mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:22:05 +00:00
Started to simplify the light editor
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 106 additions and 94 deletions
@ -750,9 +750,13 @@ bool InjectSysEvent( const sysEvent_t* event )
return HandleKeyEvent( ev );
// RB: still allow mouse movement if right mouse button is pressed
//if( !g_MousePressed[1] )
g_MousePos.x = ev.evValue;
g_MousePos.y = ev.evValue2;
return true;
case SE_CHAR:
if( ev.evValue < 0x10000 )
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ namespace ImGuiTools
void LightInfo::Defaults()
pointLight = true;
fallOff = 1.0f;
lightType = LIGHT_POINT;
strTexture = "";
equalRadius = true;
explicitStartEnd = false;
@ -56,21 +56,10 @@ void LightInfo::Defaults()
color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1.0f;
#if 0 // FIXME: unused, delete?
fog = false;
strobe = false;
strobeSpeed = 0.0f;
rotate = false;
rotateSpeed = 0.0f;
#endif // 0
castShadows = true;
castSpecular = true;
skipSpecular = false;
hasCenter = false;
isParallel = false;
lightStyle = -1;
@ -80,7 +69,9 @@ void LightInfo::DefaultPoint()
idVec3 oldColor = color;
color = oldColor;
pointLight = true;
lightType = LIGHT_POINT;
lightRadius[0] = lightRadius[1] = lightRadius[2] = 300;
equalRadius = true;
void LightInfo::DefaultProjected()
@ -88,12 +79,24 @@ void LightInfo::DefaultProjected()
idVec3 oldColor = color;
color = oldColor;
pointLight = false;
lightType = LIGHT_SPOT;
lightTarget[2] = -256;
lightUp[1] = -128;
lightRight[0] = -128;
void LightInfo::DefaultSun()
idVec3 oldColor = color;
color = oldColor;
lightType = LIGHT_SUN;
lightCenter.Set( 4, 4, 32 );
lightRadius[0] = lightRadius[1] = 2048;
lightRadius[2] = 1024;
equalRadius = false;
void LightInfo::FromDict( const idDict* e )
e->GetVector( "origin", "", origin );
@ -107,11 +110,11 @@ void LightInfo::FromDict( const idDict* e )
castShadows = !e->GetBool( "noshadows" );
castSpecular = !e->GetBool( "nospecular" );
fallOff = e->GetFloat( "falloff" );
skipSpecular = e->GetBool( "nospecular" );
strTexture = e->GetString( "texture" );
isParallel = e->GetBool( "parallel" );
bool isParallel = e->GetBool( "parallel" );
if( !e->GetVector( "_color", "", color ) )
@ -120,21 +123,10 @@ void LightInfo::FromDict( const idDict* e )
// even though it displays them as 0 to 255
#if 0 // FIXME: unused, delete?
if( e->GetVec4( "fog", "", fogDensity ) )
fog = true;
fog = false;
#endif // 0
if( e->GetVector( "light_right", "", lightRight ) )
// projected light
pointLight = false;
lightType = LIGHT_SPOT;
e->GetVector( "light_target", "", lightTarget );
e->GetVector( "light_up", "", lightUp );
if( e->GetVector( "light_start", "", lightStart ) )
@ -157,7 +149,8 @@ void LightInfo::FromDict( const idDict* e )
pointLight = true;
lightType = isParallel ? LIGHT_SUN : LIGHT_POINT;
if( e->GetVector( "light_radius", "", lightRadius ) )
equalRadius = ( lightRadius.x == lightRadius.y && lightRadius.x == lightRadius.z );
@ -195,9 +188,7 @@ void LightInfo::ToDict( idDict* e )
e->Set( "light", DELETE_VAL ); // we always use "light_radius" instead
e->Set( "noshadows", ( !castShadows ) ? "1" : "0" );
e->Set( "nospecular", ( !castSpecular ) ? "1" : "0" );
e->SetFloat( "falloff", fallOff );
e->Set( "nospecular", ( skipSpecular ) ? "1" : "0" );
if( strTexture.Length() > 0 )
@ -208,18 +199,10 @@ void LightInfo::ToDict( idDict* e )
e->Set( "texture", DELETE_VAL );
e->Set( "_color", color.ToString( 4 ) ); // NOTE: e->SetVector() uses precision of 2, not enough for color
// NOTE: e->SetVector() uses precision of 2, not enough for color
e->Set( "_color", color.ToString( 4 ) );
#if 0 // DG: I think this isn't used
if( fog )
idVec4 tmp( fogDensity );
tmp *= 1.0f / 255.0f; // TODO: why not just make fogdensity values between 0 and 1 to start with?
