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synced 2025-03-15 07:00:58 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into vkdoom3-merge
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 467 additions and 13 deletions
@ -81,9 +81,11 @@ covered by the original EULA and must be obeyed as usual.
You must patch the game to the latest version.
Note that Doom 3 BFG Edition is available from the Steam store at
You can purchase Doom 3 BFG Edition from GOG (DRM Free):
Or the game can be purchased from Steam (with DRM):
@ -214,11 +216,11 @@ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 3 BFG Edition\ directory and
The following instructions are primarily intented for Linux users and all hackers on other operating systems.
To play the game, you need the game data from a legal copy of the game, which
unfortunately requires Steam for Windows - Steam for Linux or OSX won't do, because
(at least currently) the Doom 3 BFG game is only installable on Steam for Windows.
Even the DVD version of Doom 3 BFG only contains encrytped data that is decoded
by Steam on install.
To play the game, you need the game data from a legal copy of the game.
Currently this requires a Windows installer, whether that be the GOG installer or by using Steam for Windows.
Note: the original DVD release of Doom 3 BFG contains encrypted data that is decoded by Steam on install.
On Linux and OSX the easiest way to install is with SteamCMD: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD
See the description on https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Linux (OS X is directly below that) on how to install SteamCMD on your system. You won't have to create a new user.
@ -233,6 +235,29 @@ That number is the "AppID" of Doom 3 BFG; if you wanna use this to get the data
NOTE that we've previously recommended using download_depot in the Steam console to install the game data. That turned out to be unreliable and result in broken, unusable game data. So use SteamCMD instead, as described above.
Alternatively with the GOG installer, you can use Wine to install the game. See https://winehq.org/download for details on how to install wine for Linux and Mac.
Once Wine is installed and configured on your system install Doom 3 BFG edition using the downloaded installers from gog.com:
> wine setup_doom_3_bfg_1.14_\(13452\)_\(g\).exe
(there will be several .exe files from GOG, make sure all of them are in the same directory)
Once this is complete, by default you can find your Doom 3 BFG "base/" directory at ".wine/drive_c/GOG\ Games/DOOM\ 3\ BFG/base".
Note that you may want to add the following line to the bottom of the default.cfg in whatever "base/" directory you use:
> set sys_lang "english"
This will ensure the game and its menus are in english and don't default to something else. Alternatives include:
set sys_lang "english"
set sys_lang "french"
set sys_lang "german"
set sys_lang "italian"
set sys_lang "japanese"
set sys_lang "spanish"
1. Install Doom 3 BFG in Steam (Windows version) or SteamCMD, make sure it's getting
@ -240,10 +265,10 @@ Anyway:
2. Create your own Doom 3 BFG directory, e.g. /path/to/Doom3BFG/
3. Copy the game-data's base dir from Steam to that directory
3. Copy the game-data's base dir from Steam or GOG to that directory
(e.g. /path/to/Doom3BFG/), it's in
/your/path/to/Steam/steamapps/common/DOOM 3 BFG Edition/base/
or, if you used SteamCMD, in the path you used above.
or, if you used SteamCMD or GOG installer with Wine, in the path you used above.
4. Copy your RBDoom3BFG executable that you created in 5) or 6) and the FFmpeg DLLs to your own
Doom 3 BFG directory (/path/to/Doom3BFG).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
