Merge remote-tracking branch 'SRSaunders/master'

This commit is contained in:
Robert Beckebans 2022-03-06 08:34:02 +01:00
commit d212e5b948
16 changed files with 336 additions and 186 deletions

View file

@ -1571,10 +1571,6 @@ void idCommonLocal::Shutdown()
printf( "uiManager->Shutdown();\n" );
// shut down the sound system
printf( "soundSystem->Shutdown();\n" );
// shut down the user command input code
printf( "usercmdGen->Shutdown();\n" );
@ -1584,9 +1580,16 @@ void idCommonLocal::Shutdown()
// shutdown the decl manager
// SRS - Note this also shuts down all cinematic resources, including cinematic audio voices
printf( "declManager->Shutdown();\n" );
// shut down the sound system
// SRS - Shut down sound system after decl manager so cinematic audio voices are destroyed first
// Important for XAudio2 where the mastering voice cannot be destroyed if any other voices exist
printf( "soundSystem->Shutdown();\n" );
// shut down the renderSystem
printf( "renderSystem->Shutdown();\n" );

View file

@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ void idCommonLocal::Frame()
// RB begin
#if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC)
// If we're in Doom or Doom 2, run tics and upload the new texture.
// SRS - Add check for com_pause cvar to make sure window is in focus - if not classic game should be paused (FIXME: but classic music still plays in background)
// SRS - Add check for com_pause cvar to make sure window is in focus - if not classic game should be paused
if( ( GetCurrentGame() == DOOM_CLASSIC || GetCurrentGame() == DOOM2_CLASSIC ) && !( Dialog().IsDialogPausing() || session->IsSystemUIShowing() || com_pause.GetInteger() ) )
@ -922,16 +922,18 @@ void idCommonLocal::Frame()
soundSystem->SetPlayingSoundWorld( menuSoundWorld );
soundSystem->SetMute( false );
soundSystem->SetPlayingSoundWorld( soundWorld );
soundSystem->SetMute( false );
// SRS - Play silence when dialog waiting or window not in focus
// SRS - Mute all sound output when dialog waiting or window not in focus (mutes Doom3, Classic, Cinematic Audio)
if( Dialog().IsDialogPausing() || session->IsSystemUIShowing() || com_pause.GetInteger() )
soundSystem->SetPlayingSoundWorld( NULL );
soundSystem->SetMute( true );

