Removed more obsolete Vulkan & OpenGL code

This commit is contained in:
Robert Beckebans 2023-03-10 18:03:20 +01:00
parent 9121f84559
commit 8975f59f62
7 changed files with 10 additions and 623 deletions

View file

@ -6288,17 +6288,6 @@ void idRenderBackend::DrawView( const void* data, const int stereoEye )
// skip render context sets the wgl context to NULL,
// which should factor out the API cost, under the assumption
// that all gl calls just return if the context isn't valid
// RB: not really needed
//if( r_skipRenderContext.GetBool() && backEnd.viewDef->viewEntitys )
// GLimp_DeactivateContext();
// RB end
pc.c_surfaces += viewDef->numDrawSurfs;
@ -6306,7 +6295,9 @@ void idRenderBackend::DrawView( const void* data, const int stereoEye )
// render the scene
DrawViewInternal( cmd->viewDef, stereoEye );
// RB: Support motion blur in the future again?
// It is the worst thing next to depth of field
// optionally draw a box colored based on the eye number
if( r_drawEyeColor.GetBool() )

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Dustin Land
Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Robert Beckebans
Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Robert Beckebans
Copyright (C) 2022 Stephen Pridham
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
@ -125,139 +125,6 @@ struct debugPolygon_t
void RB_SetMVP( const idRenderMatrix& mvp );
void RB_SetVertexColorParms( stageVertexColor_t svc );
//void RB_GetShaderTextureMatrix( const float* shaderRegisters, const textureStage_t* texture, float matrix[16] );
//void RB_LoadShaderTextureMatrix( const float* shaderRegisters, const textureStage_t* texture );
//void RB_BakeTextureMatrixIntoTexgen( idPlane lightProject[3], const float* textureMatrix );
//bool ChangeDisplaySettingsIfNeeded( gfxImpParms_t parms );
//bool CreateGameWindow( gfxImpParms_t parms );
#if defined( USE_VULKAN )
// SRS - Generalized Vulkan SDL platform
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_vulkan.h>
struct gpuInfo_t
VkPhysicalDevice device;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties props;
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memProps;
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR surfaceCaps;
idList< VkSurfaceFormatKHR > surfaceFormats;
idList< VkPresentModeKHR > presentModes;
idList< VkQueueFamilyProperties > queueFamilyProps;
idList< VkExtensionProperties > extensionProps;
struct vulkanContext_t
// Eric: If on linux, use this to pass SDL_Window pointer to the SDL_Vulkan_* methods not in sdl_vkimp.cpp file.
// SRS - Generalized Vulkan SDL platform
SDL_Window* sdlWindow = nullptr;
uint64 frameCounter;
uint32 frameParity;
vertCacheHandle_t jointCacheHandle;
VkInstance instance;
// selected physical device
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice;
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures physicalDeviceFeatures;
