Using a double to try to obtain cpufrequency in OSX seems to not produce anything useful (integer representation in a double). Using int64 seems to work.
This uses the registry unfortunately, but is fairly clean.
This will check the Steam App ID first, then the Steam install path, then finally will check the App ID.
* Renamed vkwindow to sdlWindow in struct vulkanContext_t to matche the rest of the struct naming conventions.
* disabled printing "Vulkan Image alloc " to the terminal, flooding it
with data
* Re-enabled r_vkEnableValidationLayers enabling/disabling Vulkan
validation checking, I had it hard-coded to true for testing reasons.
* static void DestroySwapChain():
* I don't know if the changes I introduced here are helping or not,
or even doing anything, so this part can be ignored or changed back.
* GL_StartFrame() and GL_BlockingSwapBuffers():
* VkResult for these two functions, vkAcquireNextImageKHR and
vkQueuePresentKHR, don't need to return VK_SUCCESS for the
application to be valid, so handle them differently here. There may
be others like this, but I don't know.
* Since VK_USE_PLATFORM_* is defined in the CMakeLists.txt file, for
now anyways, use them to wrap the correct platform headers instead of
defining them here.
* Some debug printing changes, from GL to Vulkan, since this is for
the Vulkan API.
a temp fix for the surfaces having a width and height of 0 since
renderSystem->getHeight()/getWidth() access
glConfig.nativeResolutionHeight/Width directly.
The SDL backend now creates SE_MOUSE_LEAVE events when the mouse leaves
the window (both SDL1.2 and SDL2). For some reason, both the SWF GUI
backend and CEGUI are interested in this.
Mostly necessary because SDL doesn't properly return mouse buttons X1/X2
on Linux/X11, see
Not sure if this is possible with Windows, DIMOFS_BUTTON7 seems to be
the highest constant there.
Also passing sdlevent.wheel.y directly as scroll delta
The d3bfg internal SE_CHAR events were documented as "evValue is an
ascii char", but are actually at least UTF-16, as returned by
Windows WM_CHAR events.
We now assume it's UTF-32 (UTF-16 has the same values mostly)
and the SDL backend now puts UTF-32 chars into SE_CHAR events.
In the Windows backend I make sure that no surrogate UTF-16 chars are
emitted + I added support for WM_UNICODE messages.
Now I can input Ümläuts intö the conßole window \o/
* renamed res_none to no_more_events, because that's what the
caller assumes when getting that event
* don't return res_none on unhandled events, instead get the next event
until there is a handled event or no more events
(=> if -> while, return res_none -> continue)
* Mapping to Doom3 keynum handled differently for SDL1 vs SDL2, see below
For SDL2 we don't use SDL_KeyToDoom3Key on the keysym anymore, but map
the SDL2 scancode to Doom3/Direct-Input scancodes instead (the keynum_t
K_* constants are really used as scancodes!).
This mapping is done in sdl2_scancode_mappings.h scancodeToKeyNum[].
In sdl_events.cpp there are static SDLScanCodeToKeyNum() and
KeyNumToSDLScanCode() functions that use this scancodeToKeyNum[] array.
Sys_GetKeyName() now does something sensible for SDL2 by using
This is also used to implement idKeyInput::LocalizedKeyName() for SDL-targets
(for SDL1.2 the behavior doesn't change much, though, as it doesn't have
consistent scancodes - Sys_GetKeyName() will just return NULL and
idKeyInput::LocalizedKeyName() will fall back to the old default)
turns out that both d3bfg and cegui use direct input scancode numbers
to represent keys internally.. now isn't that fucking convenient!
d3bfg was missing some, though, so I added them
strdup() and free() aren't really the right tool if the size of the
buffer is known anyway (and quite small, currently 32 chars)
while at it, I renamed s and s_pos to str and str_pos for better
* Tested in Linux with both XBox360 wireless and Logitech F710 gamepads.
Should work with any XBox gamepad clone wired/wireless.
* Works well using SDL 1.2 or SDL 2.0
* SDL scan values are currently hard-coded. Note sure how to implement
remapping at the moment (config file, GUI, ...).
