Tweaked dmap -glview option to dump an .obj next to the .proc file with similar content

This commit is contained in:
Robert Beckebans 2022-09-19 20:05:31 +02:00
parent 44d65a6377
commit d7d699258b
2 changed files with 118 additions and 36 deletions

View file

@ -69,13 +69,6 @@ bool ProcessModel( uEntity_t* e, bool floodFill )
// RB: use mapTri_t by MapPolygonMesh primitives in case we don't use brushes
FilterMeshesIntoTree( e );
// RB: dump BSP for debugging
//if( dmapGlobals.glview )
//WriteGLView( e->tree, "unclipped", dmapGlobals.entityNum );
// RB end
// see if the bsp is completely enclosed
if( floodFill && !dmapGlobals.noFlood )
@ -106,13 +99,6 @@ bool ProcessModel( uEntity_t* e, bool floodFill )
// tree, so tris will never cross area boundaries
FloodAreas( e );
// RB: dump BSP for debugging
if( dmapGlobals.glview )
WriteGLView( e->tree, "areas", dmapGlobals.entityNum );
// RB end
// we now have a BSP tree with solid and non-solid leafs marked with areas
// all primitives will now be clipped into this, throwing away
// fragments in the solid areas

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ should we try and snap values very close to 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, etc ?
static idFile* procFile;
static int c_totalObjVerts = 0;
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ WriteUTriangles
Writes text verts and indexes to procfile
static void WriteUTriangles( const srfTriangles_t* uTris, const idVec3& offsetOrigin = vec3_origin )
static void WriteUTriangles( idFile* procFile, const srfTriangles_t* uTris, const idVec3& offsetOrigin = vec3_origin )
int col;
int i;
@ -357,6 +357,67 @@ static void WriteUTriangles( const srfTriangles_t* uTris, const idVec3& offsetOr
// RB begin
static void WriteObjTriangles( idFile* objFile, const srfTriangles_t* uTris, const idVec3& offsetOrigin, const char* materialName )
int col;
int i;
// emit this chain
//procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* numVerts = */ %i /* numIndexes = */ %i\n",
// uTris->numVerts, uTris->numIndexes );
// verts
col = 0;
for( i = 0 ; i < uTris->numVerts ; i++ )
float vec[8];
const idDrawVert* dv;
dv = &uTris->verts[i];
vec[0] = dv->xyz[0] - offsetOrigin.x;
vec[1] = dv->xyz[1] - offsetOrigin.y;
vec[2] = dv->xyz[2] - offsetOrigin.z;
idVec2 st = dv->GetTexCoord();
vec[3] = st.x;
vec[4] = st.y;
idVec3 normal = dv->GetNormal();
vec[5] = normal.x;
vec[6] = normal.y;
vec[7] = normal.z;
//Write1DMatrix( procFile, 8, vec );
objFile->Printf( "v %1.6f %1.6f %1.6f\n", vec[0], vec[1], vec[2] );
// indexes
// flip order for OBJ
for( int j = 0; j < uTris->numIndexes; j += 3 )
objFile->Printf( "f %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i\n",
uTris->indexes[j + 2] + 1 + c_totalObjVerts,
uTris->indexes[j + 2] + 1 + c_totalObjVerts,
uTris->indexes[j + 2] + 1 + c_totalObjVerts,
uTris->indexes[j + 1] + 1 + c_totalObjVerts,
uTris->indexes[j + 1] + 1 + c_totalObjVerts,
uTris->indexes[j + 1] + 1 + c_totalObjVerts,
uTris->indexes[j + 0] + 1 + c_totalObjVerts,
uTris->indexes[j + 0] + 1 + c_totalObjVerts,
uTris->indexes[j + 0] + 1 + c_totalObjVerts );
c_totalObjVerts += uTris->numVerts;
objFile->Printf( "\n\n" );
// RB end
@ -384,7 +445,7 @@ static bool GroupsAreSurfaceCompatible( const optimizeGroup_t* a, const optimize
static void WriteOutputSurfaces( int entityNum, int areaNum )
static void WriteOutputSurfaces( int entityNum, int areaNum, idFile* procFile, idFile* objFile )
mapTri_t* ambient, *copy;
int surfaceNum;
@ -416,6 +477,11 @@ static void WriteOutputSurfaces( int entityNum, int areaNum )
procFile->WriteFloatString( "model { /* name = */ \"_area%i\" /* numSurfaces = */ %i\n\n",
areaNum, numSurfaces );
if( objFile )
objFile->Printf( "g _area%i\n", areaNum );
@ -427,8 +493,14 @@ static void WriteOutputSurfaces( int entityNum, int areaNum )
fileSystem->CloseFile( procFile );
common->Error( "Entity %i has surfaces, but no name key", entityNum );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "model { /* name = */ \"%s\" /* numSurfaces = */ %i\n\n",