View file

@ -71,11 +71,7 @@ extern "C"
#include <libswresample/swresample.h>
#include <libavutil/imgutils.h>
// SRS - For handling cinematic audio packets
#include <queue>
#define NUM_PACKETS 4
#define NUM_LAG_FRAMES 15 // SRS - Lag cinematic audio by 15 frames (~1/2 sec at 30 fps) to sync with FFMPEG video
bool hasplanar = true;
#define NUM_LAG_FRAMES 15 // SRS - Lag audio by 15 frames (~1/2 sec at 30 fps) for ffmpeg bik decoder AV sync
@ -118,8 +114,10 @@ private:
AVFrame* frame3; //GK: make extra frame for audio
const AVCodec* dec;
const AVCodec* dec2; // SRS - Separate decoder for audio
AVCodec* dec;
AVCodec* dec2; // SRS - Separate decoder for audio
AVCodecContext* dec_ctx;
AVCodecContext* dec_ctx2;
@ -127,14 +125,15 @@ private:
bool hasFrame;
long framePos;
AVSampleFormat dst_smp;
bool hasplanar;
SwrContext* swr_ctx;
cinData_t ImageForTimeFFMPEG( int milliseconds );
bool InitFromFFMPEGFile( const char* qpath, bool looping );
void FFMPEGReset();
std::queue<AVPacket> packets[NUM_PACKETS];
uint8_t* lagBuffer[NUM_LAG_FRAMES] = {};
int lagBufSize[NUM_LAG_FRAMES] = {};
int lagIndex;
bool skipLag;
BinkHandle binkHandle;
@ -436,7 +435,6 @@ idCinematicLocal::idCinematicLocal()
isRoQ = false; // SRS - Initialize isRoQ for all cases, not just FFMPEG
#if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
// Carl: ffmpeg stuff, for bink and normal video files:
// fmt_ctx = avformat_alloc_context();
frame = av_frame_alloc();
frame2 = av_frame_alloc();
@ -451,10 +449,13 @@ idCinematicLocal::idCinematicLocal()
fmt_ctx = NULL;
video_stream_index = -1;
audio_stream_index = -1;
hasplanar = false;
swr_ctx = NULL;
img_convert_ctx = NULL;
hasFrame = false;
framePos = -1;
lagIndex = 0;
skipLag = false;
@ -548,30 +549,9 @@ idCinematicLocal::~idCinematicLocal()
av_freep( &frame2 );
av_freep( &frame3 );
// SRS - Free any lagged cinematic audio buffers
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LAG_FRAMES; i++ )
av_freep( &lagBuffer[ i ] );
if( fmt_ctx )
avformat_free_context( fmt_ctx );
if( img_convert_ctx )
sws_freeContext( img_convert_ctx );
if( binkHandle.isValid )
Bink_Close( binkHandle );
delete imgY;
imgY = NULL;
delete imgCr;
@ -677,8 +657,20 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFFMPEGFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
if( ( ret = avformat_open_input( &fmt_ctx, fullpath, NULL, NULL ) ) < 0 )
common->Warning( "idCinematic: Cannot open FFMPEG video file: '%s', %d\n", qpath, looping );
return false;
// SRS - another case sensitivity hack for Linux, this time for ffmpeg and RoQ files
idStr ext;
fullpath.ExtractFileExtension( ext );
if( idStr::Cmp( ext.c_str(), "roq" ) == 0 )
// SRS - If ffmpeg can't open .roq file, then try again with .RoQ extension instead
fullpath.Replace( ".roq", ".RoQ" );
ret = avformat_open_input( &fmt_ctx, fullpath, NULL, NULL );
if( ret < 0 )
common->Warning( "idCinematic: Cannot open FFMPEG video file: '%s', %d\n", qpath, looping );
return false;
if( ( ret = avformat_find_stream_info( fmt_ctx, NULL ) ) < 0 )
@ -712,12 +704,12 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFFMPEGFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
return false;
//After the video decoder is open then try to open audio decoder since it will re-bind the main decoder from video to audio
ret2 = av_find_best_stream( fmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &dec, 0 );
//After the video decoder is open then try to open audio decoder
ret2 = av_find_best_stream( fmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &dec2, 0 );
if( ret2 >= 0 ) //Make audio optional (only intro video has audio no other)
audio_stream_index = ret2;
dec_ctx2 = avcodec_alloc_context3( dec );
dec_ctx2 = avcodec_alloc_context3( dec2 );
if( ( ret2 = avcodec_parameters_to_context( dec_ctx2, fmt_ctx->streams[audio_stream_index]->codecpar ) ) < 0 )
char* error = new char[256];
@ -727,7 +719,7 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFFMPEGFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
dec_ctx2->time_base = fmt_ctx->streams[audio_stream_index]->time_base;
dec_ctx2->framerate = fmt_ctx->streams[audio_stream_index]->avg_frame_rate;
dec_ctx2->pkt_timebase = fmt_ctx->streams[audio_stream_index]->time_base;
if( ( ret2 = avcodec_open2( dec_ctx2, dec, NULL ) ) < 0 )
if( ( ret2 = avcodec_open2( dec_ctx2, dec2, NULL ) ) < 0 )
common->Warning( "idCinematic: Cannot open audio decoder for: '%s', %d\n", qpath, looping );
//return false;
@ -777,28 +769,32 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFFMPEGFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
//GK: No duration is given. Check if we get at least bitrate to calculate the length, otherwise set it to a fixed 100 seconds (should it be lower ?)
if( durationSec < 0 )
if( dec_ctx->bit_rate > 0 )
// SRS - First check the file context bit rate and estimate duration using file size and overall bit rate
