mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 07:00:58 +00:00
Split Model_gltf.cpp into idlib/MapFile_gltf.cpp
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 414 additions and 379 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 2022 Harrie van Ginneken
Copyright (C) 2022 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
MapPolygonMesh* MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromMeshGltf( const gltfMesh_Primitive* prim, gltfData* _data , idMat4 trans )
MapPolygonMesh* mesh = new MapPolygonMesh();
gltfAccessor* accessor = _data->AccessorList()[prim->indices];
gltfBufferView* bv = _data->BufferViewList()[accessor->bufferView];
gltfData* data = bv->parent;
// files import as y-up. Use this transform to change the model to z-up.
idMat3 rotation = idAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f ).ToMat3( );
idMat4 axisTransform( rotation, vec3_origin );
gltfMaterial* mat = NULL;
if( prim->material != -1 )
mat = _data->MaterialList()[prim->material];
gltfBuffer* buff = data->BufferList()[bv->buffer];
uint idxDataSize = sizeof( uint ) * accessor->count;
uint* indices = ( uint* ) Mem_ClearedAlloc( idxDataSize , TAG_IDLIB_GLTF );
idFile_Memory idxBin = idFile_Memory( "gltfChunkIndices",
( const char* )( ( data->GetData( bv->buffer ) + bv->byteOffset + accessor->byteOffset ) ), bv->byteLength );
for( int i = 0; i < accessor->count; i++ )
idxBin.Read( ( void* )( &indices[i] ), accessor->typeSize );
if( bv->byteStride )
idxBin.Seek( bv->byteStride - accessor->typeSize, FS_SEEK_CUR );
for( int i = 0; i < accessor->count; i += 3 )
MapPolygon& polygon = mesh->polygons.Alloc();
if( mat != NULL )
polygon.SetMaterial( mat->name );
polygon.SetMaterial( "textures/base_wall/snpanel2rust" );
polygon.AddIndex( indices[i + 2] );
polygon.AddIndex( indices[i + 1] );
polygon.AddIndex( indices[i + 0] );
Mem_Free( indices );
bool sizeSet = false;
for( auto& attrib : prim->attributes )
gltfAccessor* attrAcc = data->AccessorList()[attrib->accessorIndex];
gltfBufferView* attrBv = data->BufferViewList()[attrAcc->bufferView];
gltfData* attrData = attrBv->parent;
gltfBuffer* attrbuff = attrData->BufferList()[attrBv->buffer];
idFile_Memory bin = idFile_Memory( "gltfChunkVertices",
( const char* )( ( attrData->GetData( attrBv->buffer ) + attrBv->byteOffset + attrAcc->byteOffset ) ), attrBv->byteLength );
if( !sizeSet )
mesh->verts.AssureSize( attrAcc->count );
sizeSet = true;
switch( attrib->type )
case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Position:
for( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ )
idVec3 pos;
bin.Read( ( void* )( &pos.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &pos.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &pos.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
pos *= trans;
pos *= axisTransform;
mesh->verts[i].xyz.x = pos.x;
mesh->verts[i].xyz.y = pos.y;
mesh->verts[i].xyz.z = pos.z;
if( attrBv->byteStride )
bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( 3 * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
idRandom rnd( i );
int r = rnd.RandomInt( 255 ), g = rnd.RandomInt( 255 ), b = rnd.RandomInt( 255 );
//vtxData[i].abgr = 0xff000000 + ( b << 16 ) + ( g << 8 ) + r;
case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Normal:
idVec3 vec;
for( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ )
idVec3 vec;
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
if( attrBv->byteStride )
bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
idVec3 normal;
normal.x = vec.x;
normal.y = vec.y;
normal.z = vec.z;
normal *= axisTransform;
mesh->verts[i].SetNormal( normal );
case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::TexCoord0:
idVec2 vec;
for( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ )
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
if( attrBv->byteStride )
bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
//vec.y = 1.0f - vec.y;
mesh->verts[i].SetTexCoord( vec );
case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Tangent:
idVec4 vec;
for( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ )
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.w ), attrAcc->typeSize );
if( attrBv->byteStride )
bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
idVec3 tangent;
tangent.x = vec.x;
tangent.y = vec.y;
tangent.z = vec.z;
tangent *= axisTransform;
mesh->verts[i].SetTangent( tangent );
mesh->verts[i].SetBiTangentSign( vec.w );
//case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Weight:
// for ( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ ) {
