/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #ifndef __SYS_PUBLIC__ #define __SYS_PUBLIC__ #include "../idlib/CmdArgs.h" /* =============================================================================== Non-portable system services. =============================================================================== */ enum cpuid_t { CPUID_NONE = 0x00000, CPUID_UNSUPPORTED = 0x00001, // unsupported (386/486) CPUID_GENERIC = 0x00002, // unrecognized processor CPUID_INTEL = 0x00004, // Intel CPUID_AMD = 0x00008, // AMD CPUID_MMX = 0x00010, // Multi Media Extensions CPUID_3DNOW = 0x00020, // 3DNow! CPUID_SSE = 0x00040, // Streaming SIMD Extensions CPUID_SSE2 = 0x00080, // Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 CPUID_SSE3 = 0x00100, // Streaming SIMD Extentions 3 aka Prescott's New Instructions CPUID_ALTIVEC = 0x00200, // AltiVec CPUID_HTT = 0x01000, // Hyper-Threading Technology CPUID_CMOV = 0x02000, // Conditional Move (CMOV) and fast floating point comparison (FCOMI) instructions CPUID_FTZ = 0x04000, // Flush-To-Zero mode (denormal results are flushed to zero) CPUID_DAZ = 0x08000, // Denormals-Are-Zero mode (denormal source operands are set to zero) CPUID_XENON = 0x10000, // Xbox 360 CPUID_CELL = 0x20000 // PS3 }; enum fpuExceptions_t { FPU_EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION = 1, FPU_EXCEPTION_DENORMALIZED_OPERAND = 2, FPU_EXCEPTION_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO = 4, FPU_EXCEPTION_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW = 8, FPU_EXCEPTION_NUMERIC_UNDERFLOW = 16, FPU_EXCEPTION_INEXACT_RESULT = 32 }; enum fpuPrecision_t { FPU_PRECISION_SINGLE = 0, FPU_PRECISION_DOUBLE = 1, FPU_PRECISION_DOUBLE_EXTENDED = 2 }; enum fpuRounding_t { FPU_ROUNDING_TO_NEAREST = 0, FPU_ROUNDING_DOWN = 1, FPU_ROUNDING_UP = 2, FPU_ROUNDING_TO_ZERO = 3 }; enum joystickAxis_t { AXIS_LEFT_X, AXIS_LEFT_Y, AXIS_RIGHT_X, AXIS_RIGHT_Y, AXIS_LEFT_TRIG, AXIS_RIGHT_TRIG, MAX_JOYSTICK_AXIS }; enum sysEventType_t { SE_NONE, // evTime is still valid SE_KEY, // evValue is a key code, evValue2 is the down flag SE_CHAR, // evValue is an ascii char SE_MOUSE, // evValue and evValue2 are reletive signed x / y moves SE_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE, // evValue and evValue2 are absolute coordinates in the window's client area. SE_MOUSE_LEAVE, // evValue and evValue2 are meaninless, this indicates the mouse has left the client area. SE_JOYSTICK, // evValue is an axis number and evValue2 is the current state (-127 to 127) SE_CONSOLE // evPtr is a char*, from typing something at a non-game console }; enum sys_mEvents { M_ACTION1, M_ACTION2, M_ACTION3, M_ACTION4, M_ACTION5, M_ACTION6, M_ACTION7, M_ACTION8, M_DELTAX, M_DELTAY, M_DELTAZ, M_INVALID }; enum sys_jEvents { J_ACTION1, J_ACTION2, J_ACTION3, J_ACTION4, J_ACTION5, J_ACTION6, J_ACTION7, J_ACTION8, J_ACTION9, J_ACTION10, J_ACTION11, J_ACTION12, J_ACTION13, J_ACTION14, J_ACTION15, J_ACTION16, J_ACTION17, J_ACTION18, J_ACTION19, J_ACTION20, J_ACTION21, J_ACTION22, J_ACTION23, J_ACTION24, J_ACTION25, J_ACTION26, J_ACTION27, J_ACTION28, J_ACTION29, J_ACTION30, J_ACTION31, J_ACTION32, J_ACTION_MAX = J_ACTION32, J_AXIS_MIN, J_AXIS_LEFT_X = J_AXIS_MIN + AXIS_LEFT_X, J_AXIS_LEFT_Y = J_AXIS_MIN + AXIS_LEFT_Y, J_AXIS_RIGHT_X = J_AXIS_MIN + AXIS_RIGHT_X, J_AXIS_RIGHT_Y = J_AXIS_MIN + AXIS_RIGHT_Y, J_AXIS_LEFT_TRIG = J_AXIS_MIN + AXIS_LEFT_TRIG, J_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIG = J_AXIS_MIN + AXIS_RIGHT_TRIG, J_AXIS_MAX = J_AXIS_MIN + MAX_JOYSTICK_AXIS - 1, J_DPAD_UP, J_DPAD_DOWN, J_DPAD_LEFT, J_DPAD_RIGHT, MAX_JOY_EVENT }; /* ================================================ The first part of this table maps directly to Direct Input scan codes (DIK_* from dinput.h) But they are duplicated here for console portability ================================================ */ enum keyNum_t { K_NONE, K_ESCAPE, K_1, K_2, K_3, K_4, K_5, K_6, K_7, K_8, K_9, K_0, K_MINUS, K_EQUALS, K_BACKSPACE, K_TAB, K_Q, K_W, K_E, K_R, K_T, K_Y, K_U, K_I, K_O, K_P, K_LBRACKET, K_RBRACKET, K_ENTER, K_LCTRL, K_A, K_S, K_D, K_F, K_G, K_H, K_J, K_K, K_L, K_SEMICOLON, K_APOSTROPHE, K_GRAVE, K_LSHIFT, K_BACKSLASH, K_Z, K_X, K_C, K_V, K_B, K_N, K_M, K_COMMA, K_PERIOD, K_SLASH, K_RSHIFT, K_KP_STAR, K_LALT, K_SPACE, K_CAPSLOCK, K_F1, K_F2, K_F3, K_F4, K_F5, K_F6, K_F7, K_F8, K_F9, K_F10, K_NUMLOCK, K_SCROLL, K_KP_7, K_KP_8, K_KP_9, K_KP_MINUS, K_KP_4, K_KP_5, K_KP_6, K_KP_PLUS, K_KP_1, K_KP_2, K_KP_3, K_KP_0, K_KP_DOT, K_F11 = 0x57, K_F12 = 0x58, K_F13 = 0x64, K_F14 = 0x65, K_F15 = 0x66, K_KANA = 0x70, K_CONVERT = 0x79, K_NOCONVERT = 0x7B, K_YEN = 0x7D, K_KP_EQUALS = 0x8D, K_CIRCUMFLEX = 0x90, K_AT = 0x91, K_COLON = 0x92, K_UNDERLINE = 0x93, K_KANJI = 0x94, K_STOP = 0x95, K_AX = 0x96, K_UNLABELED = 0x97, K_KP_ENTER = 0x9C, K_RCTRL = 0x9D, K_KP_COMMA = 0xB3, K_KP_SLASH = 0xB5, K_PRINTSCREEN = 0xB7, K_RALT = 0xB8, K_PAUSE = 0xC5, K_HOME = 0xC7, K_UPARROW = 0xC8, K_PGUP = 0xC9, K_LEFTARROW = 0xCB, K_RIGHTARROW = 0xCD, K_END = 0xCF, K_DOWNARROW = 0xD0, K_PGDN = 0xD1, K_INS = 0xD2, K_DEL = 0xD3, K_LWIN = 0xDB, K_RWIN = 0xDC, K_APPS = 0xDD, K_POWER = 0xDE, K_SLEEP = 0xDF, //------------------------ // K_JOY codes must be contiguous, too //------------------------ K_JOY1 = 256, K_JOY2, K_JOY3, K_JOY4, K_JOY5, K_JOY6, K_JOY7, K_JOY8, K_JOY9, K_JOY10, K_JOY11, K_JOY12, K_JOY13, K_JOY14, K_JOY15, K_JOY16, K_JOY_STICK1_UP, K_JOY_STICK1_DOWN, K_JOY_STICK1_LEFT, K_JOY_STICK1_RIGHT, K_JOY_STICK2_UP, K_JOY_STICK2_DOWN, K_JOY_STICK2_LEFT, K_JOY_STICK2_RIGHT, K_JOY_TRIGGER1, K_JOY_TRIGGER2, K_JOY_DPAD_UP, K_JOY_DPAD_DOWN, K_JOY_DPAD_LEFT, K_JOY_DPAD_RIGHT, //------------------------ // K_MOUSE enums must be contiguous (no char codes in the middle) //------------------------ K_MOUSE1, K_MOUSE2, K_MOUSE3, K_MOUSE4, K_MOUSE5, K_MOUSE6, K_MOUSE7, K_MOUSE8, K_MWHEELDOWN, K_MWHEELUP, K_LAST_KEY }; struct sysEvent_t { sysEventType_t evType; int evValue; int evValue2; int evPtrLength; // bytes of data pointed to by evPtr, for journaling void* evPtr; // this must be manually freed if not NULL int inputDevice; bool IsKeyEvent() const { return evType == SE_KEY; } bool IsMouseEvent() const { return evType == SE_MOUSE; } bool IsCharEvent() const { return evType == SE_CHAR; } bool IsJoystickEvent() const { return evType == SE_JOYSTICK; } bool IsKeyDown() const { return evValue2 != 0; } keyNum_t GetKey() const { return static_cast< keyNum_t >( evValue ); } int GetXCoord() const { return evValue; } int GetYCoord() const { return evValue2; } }; struct sysMemoryStats_t { int memoryLoad; int totalPhysical; int availPhysical; int totalPageFile; int availPageFile; int totalVirtual; int availVirtual; int availExtendedVirtual; }; // typedef unsigned