name, numSurfaces );
if( objFile )
objFile->Printf( "g model_%s\n", name );
surfaceNum = 0;
@ -505,10 +577,18 @@ static void WriteOutputSurfaces( int entityNum, int areaNum )
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\"%s\" ", ambient->material->GetName() );
uTri = ShareMapTriVerts( ambient );
FreeTriList( ambient );
CleanupUTriangles( uTri );
WriteUTriangles( uTri, entity->originOffset );
WriteUTriangles( procFile, uTri, entity->originOffset );
// RB
if( objFile )
WriteObjTriangles( objFile, uTri, entity->originOffset, ambient->material->GetName() );
FreeTriList( ambient );
R_FreeStaticTriSurf( uTri );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" );
@ -523,7 +603,7 @@ WriteNode_r
static void WriteNode_r( node_t* node )
static void WriteNode_r( node_t* node, idFile* procFile )
int child[2];
int i;
@ -557,11 +637,11 @@ static void WriteNode_r( node_t* node )
if( child[0] > 0 )
WriteNode_r( node->children[0] );
WriteNode_r( node->children[0], procFile );
if( child[1] > 0 )
WriteNode_r( node->children[1] );
WriteNode_r( node->children[1], procFile );
@ -584,7 +664,7 @@ int NumberNodes_r( node_t* node, int nextNumber )
static void WriteOutputNodes( node_t* node )
static void WriteOutputNodes( node_t* node, idFile* procFile )
int numNodes;
@ -598,7 +678,7 @@ static void WriteOutputNodes( node_t* node )
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* a child number of 0 is an opaque, solid area */\n" );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* negative child numbers are areas: (-1-child) */\n" );
WriteNode_r( node );
WriteNode_r( node, procFile );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" );
@ -608,7 +688,7 @@ static void WriteOutputNodes( node_t* node )
static void WriteOutputPortals( uEntity_t* e )
static void WriteOutputPortals( uEntity_t* e, idFile* procFile )
int i, j;
interAreaPortal_t* iap;
@ -649,7 +729,7 @@ static void WriteOutputPortals( uEntity_t* e )
static void WriteOutputEntity( int entityNum )
static void WriteOutputEntity( int entityNum, idFile* procFile, idFile* objFile )
int i;
uEntity_t* e;
@ -667,17 +747,17 @@ static void WriteOutputEntity( int entityNum )
for( i = 0 ; i < e->numAreas ; i++ )
WriteOutputSurfaces( entityNum, i );
WriteOutputSurfaces( entityNum, i, procFile, objFile );
// we will completely skip the portals and nodes if it is a single area
if( entityNum == 0 && e->numAreas > 1 )
// output the area portals
WriteOutputPortals( e );
WriteOutputPortals( e, procFile );
// output the nodes
WriteOutputNodes( e->tree->headnode );
WriteOutputNodes( e->tree->headnode, procFile );
@ -691,21 +771,34 @@ void WriteOutputFile()
int i;
uEntity_t* entity;
idStr qpath;
// write the file
common->Printf( "----- WriteOutputFile -----\n" );
sprintf( qpath, "%s." PROC_FILE_EXT, dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > qpath;
qpath.Format( "%s." PROC_FILE_EXT, dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
common->Printf( "writing %s\n", qpath.c_str() );
// _D3XP used fs_cdpath
procFile = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_basepath" );
idFileLocal procFile = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_basepath" );
if( !procFile )
common->Error( "Error opening %s", qpath.c_str() );
// RB: write area models as OBJ file
idFile* objFile = NULL;
if( dmapGlobals.glview )
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > qpath;
qpath.Format( "%s.obj", dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
objFile = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_basepath" );
if( !objFile )
common->Error( "Error opening %s", qpath.c_str() );
c_totalObjVerts = 0;
procFile->WriteFloatString( "%s\n\n", PROC_FILE_ID );
// write the entity models and information, writing entities first
@ -718,8 +811,11 @@ void WriteOutputFile()
WriteOutputEntity( i );
WriteOutputEntity( i, procFile, objFile );
fileSystem->CloseFile( procFile );
if( objFile )
delete objFile;