The shipped one has some issues e.g with multiarch support and
breaks there. Newer SDL2 (>= 2.0.4) ships a cmake file which
can be works.
So the downside is that SDL2 version needs to be at least 2.0.4.
(This is only a SDL2 issue, SDL1 is not affected.)
* Renamed vkwindow to sdlWindow in struct vulkanContext_t to matche the rest of the struct naming conventions.
* disabled printing "Vulkan Image alloc " to the terminal, flooding it
with data
* Re-enabled r_vkEnableValidationLayers enabling/disabling Vulkan
validation checking, I had it hard-coded to true for testing reasons.
* static void DestroySwapChain():
* I don't know if the changes I introduced here are helping or not,
or even doing anything, so this part can be ignored or changed back.
* GL_StartFrame() and GL_BlockingSwapBuffers():
* VkResult for these two functions, vkAcquireNextImageKHR and
vkQueuePresentKHR, don't need to return VK_SUCCESS for the
application to be valid, so handle them differently here. There may
be others like this, but I don't know.
* Since VK_USE_PLATFORM_* is defined in the CMakeLists.txt file, for
now anyways, use them to wrap the correct platform headers instead of
defining them here.
* Some debug printing changes, from GL to Vulkan, since this is for
the Vulkan API.
* Added defining VK_USE_PLATFORM_* during CMake configuration, one for
windows and one for UNIX
* Fixed a case issue when adding Vulkans include directory
a temp fix for the surfaces having a width and height of 0 since
renderSystem->getHeight()/getWidth() access
glConfig.nativeResolutionHeight/Width directly.
* setting the c++ standard via add_compile_options caused the setting
to bleed into the C code, which caused clang to error out the cmake
configuration, so switched to setting it with CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD.
Some miscellaneous spacking.
neo/CMakeLists.txt :
* Added missing -std=c++${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD} to the precompiled header
compile flags since the precompiled header process was custom and
using CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD didn't set it automatically.