mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 07:00:58 +00:00
Do instances of instances ...
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 69 additions and 48 deletions
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def convert_flash_object( entry, buildDict ):
startBounds = entry["startBounds"]
origin = ( startBounds[0], startBounds[1], 0 )
meshName = "shape.{0}".format( characterID )
meshName = "shape.{0}.mesh".format( characterID )
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new( meshName )
meshObj = bpy.data.objects.new( meshName, mesh )
@ -128,15 +128,25 @@ def convert_flash_object( entry, buildDict ):
#bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob
#ob.select = True
#shapeName = "shape.{0}".format( characterID )
shapeCollection = bpy.data.collections.new( characterIDStr )
shapeCollection.color_tag = 'COLOR_04'
bpy.context.scene.collection.children.link( shapeCollection )
shapeCollection["characterID"] = characterID
shapeCollection.objects.link( meshObj )
bpy.data.collections[ "Dictionary" ].children.link( shapeCollection )
# add to SWF dictionary
bpy.data.collections[ "Dictionary" ].objects.link( meshObj )
#bpy.data.collections[ "Dictionary" ].objects.link( meshObj )
# remove from scene default collection
bpy.context.scene.collection.children.unlink( shapeCollection )
#bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.unlink( meshObj )
bpy.ops.collection.create( name = characterIDStr )
group = bpy.data.collections[ characterIDStr ]
group["characterID"] = characterID
#bpy.ops.collection.create( name = characterIDStr )
#group = bpy.data.collections[ characterIDStr ]
#for i in range( len( entry["fillDraws"] ) ):
# fillDraw = entry["fillDraws"][i]
@ -265,7 +275,7 @@ def convert_flash_object( entry, buildDict ):
if entry["type"] == "SPRITE" and buildDict == False:
spriteObj = None
#spriteObj = None
@ -276,57 +286,52 @@ def convert_flash_object( entry, buildDict ):
if "mainsprite" in entry:
spriteObj.name = "mainsprite"
spriteObj.show_name = True
spriteObj.name = "sprite.{0}".format( characterID )
spriteObj["characterID"] = characterID
spriteCollection = bpy.data.collections.new( characterIDStr )
spriteCollection.color_tag = 'COLOR_03'
bpy.context.scene.collection.children.link( spriteCollection )
#spriteCollection = bpy.data.collections[ characterIDStr ]
spriteCollection["characterID"] = characterID
spriteCollection.objects.link( spriteObj )
# add to SWF Sprites
bpy.data.collections[ "Sprites" ].objects.link( spriteObj )
bpy.data.collections[ "Sprites" ].children.link( spriteCollection )
# remove from scene default collection
bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.unlink( spriteObj )
bpy.ops.collection.create( name = characterIDStr )
spriteGroup = bpy.data.collections[ characterIDStr ]
spriteGroup["characterID"] = characterID
#sprite.select = True
#scene.objects.active = ob
bpy.context.scene.collection.children.unlink( spriteCollection )
#bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.unlink( placeObj )
for command in entry["commands"]:
if command["type"] == "Tag_PlaceObject2":
if command["type"] == "Tag_PlaceObject2" or command["type"] == "Tag_PlaceObject3":
if "characterID" in command:
targetID = command["characterID"]
sourceID = command["characterID"]
# instantiate target
bpy.ops.object.select_all( action = 'DESELECT' )
#print( bpy.context.selected_objects )
#print( "searching targetID ", targetID )
#print( "searching sourceID ", sourceID )
target = None
for group in bpy.data.collections:
if "characterID" in group and group["characterID"] == targetID:
target = group
sourceCollection = None
for source in bpy.data.collections:
if "characterID" in source and source["characterID"] == sourceID:
sourceCollection = source
if target == None:
print( "missed target ", targetID )
if sourceCollection == None:
print( "missed clone source ", sourceID )
if target != None:
#print( "duplicating target = ", target.name )
#print( bpy.context.selected_objects )
@ -337,26 +342,42 @@ def convert_flash_object( entry, buildDict ):
if "startMatrix" in command:
m = command["startMatrix"]
#targetLocation = ( m[4], m[5], -1.0 )
targetLocation = spriteObj.location + mathutils.Vector( ( m[4], m[5], -1.0 ) )
#targetLocation = ( m[4], m[5], command["depth"] )
#targetLocation = spriteObj.location + mathutils.Vector( ( m[4], m[5], -1.0 ) )
targetScale = ( m[0], m[1], 1.0 )
#targetScale = ( m[0], m[1], 1.0 )
# https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/156473/how-to-avoid-operator-collection-instance-add
#bpy.ops.object.collection_instance_add( name = target.name )
bpy.ops.object.collection_instance_add( name = target.name, location = targetLocation, scale = targetScale )
bpy.ops.object.collection_link( collection = spriteGroup.name )
placeObj = bpy.data.objects.new( name = sourceCollection.name, object_data = None )
placeObj.instance_collection = sourceCollection
placeObj.instance_type = 'COLLECTION'
targetClone = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
parentCollection = spriteCollection
parentCollection.objects.link( placeObj )
if "name" in command:
targetClone.name = "{0}.{1}".format( spriteObj.name, command["name"] )
targetClone.show_name = True
targetClone.name = "{0}.characterID.{1}".format( spriteObj.name, targetID )
#parentCollection = bpy.context.view_layer.active_layer_collection
#parentCollection.collection.objects.link( placeObj )
#if "mainsprite" in entry:
# placeObj.name = "mainsprite"
# placeObj.name = "sprite.{0}".format( characterID )
#targetClone.parent = spriteObj
if "name" in command:
placeObj.name = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format( spriteObj.name, command["name"], sourceID )
placeObj.show_name = True
placeObj.name = "{0}.characterID.{1}".format( spriteObj.name, sourceID )
placeObj.parent = spriteObj
#targetClone["characterID"] = -1
placeObj.location = ( m[4], m[5], command["depth"] )
placeObj.scale = ( m[0], m[1], 1.0 )
bpy.ops.object.select_all( action = 'DESELECT' )
@ -393,7 +414,7 @@ for entry in data["dict"]:
i += 1
#if i == 4:
# break
# break
end = time.time()
print( "importing {0} took {1} seconds".format( jsonfilename, ( end - start ) ) )
Reference in a new issue