Partial support for editLights with .glb maps

This commit is contained in:
Robert Beckebans 2025-02-01 16:15:52 +01:00
parent b19eb88717
commit c353de22e3
5 changed files with 157 additions and 37 deletions

View file

@ -1201,7 +1201,22 @@ void idGameEdit::MapSave( const char* path ) const
idMapFile* mapFile = gameLocal.GetLevelMap();
if( mapFile )
mapFile->Write( ( path ) ? path : mapFile->GetName(), ".map" );
if( mapFile->IsGLTF() )
// RB: can't write .glb so we write a which acts like a patch
idMapFile* origFile = new( TAG_GAME ) idMapFile;
if( origFile->Parse( mapFile->GetName() ) )
idStr filename = mapFile->GetName();
filename += "_extra_ents";
origFile->WriteDiff( mapFile, filename, ".map" );
mapFile->Write( ( path ) ? path : mapFile->GetName(), ".map" );

View file

@ -1590,25 +1590,6 @@ void idMapEntity::CalculateBrushOrigin()
originOffset /= static_cast<float>( originBrushes.Num() );
class idSort_CompareMapEntity : public idSort_Quick< idMapEntity*, idSort_CompareMapEntity >
int Compare( idMapEntity* const& a, idMapEntity* const& b ) const
if( idStr::Icmp( a->epairs.GetString( "name" ), "worldspawn" ) == 0 )
return 1;
if( idStr::Icmp( b->epairs.GetString( "name" ), "worldspawn" ) == 0 )
return -1;
return idStr::Icmp( a->epairs.GetString( "name" ), b->epairs.GetString( "name" ) );
@ -1722,14 +1703,12 @@ bool idMapFile::Parse( const char* filename, bool ignoreRegion, bool osPath )
//entities.SortWithTemplate( idSort_CompareMapEntity() );
if( entities.Num() > 0 && ( idStr::Icmp( entities[0]->epairs.GetString( "name" ), "worldspawn" ) != 0 ) )
// move world spawn to first place if it was written by Python's JSON serializer
if( entities.Num() > 0 && ( idStr::Icmp( entities[0]->epairs.GetString( "classname" ), "worldspawn" ) != 0 ) )
// move world spawn to first place
for( int i = 1; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
if( idStr::Icmp( entities[i]->epairs.GetString( "name" ), "worldspawn" ) == 0 )
if( idStr::Icmp( entities[i]->epairs.GetString( "classname" ), "worldspawn" ) == 0 )
idMapEntity* tmp = entities[0];
entities[0] = entities[i];
@ -1741,6 +1720,8 @@ bool idMapFile::Parse( const char* filename, bool ignoreRegion, bool osPath )
else if( isGTLF )
gltfFormat = true;
GLTF_Parser gltf;
gltf.Load( fullName );
idMapEntity::GetEntities( gltf.currentAsset, entities, gltf.currentAsset->GetSceneId( gltf_MapSceneName.GetString() ) );
@ -1853,7 +1834,7 @@ bool idMapFile::Parse( const char* filename, bool ignoreRegion, bool osPath )
// RB: <name> allows to add and override existing entities
// RB: <name> allows to add and override existing entities
idMapFile extrasMap;
fullName = name;
@ -1885,6 +1866,7 @@ bool idMapFile::Parse( const char* filename, bool ignoreRegion, bool osPath )
if( idStr::Icmp( extraEnt->epairs.GetString( "classname" ), "worldspawn" ) != 0 )
mapEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity();
entities.Append( mapEnt );
@ -1999,6 +1981,124 @@ bool idMapFile::WriteJSON( const char* fileName, const char* ext, bool fromBaseP
return true;
bool idMapFile::WriteDiff( const idMapFile* otherMap, const char* fileName, const char* ext, bool fromBasePath )
int i;
idStr qpath;
idFile* fp;
qpath = fileName;
qpath.SetFileExtension( ext );
idLib::common->Printf( "writing %s...\n", qpath.c_str() );
if( fromBasePath )
fp = idLib::fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_basepath" );
fp = idLib::fileSystem->OpenExplicitFileWrite( qpath );
if( !fp )
idLib::common->Warning( "Couldn't open %s\n", qpath.c_str() );
return false;
if( valve220Format )
fp->WriteFloatString( "// Game: Doom 3 BFG\n// Format: Doom3 (Valve)\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "Version %d\n", CURRENT_MAP_VERSION );
for( i = 1; i < otherMap->entities.Num(); i++ )
idMapEntity* otherEnt = otherMap->entities[i];
idDict epairs;
// TODO build epairs diff and only write different entities
const idKeyValue* kv = otherEnt->epairs.FindKey( "name" );
if( kv && kv->GetValue().Length() )
idMapEntity* origEnt = FindEntity( kv->GetValue().c_str() );
if( origEnt )
// TODO diff epairs
if( origEnt->epairs.GetNumKeyVals() != otherEnt->epairs.GetNumKeyVals() )
epairs.Copy( otherEnt->epairs );
// it is a new entity
epairs.Copy( otherEnt->epairs );
// it is a new entity
epairs.Copy( otherEnt->epairs );
if( epairs.GetNumKeyVals() )
fp->WriteFloatString( "// entity %d\n{\n", i );
for( int j = 0; j < epairs.GetNumKeyVals(); j++ )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", epairs.GetKeyVal( j )->GetKey().c_str(), epairs.GetKeyVal( j )->GetValue().c_str() );
fp->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
const idKeyValue* kv = extraEnt->epairs.FindKey( "name" );
if( kv && kv->GetValue().Length() )
mapEnt = FindEntity( kv->GetValue().c_str() );
if( mapEnt )
// allow override old settings
for( int j = 0; j < extraEnt->epairs.GetNumKeyVals(); j++ )
const idKeyValue* pair = extraEnt->epairs.GetKeyVal( j );
if( pair && pair->GetValue().Length() )
mapEnt->epairs.Set( pair->GetKey(), pair->GetValue() );
for( i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
entities[i]->Write( fp, i, valve220Format );
idLib::fileSystem->CloseFile( fp );
return true;
// RB end