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].weight.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].weight.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].weight.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].weight.w ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// if ( attrBv->byteStride )
// bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
// }
// break;
//case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Indices:
// for ( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ ) {
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].boneIndex.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].boneIndex.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].boneIndex.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].boneIndex.w ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// if ( attrBv->byteStride )
// bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
// }
// break;
return mesh;
void ProcessSceneNode( idMapEntity* newEntity, gltfNode* node, idMat4 trans, gltfData* data , bool staticMesh = false )
auto& nodeList = data->NodeList();
gltfData::ResolveNodeMatrix( node );
idMat4 curTrans = trans * node->matrix;
idDict newPairs = node->extras.strPairs;
newPairs.SetDefaults( &newEntity->epairs );
newEntity->epairs = newPairs;
const char* classname = newEntity->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
const char* model = newEntity->epairs.GetString( "model" );
bool isFuncStaticMesh = staticMesh || ( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_static" ) == 0 ) && ( idStr::Icmp( model, node->name ) == 0 );
for( auto& child : node->children )
ProcessSceneNode( newEntity, nodeList[child], curTrans, data, isFuncStaticMesh );
if( isFuncStaticMesh && node->mesh != -1 )
for( auto prim : data->MeshList()[node->mesh]->primitives )
newEntity->AddPrimitive( MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromMeshGltf( prim, data , curTrans ) );
if( node->name.Length() )
newEntity->epairs.Set( "name", node->name );
#if 0
for( int i = 0; i < newEntity->epairs.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
const idKeyValue* kv = newEntity->epairs.GetKeyVal( i );
idLib::Printf( "entity[ %s ] key = '%s' value = '%s'\n", node->name.c_str(), kv->GetKey().c_str(), kv->GetValue().c_str() );
idVec3 origin;
origin.x = node->translation.x;
origin.y = node->translation.y;
origin.z = node->translation.z;
// files import as y-up. Use this transform to change the model to z-up.
idMat3 rotation = idAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f ).ToMat3( );
idMat4 axisTransform( rotation, vec3_origin );
origin *= axisTransform;
newEntity->epairs.Set( "origin", origin.ToString() );
void Map_AddMeshes( idMapEntity* _Entity, gltfNode* _Node, idMat4& _Trans, gltfData* _Data )
gltfData::ResolveNodeMatrix( _Node );
idMat4 curTrans = _Trans * _Node->matrix;
if( _Node->mesh != -1 )
for( auto prim : _Data->MeshList( )[_Node->mesh]->primitives )
_Entity->AddPrimitive( MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromMeshGltf( prim, _Data, curTrans ) );
for( auto& child : _Node->children )
Map_AddMeshes( _Entity, _Data->NodeList( )[child], curTrans, _Data );
int idMapEntity::GetEntities( gltfData* data, EntityListRef entities, int sceneID )
idMapEntity* worldspawn = new( TAG_IDLIB_GLTF ) idMapEntity();
entities.Append( worldspawn );
bool wpSet = false;
int entityCount = 0;
for( auto& nodeID : data->SceneList()[sceneID]->nodes )
auto* node = data->NodeList()[nodeID];
const char* classname = node->extras.strPairs.GetString( "classname" );
bool isWorldSpawn = idStr::Icmp( classname, "worldspawn" ) == 0;
if( isWorldSpawn )
assert( !wpSet );
worldspawn->epairs.Copy( node->extras.strPairs );
wpSet = true;
// account all meshes starting with "worldspawn." or "BSP" in the name
if( idStr::Icmpn( node->name, "BSP", 3 ) == 0 || idStr::Icmpn( node->name, "worldspawn.", 11 ) == 0 )
Map_AddMeshes( worldspawn, node, mat4_identity, data );
idMapEntity* newEntity = new( TAG_IDLIB_GLTF ) idMapEntity();
entities.Append( newEntity );
ProcessSceneNode( newEntity, node, mat4_identity, data );
return entityCount;
@ -2314,4 +2314,56 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND_COMPILE( LoadGLTF, "Loads an .gltf or .glb file", idCmdSystem::A
//+set r_fullscreen 0 +set com_allowConsole 1 +set developer 1 +set fs_debug 0 +set win_outputDebugString 1 +set fs_basepath "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DOOM 3 BFG Edition\"
//+set r_fullscreen 0 +set com_allowConsole 1 +set developer 1 +set fs_debug 0 +set win_outputDebugString 1 +set fs_basepath "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DOOM 3 BFG Edition\"
// not dots allowed in [%s]!
