mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:22:05 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into 571-sega-shader
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 147 additions and 56 deletions
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ bind "F2" "toggle r_showTris 1 2 0"
bind "F3" "toggle r_forceAmbient 0.3 0.5 1.0 0"
bind "F4" "toggle r_skipInteractions"
bind "F5" "savegame quick"
// bind "F6" "toggle r_showLightGrid 1 3 4 0"
bind "F6" "toggle r_renderMode 0 1 3 5 7 9 11"
bind "F6" "toggle r_showLightGrid 1 3 4 0"
//bind "F6" "toggle r_renderMode 0 1 3 5 7 9 11"
bind "F7" "toggle r_renderMode 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11"
bind "F8" "toggle r_useCRTPostFX 0 1 2 3"
bind "F9" "loadgame quick"
@ -442,4 +442,17 @@ textures/common/occlusion
// this one is not invisible and like textures/sfx/black but will also cast shadows
// so it works as a blocker for the lightgrid
qer_editorimage textures/common/shadow.tga
basecolormap _blackDiffuse
// RB end
@ -509,6 +509,7 @@ void idInteraction::UnlinkAndFree()
// clear the table pointer
idRenderWorldLocal* renderWorld = this->lightDef->world;
// RB: added check for NULL
if( renderWorld->interactionTable != NULL )
@ -3960,7 +3960,7 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND_SHIP( makeMaterials, "Make .mtr file from a models or textures f
bool stripFolderFromMaterial = false;
bool ueMode = false;
idStr option;
for( int i = 1; i < args.Argc(); i++ )
@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND_SHIP( makeMaterials, "Make .mtr file from a models or textures f
if( option.IcmpPrefix( "Unreal" ) == 0 )
stripFolderFromMaterial = true;
ueMode = true;
@ -4043,8 +4043,9 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND_SHIP( makeMaterials, "Make .mtr file from a models or textures f
materialName.CopyRange( baseName.c_str(), 0, baseName.Length() - 2 );
if( stripFolderFromMaterial )
if( ueMode )
// strip folder from material name
idStr matName;
materialName.ExtractFileName( matName );
materialName = matName;
@ -4255,6 +4256,52 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND_SHIP( makeMaterials, "Make .mtr file from a models or textures f
if( ueMode )
// ===============================
// test UE4 specular map
idStrList specNames = { "_specular" };
byte* specPic = NULL;
int specWidth = 0;
int specHeight = 0;
for( auto& name : specNames )
ID_TIME_T testStamp;
idStr testName = baseName + name + resName;
R_LoadImage( testName, &specPic, &specWidth, &specHeight, &testStamp, true, NULL );
// swap bytes to RMAO order
int c = specWidth * specHeight * 4;
for( int j = 0 ; j < c ; j += 4 )
byte ao = specPic[j + 0];
byte roughness = specPic[j + 1];
byte metal = specPic[j + 2];
specPic[j + 0] = roughness;
specPic[j + 1] = metal;
specPic[j + 2] = ao;
// put middle 0.5 value into alpha channel for the case we want to add displacement later
specPic[j + 3] = 128;
idStr mergedName = baseName + "_rmao.png";
R_WritePNG( mergedName, static_cast<byte*>( specPic ), 4, specWidth, specHeight, "fs_basepath" );
mtrBuffer += va( "\trmaomap %s\n", mergedName.c_str() );
R_StaticFree( specPic );
if( roughPic )
R_StaticFree( roughPic );
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ private:
bool fileExclusive;
bool hasAnimations;
float maxJointVertDist; // maximum distance a vertex is separated from a joint
float maxJointVertDist = 10.0f; // maximum distance a vertex is separated from a joint
idList<int, TAG_MODEL> animIds;
idList<int, TAG_MODEL> bones;
idList<int, TAG_MODEL> MeshNodeIds;
@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@ void idRenderBackend::RenderInteractions( const drawSurf_t* surfList, const view
// are added single-threaded, and there is only a negligable amount
// of benefit to trying to sort by materials.
