/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #include "tr_local.h" //#define WRITE_GUIS typedef struct { int version; int sizeofRenderEntity; int sizeofRenderLight; char mapname[256]; } demoHeader_t; /* ============== StartWritingDemo ============== */ void idRenderWorldLocal::StartWritingDemo( idDemoFile* demo ) { int i; // FIXME: we should track the idDemoFile locally, instead of snooping into session for it WriteLoadMap(); // write the door portal state for( i = 0 ; i < numInterAreaPortals ; i++ ) { if( doublePortals[i].blockingBits ) { SetPortalState( i + 1, doublePortals[i].blockingBits ); } } // clear the archive counter on all defs for( i = 0 ; i < lightDefs.Num() ; i++ ) { if( lightDefs[i] ) { lightDefs[i]->archived = false; } } for( i = 0 ; i < entityDefs.Num() ; i++ ) { if( entityDefs[i] ) { entityDefs[i]->archived = false; } } } void idRenderWorldLocal::StopWritingDemo() { // writeDemo = NULL; } /* ============== ProcessDemoCommand ============== */ bool idRenderWorldLocal::ProcessDemoCommand( idDemoFile* readDemo, renderView_t* renderView, int* demoTimeOffset ) { bool newMap = false; if( !readDemo ) { return false; } demoCommand_t dc; qhandle_t h; if( !readDemo->ReadInt( ( int& )dc ) ) { // a demoShot may not have an endFrame, but it is still valid return false; } switch( dc ) { case DC_LOADMAP: // read the initial data demoHeader_t header; readDemo->ReadInt( header.version ); readDemo->ReadInt( header.sizeofRenderEntity ); readDemo->ReadInt( header.sizeofRenderLight ); for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) readDemo->ReadChar( header.mapname[i] ); // the internal version value got replaced by DS_VERSION at toplevel if( header.version != 4 ) { common->Error( "Demo version mismatch.\n" ); } if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_LOADMAP: %s\n", header.mapname ); } InitFromMap( header.mapname ); newMap = true; // we will need to set demoTimeOffset break; case DC_RENDERVIEW: readDemo->ReadInt( renderView->viewID ); readDemo->ReadFloat( renderView->fov_x ); readDemo->ReadFloat( renderView->fov_y ); readDemo->ReadVec3( renderView->vieworg ); readDemo->ReadMat3( renderView->viewaxis ); readDemo->ReadBool( renderView->cramZNear ); readDemo->ReadBool( renderView->forceUpdate ); // binary compatibility with win32 padded structures char tmp; readDemo->ReadChar( tmp ); readDemo->ReadChar( tmp ); readDemo->ReadInt( renderView->time[1] ); for( int i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) readDemo->ReadFloat( renderView->shaderParms[i] ); if( !readDemo->ReadInt( ( int& )renderView->globalMaterial ) ) { return false; } if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_RENDERVIEW: %i\n", renderView->time ); } // possibly change the time offset if this is from a new map if( newMap && demoTimeOffset ) { *demoTimeOffset = renderView->time[1] - eventLoop->Milliseconds(); } return false; case DC_UPDATE_ENTITYDEF: ReadRenderEntity(); break; case DC_DELETE_ENTITYDEF: if( !readDemo->ReadInt( h ) ) { return false; } if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_DELETE_ENTITYDEF: %i\n", h ); } FreeEntityDef( h ); break; case DC_UPDATE_LIGHTDEF: ReadRenderLight(); break; case DC_DELETE_LIGHTDEF: if( !readDemo->ReadInt( h ) ) { return false; } if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_DELETE_LIGHTDEF: %i\n", h ); } FreeLightDef( h ); break; case DC_CAPTURE_RENDER: if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_CAPTURE_RENDER\n" ); } renderSystem->CaptureRenderToImage( readDemo->ReadHashString() ); break; case DC_CROP_RENDER: if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_CROP_RENDER\n" ); } int size[3]; readDemo->ReadInt( size[0] ); readDemo->ReadInt( size[1] ); readDemo->ReadInt( size[2] ); renderSystem->CropRenderSize( size[0], size[1] ); break; case DC_UNCROP_RENDER: if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_UNCROP\n" ); } renderSystem->UnCrop(); break; case DC_GUI_MODEL: if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_GUI_MODEL\n" ); } break; case DC_DEFINE_MODEL: { idRenderModel* model = renderModelManager->AllocModel(); model->ReadFromDemoFile( common->ReadDemo() ); // add to model manager, so we can find it renderModelManager->AddModel( model ); // save it in the list to free when clearing this map localModels.Append( model ); if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_DEFINE_MODEL\n" ); } break; } case DC_SET_PORTAL_STATE: { int data[2]; readDemo->ReadInt( data[0] ); readDemo->ReadInt( data[1] ); SetPortalState( data[0], data[1] ); if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_SET_PORTAL_STATE: %i %i\n", data[0], data[1] ); } } break; case DC_END_FRAME: return true; default: common->Error( "Bad token in demo stream" ); } return false; } /* ================ WriteLoadMap ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::WriteLoadMap() { // only the main renderWorld writes stuff to demos, not the wipes or // menu renders if( this != common->RW() ) { return; } common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DC_LOADMAP ); demoHeader_t header; strncpy( header.mapname, mapName.c_str(), sizeof( header.mapname ) - 1 ); header.version = 4; header.sizeofRenderEntity = sizeof( renderEntity_t ); header.sizeofRenderLight = sizeof( renderLight_t ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( header.version ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( header.sizeofRenderEntity ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( header.sizeofRenderLight ); for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) common->WriteDemo()->WriteChar( header.mapname[i] ); if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_DELETE_LIGHTDEF: %s\n", mapName.c_str() ); } } /* ================ WriteVisibleDefs ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::WriteVisibleDefs( const viewDef_t* viewDef ) { // only the main renderWorld writes stuff to demos, not the wipes or // menu renders if( this != common->RW() ) { return; } // make sure all necessary entities and lights are updated for( viewEntity_t* viewEnt = viewDef->viewEntitys ; viewEnt ; viewEnt = viewEnt->next ) { idRenderEntityLocal* ent = viewEnt->entityDef; if( ent->archived ) { // still up to date continue; } // write it out WriteRenderEntity( ent->index, &ent->parms ); ent->archived = true; } for( viewLight_t* viewLight = viewDef->viewLights ; viewLight ; viewLight = viewLight->next ) { idRenderLightLocal* light = viewLight->lightDef; if( light->archived ) { // still up to date continue; } // write it out WriteRenderLight( light->index, &light->parms ); light->archived = true; } } /* ================ WriteRenderView ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::WriteRenderView( const renderView_t* renderView ) { int i; // only the main renderWorld writes stuff to demos, not the wipes or // menu renders if( this != common->RW() ) { return; } // write the actual view command common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DC_RENDERVIEW ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( renderView->viewID ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteFloat( renderView->fov_x ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteFloat( renderView->fov_y ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( renderView->vieworg ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteMat3( renderView->viewaxis ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( renderView->cramZNear ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( renderView->forceUpdate ); // binary compatibility with old win32 version writing padded structures directly to disk common->WriteDemo()->WriteUnsignedChar( 0 ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteUnsignedChar( 0 ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( renderView->time[1] ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) common->WriteDemo()->WriteFloat( renderView->shaderParms[i] ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )renderView->globalMaterial ); if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_RENDERVIEW: %i\n", renderView->time ); } } /* ================ WriteFreeEntity ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::WriteFreeEntity( qhandle_t handle ) { // only the main renderWorld writes stuff to demos, not the wipes or // menu renders if( this != common->RW() ) { return; } common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DC_DELETE_ENTITYDEF ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( handle ); if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_DELETE_ENTITYDEF: %i\n", handle ); } } /* ================ WriteFreeLightEntity ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::WriteFreeLight( qhandle_t handle ) { // only the main renderWorld writes stuff to demos, not the wipes or // menu renders if( this != common->RW() ) { return; } common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DC_DELETE_LIGHTDEF ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( handle ); if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_DELETE_LIGHTDEF: %i\n", handle ); } } /* ================ WriteRenderLight ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::WriteRenderLight( qhandle_t handle, const renderLight_t* light ) { // only the main renderWorld writes stuff to demos, not the wipes or // menu renders if( this != common->RW() ) { return; } common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DC_UPDATE_LIGHTDEF ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( handle ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteMat3( light->axis ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( light->origin ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( light->suppressLightInViewID ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( light->allowLightInViewID ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( light->noShadows ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( light->noSpecular ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( light->pointLight ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( light->parallel ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( light->lightRadius ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( light->lightCenter ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( light->target ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( light->right ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( light->up ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( light->start ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( light->end ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )light->prelightModel ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( light->lightId ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )light->shader ); for( int i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) common->WriteDemo()->WriteFloat( light->shaderParms[i] ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )light->referenceSound ); if( light->prelightModel ) { common->WriteDemo()->WriteHashString( light->prelightModel->Name() ); } if( light->shader ) { common->WriteDemo()->WriteHashString( light->shader->GetName() ); } if( light->referenceSound ) { int index = light->referenceSound->Index(); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( index ); } if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_UPDATE_LIGHTDEF: %i\n", handle ); } } /* ================ ReadRenderLight ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::ReadRenderLight( ) { renderLight_t light; int index; common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( index ); if( index < 0 ) { common->Error( "ReadRenderLight: index < 0 " ); } common->ReadDemo()->ReadMat3( light.axis ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( light.origin ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( light.suppressLightInViewID ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( light.allowLightInViewID ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadBool( light.noShadows ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadBool( light.noSpecular ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadBool( light.pointLight ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadBool( light.parallel ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( light.lightRadius ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( light.lightCenter ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( light.target ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( light.right ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( light.up ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( light.start ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( light.end ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )light.prelightModel ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( light.lightId ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )light.shader ); for( int i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) common->ReadDemo()->ReadFloat( light.shaderParms[i] ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )light.referenceSound ); if( light.prelightModel ) { light.prelightModel = renderModelManager->FindModel( common->ReadDemo()->ReadHashString() ); } if( light.shader ) { light.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( common->ReadDemo()->ReadHashString() ); } if( light.referenceSound ) { int index; common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( index ); light.referenceSound = common->SW()->EmitterForIndex( index ); } UpdateLightDef( index, &light ); if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_UPDATE_LIGHTDEF: %i\n", index ); } } /* ================ WriteRenderEntity ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::WriteRenderEntity( qhandle_t handle, const renderEntity_t* ent ) { // only the main renderWorld writes stuff to demos, not the wipes or // menu renders if( this != common->RW() ) { return; } common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( DC_UPDATE_ENTITYDEF ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( handle ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->hModel ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->entityNum ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->bodyId ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( ent->bounds[0] ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( ent->bounds[1] ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->callback ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->callbackData ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->suppressSurfaceInViewID ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->suppressShadowInViewID ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->suppressShadowInLightID ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->allowSurfaceInViewID ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteVec3( ent->origin ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteMat3( ent->axis ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->customShader ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->referenceShader ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->customSkin ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->referenceSound ); for( int i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) common->WriteDemo()->WriteFloat( ent->shaderParms[i] ); for( int i = 0; i < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI; i++ ) common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->gui[i] ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->remoteRenderView ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->numJoints ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ( int& )ent->joints ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteFloat( ent->modelDepthHack ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( ent->noSelfShadow ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( ent->noShadow ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( ent->noDynamicInteractions ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteBool( ent->weaponDepthHack ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->forceUpdate ); if( ent->customShader ) { common->WriteDemo()->WriteHashString( ent->customShader->GetName() ); } if( ent->customSkin ) { common->WriteDemo()->WriteHashString( ent->customSkin->GetName() ); } if( ent->hModel ) { common->WriteDemo()->WriteHashString( ent->hModel->Name() ); } if( ent->referenceShader ) { common->WriteDemo()->WriteHashString( ent->referenceShader->GetName() ); } if( ent->referenceSound ) { int index = ent->referenceSound->Index(); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( index ); } if( ent->numJoints ) { for( int i = 0; i < ent->numJoints; i++ ) { float* data = ent->joints[i].ToFloatPtr(); for( int j = 0; j < 12; ++j ) common->WriteDemo()->WriteFloat( data[j] ); } } /* if ( ent->decals ) { ent->decals->WriteToDemoFile( common->ReadDemo() ); } if ( ent->overlays ) { ent->overlays->WriteToDemoFile( common->WriteDemo() ); } */ #ifdef WRITE_GUIS if( ent->gui ) { ent->gui->WriteToDemoFile( common->WriteDemo() ); } if( ent->gui2 ) { ent->gui2->WriteToDemoFile( common->WriteDemo() ); } if( ent->gui3 ) { ent->gui3->WriteToDemoFile( common->WriteDemo() ); } #endif // RENDERDEMO_VERSION >= 2 ( Doom3 1.2 ) common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->timeGroup ); common->WriteDemo()->WriteInt( ent->xrayIndex ); if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_UPDATE_ENTITYDEF: %i = %s\n", handle, ent->hModel ? ent->hModel->Name() : "NULL" ); } } /* ================ ReadRenderEntity ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::ReadRenderEntity() { renderEntity_t ent; int index, i; common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( index ); if( index < 0 ) { common->Error( "ReadRenderEntity: index < 0" ); } common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.hModel ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.entityNum ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.bodyId ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( ent.bounds[0] ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( ent.bounds[1] ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.callback ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.callbackData ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.suppressSurfaceInViewID ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.suppressShadowInViewID ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.suppressShadowInLightID ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.allowSurfaceInViewID ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadVec3( ent.origin ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadMat3( ent.axis ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.customShader ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.referenceShader ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.customSkin ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.referenceSound ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) { common->ReadDemo()->ReadFloat( ent.shaderParms[i] ); } for( i = 0; i < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI; i++ ) { common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.gui[i] ); } common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.remoteRenderView ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.numJoints ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ( int& )ent.joints ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadFloat( ent.modelDepthHack ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadBool( ent.noSelfShadow ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadBool( ent.noShadow ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadBool( ent.noDynamicInteractions ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadBool( ent.weaponDepthHack ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.forceUpdate ); ent.callback = NULL; if( ent.customShader ) { ent.customShader = declManager->FindMaterial( common->ReadDemo()->ReadHashString() ); } if( ent.customSkin ) { ent.customSkin = declManager->FindSkin( common->ReadDemo()->ReadHashString() ); } if( ent.hModel ) { ent.hModel = renderModelManager->FindModel( common->ReadDemo()->ReadHashString() ); } if( ent.referenceShader ) { ent.referenceShader = declManager->FindMaterial( common->ReadDemo()->ReadHashString() ); } if( ent.referenceSound ) { int index; common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( index ); ent.referenceSound = common->SW()->EmitterForIndex( index ); } if( ent.numJoints ) { ent.joints = ( idJointMat* )Mem_Alloc16( SIMD_ROUND_JOINTS( ent.numJoints ) * sizeof( ent.joints[0] ), TAG_JOINTMAT ); for( int i = 0; i < ent.numJoints; i++ ) { float* data = ent.joints[i].ToFloatPtr(); for( int j = 0; j < 12; ++j ) { common->ReadDemo()->ReadFloat( data[j] ); } } SIMD_INIT_LAST_JOINT( ent.joints, ent.numJoints ); } ent.callbackData = NULL; /* if ( ent.decals ) { ent.decals = idRenderModelDecal::Alloc(); ent.decals->ReadFromDemoFile( common->ReadDemo() ); } if ( ent.overlays ) { ent.overlays = idRenderModelOverlay::Alloc(); ent.overlays->ReadFromDemoFile( common->ReadDemo() ); } */ for( i = 0; i < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI; i++ ) { if( ent.gui[ i ] ) { ent.gui[ i ] = uiManager->Alloc(); #ifdef WRITE_GUIS ent.gui[ i ]->ReadFromDemoFile( common->ReadDemo() ); #endif } } common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.timeGroup ); common->ReadDemo()->ReadInt( ent.xrayIndex ); UpdateEntityDef( index, &ent ); if( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "DC_UPDATE_ENTITYDEF: %i = %s\n", index, ent.hModel ? ent.hModel->Name() : "NULL" ); } }