// [filename].[%i|%s].[gltf/glb]
bool gltfManager::ExtractMeshIdentifier( idStr& filename, int& meshId, idStr& meshName )
idStr extension;
idStr meshStr;
filename.ExtractFileExtension( extension );
idStr file = filename;
file = file.StripFileExtension();
file.ExtractFileExtension( meshStr );
if( !extension.Length() )
idLib::Warning( "no gltf mesh identifier" );
return false;
if( meshStr.Length() )
filename = file.Left( file.Length() - meshStr.Length() - 1 ) + "." + extension;
parser.LoadMemory( meshStr.c_str(), meshStr.Size(), "model:GltfmeshID" );
idToken token;
if( parser.ExpectAnyToken( &token ) )
if( ( token.type == TT_NUMBER ) && ( token.subtype & TT_INTEGER ) )
meshId = token.GetIntValue();
else if( token.type == TT_NAME )
meshName = token;
parser.Warning( "malformed gltf mesh identifier" );
return false;
return true;
parser.Warning( "malformed gltf mesh identifier" );
return false;
@ -346,4 +346,10 @@ private:
bool bufferViewsDone;
class gltfManager
static bool ExtractMeshIdentifier( idStr& filename , int& meshId, idStr& meshName );
extern GLTF_Parser* gltfParser;
@ -43,379 +43,6 @@ bool idRenderModelStatic::ConvertGltfMeshToModelsurfaces( const gltfMesh* mesh )
return false;
MapPolygonMesh* MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromMeshGltf( const gltfMesh_Primitive* prim, gltfData* _data , idMat4 trans )
MapPolygonMesh* mesh = new MapPolygonMesh();
gltfAccessor* accessor = _data->AccessorList()[prim->indices];
gltfBufferView* bv = _data->BufferViewList()[accessor->bufferView];
gltfData* data = bv->parent;
// files import as y-up. Use this transform to change the model to z-up.
idMat3 rotation = idAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f ).ToMat3( );
idMat4 axisTransform( rotation, vec3_origin );
gltfMaterial* mat = NULL;
if( prim->material != -1 )
mat = _data->MaterialList()[prim->material];
gltfBuffer* buff = data->BufferList()[bv->buffer];
uint idxDataSize = sizeof( uint ) * accessor->count;
uint* indices = ( uint* ) Mem_ClearedAlloc( idxDataSize , TAG_IDLIB_GLTF );
idFile_Memory idxBin = idFile_Memory( "gltfChunkIndices",
( const char* )( ( data->GetData( bv->buffer ) + bv->byteOffset + accessor->byteOffset ) ), bv->byteLength );
for( int i = 0; i < accessor->count; i++ )
idxBin.Read( ( void* )( &indices[i] ), accessor->typeSize );
if( bv->byteStride )
idxBin.Seek( bv->byteStride - accessor->typeSize, FS_SEEK_CUR );
for( int i = 0; i < accessor->count; i += 3 )
MapPolygon& polygon = mesh->polygons.Alloc();
if( mat != NULL && !gltf_ForceBspMeshTexture.GetBool() )
polygon.SetMaterial( mat->name );
polygon.SetMaterial( "textures/base_wall/snpanel2rust" );
polygon.AddIndex( indices[i + 2] );
polygon.AddIndex( indices[i + 1] );
polygon.AddIndex( indices[i + 0] );
Mem_Free( indices );
bool sizeSet = false;
for( auto& attrib : prim->attributes )
gltfAccessor* attrAcc = data->AccessorList()[attrib->accessorIndex];
gltfBufferView* attrBv = data->BufferViewList()[attrAcc->bufferView];
gltfData* attrData = attrBv->parent;
gltfBuffer* attrbuff = attrData->BufferList()[attrBv->buffer];
idFile_Memory bin = idFile_Memory( "gltfChunkVertices",
( const char* )( ( attrData->GetData( attrBv->buffer ) + attrBv->byteOffset + attrAcc->byteOffset ) ), attrBv->byteLength );
if( !sizeSet )
mesh->verts.AssureSize( attrAcc->count );
sizeSet = true;
switch( attrib->type )
case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Position:
for( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ )
idVec3 pos;
bin.Read( ( void* )( &pos.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &pos.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &pos.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
pos *= trans;
pos *= axisTransform;
mesh->verts[i].xyz.x = pos.x;
mesh->verts[i].xyz.y = pos.y;
mesh->verts[i].xyz.z = pos.z;
if( attrBv->byteStride )
bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( 3 * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
idRandom rnd( i );
