/*********************************************************************** debris.def ***********************************************************************/ entityDef debris_largeshrapnel { "spawnclass" "idDebris" "mins" "-3 -3 -3" "maxs" "3 3 3" "model" "models/particles/shrapnel/large.lwo" "health" "0" // amount of damage projectile can take if damaged (0 means it can't be destroyed) "velocity" "500 0 40" // how fast the projectile leaves the gun (or distance if fuse is 0) "random_velocity" "1" "angular_velocity" "10 -10 10" // how the projectile is rotating when it leaves the gun "thrust" "0" // the rate of acceleration (always in the direction of the projectiles model) "thrust_start" "0" // when to start accelerating "thrust_end" "0" // when to stop accelerating "linear_friction" "0.6" // "air" friction "angular_friction" "0.4" "contact_friction" "0.1" "bounce" "0.6" // how much speed a projectile retains when it bounces off of objects (coefficient of restitution). 0 means no bounce. "mass" "4" "gravity" "1066" // how much gravity affects the trajectory. gravity direction is same as the entity that fired it. "fuse" "5" // how long before the projectile is removed or self-detonates. Use 0 for beam weapons (velocity == distance). "detonate_on_fuse" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it's fuse runs out "detonate_on_death" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it's "killed" (health runs out) "detonate_on_world" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits an obstacle "detonate_on_actor" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits a character in the game "smoke_fly" "debristrail.smoke" // particle effect while in the air // parametric particles -- temp "model_detonate" "" "smoke_detonate" "" // particle effect when detonates "smoke_fuse" "" "smoke_bounce" "" } entityDef debris_shrapnel { "spawnclass" "idDebris" "mins" "-3 -3 -3" "maxs" "3 3 3" "model" "models/particles/shrapnel/small.lwo" "health" "0" // amount of damage projectile can take if damaged (0 means it can't be destroyed) "velocity" "600 0 40" // how fast the projectile leaves the gun (or distance if fuse is 0) "random_velocity" "1" "angular_velocity" "10 -10 10" // how the projectile is rotating when it leaves the gun "thrust" "0" // the rate of acceleration (always in the direction of the projectiles model) "thrust_start" "0" // when to start accelerating "thrust_end" "0" // when to stop accelerating "linear_friction" "0.6" // "air" friction "angular_friction" "0.4" "contact_friction" "0.1" "bounce" "0.5" // how much speed a projectile retains when it bounces off of objects (coefficient of restitution). 0 means no bounce. "mass" "3" "gravity" "1066" // how much gravity affects the trajectory. gravity direction is same as the entity that fired it. "fuse" "4" // how long before the projectile is removed or self-detonates. Use 0 for beam weapons (velocity == distance). "detonate_on_fuse" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it's fuse runs out "detonate_on_death" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it's "killed" (health runs out) "detonate_on_world" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits an obstacle "detonate_on_actor" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits a character in the game "smoke_fly" "shrapneltrail.smoke" // particle effect while in the air // parametric particles -- temp "model_detonate" "" "smoke_detonate" "" // particle effect when detonates "smoke_fuse" "" "smoke_bounce" "" } entityDef debris_brass { "spawnclass" "idDebris" "mins" "-1 -1 -1" "maxs" "1 1 1" "model" "models/weapons/shell1/mshell_lo.lwo" "health" "0" // amount of damage projectile can take if damaged (0 means it can't be destroyed) "velocity" "0 -100 120" // how fast the projectile leaves the gun (or distance if fuse is 0) "angular_velocity" "0 0 0" // how the projectile is rotating when it leaves the gun "thrust" "0" // the rate of acceleration (always in the direction of the projectiles model) "thrust_start" "0" // when to start accelerating "thrust_end" "0" // when to stop accelerating "linear_friction" "0.6" // "air" friction "angular_friction" "0.4" "contact_friction" "0.1" "bounce" "0.25" // how much speed a projectile retains when it bounces off of objects (coefficient of restitution). 0 means no bounce. "mass" "0.5" "gravity" "666" // how much gravity affects the trajectory. gravity direction is same as the entity that fired it. "fuse" "3" // how long before the projectile is removed or self-detonates. Use 0 for beam weapons (velocity == distance). "detonate_on_fuse" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it's fuse runs out "detonate_on_death" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it's "killed" (health runs out) "detonate_on_world" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits an obstacle "detonate_on_actor" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits a character in the game "snd_bounce" "casings_small_mix" }