mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 14:40:44 +00:00
Gizmo shows up
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 75 additions and 51 deletions
@ -576,38 +576,6 @@ static float* vecToArr( idVec3& v )
void Frustum( float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float znear, float zfar, float* m16 )
float temp, temp2, temp3, temp4;
temp = 2.0f * znear;
temp2 = right - left;
temp3 = top - bottom;
temp4 = zfar - znear;
m16[0] = temp / temp2;
m16[1] = 0.0;
m16[2] = 0.0;
m16[3] = 0.0;
m16[4] = 0.0;
m16[5] = temp / temp3;
m16[6] = 0.0;
m16[7] = 0.0;
m16[8] = ( right + left ) / temp2;
m16[9] = ( top + bottom ) / temp3;
m16[10] = ( -zfar - znear ) / temp4;
m16[11] = -1.0f;
m16[12] = 0.0;
m16[13] = 0.0;
m16[14] = ( -temp * zfar ) / temp4;
m16[15] = 0.0;
void Perspective( float fovyInDegrees, float aspectRatio, float znear, float zfar, float* m16 )
float ymax, xmax;
ymax = znear * tanf( fovyInDegrees * 3.141592f / 180.0f );
xmax = ymax * aspectRatio;
Frustum( -xmax, xmax, -ymax, ymax, znear, zfar, m16 );
void LightEditor::Draw()
@ -619,6 +587,7 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
// RB: handle arrow key inputs like in TrenchBroom
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
if( io.KeysDown[K_ESCAPE] )
@ -818,6 +787,9 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
ImGuizmo::SetOrthographic( false );
ImGuizmo::SetID( 0 );
viewDef_t viewDef;
if( gameEdit->PlayerGetRenderView( viewDef.renderView ) )
@ -828,31 +800,56 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
float* cameraView = viewDef.worldSpace.modelViewMatrix;
float* cameraProjection = viewDef.unjitteredProjectionMatrix;
float cameraView[16];
//memcpy( cameraView, viewDef.worldSpace.modelViewMatrix, sizeof( cameraView ) );
float* cameraView = viewDef.worldSpace.modelViewMatrix;
R_AxisToModelMatrix( viewDef.renderView.viewaxis, viewDef.renderView.vieworg, viewDef.worldSpace.modelViewMatrix );
R_MatrixTranspose( viewDef.worldSpace.modelViewMatrix, cameraView );
//float cameraView[16];
//R_AxisToModelMatrix( viewDef.renderView.viewaxis, viewDef.renderView.vieworg, viewDef.worldSpace.modelViewMatrix );
//R_MatrixTranspose( viewDef.worldSpace.modelViewMatrix, cameraView );
float aspectRatio = io.DisplaySize.x / io.DisplaySize.y;
float aspectRatio = io.DisplaySize.y / io.DisplaySize.x;
//float cameraProjection[16];
//Perspective( viewDef.renderView.fov_y, aspectRatio, viewDef.renderView.cramZNear, 16000.0f, cameraProjection );
float cameraProjection[16];
Perspective( viewDef.renderView.fov_y, aspectRatio, 1.0f, 16000.0f, cameraProjection );
float* cameraProjection = viewDef.unjitteredProjectionMatrix;
//float* cameraProjection = viewDef.unjitteredProjectionMatrix;
ImGuizmo::DrawGrid( cameraView, cameraProjection, mat4_identity.ToFloatPtr(), 100.f );
idAngles angles( 0, 0, 90 );
idMat3 rotate = angles.ToMat3();
idMat3 scaleMatrix = mat3_identity;
scaleMatrix[0][0] = 10;
scaleMatrix[1][1] = 10;
scaleMatrix[2][2] = 10;
idMat4 objectMatrix( scaleMatrix, cur.origin );
ImGuizmo::DrawCubes( cameraView, cameraProjection, mat4_identity.ToFloatPtr(), 1 );
scaleMatrix[0][0] = 4;
scaleMatrix[1][1] = 4;
scaleMatrix[2][2] = 4;
//idMat4 gridMatrix( scaleMatrix * rotate, vec3_origin );
//ImGuizmo::DrawGrid( cameraView, cameraProjection, gridMatrix.ToFloatPtr(), 100.f );
//idMat3 scaleMatrix = mat3_identity;
scaleMatrix[0][0] = 1;
scaleMatrix[1][1] = 1;
scaleMatrix[2][2] = 1;
idMat4 objectMatrix( scaleMatrix, cur.origin );
//idMat4 objectMatrix( scaleMatrix, cur.origin );
//ImGuizmo::DrawCubes( cameraView, cameraProjection, objectMatrix.Transpose().ToFloatPtr(), 1 );
ImGuizmo::OPERATION mCurrentGizmoOperation( ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE );
if( io.KeysDown[K_G] )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE;
if( io.KeysDown[K_R] )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::ROTATE;
//if( ImGui::IsKeyPressed( ImGuiKey_S ) )
// mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::SCALE;
ImGuizmo::MODE mCurrentGizmoMode( ImGuizmo::LOCAL );
bool useSnap = false;
float snap[3] = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f };
@ -861,10 +858,37 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
bool boundSizing = false;
bool boundSizingSnap = false;
ImGuizmo::DrawCubes( cameraView, cameraProjection, &objectMatrix[0][0], 1 );
ImGuizmo::Manipulate( cameraView, cameraProjection, mCurrentGizmoOperation, mCurrentGizmoMode, objectMatrix.ToFloatPtr(), NULL, useSnap ? &snap[0] : NULL, boundSizing ? bounds : NULL, boundSizingSnap ? boundsSnap : NULL );
idMat4 manipMatrix = objectMatrix.Transpose();
ImGuizmo::Manipulate( cameraView, cameraProjection, mCurrentGizmoOperation, mCurrentGizmoMode, manipMatrix.ToFloatPtr(), NULL, useSnap ? &snap[0] : NULL, boundSizing ? bounds : NULL, boundSizingSnap ? boundsSnap : NULL );
//ImGuizmo::ViewManipulate( cameraView, camDistance, ImVec2( viewManipulateRight - 128, viewManipulateTop ), ImVec2( 128, 128 ), 0x10101010 );
if( ImGuizmo::IsUsing() )
cur.origin.x = manipMatrix[3].x;
cur.origin.y = manipMatrix[3].y;
cur.origin.z = manipMatrix[3].z;
//float camDistance = 8.f;
//float viewManipulateRight = io.DisplaySize.x;
//float viewManipulateTop = 0;
ImGui::Text( "X: %f Y: %f", io.MousePos.x, io.MousePos.y );
if( ImGuizmo::IsUsing() )
ImGui::Text( "Using gizmo" );
ImGui::Text( ImGuizmo::IsOver() ? "Over gizmo" : "" );
ImGui::Text( ImGuizmo::IsOver( ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE ) ? "Over translate gizmo" : "" );
ImGui::Text( ImGuizmo::IsOver( ImGuizmo::ROTATE ) ? "Over rotate gizmo" : "" );
ImGui::Text( ImGuizmo::IsOver( ImGuizmo::SCALE ) ? "Over scale gizmo" : "" );
Reference in a new issue