static const int MAX_INTERACTIONS_PER_LIGHT = 1024;
static const int MAX_INTERACTIONS_PER_LIGHT = 2048; // 1024 in BFG
idStaticList< const drawSurf_t*, MAX_INTERACTIONS_PER_LIGHT > allSurfaces;
idStaticList< const drawSurf_t*, MAX_COMPLEX_INTERACTIONS_PER_LIGHT > complexSurfaces;
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public:
idBlockAlloc<areaReference_t, 1024> areaReferenceAllocator;
idBlockAlloc<idInteraction, 256> interactionAllocator;
#ifdef ID_PC
#if 1 //def ID_PC
static const int MAX_DECAL_SURFACES = 32;
static const int MAX_DECAL_SURFACES = 16;
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Dustin Land
Copyright (C) 2020 Robert Beckebans
Copyright (C) 2022 Stephen Pridham
Copyright (C) 2024 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#if 1
// RB: increased some static memory limits for custom modder content
// RB: quadruppled static memory limits for custom content
const int VERTCACHE_INDEX_MEMORY_PER_FRAME = 31 * 1024 * 1024;
const int VERTCACHE_VERTEX_MEMORY_PER_FRAME = 31 * 1024 * 1024;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
// there are a lot more static indexes than vertexes, because interactions are just new
// index lists that reference existing vertexes
const int STATIC_INDEX_MEMORY = 4 * 31 * 1024 * 1024;
const int STATIC_VERTEX_MEMORY = 2 * 31 * 1024 * 1024; // make sure it fits in VERTCACHE_OFFSET_MASK!
const int STATIC_VERTEX_MEMORY = 4 * 31 * 1024 * 1024; // make sure it fits in VERTCACHE_OFFSET_MASK!
// vertCacheHandle_t packs size, offset, and frame number into 64 bits
typedef uint64 vertCacheHandle_t;
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
const int VERTCACHE_SIZE_MASK = 0x7fffff; // 23 bits = 8 megs
const int VERTCACHE_OFFSET_MASK = 0x3ffffff; // 26 bits = 64 megs
const int VERTCACHE_OFFSET_MASK = 0x7ffffff; // 27 bits = 128 megs
const int VERTCACHE_FRAME_MASK = 0x3fff; // 14 bits = 16382 frames to wrap around
const int VERTCACHE_FRAME_MASK = 0x1fff; // 13 bits = 8191 frames to wrap around
@ -177,7 +177,6 @@ idRenderModel* R_EntityDefDynamicModel( idRenderEntityLocal* def )
// if we don't have a snapshot of the dynamic model, generate it now
if( def->dynamicModel == NULL )
SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "InstantiateDynamicModel" );
// instantiate the snapshot of the dynamic model, possibly reusing memory from the cached snapshot
@ -709,26 +708,23 @@ void R_AddSingleModel( viewEntity_t* vEntity )
tr.pc.c_mocIndexes += 36;
tr.pc.c_mocVerts += 8;
const float size = 16.0f;
idBounds debugBounds( idVec3( -size ), idVec3( size ) );
//debugBounds = vEntity->entityDef->localReferenceBounds;
#if 0
idBounds surfaceBounds;
#if 1
if( gpuSkinned )
//debugBounds = vEntity->entityDef->localReferenceBounds;
debugBounds = model->Bounds();
surfaceBounds = vEntity->entityDef->localReferenceBounds;
debugBounds = tri->bounds;
surfaceBounds = tri->bounds;
idRenderMatrix modelRenderMatrix;
idRenderMatrix::CreateFromOriginAxis( renderEntity->origin, renderEntity->axis, modelRenderMatrix );
idRenderMatrix inverseBaseModelProject;
idRenderMatrix::OffsetScaleForBounds( modelRenderMatrix, debugBounds, inverseBaseModelProject );
idRenderMatrix::OffsetScaleForBounds( modelRenderMatrix, surfaceBounds, inverseBaseModelProject );
idRenderMatrix invProjectMVPMatrix;
idRenderMatrix::Multiply( viewDef->worldSpace.unjitteredMVP, inverseBaseModelProject, invProjectMVPMatrix );
@ -382,51 +382,80 @@ void R_RenderSingleModel( viewEntity_t* vEntity )
#if 0
idVec4 triVerts[3];
unsigned int triIndices[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
tr.pc.c_mocIndexes += 36;
tr.pc.c_mocVerts += 8;
idBounds surfaceBounds;
if( gpuSkinned )