View file

@ -503,6 +503,7 @@ public:
// RB begin
bool WriteJSON( const char* fileName, const char* ext, bool fromBasePath = true );
bool WriteDiff( const idMapFile* other, const char* fileName, const char* ext, bool fromBasePath = true );
bool ConvertToPolygonMeshFormat();
bool ConvertToValve220Format( bool recalcPlanePoints );
@ -554,6 +555,11 @@ public:
return hasPrimitiveData;
bool IsGLTF() const
return gltfFormat;
static void AddMaterialToCollection( const char* material, idStrList& textureCollections );
static void WadTextureToMaterial( const char* material, idStr& matName );
@ -564,7 +570,8 @@ protected:
idMapEntity::EntityList entities;
idStr name;
bool hasPrimitiveData;
bool valve220Format; // RB: for TrenchBroom support
bool valve220Format; // RB: for TrenchBroom support
bool gltfFormat;
void SetGeometryCRC();
@ -579,6 +586,7 @@ ID_INLINE idMapFile::idMapFile()
entities.Resize( 1024, 256 );
hasPrimitiveData = false;
valve220Format = false;
gltfFormat = false;
#endif /* !__MAPFILE_H__ */

View file

@ -103,10 +103,8 @@ bool g_MousePressed[5] = { false, false, false, false, false };
float g_MouseWheel = 0.0f;
ImVec2 g_MousePos = ImVec2( -1.0f, -1.0f ); //{-1.0f, -1.0f};
ImVec2 g_DisplaySize = ImVec2( 0.0f, 0.0f ); //{0.0f, 0.0f};
bool g_haveNewFrame = false;
bool g_haveNewFrame = false;
bool g_insideRender = false;
bool HandleKeyEvent( const sysEvent_t& keyEvent )
@ -897,8 +895,10 @@ bool IsReadyToRender()
void Render()
if( IsInitialized() && ShowWindows() )
if( !g_insideRender && IsInitialized() && ShowWindows() )
g_insideRender = true;
if( !g_haveNewFrame )
// for screenshots etc, where we didn't go through idCommonLocal::Frame()
@ -920,6 +920,7 @@ void Render()
idRenderBackend::ImGui_RenderDrawLists( ImGui::GetDrawData() );
g_haveNewFrame = false;
g_insideRender = false;

View file

@ -291,11 +291,7 @@ void LightInfo::ToDict( idDict* e )
e->Set( "light_center", DELETE_VAL );
if( lightType == LIGHT_SUN )
e->Set( "parallel", "1" );
e->Set( "style", DELETE_VAL );
e->Set( "parallel", ( lightType == LIGHT_SUN ) ? "1" : DELETE_VAL );
// get rid of all the projected light specific stuff
e->Set( "light_target", DELETE_VAL );