if( fmt_ctx->bit_rate > 0 )
durationSec = file_size / dec_ctx->bit_rate;
durationSec = file_size * 8.0 / fmt_ctx->bit_rate;
// SRS - Likely an RoQ file, so use the video bit rate tolerance plus audio bit rate to estimate duration, then add 10% to correct for variable bit rate
else if( dec_ctx->bit_rate_tolerance > 0 )
durationSec = file_size * 8.0 / ( dec_ctx->bit_rate_tolerance + ( dec_ctx2 ? dec_ctx2->bit_rate : 0 ) ) * 1.1;
// SRS - Otherwise just set a large max duration
durationSec = 100;
durationSec = 100.0;
animationLength = durationSec * 1000;
frameRate = av_q2d( fmt_ctx->streams[video_stream_index]->avg_frame_rate );
common->Printf( "Loaded FFMPEG file: '%s', looping=%d, %dx%d, %f FPS, %f sec\n", qpath, looping, CIN_WIDTH, CIN_HEIGHT, frameRate, durationSec );
common->Printf( "Loaded FFMPEG file: '%s', looping=%d, %dx%d, %3.2f FPS, %4.1f sec\n", qpath, looping, CIN_WIDTH, CIN_HEIGHT, frameRate, durationSec );
image = ( byte* )Mem_Alloc( CIN_WIDTH * CIN_HEIGHT * 4 * 2, TAG_CINEMATIC );
// SRS - Get number of image bytes needed by querying with NULL first, then allocate image and fill with correct parameters
int img_bytes = av_image_fill_arrays( frame2->data, frame2->linesize, NULL, AV_PIX_FMT_BGR32, CIN_WIDTH, CIN_HEIGHT, 1 );
image = ( byte* )Mem_Alloc( img_bytes, TAG_CINEMATIC );
av_image_fill_arrays( frame2->data, frame2->linesize, image, AV_PIX_FMT_BGR32, CIN_WIDTH, CIN_HEIGHT, 1 ); //GK: Straight out of the FFMPEG source code
if( img_convert_ctx )
sws_freeContext( img_convert_ctx );
img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext( dec_ctx->width, dec_ctx->height, dec_ctx->pix_fmt, CIN_WIDTH, CIN_HEIGHT, AV_PIX_FMT_BGR32, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL );
buf = NULL;
status = FMV_PLAY;
hasFrame = false;
framePos = -1;
@ -821,12 +817,38 @@ void idCinematicLocal::FFMPEGReset()
//startTime = 0;
framePos = -1;
// SRS - If we have an ffmpeg audio context and are not looping, or skipLag is true, reset audio to release any stale buffers
if( dec_ctx2 && ( !( looping && status == FMV_EOF ) || skipLag ) )
if( av_seek_frame( fmt_ctx, video_stream_index, 0, 0 ) >= 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LAG_FRAMES; i++ )
lagBufSize[ i ] = 0;
if( lagBuffer[ i ] )
av_freep( &lagBuffer[ i ] );
// SRS - For non-RoQ (i.e. bik) files, use standard frame seek to rewind the stream
if( dec_ctx->codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_ROQ && av_seek_frame( fmt_ctx, video_stream_index, 0, 0 ) >= 0 )
status = FMV_LOOPED;
else if( av_seek_frame( fmt_ctx, audio_stream_index, 0, 0 ) < 0 && av_seek_frame( fmt_ctx, video_stream_index, 0, 0 ) < 0 )
// SRS - Special handling for RoQ files: only byte seek works and ffmpeg RoQ decoder needs reset
else if( dec_ctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_ROQ && av_seek_frame( fmt_ctx, video_stream_index, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE ) >= 0 )
// Close and reopen the ffmpeg RoQ codec without clearing the context - this seems to reset the decoder properly
avcodec_close( dec_ctx );
avcodec_open2( dec_ctx, dec, NULL );
status = FMV_LOOPED;
// SRS - Can't rewind the stream so we really are at EOF
status = FMV_EOF;
@ -888,7 +910,7 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromBinkDecFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
trackIndex = 0; // SRS - Use the first audio track - is this reasonable?
binkInfo = Bink_GetAudioTrackDetails( binkHandle, trackIndex );
common->Printf( "Cinematic audio stream found: Sample Rate=%d Hz, Channels=%d\n", binkInfo.sampleRate, binkInfo.nChannels );
common->Printf( "Cinematic audio stream found: Sample Rate=%d Hz, Channels=%d, Format=16-bit\n", binkInfo.sampleRate, binkInfo.nChannels );
cinematicAudio->InitAudio( &binkInfo );
@ -896,11 +918,10 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromBinkDecFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
numFrames = Bink_GetNumFrames( binkHandle );
float durationSec = numFrames / frameRate; // SRS - fixed Bink durationSec calculation
animationLength = durationSec * 1000; // SRS - animationLength is in milliseconds
common->Printf( "Loaded BinkDec file: '%s', looping=%d, %dx%d, %f FPS, %f sec\n", qpath, looping, CIN_WIDTH, CIN_HEIGHT, frameRate, durationSec );
common->Printf( "Loaded BinkDec file: '%s', looping=%d, %dx%d, %3.2f FPS, %4.1f sec\n", qpath, looping, CIN_WIDTH, CIN_HEIGHT, frameRate, durationSec );
memset( yuvBuffer, 0, sizeof( yuvBuffer ) );
buf = NULL;
status = FMV_PLAY;
hasFrame = false; // SRS - Implemented hasFrame for BinkDec behaviour consistency with FFMPEG
framePos = -1;
@ -913,6 +934,13 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromBinkDecFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
void idCinematicLocal::BinkDecReset()
framePos = -1;