For some reason SDL.h (or headers included by it) need some
string functions (like strncmp) in inline-functions (that we
don't even use).
Str.h has #defines preventing their usage.. so #undef those in
the (few) sourcefiles that need SDL headers
All these files were almost identical, so there is no good reason to
have them twice..
and change CMakeLists.txt accordingly
(Not that this commit won't compile because some #includes are still
broken - will be fixed in the next one)
win_net.cpp and posix_net.cpp were almost identical, i.e. caused a lot
of duplicated code.
To get rid of that, unify both files - by adding Winsock support to
posix_net.cpp and, in the next step, moving posix_net.cpp to sys/common/
and removing win_net.cpp
the connect commands supports adding the port with ":"
like "connect" - if no port is set, it defaults to 27015
net_port is still used as the port to listen on and to send from.
In the current case (only "direct" lobby backend, i.e. connect to a
server directly), lobby and game are always on the same server anyway..
It used to send the IP of the first network interface.. that kinda works
on Windows and FreeBSD in LANs (i.e. not over the internet or even
behind a NAT), but not at all on Linux, because the first device seems
to be the loopback device there (at least on my machine)..
Now it sends net_ip (so it should even work behind NAT) or, if net_ip is
set to "localhost" (the default), is sent, which the client
interprets as "just use the IP of the lobby you're already connected to"
And suddenly hosting a server on linux works at least locally
(with client and server on the same machine).
Even though there are still strange bugs (massive lags in one
direction, doesn't work in LAN), at least it works at all now.
* idSysSignal::Wait should now handle timeouts > 1s better (or at all)
* Use clock_gettime for Sys_Milliseconds()
that's not available) for Sys_Milliseconds() and Sys_Microseconds()
CLOCK_MONOTONIC can behave strange when NTP is used
* Small fixes in Sys_Microseconds(): use 64bit int to store time
(like return type...), divide by 1000 (not 1000000) for nsec=>musec
D3BFG gets the username from Steam, in the GPL release it just
uses the hostname.
Now it's possible to set a custom name with the ui_name CVAR
(like in classic doom3). If ui_name is empty ("") the hostname
is used.
The window losing focus in MP resulted in the console being spammed
with "changing com_pause not allowed in Multi Player" (or similar)
messages. Added CVAR_NOCHEAT flag to com_pause to get rid of that.
It now works on Linux so executing it doesn't freeze the game
like described in
Furthermore, this function doesn't have any parameters anymore
(on any platform) because the only thing supplied was the original
program arguments +"+set com_skipIntroVideos 1" anyway - this is now
done in Sys_ReLaunch() (also on Windows).
Having the program arguments as one string is bad on Linux/POSIX
because there it's expected that the program arguments are one
C-string per argument.
A lot of keys (especially keys not available on US keyboards) just weren't
supported for console input with SDL1.2 (SDL2 uses a different mechanism for
This is fixed now by reordering a few lines in sdl_events.cpp
Please note that still only ASCII characters are supported and those keys
still can not be used in bindings - only for text input!
Turned out that as "extension" (which is really more like a pattern
that matches the whole file) was even used with patterns like "*.*"
so we do proper matching using fnmatch() now - which is even easier
than the old way.
Now deleting savegames on POSIX works.
If the window loses focus com_pause is set to 1, when it regains focus
it's set to 0.
The behaviour on Win32 stayed the same (the implementation is less
hacky though) and Linux now matchces that.
In Sys_ListFiles() the extension was abused to match whole
filenames (of savegames), not just their extensions - that
didn't work with the POSIX backend, now it does.
Sys_ListFiles() now also supports "*" as a wildcard that matches
all files - needed for deleting savegames.
However, things like "bl*" or "*ub" don't work.
While at it, I replaced readdir() with the thread-safe readdir_r()
* add define for SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE - seems like only SDL2
has names for the values
* add some missing keys to SDL_KeyToDoom3Key
* add scancode to unmapped-key warning
* backspace needs to be handled the same for SDL1 as in SDL2
(i.e. a new event must be created for it) to work in console
* Add support for Console-Key independently of KB Layout (with scancode)
* add support for TAB key
* Add hack so console is empty after opening it (SDL-only)