mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:22:05 +00:00
Synced rbdmap posix code
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 674 additions and 41 deletions
@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2024 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ static MyAppLog tuiLog;
idStr::vsnPrintf( msg, MAXPRINTMSG - 1, fmt, argptr ); \
msg[ sizeof( msg ) - 1 ] = '\0'; \
va_end( argptr ); \
Sys_DebugPrintf( "%s%s%s", pre, msg, post ); \
Sys_Printf( "%s%s%s", pre, msg, post ); \
idCVar com_developer( "developer", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM, "developer mode" );
@ -192,11 +192,11 @@ idCVar com_productionMode( "com_productionMode", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL, "
void Sys_DebugPrintf( const char* fmt, ... )
void Sys_Printf( const char* fmt, ... )
char msg[MAXPRINTMSG];
@ -214,10 +214,10 @@ void Sys_DebugPrintf( const char* fmt, ... )
void Sys_DebugVPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list arg )
void Sys_VPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list arg )
char msg[MAXPRINTMSG];
@ -473,13 +473,13 @@ public:
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
Sys_DebugVPrintf( fmt, argptr );
Sys_VPrintf( fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
virtual void DebugVPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list arg )
Sys_DebugVPrintf( fmt, arg );
Sys_VPrintf( fmt, arg );
virtual double GetClockTicks()
@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ public:
virtual void VPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list arg )
Sys_DebugVPrintf( fmt, arg );
Sys_VPrintf( fmt, arg );
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2024 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "../sys/sys_local.h"
#include "../framework/EventLoop.h"
@ -37,11 +39,137 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include "imtui/imtui.h"
#include "imtui/imtui-impl-ncurses.h"
#include "imtui/imtui-demo.h"
idEventLoop* eventLoop;
idSys* sys = NULL;
// [SECTION] Example App: Debug Log / ShowExampleAppLog()
struct MyAppLog
ImGuiTextBuffer Buf;
ImGuiTextFilter Filter;
ImVector<int> LineOffsets; // Index to lines offset. We maintain this with AddLog() calls, allowing us to have a random access on lines
void Clear()
LineOffsets.push_back( 0 );
void AddLog( const char* fmt, ... ) IM_FMTARGS( 2 )
int old_size = Buf.size();
va_list args;
va_start( args, fmt );
Buf.appendfv( fmt, args );
va_end( args );
for( int new_size = Buf.size(); old_size < new_size; old_size++ )
if( Buf[old_size] == '\n' )
LineOffsets.push_back( old_size + 1 );
void Draw( const char* title, bool* p_open = NULL )
auto wSize = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize;
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0, 1 ), ImGuiCond_Always );
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( wSize.x, wSize.y - 5 ), ImGuiCond_Always );
if( !ImGui::Begin( title, p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration ) )
bool copy = ImGui::Button( "Copy to Clipboard" );
ImGui::BeginChild( "scrolling", ImVec2( 0, 0 ), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar );
if( copy )
ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) );
const char* buf = Buf.begin();
const char* buf_end = Buf.end();
#if 0
if( Filter.IsActive() )
// In this example we don't use the clipper when Filter is enabled.
// This is because we don't have a random access on the result on our filter.
// A real application processing logs with ten of thousands of entries may want to store the result of search/filter.
// especially if the filtering function is not trivial (e.g. reg-exp).
for( int line_no = 0; line_no < LineOffsets.Size; line_no++ )
const char* line_start = buf + LineOffsets[line_no];
const char* line_end = ( line_no + 1 < LineOffsets.Size ) ? ( buf + LineOffsets[line_no + 1] - 1 ) : buf_end;
if( Filter.PassFilter( line_start, line_end ) )
ImGui::TextUnformatted( line_start, line_end );
// The simplest and easy way to display the entire buffer:
// ImGui::TextUnformatted(buf_begin, buf_end);
// And it'll just work. TextUnformatted() has specialization for large blob of text and will fast-forward to skip non-visible lines.
// Here we instead demonstrate using the clipper to only process lines that are within the visible area.
// If you have tens of thousands of items and their processing cost is non-negligible, coarse clipping them on your side is recommended.
// Using ImGuiListClipper requires A) random access into your data, and B) items all being the same height,
// both of which we can handle since we an array pointing to the beginning of each line of text.
// When using the filter (in the block of code above) we don't have random access into the data to display anymore, which is why we don't use the clipper.