// logical device
VkDevice device;
VkQueue graphicsQueue;
VkQueue presentQueue;
int graphicsFamilyIdx;
int presentFamilyIdx;
VkDebugReportCallbackEXT callback;
idList< const char* > instanceExtensions;
idList< const char* > deviceExtensions;
idList< const char* > validationLayers;
bool debugMarkerSupportAvailable;
bool debugUtilsSupportAvailable;
bool deviceProperties2Available; // SRS - For getting device properties in support of gfxInfo
// selected GPU
gpuInfo_t* gpu;
// all GPUs found on the system
idList< gpuInfo_t > gpus;
VkCommandPool commandPool;
idArray< VkCommandBuffer, NUM_FRAME_DATA > commandBuffer;
idArray< VkFence, NUM_FRAME_DATA > commandBufferFences;
idArray< bool, NUM_FRAME_DATA > commandBufferRecorded;
VkSurfaceKHR surface;
VkPresentModeKHR presentMode;
VkFormat depthFormat;
VkRenderPass renderPass;
VkPipelineCache pipelineCache;
VkSampleCountFlagBits sampleCount;
bool supersampling;
int fullscreen;
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain;
VkFormat swapchainFormat;
VkExtent2D swapchainExtent;
uint32 currentSwapIndex;
VkImage msaaImage;
VkImageView msaaImageView;
#if defined( USE_AMD_ALLOCATOR )
VmaAllocation msaaVmaAllocation;
VmaAllocationInfo msaaAllocation;
vulkanAllocation_t msaaAllocation;
idArray< VkImage, NUM_FRAME_DATA > swapchainImages;
idArray< VkImageView, NUM_FRAME_DATA > swapchainViews;
idArray< VkFramebuffer, NUM_FRAME_DATA > frameBuffers;
idArray< VkSemaphore, NUM_FRAME_DATA > acquireSemaphores;
idArray< VkSemaphore, NUM_FRAME_DATA > renderCompleteSemaphores;
int currentImageParm;
idArray< idImage*, MAX_IMAGE_PARMS > imageParms;
//typedef uint32 QueryTuple[2];
// GPU timestamp queries
idArray< uint32, NUM_FRAME_DATA > queryIndex;
idArray< idArray< uint32, MRB_TOTAL_QUERIES >, NUM_FRAME_DATA > queryAssignedIndex;
idArray< idArray< uint64, NUM_TIMESTAMP_QUERIES >, NUM_FRAME_DATA > queryResults;
idArray< VkQueryPool, NUM_FRAME_DATA > queryPools;
extern vulkanContext_t vkcontext;
#elif !defined( USE_NVRHI )
struct glContext_t
uint64 frameCounter;
uint32 frameParity;
uint64 stencilOperations[ STENCIL_FACE_NUM ];
// for GL_TIME_ELAPSED_EXT queries
GLuint renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ NUM_FRAME_DATA ][ MRB_TOTAL_QUERIES ];
uint32 renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ NUM_FRAME_DATA ][ MRB_TOTAL_QUERIES ];
extern glContext_t glcontext;
@ -520,8 +387,6 @@ private:
TileMap tileMap;
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
idScreenRect stateViewport;
idScreenRect stateScissor;
@ -569,25 +434,6 @@ public:
return commonPasses;
#elif !defined( USE_VULKAN )
int currenttmu;
unsigned int currentVertexBuffer;
unsigned int currentIndexBuffer;
Framebuffer* currentFramebuffer; // RB: for offscreen rendering
vertexLayoutType_t vertexLayout;
float polyOfsScale;
float polyOfsBias;
int GetCurrentTextureUnit() const
return currenttmu;
#endif // !defined( USE_VULKAN )