int r = rnd.RandomInt( 255 ), g = rnd.RandomInt( 255 ), b = rnd.RandomInt( 255 );
//vtxData[i].abgr = 0xff000000 + ( b << 16 ) + ( g << 8 ) + r;
case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Normal:
idVec3 vec;
for( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ )
idVec3 vec;
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
if( attrBv->byteStride )
bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
idVec3 normal;
normal.x = vec.x;
normal.y = vec.y;
normal.z = vec.z;
normal *= axisTransform;
mesh->verts[i].SetNormal( normal );
case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::TexCoord0:
idVec2 vec;
for( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ )
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
if( attrBv->byteStride )
bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
//vec.y = 1.0f - vec.y;
mesh->verts[i].SetTexCoord( vec );
case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Tangent:
idVec4 vec;
for( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ )
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
bin.Read( ( void* )( &vec.w ), attrAcc->typeSize );
if( attrBv->byteStride )
bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
idVec3 tangent;
tangent.x = vec.x;
tangent.y = vec.y;
tangent.z = vec.z;
tangent *= axisTransform;
mesh->verts[i].SetTangent( tangent );
mesh->verts[i].SetBiTangentSign( vec.w );
//case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Weight:
// for ( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ ) {
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].weight.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].weight.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].weight.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].weight.w ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// if ( attrBv->byteStride )
// bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
// }
// break;
//case gltfMesh_Primitive_Attribute::Type::Indices:
// for ( int i = 0; i < attrAcc->count; i++ ) {
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].boneIndex.x ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].boneIndex.y ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].boneIndex.z ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// bin.Read( ( void * ) ( &vtxData[i].boneIndex.w ), attrAcc->typeSize );
// if ( attrBv->byteStride )
// bin.Seek( attrBv->byteStride - ( attrib->elementSize * attrAcc->typeSize ), FS_SEEK_CUR );
// }
// break;
return mesh;
void ProcessSceneNode( idMapEntity* newEntity, gltfNode* node, idMat4 trans, gltfData* data , bool staticMesh = false )
auto& nodeList = data->NodeList();
gltfData::ResolveNodeMatrix( node );
idMat4 curTrans = trans * node->matrix;
idDict newPairs = node->extras.strPairs;
newPairs.SetDefaults( &newEntity->epairs );
newEntity->epairs = newPairs;
const char* classname = newEntity->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
const char* model = newEntity->epairs.GetString( "model" );
bool isFuncStaticMesh = staticMesh || ( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_static" ) == 0 ) && ( idStr::Icmp( model, node->name ) == 0 );
for( auto& child : node->children )
ProcessSceneNode( newEntity, nodeList[child], curTrans, data, isFuncStaticMesh );
if( isFuncStaticMesh && node->mesh != -1 )
for( auto prim : data->MeshList()[node->mesh]->primitives )
newEntity->AddPrimitive( MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromMeshGltf( prim, data , curTrans ) );
if( node->name.Length() )
newEntity->epairs.Set( "name", node->name );
#if 0
for( int i = 0; i < newEntity->epairs.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
const idKeyValue* kv = newEntity->epairs.GetKeyVal( i );
idLib::Printf( "entity[ %s ] key = '%s' value = '%s'\n", node->name.c_str(), kv->GetKey().c_str(), kv->GetValue().c_str() );
idVec3 origin;
origin.x = node->translation.x;
origin.y = node->translation.y;
origin.z = node->translation.z;
// files import as y-up. Use this transform to change the model to z-up.
