/* TiMidity -- Experimental MIDI to WAVE converter Copyright (C) 1995 Tuukka Toivonen Suddenly, you realize that this program is free software; you get an overwhelming urge to redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received another copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. I bet they'll be amazed. mix.c */ #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #include "instrum.h" #include "playmidi.h" #include "output.h" #include "controls.h" #include "tables.h" #include "resample.h" #include "mix.h" /* Returns 1 if envelope runs out */ int recompute_envelope(int v) { int stage; stage = voice[v].envelope_stage; if (stage>5) { /* Envelope ran out. */ int tmp=(voice[v].status == VOICE_DIE); /* Already displayed as dead */ voice[v].status = VOICE_FREE; if(!tmp) ctl->note(v); return 1; } if (voice[v].sample->modes & MODES_ENVELOPE) { if (voice[v].status==VOICE_ON || voice[v].status==VOICE_SUSTAINED) { if (stage>2) { /* Freeze envelope until note turns off. Trumpets want this. */ voice[v].envelope_increment=0; return 0; } } } voice[v].envelope_stage=stage+1; if (voice[v].envelope_volume==voice[v].sample->envelope_offset[stage]) return recompute_envelope(v); voice[v].envelope_target=voice[v].sample->envelope_offset[stage]; voice[v].envelope_increment = voice[v].sample->envelope_rate[stage]; if (voice[v].envelope_targetmodes & MODES_ENVELOPE) { lamp *= (float)vol_table[voice[v].envelope_volume>>23]; ramp *= (float)vol_table[voice[v].envelope_volume>>23]; } la = (int32_t)FSCALE(lamp,AMP_BITS); if (la>MAX_AMP_VALUE) la=MAX_AMP_VALUE; ra = (int32_t)FSCALE(ramp,AMP_BITS); if (ra>MAX_AMP_VALUE) ra=MAX_AMP_VALUE; voice[v].left_mix=FINAL_VOLUME(la); voice[v].right_mix=FINAL_VOLUME(ra); } else { if (voice[v].tremolo_phase_increment) lamp *= voice[v].tremolo_volume; if (voice[v].sample->modes & MODES_ENVELOPE) lamp *= (float)vol_table[voice[v].envelope_volume>>23]; la = (int32_t)FSCALE(lamp,AMP_BITS); if (la>MAX_AMP_VALUE) la=MAX_AMP_VALUE; voice[v].left_mix=FINAL_VOLUME(la); } } static int update_envelope(int v) { voice[v].envelope_volume += voice[v].envelope_increment; /* Why is there no ^^ operator?? */ if (((voice[v].envelope_increment < 0) && (voice[v].envelope_volume <= voice[v].envelope_target)) || ((voice[v].envelope_increment > 0) && (voice[v].envelope_volume >= voice[v].envelope_target))) { voice[v].envelope_volume = voice[v].envelope_target; if (recompute_envelope(v)) return 1; } return 0; } static void update_tremolo(int v) { int32_t depth=voice[v].sample->tremolo_depth<<7; if (voice[v].tremolo_sweep) { /* Update sweep position */ voice[v].tremolo_sweep_position += voice[v].tremolo_sweep; if (voice[v].tremolo_sweep_position>=(1<>= SWEEP_SHIFT; } } voice[v].tremolo_phase += voice[v].tremolo_phase_increment; /* if (voice[v].tremolo_phase >= (SINE_CYCLE_LENGTH<> RATE_SHIFT) + 1.0) * depth * TREMOLO_AMPLITUDE_TUNING, 17)); /* I'm not sure about the +1.0 there -- it makes tremoloed voices' volumes on average the lower the higher the tremolo amplitude. */ } /* Returns 1 if the note died */ static int update_signal(int v) { if (voice[v].envelope_increment && update_envelope(v)) return 1; if (voice[v].tremolo_phase_increment) update_tremolo(v); apply_envelope_to_amp(v); return 0; } #ifdef LOOKUP_HACK # define MIXATION(a) *lp++ += mixup[(a<<8) | (uint8)s]; #else # define MIXATION(a) *lp++ += (a)*s; #endif static void mix_mystery_signal(sample_t *sp, int32_t *lp, int v, int count) { Voice *vp = voice + v; final_volume_t left=vp->left_mix, right=vp->right_mix; int cc; sample_t s; if (!(cc = vp->control_counter)) { cc = control_ratio; if (update_signal(v)) return; /* Envelope ran out */ left = vp->left_mix; right = vp->right_mix; } while (count) if (cc < count) { count -= cc; while (cc--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); MIXATION(right); } cc = control_ratio; if (update_signal(v)) return; /* Envelope ran out */ left = vp->left_mix; right = vp->right_mix; } else { vp->control_counter = cc - count; while (count--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); MIXATION(right); } return; } } static void mix_center_signal(sample_t *sp, int32_t *lp, int v, int count) { Voice *vp = voice + v; final_volume_t left=vp->left_mix; int cc; sample_t s; if (!