View file

@ -1167,7 +1167,6 @@ extern idCVar r_skipFrontEnd; // bypasses all front end work, but 2D gui rend
extern idCVar r_skipBackEnd; // don't draw anything
extern idCVar r_skipCopyTexture; // do all rendering, but don't actually copyTexSubImage2D
extern idCVar r_skipRender; // skip 3D rendering, but pass 2D
extern idCVar r_skipRenderContext; // NULL the rendering context during backend 3D rendering
extern idCVar r_skipTranslucent; // skip the translucent interaction rendering
extern idCVar r_skipAmbient; // bypasses all non-interaction drawing
extern idCVar r_skipNewAmbient; // bypasses all vertex/fragment program ambients

View file

@ -29,18 +29,8 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
#include <sys/DeviceManager.h>
extern DeviceManager* deviceManager;
Contains the RenderLog implementation.
TODO: Emit statistics to the logfile at the end of views and frames.
#include <sys/DeviceManager.h>
extern DeviceManager* deviceManager;
idCVar r_logLevel( "r_logLevel", "0", CVAR_INTEGER, "1 = blocks only, 2 = everything", 0, 2 );
@ -69,42 +59,7 @@ const char* renderLogMainBlockLabels[] =
#if defined( USE_VULKAN )
compile_time_assert( NUM_TIMESTAMP_QUERIES >= ( MRB_TOTAL_QUERIES ) );
extern uint64 Sys_Microseconds();
PIX events on all platforms
struct pixEvent_t
char name[256];
uint64 cpuTime;
uint64 gpuTime;
idCVar r_pix( "r_pix", "0", CVAR_INTEGER, "print GPU/CPU event timing" );
#if !defined( USE_VULKAN ) && !defined(USE_NVRHI)
static const int MAX_PIX_EVENTS = 256;
// defer allocation of this until needed, so we don't waste lots of memory
pixEvent_t* pixEvents; // [MAX_PIX_EVENTS]
int numPixEvents;
int numPixLevels;
static GLuint timeQueryIds[MAX_PIX_EVENTS];
@ -120,86 +75,10 @@ void PC_BeginNamedEvent( const char* szName, const idVec4& color, nvrhi::IComman
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
if( commandList )
commandList->beginMarker( szName );
#elif defined( USE_VULKAN )
// start an annotated group of calls under the this name
// SRS - Prefer VK_EXT_debug_utils over VK_EXT_debug_marker/VK_EXT_debug_report (deprecated by VK_EXT_debug_utils)
if( vkcontext.debugUtilsSupportAvailable )
VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT label = {};
label.pLabelName = szName;
label.color[0] = color.x;
label.color[1] = color.y;
label.color[2] = color.z;
label.color[3] = color.w;
qvkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT( vkcontext.commandBuffer[ vkcontext.frameParity ], &label );
else if( vkcontext.debugMarkerSupportAvailable )
VkDebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT label = {};
label.pMarkerName = szName;
label.color[0] = color.x;
label.color[1] = color.y;
label.color[2] = color.z;
label.color[3] = color.w;
qvkCmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT( vkcontext.commandBuffer[ vkcontext.frameParity ], &label );
// RB: colors are not supported in OpenGL
// only do this if RBDOOM-3-BFG was started by RenderDoc or some similar tool
if( glConfig.gremedyStringMarkerAvailable && glConfig.khronosDebugAvailable )
glPushDebugGroup( GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_ARB, 0, GLsizei( strlen( szName ) ), szName );
#if 0
if( !r_pix.GetBool() )
if( !pixEvents )
// lazy allocation to not waste memory
pixEvents = ( pixEvent_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *pixEvents ) * MAX_PIX_EVENTS, TAG_CRAP );
if( numPixEvents >= MAX_PIX_EVENTS )
idLib::FatalError( "PC_BeginNamedEvent: event overflow" );
if( ++numPixLevels > 1 )
return; // only get top level timing information