# RB: My intention of this script is to provide it as a backup before it gets lost.
# Feel free to experiment with it and to load the id Tech 4.x Flash guis into Blender without animation
import json, sys, bpy
import mathutils
import time
import os
from decimal import *
from math import *
jsonfilename = "G:\\Projects\\RBDOOM-3-BFG\\base\\exported\\swf\\shell.json"
basepath = "G:\\Projects\\RBDOOM-3-BFG\\base\\"
start = time.time()
data = json.loads( open( jsonfilename ).read() )
end = time.time()
print( "loading {0} took {1} seconds".format( jsonfilename, ( end - start ) ) )
scene = bpy.context.scene
#[ %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f ]", m.xx, m.yy, m.xy, m.yx, m.tx, m.ty
def transform_by_stylematrix( m, uv ):
return ( ( uv[0] * m[0] ) + ( uv[1] * m[2] ) + m[4], ( uv[1] * m[1] ) + ( uv[0] * m[3] ) + m[5] )
def inverse_stylematrix( m ):
inverse = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
det = ( ( m[0] * m[1] ) - ( m[2] * m[3] ) )
#if( idMath::Fabs( det ) < idMath::FLT_SMALLEST_NON_DENORMAL )
# return *this;
invDet = 1.0 / det
inverse[0] = invDet * m[1]
inverse[3] = invDet * -m[3]
inverse[2] = invDet * -m[2]
inverse[1] = invDet * m[0]
#inverse.tx = invDet * ( xy * ty ) - ( yy * tx );
#inverse.ty = invDet * ( yx * tx ) - ( xx * ty );
return inverse
def convert_flash_object( entry ):
#print( entry["type"] )
origin = ( 0, 0, 0 )
characterID = entry["characterID"]
characterIDStr = "characterID.{0}".format( entry["characterID"] )
#print( "processing characterID {0} = {1}".format( characterID, entry["type"] ) )
if entry["type"] == "IMAGE":
imgfile = entry["imageFile"]
imgfilename = os.path.normpath( basepath + imgfile )
width = entry["width"]
height = entry["height"]
if os.path.exists( imgfilename ):
print( "found " + imgfilename )
# create material
bmat = None
if characterIDStr in bpy.data.materials:
bmat = bpy.data.materials[ characterIDStr ]
bmat = bpy.data.materials.new( characterIDStr )
bmat.preview_render_type = 'FLAT'
bmat.use_shadeless = True
bmat.use_transparency = True
bmat.alpha = 0
bmattex = bmat.texture_slots.add()
bmattex.use_map_alpha = True
# create image and assign to material
image = None
if characterIDStr in bpy.data.images:
image = bpy.data.images[ characterIDStr ]
image = bpy.data.images.load( imgfilename )
image.use_alpha = True
btex = None
if characterIDStr in bpy.data.textures:
btex = bpy.data.textures[ characterIDStr ]
btex = bpy.data.textures.new( characterIDStr, type = 'IMAGE' )
btex.image = image
bmattex.texture = btex
bmattex.texture_coords = 'UV'
bmattex.mapping = 'FLAT'
if entry["type"] == "SHAPE":
if "startBounds" in entry:
startBounds = entry["startBounds"]
origin = ( startBounds[0], startBounds[1], 0 )
meName = "shape.{0}".format( characterID )
me = bpy.data.meshes.new( meName )
ob = bpy.data.objects.new( meName, me )
ob.location = origin
#ob.show_name = True
# give object unique characterID so any sprite can reference it
ob["characterID"] = characterID
# link object to scene and make active
scene.objects.link( ob )
scene.objects.active = ob
ob.select = True
bpy.ops.group.create( name = characterIDStr )
group = bpy.data.groups[ characterIDStr ]
group["characterID"] = characterID
#for i in range( len( entry["fillDraws"] ) ):
# fillDraw = entry["fillDraws"][i]
#if len( entry["fillDraws"] ) > 1:
# error
# build basic mesh from all fillDraws and assign different materials to the faces
verts = []
faces = []
numverts = 0
if "fillDraws" in entry:
for fillDraw in entry["fillDraws"]:
if "startVerts" not in fillDraw:
# convert triangles to faces
indices = fillDraw["indices"]