long address_t; // DG: this isn't even used void Sys_Init(); void Sys_Shutdown(); void Sys_Error( const char* error, ... ); const char* Sys_GetCmdLine(); // DG: Sys_ReLaunch() doesn't need any options (and the old way is painful for POSIX systems) void Sys_ReLaunch(); // DG end void Sys_Launch( const char* path, idCmdArgs& args, void* launchData, unsigned int launchDataSize ); void Sys_SetLanguageFromSystem(); const char* Sys_DefaultLanguage(); void Sys_Quit(); bool Sys_AlreadyRunning(); // note that this isn't journaled... char* Sys_GetClipboardData(); void Sys_SetClipboardData( const char* string ); // will go to the various text consoles // NOT thread safe - never use in the async paths void Sys_Printf( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* msg, ... ); // guaranteed to be thread-safe void Sys_DebugPrintf( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ); void Sys_DebugVPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list arg ); // a decent minimum sleep time to avoid going below the process scheduler speeds #define SYS_MINSLEEP 20 // allow game to yield CPU time // NOTE: due to SYS_MINSLEEP this is very bad portability karma, and should be completely removed void Sys_Sleep( int msec ); // Sys_Milliseconds should only be used for profiling purposes, // any game related timing information should come from event timestamps int Sys_Milliseconds(); uint64 Sys_Microseconds(); // for accurate performance testing double Sys_GetClockTicks(); double Sys_ClockTicksPerSecond(); // returns a selection of the CPUID_* flags cpuid_t Sys_GetProcessorId(); const char* Sys_GetProcessorString(); // returns true if the FPU stack is empty bool Sys_FPU_StackIsEmpty(); // empties the FPU stack void Sys_FPU_ClearStack(); // returns the FPU state as a string const char* Sys_FPU_GetState(); // enables the given FPU exceptions void Sys_FPU_EnableExceptions( int exceptions ); // sets the FPU precision void Sys_FPU_SetPrecision( int precision ); // sets the FPU rounding mode void Sys_FPU_SetRounding( int rounding ); // sets Flush-To-Zero mode (only available when CPUID_FTZ is set) void Sys_FPU_SetFTZ( bool enable ); // sets Denormals-Are-Zero mode (only available when CPUID_DAZ is set) void Sys_FPU_SetDAZ( bool enable ); // returns amount of drive space in path int Sys_GetDriveFreeSpace( const char* path ); // returns amount of drive space in path in bytes int64 Sys_GetDriveFreeSpaceInBytes( const char* path ); // returns memory stats void Sys_GetCurrentMemoryStatus( sysMemoryStats_t& stats ); void Sys_GetExeLaunchMemoryStatus( sysMemoryStats_t& stats ); // lock and unlock memory bool Sys_LockMemory( void* ptr, int bytes ); bool Sys_UnlockMemory( void* ptr, int bytes ); // set amount of physical work memory void Sys_SetPhysicalWorkMemory( int minBytes, int maxBytes ); // DLL loading, the path should be a fully qualified OS path to the DLL file to be loaded // RB: 64 bit fixes, changed int to intptr_t intptr_t Sys_DLL_Load( const char* dllName ); void* Sys_DLL_GetProcAddress( intptr_t dllHandle, const char* procName ); void Sys_DLL_Unload( intptr_t dllHandle ); // RB end // event generation void Sys_GenerateEvents(); sysEvent_t Sys_GetEvent(); void Sys_ClearEvents(); // input is tied to windows, so it needs to be started up and shut down whenever // the main window is recreated void Sys_InitInput(); void