// SRS - If we have bink audio tracks, reset audio to release any stale buffers (even if looping)
if( audioTracks > 0 )
Bink_GotoFrame( binkHandle, 0 );
status = FMV_LOOPED;
@ -927,7 +955,8 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
unsigned short RoQID;
// SRS - Don't need to call Close() here, all initialization is handled by constructor
inMemory = 0;
animationLength = 100000;
@ -942,33 +971,42 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
sprintf( fileName, "%s", qpath );
// Carl: Look for original Doom 3 RoQ files first:
idStr ext;
fileName.ExtractFileExtension( ext );
fileName = fileName.StripFileExtension();
fileName = fileName + ".roq";
//if (fileName == "video\\loadvideo.roq") {
// fileName = "video\\idlogo.roq";
idStr temp = fileName.StripFileExtension() + ".roq";
// SRS - Cool legacy support, but leaving this disabled since it might break existing mods
//if( temp == "video\\loadvideo.roq" )
// temp = "video\\idlogo.roq";
iFile = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( fileName );
iFile = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( temp );
// Carl: If the RoQ file doesn't exist, try using ffmpeg instead:
// Carl: If the RoQ file doesn't exist, try using bik file extension instead:
if( !iFile )
//idLib::Warning( "Original Doom 3 RoQ Cinematic not found: '%s'\n", temp.c_str() );
#if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
//idLib::Warning( "Original Doom 3 RoQ Cinematic not found: '%s'\n", fileName.c_str() );
idStr temp = fileName.StripFileExtension() + ".bik";
temp = fileName.StripFileExtension() + ".bik";
skipLag = false; // SRS - Enable lag buffer for ffmpeg bik decoder AV sync
// SRS - Support RoQ cinematic playback via ffmpeg decoder - better quality plus audio support
fileSystem->CloseFile( iFile ); // SRS - Close the RoQ file and let ffmpeg reopen it
iFile = NULL;
skipLag = true; // SRS - Disable lag buffer for ffmpeg RoQ decoder AV sync
// SRS End
animationLength = 0;
hasFrame = false;
fileName = temp;
//idLib::Warning( "New filename: '%s'\n", fileName.c_str() );
return InitFromFFMPEGFile( fileName.c_str(), amilooping );
#elif defined(USE_BINKDEC)
idStr temp = fileName.StripFileExtension() + ".bik";
temp = fileName.StripFileExtension() + ".bik";
animationLength = 0;
hasFrame = false;
fileName = temp;
//idLib::Warning( "New filename: '%s'\n", fileName.c_str() );
return InitFromBinkDecFile( fileName.c_str(), amilooping );
@ -979,6 +1017,7 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
// Carl: The rest of this function is for original Doom 3 RoQ files:
isRoQ = true;
fileName = temp;
ROQSize = iFile->Length();
looping = amilooping;
@ -1004,6 +1043,7 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
status = FMV_PLAY;
ImageForTime( 0 );
common->Printf( "Loaded RoQ file: '%s', looping=%d, %dx%d, %3.2f FPS\n", fileName.c_str(), looping, CIN_WIDTH, CIN_HEIGHT, frameRate );
status = ( looping ) ? FMV_PLAY : FMV_IDLE;
return true;
@ -1027,23 +1067,43 @@ void idCinematicLocal::Close()
status = FMV_EOF;
if( isRoQ )
#if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
hasFrame = false;
if( !isRoQ )
else //if( !isRoQ )
if( img_convert_ctx )
sws_freeContext( img_convert_ctx );
img_convert_ctx = NULL;
img_convert_ctx = NULL;
// SRS - Free audio codec context, resample context, and any lagged audio buffers
if( dec_ctx2 )
avcodec_free_context( &dec_ctx2 );
// SRS - Free resample context if we were decoding planar audio
if( swr_ctx )
swr_free( &swr_ctx );
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LAG_FRAMES; i++ )
lagBufSize[ i ] = 0;
if( lagBuffer[ i ] )
av_freep( &lagBuffer[ i ] );
if( dec_ctx )
avcodec_close( dec_ctx );
avcodec_free_context( &dec_ctx );
if( fmt_ctx )
@ -1052,11 +1112,8 @@ void idCinematicLocal::Close()
status = FMV_EOF;
hasFrame = false;
if( !isRoQ )
#elif defined(USE_BINKDEC)
else //if( !isRoQ )
if( binkHandle.isValid )
@ -1121,8 +1178,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTime( int thisTime )
return ImageForTimeFFMPEG( thisTime );
#ifdef USE_BINKDEC // DG: libbinkdec support
#elif defined(USE_BINKDEC) // DG: libbinkdec support
if( !isRoQ )
return ImageForTimeBinkDec( thisTime );
@ -1132,15 +1188,16 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTime( int thisTime )
// Carl: Handle original Doom 3 RoQ video files
cinData_t cinData;
if( thisTime == 0 )
// SRS - Changed from == 0 to <= 0 to match behaviour of FFMPEG and BinkDec decoders
if( thisTime <= 0 )
thisTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
if( thisTime < 0 )
thisTime = 0;
//if( thisTime < 0 )
// thisTime = 0;
memset( &cinData, 0, sizeof( cinData ) );
@ -1177,7 +1234,8 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTime( int thisTime )
tfps = 0;
if( tfps < numQuads )
// SRS - Need to use numQuads - 1 for frame position (otherwise get into reset loop at start)