for i in range( 0, len( indices ), 3 ):
faces.append( ( numverts + indices[i], numverts + indices[i+1], numverts + indices[i+2] ) )
fillDraw["firstVert"] = numverts
for v in fillDraw["startVerts"]:
verts.append( ( v["v"][0], v["v"][1], 0.0 ) )
numverts += 1
if "lineDraws" in entry:
print( "characterID {0} = {1} has lineDraws".format( characterID, entry["type"] ) )
for lineDraw in entry["lineDraws"]:
if "startVerts" not in lineDraw:
# convert triangles to faces
indices = lineDraw["indices"]
for i in range( 0, len( indices ), 3 ):
faces.append( ( numverts + indices[i], numverts + indices[i+1], numverts + indices[i+2] ) )
lineDraw["firstVert"] = numverts
for v in lineDraw["startVerts"]:
verts.append( ( v["v"][0], v["v"][1], 0.0 ) )
numverts += 1
me.from_pydata( verts, [], faces )
#bpy.ops.mesh.quads_convert_to_tris( quad_method = 'BEAUTY', ngon_method = 'BEAUTY' )
# create uv map
if "fillDraws" in entry:
#for fillDraw in entry["fillDraws"]:
for i in range( len( entry["fillDraws"] ) ):
fillDraw = entry["fillDraws"][i]
if fillDraw["style"]["type"] == "bitmap":
bitmapID = fillDraw["style"]["bitmapID"]
if bitmapID == 65535:
stylematrix = inverse_stylematrix( fillDraw["style"]["startMatrix"] )
# build uv coords
#firstVert = fillDraw["firstVert"]
# FIXME only calculate UVs vertices of this bitmap
for i in range( len( me.vertices ) ):
v = me.vertices[i]
width = startBounds[2] - startBounds[0]
height = startBounds[3] - startBounds[1]
uv = ( ( ( v.co[0] - startBounds[0] ) * ( 1.0 / width ) * 1.0 ) , ( v.co[1] - startBounds[1] ) * ( 1.0 / height ) * 1.0 )
uv = ( 1.0 - uv[0], uv[1] )
me.uv_layers[0].data[i].uv = uv
#uv = ( v.co[0] * ( 1.0 / startBounds["width"] ) * 20.0 , v.co[1] * ( 1.0 / startBounds["height"] ) * 20.0 )
#uv = ( 1.0 - uv[0], uv[1] )
#me.uv_layers[0].data[i].uv = transform_by_stylematrix( stylematrix, uv )
if characterID == 135:
print( "v = ({0},{1}) uv = ({2},{3})".format( v.co[0], v.co[1], uv[0], uv[1] ) )
# assign bitmap
bitmap = "characterID.{0}".format( bitmapID )
if bitmap not in me.materials:
bitmapmat = bpy.data.materials[ "characterID.{0}".format( bitmapID ) ]
me.materials.append( bitmapmat )
if fillDraw["style"]["type"] == "solid":
startColor = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
if "startColor" in fillDraw["style"]:
startColor = fillDraw["style"]["startColor"]
solidmat = bpy.data.materials.new( "shape.{0}.fillDraw.{1}".format( characterID, i ) )
solidmat.preview_render_type = 'FLAT'
solidmat.use_shadeless = True
solidmat.use_transparency = True
solidmat.diffuse_color = ( startColor[0], startColor[1], startColor[2] )
solidmat.alpha = startColor[3]
me.materials.append( solidmat )
if entry["type"] == "SPRITE":
sprite = bpy.context.object
if "mainsprite" in entry:
sprite.name = "mainsprite"
sprite.show_name = True
sprite.name = "sprite.{0}".format( characterID )
sprite["characterID"] = characterID
bpy.ops.group.create( name = characterIDStr )
spriteGroup = bpy.data.groups[ characterIDStr ]
spriteGroup["characterID"] = characterID
#sprite.select = True
#scene.objects.active = ob
for command in entry["commands"]:
if command["type"] == "Tag_PlaceObject2":
if "characterID" in command:
targetID = command["characterID"]
# instantiate target
bpy.ops.object.select_all( action = 'DESELECT' )
#print( bpy.context.selected_objects )
#print( "searching targetID ", targetID )
target = None
for group in bpy.data.groups:
if "characterID" in group and group["characterID"] == targetID:
target = group
if target == None:
print( "missed target ", targetID )
if target != None:
#print( "duplicating target = ", target.name )
