/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "Brush.h" #define BRUSH_EPSILON 0.1f #define BRUSH_PLANE_NORMAL_EPSILON 0.00001f #define BRUSH_PLANE_DIST_EPSILON 0.01f #define OUTPUT_UPDATE_TIME 500 // update every 500 msec //#define OUTPUT_CHOP_STATS /* ============ DisplayRealTimeString ============ */ void DisplayRealTimeString( char* string, ... ) { va_list argPtr; char buf[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; static int lastUpdateTime; int time; time = Sys_Milliseconds(); if( time > lastUpdateTime + OUTPUT_UPDATE_TIME ) { va_start( argPtr, string ); vsprintf( buf, string, argPtr ); va_end( argPtr ); common->Printf( buf ); lastUpdateTime = time; } } //=============================================================== // // idBrushSide // //=============================================================== /* ============ idBrushSide::idBrushSide ============ */ idBrushSide::idBrushSide( void ) { flags = 0; planeNum = -1; winding = NULL; } /* ============ idBrushSide::idBrushSide ============ */ idBrushSide::idBrushSide( const idPlane& plane, int planeNum ) { this->flags = 0; this->plane = plane; this->planeNum = planeNum; this->winding = NULL; } /* ============ idBrushSide::~idBrushSide ============ */ idBrushSide::~idBrushSide( void ) { if( winding ) { delete winding; } } /* ============ idBrushSide::Copy ============ */ idBrushSide* idBrushSide::Copy( void ) const { idBrushSide* side; side = new idBrushSide( plane, planeNum ); side->flags = flags; if( winding ) { side->winding = winding->Copy(); } else { side->winding = NULL; } return side; } /* ============ idBrushSide::Split ============ */ int idBrushSide::Split( const idPlane& splitPlane, idBrushSide** front, idBrushSide** back ) const { idWinding* frontWinding, *backWinding; assert( winding ); *front = *back = NULL; winding->Split( splitPlane, 0.0f, &frontWinding, &backWinding ); if( frontWinding ) { ( *front ) = new idBrushSide( plane, planeNum ); ( *front )->winding = frontWinding; ( *front )->flags = flags; } if( backWinding ) { ( *back ) = new idBrushSide( plane, planeNum ); ( *back )->winding = backWinding; ( *back )->flags = flags; } if( frontWinding && backWinding ) { return PLANESIDE_CROSS; } else if( frontWinding ) { return PLANESIDE_FRONT; } else { return PLANESIDE_BACK; } } //=============================================================== // // idBrushSide // //=============================================================== /* ============ idBrush::idBrush ============ */ idBrush::idBrush( void ) { contents = flags = 0; bounds.Clear(); sides.Clear(); windingsValid = false; } /* ============ idBrush::~idBrush ============ */ idBrush::~idBrush( void ) { for( int i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { delete sides[i]; } } /* ============ idBrush::RemoveSidesWithoutWinding ============ */ bool idBrush::RemoveSidesWithoutWinding( void ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { if( sides[i]->winding ) { continue; } sides.RemoveIndex( i ); i--; } return ( sides.Num() >= 4 ); } /* ============ idBrush::CreateWindings ============ */ bool idBrush::CreateWindings( void ) { int i, j; idBrushSide* side; bounds.Clear(); for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { side = sides[i]; if( side->winding ) { delete side->winding; } side->winding = new idWinding( side->plane.Normal(), side->plane.Dist() ); for( j = 0; j < sides.Num() && side->winding; j++ ) { if( i == j ) { continue; } // keep the winding if on the clip plane side->winding = side->winding->Clip( -sides[j]->plane, BRUSH_EPSILON, true ); } if( side->winding ) { for( j = 0; j < side->winding->GetNumPoints(); j++ ) { bounds.AddPoint( ( *side->winding )[j].ToVec3() ); } } } if( bounds[0][0] > bounds[1][0] ) { return false; } for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( bounds[0][i] < MIN_WORLD_COORD || bounds[1][i] > MAX_WORLD_COORD ) { return false; } } windingsValid = true; return true; } /* ============ idBrush::BoundBrush ============ */ void idBrush::BoundBrush( const idBrush* original ) { int i, j; idBrushSide* side; idWinding* w; assert( windingsValid ); bounds.Clear(); for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { side = sides[i]; w = side->winding; if( !w ) { continue; } for( j = 0; j < w->GetNumPoints(); j++ ) { bounds.AddPoint( ( *w )[j].ToVec3() ); } } if( bounds[0][0] > bounds[1][0] ) { if( original ) { idBrushMap* bm = new idBrushMap( "error_brush", "_original" ); bm->WriteBrush( original ); delete bm; } common->Error( "idBrush::BoundBrush: brush %d on entity %d without windings", primitiveNum, entityNum ); } for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( bounds[0][i] < MIN_WORLD_COORD || bounds[1][i] > MAX_WORLD_COORD ) { if( original ) { idBrushMap* bm = new idBrushMap( "error_brush", "_original" ); bm->WriteBrush( original ); delete bm; } common->Error( "idBrush::BoundBrush: brush %d on entity %d is unbounded", primitiveNum, entityNum ); } } } /* ============ idBrush::FromSides ============ */ bool idBrush::FromSides( idList& sideList ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < sideList.Num(); i++ ) { sides.Append( sideList[i] ); } sideList.Clear(); return CreateWindings(); } /* ============ idBrush::FromWinding ============ */ bool idBrush::FromWinding( const idWinding& w, const idPlane& windingPlane ) { int i, j, bestAxis; idPlane plane; idVec3 normal, axialNormal; sides.Append( new idBrushSide( windingPlane, -1 ) ); sides.Append( new idBrushSide( -windingPlane, -1 ) ); bestAxis = 0; for( i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) { if( idMath::Fabs( windingPlane.Normal()[i] ) > idMath::Fabs( windingPlane.Normal()[bestAxis] ) ) { bestAxis = i; } } axialNormal = vec3_origin; if( windingPlane.Normal()[bestAxis] > 0.0f ) { axialNormal[bestAxis] = 1.0f; } else { axialNormal[bestAxis] = -1.0f; } for( i = 0; i < w.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { j = ( i + 1 ) % w.GetNumPoints(); normal = ( w[j].ToVec3() - w[i].ToVec3() ).Cross( axialNormal ); if( normal.Normalize() < 0.5f ) { continue; } plane.SetNormal( normal ); plane.FitThroughPoint( w[j].ToVec3() ); sides.Append( new idBrushSide( plane, -1 ) ); } if( sides.Num() < 4 ) { for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { delete sides[i]; } sides.Clear(); return false; } sides[0]->winding = w.Copy(); windingsValid = true; BoundBrush(); return true; } /* ============ idBrush::FromBounds ============ */ bool idBrush::FromBounds( const idBounds& bounds ) { int axis, dir; idVec3 normal; idPlane plane; for( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) { for( dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2 ) { normal = vec3_origin; normal[axis] = dir; plane.SetNormal( normal ); plane.SetDist( dir * bounds[( dir == 1 )][axis] ); sides.Append( new idBrushSide( plane, -1 ) ); } } return CreateWindings(); } /* ============ idBrush::Transform ============ */ void idBrush::Transform( const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis ) { int i; bool transformed = false; if( axis.IsRotated() ) { for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { sides[i]->plane.RotateSelf( vec3_origin, axis ); } transformed = true; } if( origin != vec3_origin ) { for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { sides[i]->plane.TranslateSelf( origin ); } transformed = true; } if( transformed ) { CreateWindings(); } } /* ============ idBrush::GetVolume ============ */ float idBrush::GetVolume( void ) const { int i; idWinding* w; idVec3 corner; float d, area, volume; // grab the first valid point as a corner w = NULL; for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { w = sides[i]->winding; if( w ) { break; } } if( !w ) { return 0.0f; } corner = ( *w )[0].ToVec3(); // create tetrahedrons to all other sides volume = 0.0f; for( ; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { w = sides[i]->winding; if( !w ) { continue; } d = -( corner * sides[i]->plane.Normal() - sides[i]->plane.Dist() ); area = w->GetArea(); volume += d * area; } return ( volume * ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) ); } /* ============ idBrush::Subtract ============ */ bool idBrush::Subtract( const idBrush* b, idBrushList& list ) const { int i; idBrush* front, *back; const idBrush* in; list.Clear(); in = this; for( i = 0; i < b->sides.Num() && in; i++ ) { in->Split( b->sides[i]->plane, b->sides[i]->planeNum, &front, &back ); if( in != this ) { delete in; } if( front ) { list.AddToTail( front ); } in = back; } // if didn't really intersect if( !in ) { list.Free(); return false; } delete in; return true; } /* ============ idBrush::TryMerge ============ */ bool idBrush::TryMerge( const idBrush* brush, const idPlaneSet& planeList ) { int i, j, k, l, m, seperatingPlane; const idBrush* brushes[2]; const idWinding* w; const idPlane* plane; // brush bounds should overlap for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( bounds[0][i] > brush->bounds[1][i] + 0.1f ) { return false; } if( bounds[1][i] < brush->bounds[0][i] - 0.1f ) { return false; } } // the brushes should share an opposite plane seperatingPlane = -1; for( i = 0; i < GetNumSides(); i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < brush->GetNumSides(); j++ ) { if( GetSide( i )->GetPlaneNum() == ( brush->GetSide( j )->GetPlaneNum() ^ 1 ) ) { // may only have one seperating plane if( seperatingPlane != -1 ) { return false; } seperatingPlane = GetSide( i )->GetPlaneNum(); break; } } } if( seperatingPlane == -1 ) { return false; } brushes[0] = this; brushes[1] = brush; for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { j = !i; for( k = 0; k < brushes[i]->GetNumSides(); k++ ) { // if the brush side plane is the seprating plane if( !( ( brushes[i]->GetSide( k )->GetPlaneNum() ^ seperatingPlane ) >> 1 ) ) { continue; } plane = &brushes[i]->GetSide( k )->GetPlane(); // all the non seperating brush sides of the other brush should be at the back or on the plane for( l = 0; l < brushes[j]->GetNumSides(); l++ ) { w = brushes[j]->GetSide( l )->GetWinding(); if( !w ) { continue; } if( !( ( brushes[j]->GetSide( l )->GetPlaneNum() ^ seperatingPlane ) >> 1 ) ) { continue; } for( m = 0; m < w->GetNumPoints(); m++ ) { if( plane->Distance( ( *w )[m].ToVec3() ) > 0.1f ) { return false; } } } } } // add any sides from the other brush to this brush for( i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < GetNumSides(); j++ ) { if( !( ( brush->GetSide( i )->GetPlaneNum() ^ GetSide( j )->GetPlaneNum() ) >> 1 ) ) { break; } } if( j < GetNumSides() ) { sides[j]->flags &= brush->GetSide( i )->GetFlags(); continue; } sides.Append( brush->GetSide( i )->Copy() ); } // remove any side from this brush that is the opposite of a side of the other brush for( i = 0; i < GetNumSides(); i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < brush->GetNumSides(); j++ ) { if( GetSide( i )->GetPlaneNum() == ( brush->GetSide( j )->GetPlaneNum() ^ 1 ) ) { break; } } if( j < brush->GetNumSides() ) { delete