/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #ifndef __ACHIEVEMENTS_H__ #define __ACHIEVEMENTS_H__ enum achievement_t { ACHIEVEMENT_INVALID = -1, ACHIEVEMENT_EARN_ALL_50_TROPHIES, // 0 // DONE -- (automagic?) ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_0, // 1 // DONE -- Recruit ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_1, // 2 // DONE -- Marine ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_2, // 3 // DONE -- Veteran ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_3, // 4 // DONE -- Nightmare ACHIEVEMENT_PDAS_BASE, // 5 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_WATCH_ALL_VIDEOS, // 6 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_MONSTER_WITH_1_HEALTH_LEFT, // 7 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_OPEN_ALL_LOCKERS, // 8 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_20_ENEMY_FISTS_HANDS, // 9 // DONE --- kill 20 enemies with fists & hands ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SCI_NEXT_TO_RCR, // 10 // DONE -----> ADD TARGET TO MAP kill scientist trapped next to reactor control room ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_TWO_IMPS_ONE_SHOTGUN, // 11 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_SCORE_25000_TURKEY_PUNCHER, // 12 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DESTROY_BARRELS, // 13 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_GET_BFG_FROM_SECURITY_OFFICE, // 14 // DONE -----> ADD TARGET TO MAP ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETE_LEVEL_WITHOUT_TAKING_DMG, // 15 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_FIND_RAGE_LOGO, // 16 // DONE -----> ADD TARGET TO MAP (jerry) ACHIEVEMENT_SPEED_RUN, // 17 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEAT_VAGARY_BOSS, // 18 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEAT_GUARDIAN_BOSS, // 19 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEAT_SABAOTH_BOSS, // 20 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEAT_CYBERDEMON_BOSS, // 21 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_SENTRY_BOT_ALIVE_TO_DEST, // 22 // DONE -----> ADD TARGET TO MAP ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_20_ENEMY_WITH_CHAINSAW, // 23 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_ID_LOGO_SECRET_ROOM, // 24 // DONE -----> ADD TARGET TO MAP ACHIEVEMENT_BLOODY_HANDWORK_OF_BETRUGER, // 25 // DONE -----> ADD TARGET TO MAP ACHIEVEMENT_TWO_DEMONS_FIGHT_EACH_OTHER, // 26 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_USE_SOUL_CUBE_TO_DEFEAT_20_ENEMY, // 27 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_ROE_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_0, // 28 // DONE -- Recruit ACHIEVEMENT_ROE_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_1, // 29 // DONE -- Marine ACHIEVEMENT_ROE_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_2, // 30 // DONE -- Veteran ACHIEVEMENT_ROE_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_3, // 31 // DONE -- Nightmare ACHIEVEMENT_PDAS_ROE, // 32 // DONE -- read all pdas in RoE ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_5_ENEMY_HELL_TIME, // 33 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEAT_HELLTIME_HUNTER, // 34 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEAT_BERSERK_HUNTER, // 35 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEAT_INVULNERABILITY_HUNTER, // 36 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEAT_MALEDICT_BOSS, // 37 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_GRABBER_KILL_20_ENEMY, // 38 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_ARTIFACT_WITH_BERSERK_PUNCH_20, // 39 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_LE_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_0, // 40 // DONE -- Recruit ACHIEVEMENT_LE_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_1, // 41 // DONE -- Marine ACHIEVEMENT_LE_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_2, // 42 // DONE -- Veteran ACHIEVEMENT_LE_COMPLETED_DIFFICULTY_3, // 43 // DONE -- Nightmare ACHIEVEMENT_PDAS_LE, // 44 // DONE -- read all pdas in LE ACHIEVEMENT_MP_KILL_PLAYER_VIA_TELEPORT, // 45 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_MP_CATCH_ENEMY_IN_ROFC, // 46 // DONE -- needs to be tested -- Reactor of Frag Chamber