if( !glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT )
if( timeQueryIds[0] == 0 )
glGenQueries( MAX_PIX_EVENTS, timeQueryIds );
glBeginQuery( GL_TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, timeQueryIds[numPixEvents] );
pixEvent_t* ev = &pixEvents[numPixEvents++];
strncpy( ev->name, szName, sizeof( ev->name ) - 1 );
ev->cpuTime = Sys_Microseconds();
@ -214,96 +93,12 @@ void PC_EndNamedEvent( nvrhi::ICommandList* commandList )
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
if( commandList )
#elif defined( USE_VULKAN )
// SRS - Prefer VK_EXT_debug_utils over VK_EXT_debug_marker/VK_EXT_debug_report (deprecated by VK_EXT_debug_utils)
if( vkcontext.debugUtilsSupportAvailable )
qvkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT( vkcontext.commandBuffer[ vkcontext.frameParity ] );
else if( vkcontext.debugMarkerSupportAvailable )
qvkCmdDebugMarkerEndEXT( vkcontext.commandBuffer[ vkcontext.frameParity ] );
// only do this if RBDOOM-3-BFG was started by RenderDoc or some similar tool
if( glConfig.gremedyStringMarkerAvailable && glConfig.khronosDebugAvailable )
#if 0
if( !r_pix.GetBool() )
if( numPixLevels <= 0 )
idLib::FatalError( "PC_EndNamedEvent: level underflow" );
if( --numPixLevels > 0 )
// only do timing on top level events
if( !glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT )
pixEvent_t* ev = &pixEvents[numPixEvents - 1];
ev->cpuTime = Sys_Microseconds() - ev->cpuTime;
void PC_EndFrame()
#if 0
if( !r_pix.GetBool() )
int64 totalGPU = 0;
int64 totalCPU = 0;
idLib::Printf( "----- GPU Events -----\n" );
for( int i = 0 ; i < numPixEvents ; i++ )
pixEvent_t* ev = &pixEvents[i];
int64 gpuTime = 0;
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( timeQueryIds[i], GL_QUERY_RESULT, ( GLuint64EXT* )&gpuTime );
ev->gpuTime = gpuTime;
idLib::Printf( "%2d: %1.2f (GPU) %1.3f (CPU) = %s\n", i, ev->gpuTime / 1000000.0f, ev->cpuTime / 1000.0f, ev->name );
totalGPU += ev->gpuTime;
totalCPU += ev->cpuTime;
idLib::Printf( "%2d: %1.2f (GPU) %1.3f (CPU) = total\n", numPixEvents, totalGPU / 1000000.0f, totalCPU / 1000.0f );
memset( pixEvents, 0, numPixLevels * sizeof( pixEvents[0] ) );
numPixEvents = 0;
numPixLevels = 0;
@ -323,37 +118,29 @@ idRenderLog::idRenderLog()
void idRenderLog::Init()
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
for( int i = 0; i < MRB_TOTAL * NUM_FRAME_DATA; i++ )
timerQueries.Append( deviceManager->GetDevice()->createTimerQuery() );
timerUsed.Append( false );
void idRenderLog::Shutdown()
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
for( int i = 0; i < MRB_TOTAL * NUM_FRAME_DATA; i++ )
void idRenderLog::StartFrame( nvrhi::ICommandList* _commandList )
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
commandList = _commandList;
void idRenderLog::EndFrame()
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
commandList = nullptr;
@ -370,8 +157,6 @@ void idRenderLog::OpenMainBlock( renderLogMainBlock_t block )
mainBlock = block;
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
int timerIndex = mainBlock + frameParity * MRB_TOTAL;
// SRS - Only issue a new start timer query if timer slot unused
@ -379,41 +164,6 @@ void idRenderLog::OpenMainBlock( renderLogMainBlock_t block )
commandList->beginTimerQuery( timerQueries[ timerIndex ] );
#elif defined( USE_VULKAN )
if( vkcontext.queryIndex[ vkcontext.frameParity ] >= ( NUM_TIMESTAMP_QUERIES - 1 ) )
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer = vkcontext.commandBuffer[ vkcontext.frameParity ];
VkQueryPool queryPool = vkcontext.queryPools[ vkcontext.frameParity ];