sides[i]; sides.RemoveIndex( i ); i--; continue; } } contents |= brush->contents; CreateWindings(); BoundBrush(); return true; } /* ============ idBrush::Split ============ */ int idBrush::Split( const idPlane& plane, int planeNum, idBrush** front, idBrush** back ) const { int res, i, j; idBrushSide* side, *frontSide, *backSide; float dist, maxBack, maxFront, *maxBackWinding, *maxFrontWinding; idWinding* w, *mid; assert( windingsValid ); if( front ) { *front = NULL; } if( back ) { *back = NULL; } res = bounds.PlaneSide( plane, -BRUSH_EPSILON ); if( res == PLANESIDE_FRONT ) { if( front ) { *front = Copy(); } return res; } if( res == PLANESIDE_BACK ) { if( back ) { *back = Copy(); } return res; } maxBackWinding = ( float* ) _alloca16( sides.Num() * sizeof( float ) ); maxFrontWinding = ( float* ) _alloca16( sides.Num() * sizeof( float ) ); maxFront = maxBack = 0.0f; for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { side = sides[i]; w = side->winding; if( !w ) { continue; } maxBackWinding[i] = 10.0f; maxFrontWinding[i] = -10.0f; for( j = 0; j < w->GetNumPoints(); j++ ) { dist = plane.Distance( ( *w )[j].ToVec3() ); if( dist > maxFrontWinding[i] ) { maxFrontWinding[i] = dist; } if( dist < maxBackWinding[i] ) { maxBackWinding[i] = dist; } } if( maxFrontWinding[i] > maxFront ) { maxFront = maxFrontWinding[i]; } if( maxBackWinding[i] < maxBack ) { maxBack = maxBackWinding[i]; } } if( maxFront < BRUSH_EPSILON ) { if( back ) { *back = Copy(); } return PLANESIDE_BACK; } if( maxBack > -BRUSH_EPSILON ) { if( front ) { *front = Copy(); } return PLANESIDE_FRONT; } mid = new idWinding( plane.Normal(), plane.Dist() ); for( i = 0; i < sides.Num() && mid; i++ ) { mid = mid->Clip( -sides[i]->plane, BRUSH_EPSILON, false ); } if( mid ) { if( mid->IsTiny() ) { delete mid; mid = NULL; } else if( mid->IsHuge() ) { // if the winding is huge then the brush is unbounded common->Warning( "brush %d on entity %d is unbounded" "( %1.2f %1.2f %1.2f )-( %1.2f %1.2f %1.2f )-( %1.2f %1.2f %1.2f )", primitiveNum, entityNum, bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1], bounds[0][2], bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1], bounds[1][2], bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0], bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1], bounds[1][2] - bounds[0][2] ); delete mid; mid = NULL; } } if( !mid ) { if( maxFront > - maxBack ) { if( front ) { *front = Copy(); } return PLANESIDE_FRONT; } else { if( back ) { *back = Copy(); } return PLANESIDE_BACK; } } if( !front && !back ) { delete mid; return PLANESIDE_CROSS; } *front = new idBrush(); ( *front )->SetContents( contents ); ( *front )->SetEntityNum( entityNum ); ( *front )->SetPrimitiveNum( primitiveNum ); *back = new idBrush(); ( *back )->SetContents( contents ); ( *back )->SetEntityNum( entityNum ); ( *back )->SetPrimitiveNum( primitiveNum ); for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { side = sides[i]; if( !side->winding ) { continue; } // if completely at the front if( maxBackWinding[i] >= BRUSH_EPSILON ) { ( *front )->sides.Append( side->Copy() ); } // if completely at the back else if( maxFrontWinding[i] <= -BRUSH_EPSILON ) { ( *back )->sides.Append( side->Copy() ); } else { // split the side side->Split( plane, &frontSide, &backSide ); if( frontSide ) { ( *front )->sides.Append( frontSide ); } else if( maxFrontWinding[i] > -BRUSH_EPSILON ) { // favor an overconstrained brush side = side->Copy(); side->winding = side->winding->Clip( idPlane( plane.Normal(), ( plane.Dist() - ( BRUSH_EPSILON + 0.02f ) ) ), 0.01f, true ); assert( side->winding ); ( *front )->sides.Append( side ); } if( backSide ) { ( *back )->sides.Append( backSide ); } else if( maxBackWinding[i] < BRUSH_EPSILON ) { // favor an overconstrained brush side = side->Copy(); side->winding = side->winding->Clip( idPlane( -plane.Normal(), -( plane.Dist() + ( BRUSH_EPSILON + 0.02f ) ) ), 0.01f, true ); assert( side->winding ); ( *back )->sides.Append( side ); } } } side = new idBrushSide( -plane, planeNum ^ 1 ); side->winding = mid->Reverse(); side->flags |= SFL_SPLIT; ( *front )->sides.Append( side ); ( *front )->windingsValid = true; ( *front )->BoundBrush( this ); side = new idBrushSide( plane, planeNum ); side->winding = mid; side->flags |= SFL_SPLIT; ( *back )->sides.Append( side ); ( *back )->windingsValid = true; ( *back )->BoundBrush( this ); return PLANESIDE_CROSS; } /* ============ idBrush::AddBevelsForAxialBox ============ */ #define BRUSH_BEVEL_EPSILON 0.1f void idBrush::AddBevelsForAxialBox( void ) { int axis, dir, i, j, k, l, order; idBrushSide* side, *newSide; idPlane plane; idVec3 normal, vec; idWinding* w, *w2; float d, minBack; assert( windingsValid ); // add the axial planes order = 0; for( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) { for( dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2, order++ ) { // see if the plane is already present for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { if( dir > 0 ) { if( sides[i]->plane.Normal()[axis] >= 0.9999f ) { break; } } else { if( sides[i]->plane.Normal()[axis] <= -0.9999f ) { break; } } } if( i >= sides.Num() ) { normal = vec3_origin; normal[axis] = dir; plane.SetNormal( normal ); plane.SetDist( dir * bounds[( dir == 1 )][axis] ); newSide = new idBrushSide( plane, -1 ); newSide->SetFlag( SFL_BEVEL ); sides.Append( newSide ); } } } // if the brush is pure axial we're done if( sides.Num() == 6 ) { return; } // test the non-axial plane edges for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { side = sides[i]; w = side->winding; if( !w ) { continue; } for( j = 0; j < w->GetNumPoints(); j++ ) { k = ( j + 1 ) % w->GetNumPoints(); vec = ( *w )[j].ToVec3() - ( *w )[k].ToVec3(); if( vec.Normalize() < 0.5f ) { continue; } for( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) { if( vec[k] == 1.0f || vec[k] == -1.0f || ( vec[k] == 0.0f && vec[( k + 1 ) % 3] == 0.0f ) ) { break; // axial } } if( k < 3 ) { continue; // only test non-axial edges } // try the six possible slanted axials from this edge for( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) { for( dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2 ) { // construct a plane normal = vec3_origin; normal[axis] = dir; normal = vec.Cross( normal ); if( normal.Normalize() < 0.5f ) { continue; } plane.SetNormal( normal ); plane.FitThroughPoint( ( *w )[j].ToVec3() ); // if all the points on all the sides are // behind this plane, it is a proper edge bevel for( k = 0; k < sides.Num(); k++ ) { // if this plane has allready been used, skip it if( plane.Compare( sides[k]->plane, 0.001f, 0.1f ) ) { break; } w2 = sides[k]->winding; if( !w2 ) { continue; } minBack = 0.0f; for( l = 0; l < w2->GetNumPoints(); l++ ) { d = plane.Distance( ( *w2 )[l].ToVec3() ); if( d > BRUSH_BEVEL_EPSILON ) { break; // point at the front } if( d < minBack ) { minBack = d; } } // if some point was at the front if( l < w2->GetNumPoints() ) { break; } // if no points at the back then the winding is on the bevel plane if( minBack > -BRUSH_BEVEL_EPSILON ) { break; } } if( k < sides.Num() ) { continue; // wasn't part of the outer hull } // add this plane newSide = new idBrushSide( plane, -1 ); newSide->SetFlag( SFL_BEVEL ); sides.Append( newSide ); } } } } } /* ============ idBrush::ExpandForAxialBox ============ */ void