if( tfps < numQuads - 1 )
buf = NULL;
@ -1186,6 +1244,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTime( int thisTime )
if( buf == NULL )
// SRS - This frame init loop is not really necessary, but leaving in to avoid breakage
while( buf == NULL )
@ -1193,32 +1252,31 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTime( int thisTime )
while( ( tfps != numQuads && status == FMV_PLAY ) )
// SRS - This frame loop is really all we need and could handle the above case as well
while( ( numQuads - 1 < tfps && status == FMV_PLAY ) )
if( status == FMV_LOOPED )
status = FMV_PLAY;
while( buf == NULL && status == FMV_PLAY )
startTime = thisTime;
// SRS - This is redundant code, virtually identical logic correctly handles looping below
//if( status == FMV_LOOPED )
// status = FMV_PLAY;
// while( buf == NULL && status == FMV_PLAY )
// {
// RoQInterrupt();
// }
// startTime = thisTime;
if( status == FMV_EOF )
if( status == FMV_LOOPED || status == FMV_EOF )
if( looping )
//RoQReset(); // SRS - RoQReset() already called by RoQInterrupt() when looping
buf = NULL;
if( status == FMV_LOOPED )
status = FMV_PLAY;
status = FMV_PLAY;
while( buf == NULL && status == FMV_PLAY )
@ -1227,8 +1285,10 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTime( int thisTime )
buf = NULL;
status = FMV_IDLE;
//RoQShutdown(); //SRS - RoQShutdown() not needed on EOF, return null data instead
return cinData;
@ -1288,6 +1348,8 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeFFMPEG( int thisTime )
if( desiredFrame < framePos )
hasFrame = false;
status = FMV_PLAY;
if( hasFrame && desiredFrame == framePos )
@ -1320,7 +1382,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeFFMPEG( int thisTime )
desiredFrame = 0;
framePos = -1;
hasFrame = false;
startTime = thisTime;
if( av_read_frame( fmt_ctx, &packet ) < 0 )
@ -1331,6 +1393,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeFFMPEG( int thisTime )
hasFrame = false;
status = FMV_IDLE;
return cinData;
@ -1358,8 +1421,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeFFMPEG( int thisTime )
else if( packet.stream_index == audio_stream_index ) //Check if it found any audio data
packets->push( packet );
res = avcodec_send_packet( dec_ctx2, &packets->front() );
res = avcodec_send_packet( dec_ctx2, &packet );
if( res != 0 && res != AVERROR( EAGAIN ) )
char* error = new char[256];
@ -1368,8 +1430,6 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeFFMPEG( int thisTime )
packet = packets->front();
if( ( frameFinished1 = avcodec_receive_frame( dec_ctx2, frame3 ) ) != 0 )
char* error = new char[256];
@ -1436,7 +1496,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeFFMPEG( int thisTime )
lagBuffer[ lagIndex ] = audioBuffer;
lagBufSize[ lagIndex ] = num_bytes;
lagIndex = ( lagIndex + 1 ) % NUM_LAG_FRAMES;
lagIndex = ( lagIndex + 1 ) % ( skipLag ? 1 : NUM_LAG_FRAMES );
return cinData;
@ -1484,28 +1544,12 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeBinkDec( int thisTime )
desiredFrame = 0;
if( desiredFrame >= numFrames )
status = FMV_EOF;
if( looping )
desiredFrame = 0;
framePos = -1;
startTime = thisTime;
status = FMV_PLAY;
status = FMV_IDLE;
return cinData;
// SRS - Enable video replay within PDAs
if( desiredFrame < framePos )
hasFrame = false;
status = FMV_PLAY;
// SRS end
@ -1521,6 +1565,25 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeBinkDec( int thisTime )
return cinData;
if( desiredFrame >= numFrames )
status = FMV_EOF;
if( looping )
desiredFrame = 0;
hasFrame = false;
startTime = thisTime;
status = FMV_PLAY;
hasFrame = false;
status = FMV_IDLE;
return cinData;
// Bink_GotoFrame(binkHandle, desiredFrame);
// apparently Bink_GotoFrame() doesn't work super well, so skip frames
// (if necessary) by calling Bink_GetNextFrame()
@ -1586,7 +1649,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeBinkDec( int thisTime )
if( audioTracks > 0 )
audioBuffer = ( int16_t* )malloc( binkInfo.idealBufferSize );
audioBuffer = ( int16_t* )Mem_Alloc( binkInfo.idealBufferSize, TAG_AUDIO );
num_bytes = Bink_GetAudioData( binkHandle, trackIndex, audioBuffer );
// SRS - If we have cinematic audio data, start playing it now
@ -1598,7 +1661,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeBinkDec( int thisTime )
// SRS - Even though we have no audio data to play, still need to free the audio buffer
free( audioBuffer );
Mem_Free( audioBuffer );
@ -3077,7 +3140,7 @@ redump:
// read in next frame data
if( RoQPlayed >= ROQSize )
if( RoQPlayed >= ROQSize || status == FMV_EOF ) // SRS - handle FMV_EOF case
if( looping )
@ -3153,11 +3216,14 @@ idCinematicLocal::RoQShutdown
void idCinematicLocal::RoQShutdown()
// SRS - Depending on status, this could prevent closing of iFile on shutdown, disable it
if( status == FMV_IDLE )
status = FMV_IDLE;
status = FMV_EOF; // SRS - Changed from FMV_IDLE to FMV_EOF for shutdown consistency
if( iFile )