Sys_ShutdownInput(); // keyboard input polling int Sys_PollKeyboardInputEvents(); int Sys_ReturnKeyboardInputEvent( const int n, int& ch, bool& state ); void Sys_EndKeyboardInputEvents(); // mouse input polling static const int MAX_MOUSE_EVENTS = 256; int Sys_PollMouseInputEvents( int mouseEvents[MAX_MOUSE_EVENTS][2] ); // joystick input polling void Sys_SetRumble( int device, int low, int hi ); int Sys_PollJoystickInputEvents( int deviceNum ); int Sys_ReturnJoystickInputEvent( const int n, int& action, int& value ); void Sys_EndJoystickInputEvents(); // when the console is down, or the game is about to perform a lengthy // operation like map loading, the system can release the mouse cursor // when in windowed mode void Sys_GrabMouseCursor( bool grabIt ); void Sys_ShowWindow( bool show ); bool Sys_IsWindowVisible(); void Sys_ShowConsole( int visLevel, bool quitOnClose ); // This really isn't the right place to have this, but since this is the 'top level' include // and has a function signature with 'FILE' in it, it kinda needs to be here =/ // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) typedef HANDLE idFileHandle; #else typedef FILE* idFileHandle; #endif // RB end ID_TIME_T Sys_FileTimeStamp( idFileHandle fp ); // NOTE: do we need to guarantee the same output on all platforms? const char* Sys_TimeStampToStr( ID_TIME_T timeStamp ); const char* Sys_SecToStr( int sec ); const char* Sys_DefaultBasePath(); const char* Sys_DefaultSavePath(); // know early if we are performing a fatal error shutdown so the error message doesn't get lost void Sys_SetFatalError( const char* error ); // Execute the specified process and wait until it's done, calling workFn every waitMS milliseconds. // If showOutput == true, std IO from the executed process will be output to the console. // Note that the return value is not an indication of the exit code of the process, but is false // only if the process could not be created at all. If you wish to check the exit code of the // spawned process, check the value returned in exitCode. typedef bool ( *execProcessWorkFunction_t )(); typedef void ( *execOutputFunction_t )( const char* text ); bool Sys_Exec( const char* appPath, const char* workingPath, const char* args, execProcessWorkFunction_t workFn, execOutputFunction_t outputFn, const int waitMS, unsigned int& exitCode ); // localization #define ID_LANG_ENGLISH "english" #define ID_LANG_FRENCH "french" #define ID_LANG_ITALIAN "italian" #define ID_LANG_GERMAN "german" #define ID_LANG_SPANISH "spanish" #define ID_LANG_JAPANESE "japanese" int Sys_NumLangs(); const char* Sys_Lang( int idx ); /* ============================================================== Networking ============================================================== */ typedef enum { NA_BAD, // an address lookup failed NA_LOOPBACK, NA_BROADCAST, NA_IP } netadrtype_t; typedef struct { netadrtype_t type; unsigned char ip[4]; unsigned short port; } netadr_t; #define PORT_ANY -1 /* ================================================ idUDP ================================================ */ class idUDP { public: // this just zeros netSocket and port idUDP(); virtual ~idUDP(); // if the InitForPort fails, the idUDP.port field will remain 0 bool InitForPort( int portNumber ); int GetPort() const { return bound_to.port; } netadr_t GetAdr() const { return bound_to; } uint32 