surfaceBounds = vEntity->entityDef->localReferenceBounds;
surfaceBounds = tri->bounds;
idRenderMatrix modelRenderMatrix;
idRenderMatrix::CreateFromOriginAxis( renderEntity->origin, renderEntity->axis, modelRenderMatrix );
//const float size = 16.0f;
//idBounds debugBounds( idVec3( -size ), idVec3( size ) );
idBounds debugBounds;
#if 0
if( gpuSkinned )
//debugBounds = vEntity->entityDef->localReferenceBounds;
debugBounds = model->Bounds();
debugBounds = tri->bounds;
idRenderMatrix inverseBaseModelProject;
idRenderMatrix::OffsetScaleForBounds( modelRenderMatrix, debugBounds, inverseBaseModelProject );
idRenderMatrix::OffsetScaleForBounds( modelRenderMatrix, surfaceBounds, inverseBaseModelProject );
idRenderMatrix invProjectMVPMatrix;
idRenderMatrix::Multiply( viewDef->worldSpace.unjitteredMVP, inverseBaseModelProject, invProjectMVPMatrix );
// NOTE: unit cube instead of zeroToOne cube
idVec4* verts = tr.maskedUnitCubeVerts;
unsigned int* indexes = tr.maskedZeroOneCubeIndexes;
for( int i = 0, face = 0; i < 36; i += 3, face++ )
idVec4 triVerts[8];
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
const idVec4& v0 = verts[indexes[i + 0]];
const idVec4& v1 = verts[indexes[i + 1]];
const idVec4& v2 = verts[indexes[i + 2]];
// transform to clip space
invProjectMVPMatrix.TransformPoint( v0, triVerts[0] );
invProjectMVPMatrix.TransformPoint( v1, triVerts[1] );
invProjectMVPMatrix.TransformPoint( v2, triVerts[2] );
invProjectMVPMatrix.TransformPoint( verts[i], triVerts[i] );
tr.maskedOcclusionCulling->RenderTriangles( ( float* )triVerts, triIndices, 1, NULL, MaskedOcclusionCulling::BACKFACE_CCW );
tr.maskedOcclusionCulling->RenderTriangles( ( float* )triVerts, tr.maskedZeroOneCubeIndexes, 12, NULL, MaskedOcclusionCulling::BACKFACE_CCW );
#elif 0
idBounds surfaceBounds;
if( gpuSkinned )
surfaceBounds = vEntity->entityDef->localReferenceBounds;
surfaceBounds = tri->bounds;
idRenderMatrix modelRenderMatrix;
idRenderMatrix::CreateFromOriginAxis( renderEntity->origin, renderEntity->axis, modelRenderMatrix );
idRenderMatrix inverseBaseModelProject;
idRenderMatrix::OffsetScaleForBounds( modelRenderMatrix, surfaceBounds, inverseBaseModelProject );
// NOTE: unit cube instead of zeroToOne cube
idVec4* verts = tr.maskedUnitCubeVerts;
idVec4 triVerts[8];
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
// transform to clip space
inverseBaseModelProject.TransformPoint( verts[i], triVerts[i] );
static idVec4 colors[] = { colorRed, colorGreen, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorMagenta, colorCyan, colorWhite, colorPurple };
idVec4 color = colors[surfaceNum & 7];
// same as idRenderWorldLocal::DebugBox
const int lifetime = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
tr.viewDef->renderWorld->DebugLine( color, triVerts[i].ToVec3(), triVerts[( i + 1 ) & 3].ToVec3(), lifetime );
tr.viewDef->renderWorld->DebugLine( color, triVerts[4 + i].ToVec3(), triVerts[4 + ( ( i + 1 ) & 3 )].ToVec3(), lifetime );
tr.viewDef->renderWorld->DebugLine( color, triVerts[i].ToVec3(), triVerts[4 + i].ToVec3(), lifetime );
@ -488,9 +488,14 @@ void Dmap( const idCmdArgs& args )
// create AAS files
RunAAS_f( args );
common->DmapPacifierFilename( passedName, "Done" );
common->DmapPacifierFilename( passedName, "Failed due to errors. Quit program." );
common->DmapPacifierFilename( passedName, "Done" );
// free the common .map representation
delete dmapGlobals.dmapFile;
@ -1234,11 +1234,11 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
Dmap_f( args );
#if 0
#if 1
// maybe only do this if dmap has a leaked BSP
while( true )
bool captureToImage = false;
common->UpdateScreen( captureToImage );
common->UpdateScreen( false );
Reference in a new issue