// Storing or skimming through the search result would make it possible (and would be recommended if you want to search through tens of thousands of entries)
ImGuiListClipper clipper;
clipper.Begin( LineOffsets.Size );
while( clipper.Step() )
for( int line_no = clipper.DisplayStart; line_no < clipper.DisplayEnd; line_no++ )
const char* line_start = buf + LineOffsets[line_no];
const char* line_end = ( line_no + 1 < LineOffsets.Size ) ? ( buf + LineOffsets[line_no + 1] - 1 ) : buf_end;
ImGui::TextUnformatted( line_start, line_end );
//if( ImGui::GetScrollY() >= ImGui::GetScrollMaxY() )
ImGui::SetScrollHereY( 1.0f );
static MyAppLog tuiLog;
#define MAXPRINTMSG 4096
#define STDIO_PRINT( pre, post ) \
va_list argptr; \
va_start( argptr, fmt ); \
@ -52,7 +180,7 @@ idSys* sys = NULL;
va_end( argptr ) \
//idCVar com_developer( "developer", "0", CVAR_BOOL|CVAR_SYSTEM, "developer mode" );
idCVar com_developer( "developer", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM, "developer mode" );
idCVar com_productionMode( "com_productionMode", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL, "0 - no special behavior, 1 - building a production build, 2 - running a production build" );
@ -268,6 +396,48 @@ ID_TIME_T Sys_FileTimeStamp( idFileHandle fp )
return st.st_mtime;
double Sys_GetClockTicks()
#if defined( __x86_64__ )
uint32_t lo, hi;
__asm__ __volatile__( "rdtsc" : "=a"( lo ), "=d"( hi ) );
return ( ( ( uint64_t )hi ) << 32 ) | lo;
//#error unsupported CPU
struct timespec now;
clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now );
return now.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + now.tv_nsec;
double Sys_ClockTicksPerSecond()
static bool init = false;
static double ret;
if( init )
return ret;
ret = MeasureClockTicks();
init = true;
common->Printf( "measured CPU frequency: %g MHz\n", ret / 1000000.0 );
return ret;
@ -335,13 +505,13 @@ public:
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
Sys_DebugVPrintf( fmt, argptr );
Sys_VPrintf( fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
virtual void DebugVPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list arg )
Sys_DebugVPrintf( fmt, arg );
Sys_VPrintf( fmt, arg );
virtual double GetClockTicks()
@ -424,9 +594,110 @@ idSys* sys = &idSysLocal;
namespace UI
enum class ColorScheme : int
struct State
int hoveredWindowId = 0;
int statusWindowHeight = 4;
ColorScheme colorScheme = ColorScheme::Dark;
bool showHelpWelcome = false;
bool showHelpModal = false;
bool showStatusWindow = true;
#define STATUS_TEXT_SIZE 512
idStrStatic<STATUS_TEXT_SIZE> statusWindowHeader = "Initializing Doom Framework";
idStrStatic<STATUS_TEXT_SIZE> statusActiveTool = "-";
float progress = 1.0f;
void ChangeColorScheme( bool inc = true )
if( inc )
colorScheme = ( ColorScheme )( ( ( int ) colorScheme + 1 ) % ( ( int )ColorScheme::COUNT ) );
ImVec4* colors = ImGui::GetStyle().Colors;
switch( colorScheme )
case ColorScheme::Default:
colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImVec4( 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImVec4( 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.96f, 0.96f, 0.94f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4( 1.00f, 0.40f, 0.00f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4( 1.00f, 0.40f, 0.00f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4( 0.69f, 0.25f, 0.00f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_ChildBg] = ImVec4( 0.96f, 0.96f, 0.94f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImVec4( 0.96f, 0.96f, 0.94f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] = ImVec4( 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f );
case ColorScheme::Dark:
colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImVec4( 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImVec4( 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.10f, 0.10f, 0.10f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4( 1.00f, 0.40f, 0.00f, 0.50f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4( 1.00f, 0.40f, 0.00f, 0.50f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4( 0.69f, 0.25f, 0.00f, 0.50f );
colors[ImGuiCol_ChildBg] = ImVec4( 0.10f, 0.10f, 0.10f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImVec4( 0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] = ImVec4( 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f );
case ColorScheme::Green:
colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImVec4( 0.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImVec4( 0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.10f, 0.10f, 0.10f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4( 0.50f, 1.00f, 0.50f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_ChildBg] = ImVec4( 0.10f, 0.10f, 0.10f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImVec4( 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f );
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] = ImVec4( 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f );
// UI state
UI::State stateUI;
class idCommonLocal : public idCommon
int count = 0;
int expectedCount = 0;
size_t tics = 0;
size_t nextTicCount = 0;
bool com_refreshOnPrint = true; // update the screen every print for dmap
ImTui::TScreen* screen;
// Initialize everything.
