mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 22:50:45 +00:00
+ bug fixes for animated gltf models
+ crude attempt to support translation animations on armature bone # Conflicts: # neo/renderer/Model_gltf.cpp
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 69 additions and 34 deletions
@ -301,8 +301,9 @@ static void RenameNodes( gltfData* data, const idList<idNamePair>& renameList, c
gltfNode* from = GetBoneNode( data, boneList, rename.from );
if( !from )
common->Error( "Invalid rename name pair from \'%s\'[\"%s\"] ",
rename.from.c_str(), from ? from->name.c_str() : "Not Found" );
common->Warning( "Invalid rename name pair from \'%s\' -> [\"%s\"] ",
rename.from.c_str(), from ? from->name.c_str() : "Not Found" );
common->Warning( "Renaming.. \'%s\' to \'%s\' ",
@ -370,6 +371,7 @@ void idRenderModelGLTF::InitFromFile( const char* fileName, const idImportOption
// determine root node
if( !meshName[0] && data->MeshList().Num() )
//fixme, the models scene is not used anymore.
gltfMesh* firstMesh = data->MeshList()[0];
fileExclusive = true;
@ -383,6 +385,10 @@ void idRenderModelGLTF::InitFromFile( const char* fileName, const idImportOption
gltfNode* modelNode = data->GetMeshNode( meshName, &rootID );
if( !modelNode )
modelNode = data->GetNode( meshName, &rootID );
if( modelNode )
root = modelNode;
@ -414,9 +420,8 @@ void idRenderModelGLTF::InitFromFile( const char* fileName, const idImportOption
gltfNode* tmpNode = nodes[meshID];
int animCount = 0;
assert( lastSkin == -1 || lastSkin == tmpNode->skin );
if( tmpNode->skin != lastSkin )
if( tmpNode->skin != -1 && tmpNode->skin != lastSkin )
animCount = data->GetAnimationIds( tmpNode, animIds );
@ -731,13 +736,12 @@ void idRenderModelGLTF::DrawJoints( const struct renderEntity_s* ent, const view
static bool GatherBoneInfo( gltfData* data, gltfAnimation* gltfAnim, idList<int, TAG_MODEL>& bones, idList<jointAnimInfo_t, TAG_MD5_ANIM>& jointInfo , const idImportOptions* options )
static bool GatherBoneInfo( gltfData* data, gltfAnimation* gltfAnim, idList<int, TAG_MODEL>& bones, idList<jointAnimInfo_t, TAG_MD5_ANIM>& jointInfo , gltfSkin* skin, const idImportOptions* options )
//Gather Bones;
bool boneLess = false;
int targetNode = lastMeshFromFile->GetRootID();
auto skin = data->GetSkin( gltfAnim );
auto targets = data->GetAnimTargets( gltfAnim );
auto& nodeList = data->NodeList();
if( skin == nullptr )
@ -795,7 +799,7 @@ static bool GatherBoneInfo( gltfData* data, gltfAnimation* gltfAnim, idList<int,
int idx = 0;
for( auto& joint : jointInfo )
joint.animBits = 0;
joint.animBits = ~63;
joint.firstComponent = -1;
joint.nameIndex = animationLib.JointIndex( nodeList[bones[idx++]]->name );
@ -813,7 +817,7 @@ static idList<idJointQuat> GetPose( idList<gltfNode>& bones, idJointMat* poseMat
auto* node = &bones[i];
idMat4 trans = mat4_identity;
gltfData::ResolveNodeMatrix( node, &trans, &bones[0] );
gltfData::ResolveNodeMatrix( node, &trans );
if( node->parent == nullptr )
@ -905,11 +909,12 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
idStr lastGltfFileName = idStr( lastMeshFromFile->name );
idStr lastName;
gltfManager::ExtractIdentifier( lastGltfFileName, id, lastName );
gltfSkin* skin = nullptr;
if( options != nullptr && !options->armature.IsEmpty() )
gameLocal.Printf( "Looking for armature %s\n", options->armature.c_str() );
gltfSkin* skin = data->GetSkin( options->armature );
skin = data->GetSkin( options->armature );
if( skin && ( skin->skeleton > -1 && skin->skeleton < nodes.Num() ) )
rootID = skin->skeleton;
@ -947,16 +952,18 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
if( nodeRoot != nullptr && nodeRoot->skin > -1 )
rootID = data->SkinList()[nodeRoot->skin]->skeleton;
skin = data->SkinList()[nodeRoot->skin];
rootID = skin->skeleton;
if( rootID == -1 )
if( rootID == -1 || !skin || ( skin && !skin->joints.Num() ) )
common->Warning( "Could not determine root" );
common->Error( "Could not determine the armatures rootID" );
return nullptr;
auto gltfAnim = data->GetAnimation( name );
auto gltfAnim = data->GetAnimation( name, skin->joints[0] );
if( !gltfAnim )
common->Warning( "Could not find action %s in %s !", name.c_str(), gltfFileName.c_str() );
@ -966,7 +973,7 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
idList<int, TAG_MODEL> bones;
idList<jointAnimInfo_t, TAG_MD5_ANIM> jointInfo;
bool boneLess = GatherBoneInfo( data, gltfAnim, bones, jointInfo, options );
bool boneLess = GatherBoneInfo( data, gltfAnim, bones, jointInfo, skin, options );
idList<idList<gltfNode>> animBones;
idList<float, TAG_MD5_ANIM> componentFrames;
@ -1010,9 +1017,11 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
// setup jointinfo's animbits for every joint that is animated
int channelCount = 0;