View file

@ -3256,13 +3256,20 @@ void idRenderBackend::DBG_TestImage()
cinData_t cin;
cin = tr.testVideo->ImageForTime( viewDef->renderView.time[1] - tr.testVideoStartTime );
// SRS - Don't need calibrated time for testing cinematics, so just call ImageForTime( 0 ) for current system time
// This simplification allows cinematic test playback to work over both 2D and 3D background scenes
cin = tr.testVideo->ImageForTime( 0 /*viewDef->renderView.time[1] - tr.testVideoStartTime*/ );
if( cin.imageY != NULL )
image = cin.imageY;
imageCr = cin.imageCr;
imageCb = cin.imageCb;
// SRS - Also handle ffmpeg and original RoQ decoders for test videos (using cin.image)
else if( cin.image != NULL )
image = cin.image;
tr.testImage = NULL;
@ -3302,9 +3309,9 @@ void idRenderBackend::DBG_TestImage()
float scale[16] = { 0 };
scale[0] = w; // scale
scale[5] = -h; // scale
scale[5] = h; // scale (SRS - changed h from -ve to +ve so video plays right side up)
scale[12] = halfScreenWidth - ( halfScreenWidth * w ); // translate
scale[13] = halfScreenHeight - ( halfScreenHeight * h ); // translate
scale[13] = halfScreenHeight - ( halfScreenHeight * h ) - h; // translate (SRS - moved up by h)
scale[10] = 1.0f;
scale[15] = 1.0f;
@ -3340,7 +3347,9 @@ void idRenderBackend::DBG_TestImage()
GL_SelectTexture( 2 );
// SRS - Use Bink shader without sRGB to linear conversion, otherwise cinematic colours may be wrong
// BindShader_BinkGUI() does not seem to work here - perhaps due to vertex shader input dependencies?

View file

@ -602,8 +602,8 @@ void idRenderBackend::BindVariableStageImage( const textureStage_t* texture, con
GL_SelectTexture( 0 );
if( backEnd.viewDef->is2Dgui )
// SRS - Reenable shaders so ffmpeg and RoQ decoder cinematics are rendered with correct colour
if( viewDef->is2Dgui )
@ -611,7 +611,6 @@ void idRenderBackend::BindVariableStageImage( const textureStage_t* texture, con

View file

@ -213,6 +213,9 @@ void idRenderProgManager::Init()
{ BUILTIN_BINK, "builtin/video/bink", "", 0, false, SHADER_STAGE_DEFAULT, LAYOUT_DRAW_VERT },
// SRS - Added Bink shader without sRGB to linear conversion for testVideo cmd
// SRS end
{ BUILTIN_BINK_GUI, "builtin/video/bink_gui", "", 0, false, SHADER_STAGE_DEFAULT, LAYOUT_DRAW_VERT },
{ BUILTIN_MOTION_BLUR, "builtin/post/motionBlur", "", 0, false, SHADER_STAGE_DEFAULT, LAYOUT_DRAW_VERT },

View file

@ -693,6 +693,12 @@ public:
BindShader_Builtin( BUILTIN_BINK );
// SRS - Added Bink shader without sRGB to linear conversion for testVideo cmd
void BindShader_Bink_sRGB()
BindShader_Builtin( BUILTIN_BINK_SRGB );
void BindShader_BinkGUI()
BindShader_Builtin( BUILTIN_BINK_GUI );
@ -854,6 +860,7 @@ private:
BUILTIN_BINK_SRGB, // SRS - Added Bink shader without sRGB to linear conversion for testVideo cmd