// if the OS allows, pass argc/argv directly (without executable name)
@ -456,7 +727,7 @@ public:
// Redraws the screen, handling games, guis, console, etc
// in a modal manner outside the normal frame loop
virtual void UpdateScreen() {}
virtual void UpdateScreen( bool captureToImage, bool releaseMouse = true );
virtual void UpdateLevelLoadPacifier() {}
@ -473,27 +744,78 @@ public:
virtual void EndRedirect() {}
// Update the screen with every message printed.
virtual void SetRefreshOnPrint( bool set ) {}
virtual void SetRefreshOnPrint( bool set )
//com_refreshOnPrint = set;
virtual void Printf( const char* fmt, ... )
STDIO_PRINT( "", "" );
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
common->UpdateScreen( false );
virtual void VPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list arg )
vprintf( fmt, arg );
Sys_VPrintf( fmt, arg );
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
common->UpdateScreen( false );
virtual void DPrintf( const char* fmt, ... )
STDIO_PRINT( "", "" );
if( com_developer.GetBool() )
STDIO_PRINT( "", "" );
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
common->UpdateScreen( false );
virtual void VerbosePrintf( const char* fmt, ... )
if( dmap_verbose.GetBool() )
STDIO_PRINT( "", "" );
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
common->UpdateScreen( false );
virtual void Warning( const char* fmt, ... )
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
common->UpdateScreen( false );
virtual void DWarning( const char* fmt, ... )
if( com_developer.GetBool() )
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
common->UpdateScreen( false );
// Prints all queued warnings.
@ -505,11 +827,21 @@ public:
virtual void Error( const char* fmt, ... )
STDIO_PRINT( "ERROR: ", "\n" );
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
common->UpdateScreen( false );
exit( 0 );
virtual void FatalError( const char* fmt, ... )
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
common->UpdateScreen( false );
exit( 0 );
@ -650,22 +982,86 @@ public:
virtual void QueueShowShell() { }; // Will activate the shell on the next frame.
virtual void UpdateScreen( bool, bool ) { }
void InitTool( const toolFlag_t, const idDict*, idEntity* ) {}
//virtual currentGame_t GetCurrentGame() const {
// return DOOM_CLASSIC;
//virtual void SwitchToGame(currentGame_t newGame) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeFilename( const char* filename, const char* reason ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeInfo( const char* info ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeMiplevel( int level, int maxLevel ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeProgress( float progress ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeEnd() { };
void LoadPacifierBinarizeProgressTotal( int total ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeProgressIncrement( int step ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeFilename( const char* filename, const char* reason ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeInfo( const char* info ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeMiplevel( int level, int maxLevel ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeProgress( float progress ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeEnd() { };
// for images in particular we can measure more accurately this way (to deal with mipmaps)
void LoadPacifierBinarizeProgressTotal( int total ) {}
void LoadPacifierBinarizeProgressIncrement( int step ) {}
virtual void DmapPacifierFilename( const char* filename, const char* reason )
stateUI.statusWindowHeader.Format( "%s | %s", filename, reason );
virtual void DmapPacifierInfo( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... )
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
idStr::vsnPrintf( msg, STATUS_TEXT_SIZE - 1, fmt, argptr );
msg[ sizeof( msg ) - 1 ] = '\0';
va_end( argptr );
stateUI.statusActiveTool = msg;
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
UpdateScreen( false );
virtual void DmapPacifierCompileProgressTotal( int total )
count = 0;
expectedCount = total;
tics = 0;
nextTicCount = 0;
stateUI.progress = 0;
virtual void DmapPacifierCompileProgressIncrement( int step )
count += step;
stateUI.progress = float( count ) / expectedCount;
// don't refresh the UI with every step if there are e.g. 1300 steps
if( ( count + 1 ) >= nextTicCount )
size_t ticsNeeded = ( size_t )( ( ( double )( count + 1 ) / expectedCount ) * 50.0 );
//common->Printf( "*" );
while( ++tics < ticsNeeded );
nextTicCount = ( size_t )( ( tics / 50.0 ) * expectedCount );
if( count == ( expectedCount - 1 ) )
//if( tics < 51 )
// common->Printf( "*" );
//common->Printf( "\n" );
//stateUI.progress = 1;
if( com_refreshOnPrint )
common->UpdateScreen( false );
idCommonLocal commonLocal;
@ -681,8 +1077,10 @@ int com_editors = 0;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