#print( bpy.context.selected_objects )
bpy.ops.object.group_instance_add( name = target.name )
bpy.ops.object.group_link( group = spriteGroup.name )
targetClone = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
if "name" in command:
targetClone.name = "{0}.{1}".format( sprite.name, command["name"] )
targetClone.show_name = True
targetClone.name = "{0}.characterID.{1}".format( sprite.name, targetID )
targetClone.parent = sprite
#targetClone["characterID"] = -1
# move instance to startMatrix
m = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
if "startMatrix" in command:
m = command["startMatrix"]
targetClone.location = ( m[4], m[5], -1.0 )
targetClone.scale = ( m[0], m[1], 1.0 )
bpy.ops.object.select_all( action = 'DESELECT' )
if entry["type"] == "SPRITE":
sprite = bpy.context.object
sprite.name = "sprite.{0}".format( characterID )
#sprite.show_name = True
sprite["characterID"] = characterID
#sprite.select = True
#scene.objects.active = ob
for command in entry["commands"]:
if command["type"] == "Tag_PlaceObject2":
if "characterID" in command:
targetID = command["characterID"]
# instantiate target
bpy.ops.object.select_all( action = 'DESELECT' )
#print( bpy.context.selected_objects )
#print( "searching targetID ", targetID )
target = None
for obj in scene.objects:
if "characterID" in obj and obj["characterID"] == targetID:
target = obj
if target == None:
print( "missed target ", targetID )
if target != None:
target.select = True
print( "duplicating target = ", target.name )
print( bpy.context.selected_objects )
targetClone = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
if "name" in command:
targetClone.name = "{0}.{1}".format( sprite.name, command["name"] )
targetClone.name = "{0}.characterID.{1}".format( sprite.name, targetID )
targetClone.parent = sprite
targetClone["characterID"] = -1
bpy.ops.object.select_all( action = 'DESELECT' )
for obj in target.children:
obj.select = True
#scene.objects.active.parent = target
#bpy.ops.object.select_grouped( type = 'CHILDREN_RECURSIVE' )
print( bpy.context.selected_objects )
for clone in bpy.context.selected_objects:
if "name" in command:
clone.name = "{0}.{1}".format( targetClone.name, clone.name )
clone.name = "{0}.{1}".format( sprite.name, clone.name )
clone.parent = targetClone
clone["characterID"] = -1
m = command["startMatrix"]
clone.location = ( m[4], m[5], 0.0 )
clone.scale = ( m[0], m[1], 1.0 )
#remove all groups
for group in bpy.data.groups:
bpy.data.groups.remove( group )
print( bpy.data.groups )
for entry in data["dict"]:
convert_flash_object( entry )
@ -1511,7 +1511,7 @@ void WI_loadData(void)
// DHM - Nerve :: Use our background image
//strcpy(name, "DMENUPIC");
std::snprintf(name, sizeof( name ), "WIMAP%d", ::g->wbs->epsd);
idStr::snPrintf(name, sizeof( name ), "WIMAP%d", ::g->wbs->epsd);
if ( ::g->gamemode == retail )
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ ID_INLINE void idCVar::Init( const char* name, const char* value, int flags, con
this->integerValue = 0;
this->floatValue = 0.0f;
this->internalVar = this;
if( staticVars != ( idCVar* )0xFFFFFFFF )
if( staticVars != ( idCVar* )UINTPTR_MAX )
this->next = staticVars;
staticVars = this;
@ -379,13 +379,13 @@ ID_INLINE void idCVar::Init( const char* name, const char* value, int flags, con
ID_INLINE void idCVar::RegisterStaticVars()
if( staticVars != ( idCVar* )0xFFFFFFFF )
if( staticVars != ( idCVar* )UINTPTR_MAX )
for( idCVar* cvar = staticVars; cvar; cvar = cvar->next )
cvarSystem->Register( cvar );
staticVars = ( idCVar* )0xFFFFFFFF;
staticVars = ( idCVar* )UINTPTR_MAX;
Reference in a new issue