ACHIEVEMENT_MP_KILL_5_PLAYERS_USING_INVIS, // 47 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_MP_COMPLETE_MATCH_WITHOUT_DYING, // 48 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_MP_USE_BERSERK_TO_KILL_PLAYER, // 49 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_MP_KILL_2_GUYS_IN_ROOM_WITH_BFG, // 50 // DONE -- ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM1_NEOPHYTE_COMPLETE_ANY_LEVEL, // 51 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM1_EPISODE1_COMPLETE_MEDIUM, // 52 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM1_EPISODE2_COMPLETE_MEDIUM, // 53 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM1_EPISODE3_COMPLETE_MEDIUM, // 54 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM1_EPISODE4_COMPLETE_MEDIUM, // 55 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM1_RAMPAGE_COMPLETE_ALL_HARD, // 56 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM1_NIGHTMARE_COMPLETE_ANY_LEVEL_NIGHTMARE, // 57 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM1_BURNING_OUT_OF_CONTROL_COMPLETE_KILLS_ITEMS_SECRETS, // 58 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM2_JUST_GETTING_STARTED_COMPLETE_ANY_LEVEL, // 59 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM2_FROM_EARTH_TO_HELL_COMPLETE_HELL_ON_EARTH, // 60 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM2_AND_BACK_AGAIN_COMPLETE_NO_REST, // 61 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM2_SUPERIOR_FIREPOWER_COMPLETE_ALL_HARD, // 62 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM2_REALLY_BIG_GUN_FIND_BFG_SINGLEPLAYER, // 63 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM2_BURNING_OUT_OF_CONTROL_COMPLETE_KILLS_ITEMS_SECRETS, // 64 ACHIEVEMENT_DOOM2_IMPORTANT_LOOKING_DOOR_FIND_ANY_SECRET, // 65 ACHIEVEMENTS_NUM, STAT_DOOM_COMPLETED_EPISODE_1_MEDIUM, STAT_DOOM_COMPLETED_EPISODE_2_MEDIUM, STAT_DOOM_COMPLETED_EPISODE_3_MEDIUM, STAT_DOOM_COMPLETED_EPISODE_4_MEDIUM, STAT_DOOM_COMPLETED_EPISODE_1_HARD, STAT_DOOM_COMPLETED_EPISODE_2_HARD, STAT_DOOM_COMPLETED_EPISODE_3_HARD, STAT_DOOM_COMPLETED_EPISODE_4_HARD, }; compile_time_assert( ACHIEVEMENTS_NUM <= idPlayerProfile::MAX_PLAYER_PROFILE_STATS ); /* ================================================ idAchievementManager Manages a List of Achievements associated with a particular Player. This is setup to only have one achievement manager per game. ================================================ */ class idAchievementManager { public: idAchievementManager(); void Init( idPlayer* player ); bool IsInitialized() const { return owner != NULL; } // save games void Save( idSaveGame* savefile ) const; // archives object for save game file void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile ); // unarchives object from save game file // Debug tool to reset achievement state and counts void Reset(); int GetCount( const achievement_t eventId ) const { return counts[eventId]; } // Adds a count to the tracked number of events, these events can be applied to multiple achievements void EventCompletesAchievement( const achievement_t eventId ); int GetLastImpKilledTime() { return lastImpKilledTime; } void SetLastImpKilledTime( int time ) { lastImpKilledTime = time; } int GetLastPlayerKilledTime() { return lastPlayerKilledTime; } void SetLastPlayerKilledTime( int time ) { lastPlayerKilledTime = time; } bool GetPlayerTookDamage() { return playerTookDamage; } void SetPlayerTookDamage( bool bl ) { playerTookDamage = bl; } void IncrementHellTimeKills(); void ResetHellTimeKills() { currentHellTimeKills = 0; } void SavePersistentData( idDict& playerInfo ); void RestorePersistentData( const idDict& spawnArgs ); static void LocalUser_CompleteAchievement( achievement_t id ); // RB begin #if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC) static void CheckDoomClassicsAchievements( int killcount, int itemcount, int secretcount, int skill, int mission, int map, int episode, int totalkills, int totalitems, int totalsecret ); #endif // RB end private: idEntityPtr< idPlayer > owner; idArray counts; // How many times has each achievement been given int lastPlayerKilledTime; int lastImpKilledTime; bool playerTookDamage; int currentHellTimeKills; static bool cheatingDialogShown; idLocalUser* GetLocalUser(); void SyncAchievments(); }; #endif // !__ACHIEVEMENTS_H__