This uses the registry unfortunately, but is fairly clean.
This will check the Steam App ID first, then the Steam install path, then finally will check the App ID.
* Renamed vkwindow to sdlWindow in struct vulkanContext_t to matche the rest of the struct naming conventions.
* disabled printing "Vulkan Image alloc " to the terminal, flooding it
with data
* Re-enabled r_vkEnableValidationLayers enabling/disabling Vulkan
validation checking, I had it hard-coded to true for testing reasons.
* static void DestroySwapChain():
* I don't know if the changes I introduced here are helping or not,
or even doing anything, so this part can be ignored or changed back.
* GL_StartFrame() and GL_BlockingSwapBuffers():
* VkResult for these two functions, vkAcquireNextImageKHR and
vkQueuePresentKHR, don't need to return VK_SUCCESS for the
application to be valid, so handle them differently here. There may
be others like this, but I don't know.
* Since VK_USE_PLATFORM_* is defined in the CMakeLists.txt file, for
now anyways, use them to wrap the correct platform headers instead of
defining them here.
* Some debug printing changes, from GL to Vulkan, since this is for
the Vulkan API.
a temp fix for the surfaces having a width and height of 0 since
renderSystem->getHeight()/getWidth() access
glConfig.nativeResolutionHeight/Width directly.
The SDL backend now creates SE_MOUSE_LEAVE events when the mouse leaves
the window (both SDL1.2 and SDL2). For some reason, both the SWF GUI
backend and CEGUI are interested in this.
Mostly necessary because SDL doesn't properly return mouse buttons X1/X2
on Linux/X11, see
Not sure if this is possible with Windows, DIMOFS_BUTTON7 seems to be
the highest constant there.
Also passing sdlevent.wheel.y directly as scroll delta