View file

@ -617,7 +617,8 @@ void R_TestVideo_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
cinData_t cin;
cin = tr.testVideo->ImageForTime( 0 );
if( cin.imageY == NULL )
// SRS - Also handle ffmpeg and original RoQ decoders for test videos (using cin.image)
if( cin.imageY == NULL && cin.image == NULL )
delete tr.testVideo;
tr.testVideo = NULL;
@ -630,7 +631,8 @@ void R_TestVideo_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
int len = tr.testVideo->AnimationLength();
common->Printf( "%5.1f seconds of video\n", len * 0.001 );
tr.testVideoStartTime = tr.primaryRenderView.time[1];
// SRS - Not needed or used since InitFromFile() sets the correct start time automatically
//tr.testVideoStartTime = tr.primaryRenderView.time[1];
// try to play the matching wav file
idStr wavString = args.Argv( ( args.Argc() == 2 ) ? 1 : 2 );

View file

@ -563,13 +563,20 @@ void idRenderBackend::DBG_TestImage()
cinData_t cin;
cin = tr.testVideo->ImageForTime( viewDef->renderView.time[1] - tr.testVideoStartTime );
// SRS - Don't need calibrated time for testing cinematics, so just call ImageForTime( 0 ) for current system time
// This simplification allows cinematic test playback to work over both 2D and 3D background scenes
cin = tr.testVideo->ImageForTime( 0 /*viewDef->renderView.time[1] - tr.testVideoStartTime*/ );
if( cin.imageY != NULL )
image = cin.imageY;
imageCr = cin.imageCr;
imageCb = cin.imageCb;
// SRS - Also handle ffmpeg and original RoQ decoders for test videos (using cin.image)
else if( cin.image != NULL )
image = cin.image;
tr.testImage = NULL;
@ -610,7 +617,7 @@ void idRenderBackend::DBG_TestImage()
scale[0] = w; // scale
scale[5] = h; // scale
scale[12] = halfScreenWidth - ( halfScreenWidth * w ); // translate
scale[13] = halfScreenHeight - ( halfScreenHeight * h ); // translate
scale[13] = halfScreenHeight - ( halfScreenHeight * h ) - h; // translate (SRS - moved up by h)
scale[10] = 1.0f;
scale[15] = 1.0f;
@ -646,7 +653,9 @@ void idRenderBackend::DBG_TestImage()
GL_SelectTexture( 2 );
// SRS - Use Bink shader with no sRGB to linear conversion, otherwise cinematic colours may be wrong
// BindShader_BinkGUI() does not seem to work here - perhaps due to vertex shader input dependencies?

View file

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class CinematicAudio
virtual void InitAudio( void* audioContext ) = 0;
virtual void PlayAudio( uint8_t* data, int size ) = 0;
virtual void ResetAudio() = 0;
virtual void ShutdownAudio() = 0;