(cc = vp->control_counter)) { cc = control_ratio; if (update_signal(v)) return; /* Envelope ran out */ left = vp->left_mix; } while (count) if (cc < count) { count -= cc; while (cc--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); MIXATION(left); } cc = control_ratio; if (update_signal(v)) return; /* Envelope ran out */ left = vp->left_mix; } else { vp->control_counter = cc - count; while (count--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); MIXATION(left); } return; } } static void mix_single_signal(sample_t *sp, int32_t *lp, int v, int count) { Voice *vp = voice + v; final_volume_t left=vp->left_mix; int cc; sample_t s; if (!(cc = vp->control_counter)) { cc = control_ratio; if (update_signal(v)) return; /* Envelope ran out */ left = vp->left_mix; } while (count) if (cc < count) { count -= cc; while (cc--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); lp++; } cc = control_ratio; if (update_signal(v)) return; /* Envelope ran out */ left = vp->left_mix; } else { vp->control_counter = cc - count; while (count--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); lp++; } return; } } static void mix_mono_signal(sample_t *sp, int32_t *lp, int v, int count) { Voice *vp = voice + v; final_volume_t left=vp->left_mix; int cc; sample_t s; if (!(cc = vp->control_counter)) { cc = control_ratio; if (update_signal(v)) return; /* Envelope ran out */ left = vp->left_mix; } while (count) if (cc < count) { count -= cc; while (cc--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); } cc = control_ratio; if (update_signal(v)) return; /* Envelope ran out */ left = vp->left_mix; } else { vp->control_counter = cc - count; while (count--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); } return; } } static void mix_mystery(sample_t *sp, int32_t *lp, int v, int count) { final_volume_t left=voice[v].left_mix, right=voice[v].right_mix; sample_t s; while (count--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); MIXATION(right); } } static void mix_center(sample_t *sp, int32_t *lp, int v, int count) { final_volume_t left=voice[v].left_mix; sample_t s; while (count--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); MIXATION(left); } } static void mix_single(sample_t *sp, int32_t *lp, int v, int count) { final_volume_t left=voice[v].left_mix; sample_t s; while (count--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); lp++; } } static void mix_mono(sample_t *sp, int32_t *lp, int v, int count) { final_volume_t left=voice[v].left_mix; sample_t s; while (count--) { s = *sp++; MIXATION(left); } } /* Ramp a note out in c samples */ static void ramp_out(sample_t *sp, int32_t *lp, int v, int32_t c) { /* should be final_volume_t, but uint8_t gives trouble. */ int32_t left, right, li, ri; sample_t s=0; /* silly warning about uninitialized s */ /* Fix by James Caldwell */ if ( c == 0 ) c = 1; left=voice[v].left_mix; li=-(left/c); if (!li) li=-1; /* I_Printf("Ramping out: left=%d, c=%d, li=%d\n", left, c, li); */ if (!(play_mode->encoding & PE_MONO)) { if (voice[v].panned==PANNED_MYSTERY) { right=voice[v].right_mix; ri=-(right/c); while (c--) { left += li; if (left<0) left=0; right += ri; if (right<0) right=0; s=*sp++; MIXATION(left); MIXATION(right); } } else if (voice[v].panned==PANNED_CENTER) { while (c--) { left += li; if (left<0) return; s=*sp++; MIXATION(left); MIXATION(left); } } else if (voice[v].panned==PANNED_LEFT) { while (c--) { left += li; if (left<0) return; s=*sp++; MIXATION(left); lp++; } } else if (voice[v].panned==PANNED_RIGHT) { while (c--) { left += li; if (left<0) return; s=*sp++; lp++; MIXATION(left); } } } else { /* Mono output. */ while (c--) { left += li; if (left<0) return; s=*sp++; MIXATION(left); } } } /**************** interface function ******************/ void mix_voice( int32_t *buf, int v, int32_t c) { Voice *vp=voice+v; sample_t *sp; if (vp->status==VOICE_DIE) { if (c>=MAX_DIE_TIME) c=MAX_DIE_TIME; sp=resample_voice(v, &c); ramp_out(sp, buf, v, c); vp->status=VOICE_FREE; } else { sp=resample_voice(v, &c); if (play_mode->encoding & PE_MONO) { /* Mono output. */ if (vp->envelope_increment || vp->tremolo_phase_increment) mix_mono_signal(sp, buf, v, c); else mix_mono(sp, buf, v, c); } else { if (vp->panned == PANNED_MYSTERY) { if (vp->envelope_increment || vp->tremolo_phase_increment) mix_mystery_signal(sp, buf, v, c); else mix_mystery(sp, buf, v, c); } else if (vp->panned == PANNED_CENTER) { if (vp->envelope_increment || vp->tremolo_phase_increment) mix_center_signal(sp, buf, v, c); else mix_center(sp, buf, v, c); } else { /* It's either full left or full right. In either case, every other sample is 0. Just get the offset right: */ if (vp->panned == PANNED_RIGHT) buf++; if (vp->envelope_increment || vp->tremolo_phase_increment) mix_single_signal(sp, buf, v, c); else mix_single(sp, buf, v, c); } } } }