idMat3 rotation = idAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f ).ToMat3( );
idMat4 axisTransform( rotation, vec3_origin );
origin *= axisTransform;
newEntity->epairs.Set( "origin", origin.ToString() );
void Map_AddMeshes( idMapEntity* _Entity, gltfNode* _Node, idMat4& _Trans, gltfData* _Data )
gltfData::ResolveNodeMatrix( _Node );
idMat4 curTrans = _Trans * _Node->matrix;
if( _Node->mesh != -1 )
for( auto prim : _Data->MeshList( )[_Node->mesh]->primitives )
_Entity->AddPrimitive( MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromMeshGltf( prim, _Data, curTrans ) );
for( auto& child : _Node->children )
Map_AddMeshes( _Entity, _Data->NodeList( )[child], curTrans, _Data );
int idMapEntity::GetEntities( gltfData* data, EntityListRef entities, int sceneID )
idMapEntity* worldspawn = new( TAG_IDLIB_GLTF ) idMapEntity();
entities.Append( worldspawn );
bool wpSet = false;
int entityCount = 0;
for( auto& nodeID : data->SceneList()[sceneID]->nodes )
auto* node = data->NodeList()[nodeID];
const char* classname = node->extras.strPairs.GetString( "classname" );
bool isWorldSpawn = idStr::Icmp( classname, "worldspawn" ) == 0;
if( isWorldSpawn )
assert( !wpSet );
worldspawn->epairs.Copy( node->extras.strPairs );
wpSet = true;
// account all meshes starting with "worldspawn." or "BSP" in the name
if( idStr::Icmpn( node->name, "BSP", 3 ) == 0 || idStr::Icmpn( node->name, "worldspawn.", 11 ) == 0 )
Map_AddMeshes( worldspawn, node, mat4_identity, data );
idMapEntity* newEntity = new( TAG_IDLIB_GLTF ) idMapEntity();
entities.Append( newEntity );
ProcessSceneNode( newEntity, node, mat4_identity, data );
return entityCount;
// not dots allowed in [%s]!
// [filename].[%i|%s].[gltf/glb]
bool gltfManager::ExtractMeshIdentifier( idStr& filename, int& meshId, idStr& meshName )
idStr extension;
idStr meshStr;
filename.ExtractFileExtension( extension );
idStr file = filename;
file = file.StripFileExtension();
file.ExtractFileExtension( meshStr );
if( !extension.Length() )
idLib::Warning( "no gltf mesh identifier" );
return false;
if( meshStr.Length() )
filename = file.Left( file.Length() - meshStr.Length() - 1 ) + "." + extension;
parser.LoadMemory( meshStr.c_str(), meshStr.Size(), "model:GltfmeshID" );
idToken token;
if( parser.ExpectAnyToken( &token ) )
if( ( token.type == TT_NUMBER ) && ( token.subtype & TT_INTEGER ) )
meshId = token.GetIntValue();
else if( token.type == TT_NAME )
meshName = token;
parser.Warning( "malformed gltf mesh identifier" );
return false;
return true;
parser.Warning( "malformed gltf mesh identifier" );
return false;
void idRenderModelGLTF::ProcessNode( gltfNode* modelNode, idMat4 trans, gltfData* data )
auto& meshList = data->MeshList();
@ -29,11 +29,7 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#pragma once
#include "Model_local.h"
class gltfManager
static bool ExtractMeshIdentifier( idStr& filename , int& meshId, idStr& meshName );
class idGltfMesh
Reference in a new issue