight; qglCopyTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, x, y, imageWidth, imageHeight, 0 ); backEnd.pc.c_copyFrameBuffer++; } /* ============= RB_UploadScratchImage if rows = cols * 6, assume it is a cube map animation ============= */ void idImage::UploadScratch( const byte* data, int cols, int rows ) { // if rows = cols * 6, assume it is a cube map animation if( rows == cols * 6 ) { rows /= 6; const byte* pic[6]; for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { pic[i] = data + cols * rows * 4 * i; } if( opts.textureType != TT_CUBIC || usage != TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGBA ) { GenerateCubeImage( pic, cols, TF_LINEAR, TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGBA ); return; } if( opts.width != cols || opts.height != rows ) { opts.width = cols; opts.height = rows; AllocImage(); } SetSamplerState( TF_LINEAR, TR_CLAMP ); for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { SubImageUpload( 0, 0, 0, i, opts.width, opts.height, pic[i] ); } } else { if( opts.textureType != TT_2D || usage != TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGBA ) { GenerateImage( data, cols, rows, TF_LINEAR, TR_REPEAT, TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGBA ); return; } if( opts.width != cols || opts.height != rows ) { opts.width = cols; opts.height = rows; AllocImage(); } SetSamplerState( TF_LINEAR, TR_REPEAT ); SubImageUpload( 0, 0, 0, 0, opts.width, opts.height, data ); } } /* ================== StorageSize ================== */ int idImage::StorageSize() const { if( !IsLoaded() ) { return 0; } int baseSize = opts.width * opts.height; if( opts.numLevels > 1 ) { baseSize *= 4; baseSize /= 3; } baseSize *= BitsForFormat( opts.format ); baseSize /= 8; return baseSize; } /* ================== Print ================== */ void idImage::Print() const { if( generatorFunction ) { common->Printf( "F" ); } else { common->Printf( " " ); } switch( opts.textureType ) { case TT_2D: common->Printf( " " ); break; case TT_CUBIC: common->Printf( "C" ); break; default: common->Printf( "", opts.textureType ); break; } common->Printf( "%4i %4i ", opts.width, opts.height ); switch( opts.format ) { #define NAME_FORMAT( x ) case FMT_##x: common->Printf( "%-6s ", #x ); break; NAME_FORMAT( NONE ); NAME_FORMAT( RGBA8 ); NAME_FORMAT( XRGB8 ); NAME_FORMAT( RGB565 ); NAME_FORMAT( L8A8 ); NAME_FORMAT( ALPHA ); NAME_FORMAT( LUM8 ); NAME_FORMAT( INT8 ); NAME_FORMAT( DXT1 ); NAME_FORMAT( DXT5 ); NAME_FORMAT( DEPTH ); NAME_FORMAT( X16 ); NAME_FORMAT( Y16_X16 ); default: common->Printf( "<%3i>", opts.format ); break; } switch( filter ) { case TF_DEFAULT: common->Printf( "mip " ); break; case TF_LINEAR: common->Printf( "linr " ); break; case TF_NEAREST: common->Printf( "nrst " ); break; default: common->Printf( "", filter ); break; } switch( repeat ) { case TR_REPEAT: common->Printf( "rept " ); break; case TR_CLAMP_TO_ZERO: common->Printf( "zero " ); break; case TR_CLAMP_TO_ZERO_ALPHA: common->Printf( "azro " ); break; case TR_CLAMP: common->Printf( "clmp " ); break; default: common->Printf( "", repeat ); break; } common->Printf( "%4ik ", StorageSize() / 1024 ); common->Printf( " %s\n", GetName() ); } /* =============== idImage::Reload =============== */ void idImage::Reload( bool force ) { // always regenerate functional images if( generatorFunction ) { common->DPrintf( "regenerating %s.\n", GetName() ); generatorFunction( this ); return; } // check file times if( !force ) { ID_TIME_T current; if( cubeFiles != CF_2D ) { R_LoadCubeImages( imgName, cubeFiles, NULL, NULL, ¤t ); } else { // get the current values R_LoadImageProgram( imgName, NULL, NULL, NULL, ¤t ); } if( current <= sourceFileTime ) { return; } } common->DPrintf( "reloading %s.\n", GetName() ); PurgeImage(); // Load is from the front end, so the back end must be synced ActuallyLoadImage( false ); } /* ======================== idImage::SetSamplerState ======================== */ void idImage::SetSamplerState( textureFilter_t tf, textureRepeat_t tr ) { if( tf == filter && tr == repeat ) { return; } filter = tf; repeat = tr; qglBindTexture( ( opts.textureType == TT_CUBIC ) ? GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_EXT : GL_TEXTURE_2D, texnum ); SetTexParameters(); }