int Dmap_NoGui( int argc, char** argv )
commonLocal.com_refreshOnPrint = false;
idLib::common = common;
idLib::cvarSystem = cvarSystem;
idLib::fileSystem = fileSystem;
@ -692,16 +1090,251 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
// set cvars before filesystem init to use mod paths
idCmdArgs args;
for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
args.AppendArg( argv[i] );
if( idStr::Icmp( argv[ i ], "+set" ) == 0 )
if( ( i + 2 ) < argc )
cvarSystem->SetCVarString( argv[ i + 1 ], argv[ i + 2 ] );
i += 2;
else if( idStr::Icmp( argv[ i ], "-t" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( argv[ i ], "-nogui" ) == 0 )
args.AppendArg( argv[i] );
Dmap_f( args );
return 0;
#if 0
void idCommonLocal::UpdateScreen( bool captureToImage, bool releaseMouse )
int main( int argc, char** argv )
return Dmap_NoGui( argc, argv );
#elif 1
void idCommonLocal::UpdateScreen( bool captureToImage, bool releaseMouse )
bool demo = true;
bool conOpen = true;
auto wSize = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize;
if( stateUI.showStatusWindow )
wSize.y -= stateUI.statusWindowHeight;
wSize.x = int( wSize.x );
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0, 0 ), ImGuiCond_Always );
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( wSize, ImGuiCond_Always );
//idStr title = va( "RBDMAP version %s %s", ENGINE_VERSION, BUILD_STRING );
idStr title = va( "RBDMAP version %s %s %s %s", ENGINE_VERSION, BUILD_STRING, __DATE__, __TIME__ );
ImGui::Begin( title.c_str(), nullptr,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse |
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize |
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove |
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar );
tuiLog.Draw( "Current Log:", &conOpen );
//ShowExampleAppConsole( &conOpen );
//ImTui::ShowDemoWindow( &demo );
auto wSize = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize;
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0, wSize.y - stateUI.statusWindowHeight ), ImGuiCond_Always );
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( wSize.x, stateUI.statusWindowHeight ), ImGuiCond_Always );
ImGui::Begin( stateUI.statusWindowHeader, nullptr,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse |
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize |
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove );
auto wSize = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize;
if( stateUI.progress < 1.0f )
ImGui::ProgressBar( stateUI.progress, ImVec2( wSize.x, 0.0f ) );
ImGui::Text( " " );
ImGui::Text( " %s", stateUI.statusActiveTool.c_str() );
ImGui::Text( " Source code : https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/RBDOOM-3-BFG" );
ImTui_ImplText_RenderDrawData( ImGui::GetDrawData(), screen );
int main( int argc, char** argv )
for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
if( idStr::Icmp( argv[ i ], "-t" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( argv[ i ], "-nogui" ) == 0 )
return Dmap_NoGui( argc, argv );
commonLocal.screen = ImTui_ImplNcurses_Init( true );
stateUI.ChangeColorScheme( false );
idLib::common = common;
idLib::cvarSystem = cvarSystem;
idLib::fileSystem = fileSystem;
idLib::sys = sys;
// set cvars before filesystem init to use mod paths
idCmdArgs args;
for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
if( idStr::Icmp( argv[ i ], "+set" ) == 0 )
if( ( i + 2 ) < argc )
cvarSystem->SetCVarString( argv[ i + 1 ], argv[ i + 2 ] );
i += 2;
else if( idStr::Icmp( argv[ i ], "-t" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( argv[ i ], "-nogui" ) == 0 )
args.AppendArg( argv[i] );
Dmap_f( args );
#if 0
while( true )
bool captureToImage = false;
common->UpdateScreen( captureToImage );
return 0;
#include "imtui/imtui.h"
#include "imtui/imtui-impl-ncurses.h"
#include "imtui/imtui-demo.h"
void idCommonLocal::UpdateScreen( bool captureToImage, bool releaseMouse )
int main()
auto screen = ImTui_ImplNcurses_Init( true );
stateUI.ChangeColorScheme( false );
bool demo = true;
int nframes = 0;
float fval = 1.23f;
while( true )
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 4, 27 ), ImGuiCond_Once );
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 50.0, 10.0 ), ImGuiCond_Once );
ImGui::Begin( "Hello, world!" );
ImGui::Text( "NFrames = %d", nframes++ );
ImGui::Text( "Mouse Pos : x = %g, y = %g", ImGui::GetIO().MousePos.x, ImGui::GetIO().MousePos.y );
ImGui::Text( "Time per frame %.3f ms/frame (%.1f FPS)", 1000.0f / ImGui::GetIO().Framerate, ImGui::GetIO().Framerate );
ImGui::Text( "Float:" );
ImGui::SliderFloat( "##float", &fval, 0.0f, 10.0f );
#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
ImGui::Text( "%s", "" );
if( ImGui::Button( "Exit program", { ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x, 2 } ) )
ImTui::ShowDemoWindow( &demo );
ImTui_ImplText_RenderDrawData( ImGui::GetDrawData(), screen );
return 0;
Reference in a new issue