uint32 queryIndex = vkcontext.queryAssignedIndex[ vkcontext.frameParity ][ mainBlock * 2 + 0 ] = vkcontext.queryIndex[ vkcontext.frameParity ]++;
vkCmdWriteTimestamp( commandBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, queryPool, queryIndex );
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
// SRS - For OSX use elapsed time query for Apple OpenGL 4.1 using GL_TIME_ELAPSED vs GL_TIMESTAMP (which is not implemented on OSX)
// SRS - OSX AMD drivers have a rendering bug (flashing colours) with an elasped time query when Shadow Mapping is on - turn off query for that case unless r_skipAMDWorkarounds is set
if( !r_useShadowMapping.GetBool() || glConfig.vendor != VENDOR_AMD || r_skipAMDWorkarounds.GetBool() )
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ mainBlock * 2 + 1 ] == 0 )
glGenQueries( 1, &glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ mainBlock * 2 + 1 ] );
glBeginQuery( GL_TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ mainBlock * 2 + 1 ] );
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ mainBlock * 2 ] == 0 )
glCreateQueries( GL_TIMESTAMP, 2, &glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ mainBlock * 2 ] );
glQueryCounter( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ mainBlock * 2 + 0 ], GL_TIMESTAMP );
glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ][ mainBlock * 2 + 0 ]++;
@ -434,8 +184,6 @@ void idRenderLog::CloseMainBlock( int _block )
block = renderLogMainBlock_t( _block );
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
int timerIndex = block + frameParity * MRB_TOTAL;
// SRS - Only issue a new end timer query if timer slot unused
@ -444,32 +192,6 @@ void idRenderLog::CloseMainBlock( int _block )
commandList->endTimerQuery( timerQueries[ timerIndex ] );
timerUsed[ timerIndex ] = true;
#elif defined( USE_VULKAN )
if( vkcontext.queryIndex[ vkcontext.frameParity ] >= ( NUM_TIMESTAMP_QUERIES - 1 ) )
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer = vkcontext.commandBuffer[ vkcontext.frameParity ];
VkQueryPool queryPool = vkcontext.queryPools[ vkcontext.frameParity ];
uint32 queryIndex = vkcontext.queryAssignedIndex[ vkcontext.frameParity ][ block * 2 + 1 ] = vkcontext.queryIndex[ vkcontext.frameParity ]++;
vkCmdWriteTimestamp( commandBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT, queryPool, queryIndex );
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
// SRS - For OSX use elapsed time query for Apple OpenGL 4.1 using GL_TIME_ELAPSED vs GL_TIMESTAMP (which is not implemented on OSX)
// SRS - OSX AMD drivers have a rendering bug (flashing colours) with an elasped time query when Shadow Mapping is on - turn off query for that case unless r_skipAMDWorkarounds is set
if( !r_useShadowMapping.GetBool() || glConfig.vendor != VENDOR_AMD || r_skipAMDWorkarounds.GetBool() )
glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ][ block * 2 + 1 ]++;
glQueryCounter( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ block * 2 + 1 ], GL_TIMESTAMP );
glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ][ block * 2 + 1 ]++;
@ -483,8 +205,6 @@ void idRenderLog::FetchGPUTimers( backEndCounters_t& pc )
frameParity = ( frameParity + 1 ) % NUM_FRAME_DATA;
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
for( int i = 0; i < MRB_TOTAL; i++ )
int timerIndex = i + frameParity * MRB_TOTAL;
@ -535,7 +255,6 @@ void idRenderLog::FetchGPUTimers( backEndCounters_t& pc )
// reset timer
timerUsed[timerIndex] = false;
@ -558,4 +277,3 @@ void idRenderLog::CloseBlock()
PC_EndNamedEvent( commandList );
// RB end