bool hasArmatureTransform = false;
for( auto channel : gltfAnim->channels )
if( !bones.Find( channel->target.node ) )
int boneIndex = bones.FindIndex( channel->target.node );
if( boneIndex < 0 )
@ -1022,7 +1031,7 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
auto* input = accessors[sampler->input];
auto* output = accessors[sampler->output];
auto* target = nodes[channel->target.node];
jointAnimInfo_t* newJoint = &( jointInfo[ bones.FindIndex( channel->target.node ) ] );
jointAnimInfo_t* newJoint = &( jointInfo[boneIndex] );
idList<float>& timeStamps = data->GetAccessorView( input );
int frames = timeStamps.Num();
@ -1036,7 +1045,6 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
numFrames = frames;
int parentIndex = data->GetNodeIndex( target->parent );
newJoint->nameIndex = animationLib.JointIndex( boneLess ? "origin" : target->name );
newJoint->parentNum = bones.FindIndex( parentIndex );
@ -1048,6 +1056,7 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
newJoint->firstComponent = numAnimatedComponents;
switch( channel->target.TRS )
@ -1059,11 +1068,19 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
case gltfAnimation_Channel_Target::rotation:
newJoint->animBits |= ANIM_QX | ANIM_QY | ANIM_QZ;
numAnimatedComponents += 3;
if( !boneIndex )
hasArmatureTransform = true;
case gltfAnimation_Channel_Target::translation:
newJoint->animBits |= ANIM_TX | ANIM_TY | ANIM_TZ;
numAnimatedComponents += 3;
if( !boneIndex )
hasArmatureTransform = true;
case gltfAnimation_Channel_Target::scale: // this is not supported by engine, but it should be for gltf
@ -1085,7 +1102,7 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
if( !options->transferRootMotion.IsEmpty() )
jointAnimInfo_t* newJoint = &( jointInfo[0] );
newJoint->animBits = ANIM_TX | ANIM_TY | ANIM_TZ;
newJoint->animBits |= ANIM_TX | ANIM_TY | ANIM_TZ;
numAnimatedComponents += 3;
newJoint->firstComponent = -3;
for( auto& joint : jointInfo )
@ -1125,7 +1142,8 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
for( auto channel : gltfAnim->channels )
if( !bones.Find( channel->target.node ) )
int boneIndex = bones.FindIndex( channel->target.node );
if( boneIndex < 0 )
@ -1134,9 +1152,8 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
auto* input = accessors[sampler->input];
auto* output = accessors[sampler->output];
auto* target = nodes[channel->target.node];
idList<float>& timeStamps = data->GetAccessorView( input );
int boneIndex = bones.FindIndex( channel->target.node );
switch( channel->target.TRS )
@ -1165,6 +1182,7 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
animBones[i][boneIndex].translation.y = values[i]->y;
animBones[i][0].translation = *values[i];
animBones[i][0].translation.y = 0;
@ -1190,13 +1208,30 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
auto* node = &animBones[i][b];
jointAnimInfo_t* joint = &( jointInfo[b] );
gltfNode tmpNode = *node;
if( joint->animBits & ( ANIM_QX | ANIM_QY | ANIM_QZ | ANIM_TX | ANIM_TY | ANIM_TZ ) )
if( node->parent == nullptr )
idMat4 trans = mat4_identity;
gltfData::ResolveNodeMatrix( &tmpNode, &trans );
tmpNode.matrix *= globalTransform * tmpNode.matrix.Transpose();
tmpNode.rotation = ( tmpNode.matrix.ToMat3().ToQuat() );
tmpNode.translation = idVec3( trans[0][3], trans[1][3], trans[2][3] );
tmpNode.rotation.w = tmpNode.rotation.CalcW();
tmpNode.rotation *= -tmpNode.rotation;
idQuat q = node->rotation;
idVec3 t = node->translation;
idQuat q = tmpNode.rotation;
idVec3 t = tmpNode.translation;
if( joint->animBits & ( ANIM_TX | ANIM_TY | ANIM_TZ ) )
if( node->parent == nullptr )
if( !hasArmatureTransform && node->parent == nullptr )
t = globalTransform * t;
@ -1208,13 +1243,16 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
if( joint->animBits & ( ANIM_QX | ANIM_QY | ANIM_QZ ) )
if( node->parent == nullptr )
if( !hasArmatureTransform )
q = globalTransform.ToMat3().ToQuat() * animBones[i][b].rotation;
q = -animBones[i][b].rotation;
if( node->parent == nullptr )
q = globalTransform.ToMat3().ToQuat() * animBones[i][b].rotation;
q = -animBones[i][b].rotation;
componentFrames[componentFrameIndex++] = q.x;
@ -1352,7 +1390,7 @@ idFile_Memory* idRenderModelGLTF::GetAnimBin( const idStr& animName, const ID_TI
if( jointInfo[0].animBits )
if( jointInfo[0].animBits & ( ANIM_QX | ANIM_QY | ANIM_QZ | ANIM_TX | ANIM_TY | ANIM_TZ ) )
componentPtr = &componentFrames[jointInfo[0].firstComponent];
@ -1510,9 +1548,6 @@ void idRenderModelGLTF::LoadModel()
skin->joints.AssureSize( 1, rootID );
idMat4 trans = mat4_identity;
data->ResolveNodeMatrix( meshRoot, &trans );
acc = new gltfAccessor();
acc->matView = new idList<idMat4>( 1 );
acc->matView->AssureSize( 1, trans.Inverse() );
if( skin && skin->skeleton == -1 )
Reference in a new issue