Instantiate and destroy cinematicAudio only if audio stream is present in cinematic file

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Saunders 2022-03-17 18:00:53 -04:00
parent 78c5fd3a8c
commit 97b8cd08a7

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@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ private:
// RB end
//GK:Also init variables for XAudio2 or OpenAL (SRS - this must be an instance variable)
CinematicAudio* cinematicAudio;
CinematicAudio* cinematicAudio = NULL;
// Carl: ROQ files from original Doom 3
@ -525,13 +525,6 @@ idCinematicLocal::idCinematicLocal()
opts.numLevels = 1;
img->AllocImage( opts, TF_LINEAR, TR_REPEAT );
//GK: Make sure the cinematic voices are the first to be initialized
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(USE_OPENAL)
cinematicAudio = new( TAG_AUDIO ) CinematicAudio_XAudio2;
cinematicAudio = new( TAG_AUDIO ) CinematicAudio_OpenAL;
@ -578,9 +571,13 @@ idCinematicLocal::~idCinematicLocal()
delete img;
img = NULL;
//GK: Properly close local XAudio2 or OpenAL voice
delete cinematicAudio;
// GK/SRS - Properly close and delete XAudio2 or OpenAL voice if instantiated
if( cinematicAudio )
delete cinematicAudio;
cinematicAudio = NULL;
#if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
@ -751,6 +748,11 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFFMPEGFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
hasplanar = false;
common->Printf( "Cinematic audio stream found: Sample Rate=%d Hz, Channels=%d, Format=%s, Planar=%d\n", dec_ctx2->sample_rate, dec_ctx2->channels, GetSampleFormat( dec_ctx2->sample_fmt ), hasplanar );
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(USE_OPENAL)
cinematicAudio = new( TAG_AUDIO ) CinematicAudio_XAudio2;
cinematicAudio = new( TAG_AUDIO ) CinematicAudio_OpenAL;
cinematicAudio->InitAudio( dec_ctx2 );
@ -825,8 +827,8 @@ void idCinematicLocal::FFMPEGReset()
framePos = -1;
// SRS - If we have an ffmpeg audio context, reset audio to release any stale buffers and avoid AV drift if looping
if( dec_ctx2 )
// SRS - If we have cinematic audio, reset audio to release any stale buffers and avoid AV drift if looping
if( cinematicAudio )
@ -924,6 +926,11 @@ bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromBinkDecFile( const char* qpath, bool amilooping )
trackIndex = 0; // SRS - Use the first audio track - is this reasonable?
binkInfo = Bink_GetAudioTrackDetails( binkHandle, trackIndex );
common->Printf( "Cinematic audio stream found: Sample Rate=%d Hz, Channels=%d, Format=16-bit\n", binkInfo.sampleRate, binkInfo.nChannels );
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(USE_OPENAL)
cinematicAudio = new( TAG_AUDIO ) CinematicAudio_XAudio2;
cinematicAudio = new( TAG_AUDIO ) CinematicAudio_OpenAL;
cinematicAudio->InitAudio( &binkInfo );
@ -953,8 +960,8 @@ void idCinematicLocal::BinkDecReset()
framePos = -1;
// SRS - If we have bink audio tracks, reset audio to release any stale buffers (even if looping)
if( audioTracks > 0 )
// SRS - If we have cinematic audio, reset audio to release any stale buffers (even if looping)
if( cinematicAudio )
@ -1143,10 +1150,13 @@ void idCinematicLocal::Close()
img_convert_ctx = NULL;
// SRS - Free audio codec context, resample context, and any lagged audio buffers
if( dec_ctx2 )
// SRS - If we have cinematic audio, free audio codec context, resample context, and any lagged audio buffers
if( cinematicAudio )
avcodec_free_context( &dec_ctx2 );
if( dec_ctx2 )
avcodec_free_context( &dec_ctx2 );
// SRS - Free resample context if we were decoding planar audio
if( swr_ctx )
@ -1154,6 +1164,7 @@ void idCinematicLocal::Close()
swr_free( &swr_ctx );
lagIndex = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LAG_FRAMES; i++ )
lagBufSize[ i ] = 0;
@ -1484,7 +1495,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeFFMPEG( int thisTime )
else if( packet.stream_index == audio_stream_index ) //Check if it found any audio data
else if( cinematicAudio && packet.stream_index == audio_stream_index ) //Check if it found any audio data
res = avcodec_send_packet( dec_ctx2, &packet );
if( res != 0 && res != AVERROR( EAGAIN ) )
@ -1727,7 +1738,7 @@ cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTimeBinkDec( int thisTime )
cinData.imageCr = imgCr;
cinData.imageCb = imgCb;
if( audioTracks > 0 )
if( cinematicAudio )
audioBuffer = ( int16_t* )Mem_Alloc( binkInfo.idealBufferSize, TAG_AUDIO );
num_bytes = Bink_GetAudioData( binkHandle, trackIndex, audioBuffer );