idBrush::ExpandForAxialBox( const idBounds& bounds ) { int i, j; idBrushSide* side; idVec3 v; AddBevelsForAxialBox(); for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { side = sides[i]; for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { if( side->plane.Normal()[j] > 0.0f ) { v[j] = bounds[0][j]; } else { v[j] = bounds[1][j]; } } side->plane.SetDist( side->plane.Dist() + v * -side->plane.Normal() ); } if( !CreateWindings() ) { common->Error( "idBrush::ExpandForAxialBox: brush %d on entity %d imploded", primitiveNum, entityNum ); } /* // after expansion at least all non bevel sides should have a winding for ( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { side = sides[i]; if ( !side->winding ) { if ( !( side->flags & SFL_BEVEL ) ) { int shit = 1; } } } */ } /* ============ idBrush::Copy ============ */ idBrush* idBrush::Copy( void ) const { int i; idBrush* b; b = new idBrush(); b->entityNum = entityNum; b->primitiveNum = primitiveNum; b->contents = contents; b->windingsValid = windingsValid; b->bounds = bounds; for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ ) { b->sides.Append( sides[i]->Copy() ); } return b; } //=============================================================== // // idBrushList // //=============================================================== /* ============ idBrushList::idBrushList ============ */ idBrushList::idBrushList( void ) { numBrushes = numBrushSides = 0; head = tail = NULL; } /* ============ idBrushList::~idBrushList ============ */ idBrushList::~idBrushList( void ) { } /* ============ idBrushList::GetBounds ============ */ idBounds idBrushList::GetBounds( void ) const { idBounds bounds; idBrush* b; bounds.Clear(); for( b = Head(); b; b = b->Next() ) { bounds += b->GetBounds(); } return bounds; } /* ============ idBrushList::AddToTail ============ */ void idBrushList::AddToTail( idBrush* brush ) { brush->next = NULL; if( tail ) { tail->next = brush; } tail = brush; if( !head ) { head = brush; } numBrushes++; numBrushSides += brush->sides.Num(); } /* ============ idBrushList::AddToTail ============ */ void idBrushList::AddToTail( idBrushList& list ) { idBrush* brush, *next; for( brush = list.head; brush; brush = next ) { next = brush->next; brush->next = NULL; if( tail ) { tail->next = brush; } tail = brush; if( !head ) { head = brush; } numBrushes++; numBrushSides += brush->sides.Num(); } list.head = list.tail = NULL; list.numBrushes = 0; } /* ============ idBrushList::AddToFront ============ */ void idBrushList::AddToFront( idBrush* brush ) { brush->next = head; head = brush; if( !tail ) { tail = brush; } numBrushes++; numBrushSides += brush->sides.Num(); } /* ============ idBrushList::AddToFront ============ */ void idBrushList::AddToFront( idBrushList& list ) { idBrush* brush, *next; for( brush = list.head; brush; brush = next ) { next = brush->next; brush->next = head; head = brush; if( !tail ) { tail = brush; } numBrushes++; numBrushSides += brush->sides.Num(); } list.head = list.tail = NULL; list.numBrushes = 0; } /* ============ idBrushList::Remove ============ */ void idBrushList::Remove( idBrush* brush ) { idBrush* b, *last; last = NULL; for( b = head; b; b = b->next ) { if( b == brush ) { if( last ) { last->next = b->next; } else { head = b->next; } if( b == tail ) { tail = last; } numBrushes--; numBrushSides -= brush->sides.Num(); return; } last = b; } } /* ============ idBrushList::Delete ============ */ void idBrushList::Delete( idBrush* brush ) { idBrush* b, *last; last = NULL; for( b = head; b; b = b->next ) { if( b == brush ) { if( last ) { last->next = b->next; } else { head = b->next; } if( b == tail ) { tail = last; } numBrushes--; numBrushSides -= b->sides.Num(); delete b; return; } last = b; } } /* ============ idBrushList::Copy ============ */ idBrushList* idBrushList::Copy( void ) const { idBrush* brush; idBrushList* list; list = new idBrushList; for( brush = head; brush; brush = brush->next ) { list->AddToTail( brush->Copy() ); } return list; } /* ============ idBrushList::Free ============ */ void idBrushList::Free( void ) { idBrush* brush, *next; for( brush = head; brush; brush = next ) { next = brush->next; delete brush; } head = tail = NULL; numBrushes = numBrushSides = 0; } /* ============ idBrushList::Split ============ */ void idBrushList::Split( const idPlane& plane, int planeNum, idBrushList& frontList, idBrushList& backList, bool useBrushSavedPlaneSide ) { idBrush* b, *front, *back; frontList.Clear(); backList.Clear(); if( !useBrushSavedPlaneSide ) { for( b = head; b; b = b->next ) { b->Split( plane, planeNum, &front, &back ); if( front ) { frontList.AddToTail( front ); } if( back ) { backList.AddToTail( back ); } } return; } for( b = head; b; b = b->next ) { if( b->savedPlaneSide & BRUSH_PLANESIDE_BOTH ) { b->Split( plane, planeNum, &front, &back ); if( front ) { frontList.AddToTail( front ); } if( back ) { backList.AddToTail( back ); } } else if( b->savedPlaneSide & BRUSH_PLANESIDE_FRONT ) { frontList.AddToTail( b->Copy() ); } else { backList.AddToTail( b->Copy() ); } } } /* ============ idBrushList::Chop ============ */ void idBrushList::Chop( bool ( *ChopAllowed )( idBrush* b1, idBrush* b2 ) ) { idBrush* b1, *b2, *next; idBrushList sub1, sub2, keep; int i, j, c1, c2; idPlaneSet planeList; #ifdef OUTPUT_CHOP_STATS common->Printf( "[Brush CSG]\n" ); common->Printf( "%6d original brushes\n", this->Num() ); #endif CreatePlaneList( planeList ); for( b1 = this->Head(); b1; b1 = this->Head() ) { for( b2 = b1->next; b2; b2 = next ) { next = b2->next; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( b1->bounds[0][i] >= b2->bounds[1][i] ) { break; } if( b1->bounds[1][i] <= b2->bounds[0][i] ) { break; } } if( i < 3 ) { continue; } for( i = 0; i < b1->GetNumSides(); i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < b2->GetNumSides(); j++ ) { if( b1->GetSide( i )->GetPlaneNum() == ( b2->GetSide( j )->GetPlaneNum() ^ 1 ) ) { // opposite planes, so not touching break; } } if( j < b2->GetNumSides() ) { break; } } if( i < b1->GetNumSides() ) { continue; } sub1.Clear(); sub2.Clear(); c1 = 999999; c2 = 999999; // if b2 may chop up b1 if( !ChopAllowed || ChopAllowed( b2, b1 ) ) { if( !b1->Subtract( b2, sub1 ) ) { // didn't really intersect continue; } if( sub1.IsEmpty() ) { // b1 is swallowed by b2 this->Delete( b1 ); break; } c1 = sub1.Num(); } // if b1 may chop up b2 if( !ChopAllowed || ChopAllowed( b1, b2 ) ) { if( !b2->Subtract( b1, sub2 ) ) { // didn't really intersect continue; } if( sub2.IsEmpty() ) { // b2 is swallowed by b1 sub1.Free(); this->Delete( b2 ); continue; } c2 = sub2.Num(); } if( sub1.IsEmpty() && sub2.IsEmpty() ) { continue; } // don't allow too much fragmentation if( c1 > 2 && c2 > 2 ) { sub1.Free(); sub2.Free(); continue; } if( c1 < c2 ) { sub2.Free(); this->AddToTail( sub1 ); this->Delete( b1 ); break; } else { sub1.Free(); this->AddToTail( sub2 ); this->Delete( b2 ); continue; } } if( !b2 ) { // b1 is no longer intersecting anything, so keep it this->Remove( b1 ); keep.AddToTail( b1 ); #ifdef OUTPUT_CHOP_STATS DisplayRealTimeString( "\r%6d", keep.numBrushes ); #endif } } *this = keep; #ifdef OUTPUT_CHOP_STATS common->Printf( "\r%6d output brushes\n", Num() ); #endif } /* ============ idBrushList::Merge ============ */ void idBrushList::Merge( bool ( *MergeAllowed )( idBrush* b1, idBrush* b2 ) ) { idPlaneSet planeList; idBrush* b1, *b2, *nextb2; int numMerges; common->Printf( "[Brush Merge]\n" ); common->Printf( "%6d original brushes\n", Num() ); CreatePlaneList( planeList ); numMerges = 0; for( b1 = Head(); b1; b1 = b1->next ) { for( b2 = Head(); b2; b2 = nextb2 ) { nextb2 = b2->Next(); if( b2 == b1 ) { continue; } if( MergeAllowed && !MergeAllowed( b1, b2 ) ) { continue; } if( b1->TryMerge( b2, planeList ) ) { Delete( b2 ); DisplayRealTimeString( "\r%6d", ++numMerges ); nextb2 = Head(); } } } common->Printf( "\r%6d brushes merged\n", numMerges ); } /* ============ idBrushList::SetFlagOnFacingBrushSides ============ */ void idBrushList::SetFlagOnFacingBrushSides( const idPlane& plane, int flag ) { int i; idBrush* b; const idWinding* w; for( b = head; b; b = b->next ) { if( idMath::Fabs( b->GetBounds().PlaneDistance( plane ) ) > 0.1f ) { continue; } for( i = 0; i < b->GetNumSides(); i++ ) { w = b->GetSide( i )->GetWinding(); if( !w ) { if( b->GetSide( i )->GetPlane().Compare( plane, BRUSH_PLANE_NORMAL_EPSILON, BRUSH_PLANE_DIST_EPSILON ) ) { b->GetSide( i )->SetFlag( flag ); } continue; } if( w->PlaneSide( plane ) == SIDE_ON ) { b->GetSide( i )->SetFlag( flag ); } } } } /* ============ idBrushList::CreatePlaneList ============ */ void idBrushList::CreatePlaneList( idPlaneSet& planeList ) const { int i; idBrush* b; idBrushSide* side; planeList.Resize( 512, 128 ); for( b = Head(); b; b = b->Next() ) { for( i = 0; i < b->GetNumSides(); i++ ) { side = b->GetSide( i ); side->SetPlaneNum( planeList.FindPlane( side->GetPlane(), BRUSH_PLANE_NORMAL_EPSILON, BRUSH_PLANE_DIST_EPSILON ) ); } } } /* ============ idBrushList::CreatePlaneList ============ */ void idBrushList::WriteBrushMap( const idStr& fileName, const idStr& ext ) const { idBrushMap* map; map = new idBrushMap( fileName, ext ); map->WriteBrushList( *this ); delete map; } //=============================================================== // // idBrushMap // //=============================================================== /* ============ idBrushMap::idBrushMap ============ */ idBrushMap::idBrushMap( const idStr& fileName, const idStr& ext ) { idStr qpath; qpath = fileName; qpath.StripFileExtension(); qpath += ext; qpath.SetFileExtension( "map" ); common->Printf( "writing %s...\n", qpath.c_str() ); fp = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_devpath" ); if( !fp ) { common->Error( "Couldn't open %s\n", qpath.c_str() ); return; } texture = "textures/washroom/btile01"; fp->WriteFloatString( "Version %1.2f\n", ( float ) CURRENT_MAP_VERSION ); fp->WriteFloatString( "{\n" ); fp->WriteFloatString( "\"classname\" \"worldspawn\"\n" ); brushCount = 0; } /* ============ idBrushMap::~idBrushMap ============ */ idBrushMap::~idBrushMap( void ) { if( !fp ) { return; } fp->WriteFloatString( "}\n" ); fileSystem->CloseFile( fp ); } /* ============ idBrushMap::WriteBrush ============ */ void idBrushMap::WriteBrush( const idBrush* brush ) { int i; idBrushSide* side; if( !fp ) { return; } fp->WriteFloatString( "// primitive %d\n{\nbrushDef3\n{\n", brushCount++ ); for( i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ ) { side = brush->GetSide( i ); fp->WriteFloatString( " ( %f %f %f %f ) ", side->GetPlane()[0], side->GetPlane()[1], side->GetPlane()[2], -side->GetPlane().Dist() ); fp->WriteFloatString( "( ( 0.031250 0 0 ) ( 0 0.031250 0 ) ) %s 0 0 0\n", texture.c_str() ); } fp->WriteFloatString( "}\n}\n" ); } /* ============ idBrushMap::WriteBrushList ============ */ void idBrushMap::WriteBrushList( const idBrushList& brushList ) { idBrush* b; if( !fp ) { return; } for( b = brushList.Head(); b; b = b->Next() ) { WriteBrush( b ); } }