View file

@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ class idRenderLog
renderLogMainBlock_t mainBlock;
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
nvrhi::CommandListHandle commandList;
uint64 frameCounter;
@ -84,7 +83,6 @@ private:
idStaticList<nvrhi::TimerQueryHandle, MRB_TOTAL* NUM_FRAME_DATA> timerQueries;
idStaticList<bool, MRB_TOTAL* NUM_FRAME_DATA> timerUsed;

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Robert Beckebans
Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Robert Beckebans
Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Kot in Action Creative Artel
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
@ -35,10 +35,8 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#include "../framework/Common_local.h"
#include "../imgui/BFGimgui.h"
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
#include <sys/DeviceManager.h>
extern DeviceManager* deviceManager;
#include <sys/DeviceManager.h>
extern DeviceManager* deviceManager;
idRenderSystemLocal tr;
@ -136,32 +134,7 @@ void idRenderSystemLocal::RenderCommandBuffers( const emptyCommand_t* const cmdH
// draw 2D graphics
if( !r_skipBackEnd.GetBool() )
#if defined(USE_NVRHI)
//renderLog.FetchGPUTimers( backend.pc );
// SRS - For OSX skip total rendering time query due to missing GL_TIMESTAMP support in Apple OpenGL 4.1, will calculate it inside SwapCommandBuffers_FinishRendering instead
#elif !defined(USE_VULKAN) && !defined(__APPLE__)
if( glConfig.timerQueryAvailable )
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ MRB_GPU_TIME ] == 0 )
glCreateQueries( GL_TIMESTAMP, 2, &glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][MRB_GPU_TIME ] );
glQueryCounter( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ MRB_GPU_TIME * 2 + 0 ], GL_TIMESTAMP );
backend.ExecuteBackEndCommands( cmdHead );
glQueryCounter( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ][ MRB_GPU_TIME * 2 + 1 ], GL_TIMESTAMP );
glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ][ MRB_GPU_TIME * 2 + 1 ]++;
backend.ExecuteBackEndCommands( cmdHead );
backend.ExecuteBackEndCommands( cmdHead );
// pass in null for now - we may need to do some map specific hackery in the future
@ -677,11 +650,7 @@ void idRenderSystemLocal::SwapCommandBuffers_FinishRendering(
// keep capturing envprobes completely in the background
// and only update the screen when we update the progress bar in the console
#if defined( USE_NVRHI )
if( !omitSwapBuffers )
if( !takingEnvprobe )
@ -693,132 +662,10 @@ void idRenderSystemLocal::SwapCommandBuffers_FinishRendering(
#if defined( USE_NVRHI ) || defined( USE_VULKAN )
if( gpuMicroSec != NULL )
*gpuMicroSec = backend.pc.gpuMicroSec;
// read back the start and end timer queries from the previous frame
if( glConfig.timerQueryAvailable )
GLuint64EXT gpuStartNanoseconds = 0;
GLuint64EXT gpuEndNanoseconds = 0;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_GPU_TIME * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_GPU_TIME * 2 + 0], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuStartNanoseconds );
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_GPU_TIME * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuMicroSec = ( gpuEndNanoseconds - gpuStartNanoseconds ) / 1000;
if( gpuMicroSec != NULL )
*gpuMicroSec = backend.pc.gpuMicroSec;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_FILL_DEPTH_BUFFER * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_FILL_DEPTH_BUFFER * 2 + 0], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuStartNanoseconds );
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_FILL_DEPTH_BUFFER * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuDepthMicroSec = ( gpuEndNanoseconds - gpuStartNanoseconds ) / 1000;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_SSAO_PASS * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_SSAO_PASS * 2 + 0], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuStartNanoseconds );
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_SSAO_PASS * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionMicroSec = ( gpuEndNanoseconds - gpuStartNanoseconds ) / 1000;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_AMBIENT_PASS * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_AMBIENT_PASS * 2 + 0], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuStartNanoseconds );
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_AMBIENT_PASS * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuAmbientPassMicroSec = ( gpuEndNanoseconds - gpuStartNanoseconds ) / 1000;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_INTERACTIONS * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_INTERACTIONS * 2 + 0], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuStartNanoseconds );
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_INTERACTIONS * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuInteractionsMicroSec = ( gpuEndNanoseconds - gpuStartNanoseconds ) / 1000;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_SHADER_PASSES * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_SHADER_PASSES * 2 + 0], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuStartNanoseconds );
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_SHADER_PASSES * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuShaderPassMicroSec = ( gpuEndNanoseconds - gpuStartNanoseconds ) / 1000;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_POSTPROCESS * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_POSTPROCESS * 2 + 0], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuStartNanoseconds );
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_POSTPROCESS * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuPostProcessingMicroSec = ( gpuEndNanoseconds - gpuStartNanoseconds ) / 1000;
// SRS - For OSX OpenGL calculate total rendering time vs direct measurement due to missing GL_TIMESTAMP support in Apple OpenGL 4.1
#if defined(__APPLE__)
// SRS - On OSX gpuMicroSec starts with only a portion of the GPU rendering time, must add additional components for more accurate estimate
backend.pc.gpuMicroSec += backend.pc.gpuDepthMicroSec + backend.pc.gpuScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionMicroSec + backend.pc.gpuScreenSpaceReflectionsMicroSec + backend.pc.gpuAmbientPassMicroSec + backend.pc.gpuInteractionsMicroSec + backend.pc.gpuShaderPassMicroSec + backend.pc.gpuPostProcessingMicroSec;
// SRS - For OSX elapsed time queries, no need to perform unnecessary calls to glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT since gpuStartNanoseconds will always equal 0
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_FILL_GEOMETRY_BUFFER * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_FILL_GEOMETRY_BUFFER * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuMicroSec += gpuEndNanoseconds / 1000;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_FOG_ALL_LIGHTS * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_FOG_ALL_LIGHTS * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuMicroSec += gpuEndNanoseconds / 1000;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_SHADER_PASSES_POST * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_SHADER_PASSES_POST * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuMicroSec += gpuEndNanoseconds / 1000;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_DEBUG_TOOLS * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_DEBUG_TOOLS * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuMicroSec += gpuEndNanoseconds / 1000;
if( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_GUI * 2 + 1 ] > 0 )
glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIds[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ MRB_DRAW_GUI * 2 + 1], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gpuEndNanoseconds );
backend.pc.gpuMicroSec += gpuEndNanoseconds / 1000;
if( gpuMicroSec != NULL )
*gpuMicroSec = backend.pc.gpuMicroSec;
for( int i = 0; i < MRB_TOTAL_QUERIES; i++ )
glcontext.renderLogMainBlockTimeQueryIssued[ glcontext.frameParity ^ 1 ][ i ] = 0;
@ -857,7 +704,6 @@ void idRenderSystemLocal::SwapCommandBuffers_FinishRendering(
// RB: resize HDR buffers
// RB end
// check for errors
@ -952,18 +798,10 @@ const emptyCommand_t* idRenderSystemLocal::SwapCommandBuffers_FinishCommandBuffe
// set the time for shader effects in 2D rendering
frameShaderTime = Sys_Milliseconds() * 0.001;
#if 1 //!defined(USE_VULKAN)
// RB: TODO RC_SET_BUFFER is not handled in OpenGL
setBufferCommand_t* cmd2 = ( setBufferCommand_t* )R_GetCommandBuffer( sizeof( *cmd2 ) );
cmd2->commandId = RC_SET_BUFFER;
#if defined(USE_VULKAN) || defined(USE_NVRHI)
cmd2->buffer = 0;
cmd2->buffer = ( int )GL_BACK;
// the old command buffer can now be rendered, while the new one can
// be built in parallel

View file

@ -145,9 +145,6 @@ idCVar r_skipDynamicTextures( "r_skipDynamicTextures", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR
idCVar r_skipCopyTexture( "r_skipCopyTexture", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "do all rendering, but don't actually copyTexSubImage2D" );
idCVar r_skipBackEnd( "r_skipBackEnd", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "don't draw anything" );
idCVar r_skipRender( "r_skipRender", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "skip 3D rendering, but pass 2D" );
// RB begin
idCVar r_skipRenderContext( "r_skipRenderContext", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "DISABLED: NULL the rendering context during backend 3D rendering" );
// RB end
idCVar r_skipTranslucent( "r_skipTranslucent", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "skip the translucent interaction rendering" );
idCVar r_skipAmbient( "r_skipAmbient", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "bypasses all non-interaction drawing" );
idCVar r_skipNewAmbient( "r_skipNewAmbient", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "bypasses all vertex/fragment program ambient drawing" );