GetUIntAdr() const { return ( bound_to.ip[0] | bound_to.ip[1] << 8 | bound_to.ip[2] << 16 | bound_to.ip[3] << 24 ); } void Close(); bool GetPacket( netadr_t& from, void* data, int& size, int maxSize ); bool GetPacketBlocking( netadr_t& from, void* data, int& size, int maxSize, int timeout ); void SendPacket( const netadr_t to, const void* data, int size ); void SetSilent( bool silent ) { this->silent = silent; } bool GetSilent() const { return silent; } int packetsRead; int bytesRead; int packetsWritten; int bytesWritten; bool IsOpen() const { return netSocket > 0; } private: netadr_t bound_to; // interface and port int netSocket; // OS specific socket bool silent; // don't emit anything ( black hole ) }; // parses the port number // can also do DNS resolve if you ask for it. // NOTE: DNS resolve is a slow/blocking call, think before you use // ( could be exploited for server DoS ) bool Sys_StringToNetAdr( const char* s, netadr_t* a, bool doDNSResolve ); const char* Sys_NetAdrToString( const netadr_t a ); bool Sys_IsLANAddress( const netadr_t a ); bool Sys_CompareNetAdrBase( const netadr_t a, const netadr_t b ); int Sys_GetLocalIPCount(); const char* Sys_GetLocalIP( int i ); void Sys_InitNetworking(); void Sys_ShutdownNetworking(); /* ================================================ idJoystick is managed by each platform's local Sys implementation, and provides full *Joy Pad* support (the most common device, these days). ================================================ */ class idJoystick { public: virtual ~idJoystick() { } virtual bool Init() { return false; } virtual void Shutdown() { } virtual void Deactivate() { } virtual void SetRumble( int deviceNum, int rumbleLow, int rumbleHigh ) { } virtual int PollInputEvents( int inputDeviceNum ) { return 0; } virtual int ReturnInputEvent( const int n, int& action, int& value ) { return 0; } virtual void EndInputEvents() { } }; /* ============================================================== idSys ============================================================== */ class idSys { public: virtual void DebugPrintf( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ) = 0; virtual void DebugVPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list arg ) = 0; virtual double GetClockTicks() = 0; virtual double ClockTicksPerSecond() = 0; virtual cpuid_t GetProcessorId() = 0; virtual const char* GetProcessorString() = 0; virtual const char* FPU_GetState() = 0; virtual bool FPU_StackIsEmpty() = 0; virtual void FPU_SetFTZ( bool enable ) = 0; virtual void FPU_SetDAZ( bool enable ) = 0; virtual void FPU_EnableExceptions( int exceptions ) = 0; virtual bool LockMemory( void* ptr, int bytes ) = 0; virtual bool UnlockMemory( void* ptr, int bytes ) = 0; virtual int DLL_Load( const char* dllName ) = 0; virtual void* DLL_GetProcAddress( int dllHandle, const char* procName ) = 0; virtual void DLL_Unload( int dllHandle ) = 0; virtual void DLL_GetFileName( const char* baseName, char* dllName, int maxLength ) = 0; virtual sysEvent_t GenerateMouseButtonEvent( int button, bool down ) = 0; virtual sysEvent_t GenerateMouseMoveEvent( int deltax, int deltay ) = 0; virtual void OpenURL( const char* url, bool quit ) = 0; virtual void StartProcess( const char* exePath, bool quit ) = 0; }; extern idSys* sys; bool Sys_LoadOpenAL(); void Sys_FreeOpenAL(); #endif /* !__SYS_PUBLIC__ */