View file

@ -108,28 +108,35 @@ void CinematicAudio_OpenAL::PlayAudio( uint8_t* data, int size )
if( trigger )
tBuffer->push( data );
sizes->push( size );
tBuffer.push( data );
sizes.push( size );
while( processed > 0 )
ALuint bufid;
alSourceUnqueueBuffers( alMusicSourceVoicecin, 1, &bufid );
if( !tBuffer->empty() )
// SRS - Only unqueue an alBuffer if we don't already have a free bufid to use
if( bufids.size() == 0 )
int tempSize = sizes->front();
uint8_t* tempdata = tBuffer->front();
alSourceUnqueueBuffers( alMusicSourceVoicecin, 1, &bufid );
bufids.push( bufid );
if( !tBuffer.empty() )
uint8_t* tempdata = tBuffer.front();
int tempSize = sizes.front();
if( tempSize > 0 )
bufid = bufids.front();
alBufferData( bufid, av_sample_cin, tempdata, tempSize, av_rate_cin );
// SRS - We must free the audio buffer once it has been copied into an alBuffer
#if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
av_freep( &tempdata );
#elif defined(USE_BINKDEC)
free( tempdata );
Mem_Free( tempdata );
alSourceQueueBuffers( alMusicSourceVoicecin, 1, &bufid );
ALenum error = alGetError();
@ -140,6 +147,10 @@ void CinematicAudio_OpenAL::PlayAudio( uint8_t* data, int size )
else // SRS - When no new audio frames left to queue, break and continue playing
@ -149,7 +160,7 @@ void CinematicAudio_OpenAL::PlayAudio( uint8_t* data, int size )
#if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
av_freep( &data );
#elif defined(USE_BINKDEC)
free( data );
Mem_Free( data );
if( offset == NUM_BUFFERS )
@ -186,18 +197,44 @@ void CinematicAudio_OpenAL::PlayAudio( uint8_t* data, int size )
void CinematicAudio_OpenAL::ResetAudio()
if( alIsSource( alMusicSourceVoicecin ) )
alSourceRewind( alMusicSourceVoicecin );
alSourcei( alMusicSourceVoicecin, AL_BUFFER, 0 );
while( !tBuffer.empty() )
uint8_t* tempdata = tBuffer.front();
if( tempdata )
// SRS - We must free any audio buffers that have not been copied into an alBuffer
#if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
av_freep( &tempdata );
#elif defined(USE_BINKDEC)
Mem_Free( tempdata );
while( !bufids.empty() )
offset = 0;
trigger = false;
void CinematicAudio_OpenAL::ShutdownAudio()
if( alIsSource( alMusicSourceVoicecin ) )
alSourceStop( alMusicSourceVoicecin );
// SRS - Make sure we don't try to unqueue buffers that were never processed
ALint processed;
alGetSourcei( alMusicSourceVoicecin, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed );
if( processed > 0 )
alSourceUnqueueBuffers( alMusicSourceVoicecin, processed, alMusicBuffercin );
alSourcei( alMusicSourceVoicecin, AL_BUFFER, 0 );
alDeleteSources( 1, &alMusicSourceVoicecin );
if( CheckALErrors() == AL_NO_ERROR )
@ -210,29 +247,25 @@ void CinematicAudio_OpenAL::ShutdownAudio()
alDeleteBuffers( NUM_BUFFERS, alMusicBuffercin );
if( !tBuffer->empty() )
while( !tBuffer.empty() )
int buffersize = tBuffer->size();
while( buffersize > 0 )
uint8_t* tempdata = tBuffer.front();
if( tempdata )
uint8_t* tempdata = tBuffer->front();
// SRS - We must free any audio buffers that have not been copied into an alBuffer
#if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
av_freep( &tempdata );
#elif defined(USE_BINKDEC)
free( tempdata );
Mem_Free( tempdata );
if( !sizes->empty() )
while( !bufids.empty() )
int buffersize = sizes->size();
while( buffersize > 0 )

View file

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ public:
void InitAudio( void* audioContext );
void PlayAudio( uint8_t* data, int size );
void ResetAudio();
void ShutdownAudio();
ALuint alMusicSourceVoicecin;
@ -55,8 +56,9 @@ private:
// So, what happens if there are no freely available buffers but we still geting audio frames ? Loss of data.
// That why now I am using two queues in order to store the frames (and their sizes) and when we have available buffers,
// then start popping those frames instead of the current, so we don't lose any audio frames and the sound doesn't crack anymore.
std::queue<uint8_t*> tBuffer[NUM_BUFFERS];
std::queue<int> sizes[NUM_BUFFERS];
std::queue<uint8_t*> tBuffer;
std::queue<int> sizes;
std::queue<ALuint> bufids; // SRS - Added queue of free alBuffer ids to handle audio frame underflow (starvation) case

View file

@ -206,11 +206,14 @@ void idSoundVoice_OpenAL::DestroyInternal()
idLib::Printf( "%dms: %i destroyed\n", Sys_Milliseconds(), openalSource );
// SRS - Make sure the source is stopped before detaching buffers
alSourceStop( openalSource );
alSourcei( openalSource, AL_BUFFER, 0 );
// SRS - Delete source only after detaching buffers above
alDeleteSources( 1, &openalSource );
openalSource = 0;
alSourcei( openalSource, AL_BUFFER, 0 );
if( openalStreamingBuffer[0] && openalStreamingBuffer[1] && openalStreamingBuffer[2] )

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public:
#if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
av_freep( &data );
#elif defined(USE_BINKDEC)
free( data );
Mem_Free( data );
//Unused methods are stubs
@ -179,6 +179,15 @@ void CinematicAudio_XAudio2::PlayAudio( uint8_t* data, int size )
void CinematicAudio_XAudio2::ResetAudio()
if( pMusicSourceVoice1 )
void CinematicAudio_XAudio2::ShutdownAudio()
if( pMusicSourceVoice1 )

View file

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ public:
void InitAudio( void* audioContext );
void PlayAudio( uint8_t* data, int size );
void ResetAudio();
void ShutdownAudio();
WAVEFORMATEX voiceFormatcine = { 0 };

View file

@ -532,6 +532,7 @@ cinData_t idSoundSystemLocal::ImageForTime( const int milliseconds, const bool w
cd.imageY = NULL;
cd.imageCr = NULL;
cd.imageCb = NULL;
cd.image = NULL;
cd.imageWidth = 0;
cd.imageHeight = 0;
cd.status = FMV_IDLE;