e->SetVec4( "fog", tmp );
#endif // 0
if( pointLight )
if( lightType == LIGHT_POINT || lightType == LIGHT_SUN )
if( !equalRadius )
@ -240,7 +223,11 @@ void LightInfo::ToDict( idDict* e )
e->Set( "light_center", DELETE_VAL );
e->Set( "parallel", isParallel ? "1" : DELETE_VAL );
if( lightType == LIGHT_SUN )
e->Set( "parallel", "1" );
e->Set( "style", DELETE_VAL );
// get rid of all the projected light specific stuff
e->Set( "light_target", DELETE_VAL );
@ -272,7 +259,7 @@ void LightInfo::ToDict( idDict* e )
// RB: Quake 1 light styles
if( lightStyle != -1 )
if( lightStyle != -1 && lightType != LIGHT_SUN )
e->SetInt( "style", lightStyle );
@ -325,6 +312,7 @@ void LightEditor::Init( const idDict* dict, idEntity* light )
gameEdit->EntityGetOrigin( light, entityPos );
const char* name = dict->GetString( "name", NULL );
if( name )
@ -337,6 +325,9 @@ void LightEditor::Init( const idDict* dict, idEntity* light )
entityName = ""; // TODO: generate name or handle gracefully or something?
title.Format( "Light Editor: <unnamed> light at (%s)", entityPos.ToString() );
title = "Light Editor";
currentTextureIndex = 0;
currentTexture = NULL;
@ -593,6 +584,12 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
// RB: handle arrow key inputs like in TrenchBroom
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
if( io.KeysDown[K_ESCAPE] )
showTool = false;
// TODO use view direction like just global values
if( io.KeysDown[K_LALT] )
@ -628,32 +625,35 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
changes = true;
changes |= ImGui::Checkbox( "Cast Shadows", &cur.castShadows );
changes |= ImGui::Checkbox( "Cast Specular", &cur.castSpecular );
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Light Volume" );
changes |= ImGui::ColorEdit3( "Color", vecToArr( cur.color ) );
// TODO: fog, fogDensity - probably unused!
int lightSelectionRadioBtn = cur.pointLight ? 0 : 1;
int lightSelectionRadioBtn = cur.lightType;
changes |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Point Light", &lightSelectionRadioBtn, 0 );
changes |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Projected Light", &lightSelectionRadioBtn, 1 );
cur.pointLight = ( lightSelectionRadioBtn == 0 );
changes |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Spot Light", &lightSelectionRadioBtn, 1 );
changes |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Sun Light", &lightSelectionRadioBtn, 2 );
if( lightSelectionRadioBtn == 0 )
if( lightSelectionRadioBtn == LIGHT_POINT || lightSelectionRadioBtn == LIGHT_SUN )
if( lightSelectionRadioBtn == LIGHT_POINT && lightSelectionRadioBtn != cur.lightType )
changes = true;
else if( lightSelectionRadioBtn == LIGHT_SUN && lightSelectionRadioBtn != cur.lightType )
changes = true;
ImGui::PushItemWidth( -1.0f ); // align end of Drag* with right window border
changes |= ImGui::Checkbox( "Equilateral Radius", &cur.equalRadius );
@ -675,26 +675,9 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
// TODO: this could as well be a slider or something, if 0/0.5/1 is too restricting
//changes |= ImGui::Checkbox( "Parallel", &cur.isParallel );
ImGui::Text( "Fall-off:" );
#if 0
ImGui::RadioButton( "0.0", &fallOffRadio, 0 );
ImGui::RadioButton( "0.5", &fallOffRadio, 1 );
ImGui::RadioButton( "1.0", &fallOffRadio, 2 );
#endif // 0
// a slider is easier than radiobuttons.. does it really have to be radiobuttons?
changes |= ImGui::SliderFloat( "##FallOff", &cur.fallOff, 0.0f, 1.0f, "%.1f" );
changes |= ImGui::Checkbox( "Parallel", &cur.isParallel );
changes |= ImGui::Checkbox( "Center", &cur.hasCenter );
if( cur.hasCenter )
@ -705,8 +688,14 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
ImGui::PopItemWidth(); // back to default alignment on right side
else if( lightSelectionRadioBtn == 1 )
else if( lightSelectionRadioBtn == LIGHT_SPOT )
if( cur.lightType != lightSelectionRadioBtn )
changes = true;
changes |= ImGui::DragVec3( "Target", cur.lightTarget, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.1f" );
changes |= ImGui::DragVec3( "Right", cur.lightRight, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.1f" );
changes |= ImGui::DragVec3( "Up", cur.lightUp, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.1f" );
@ -723,15 +712,13 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
cur.lightType = ELightType( lightSelectionRadioBtn );
if( ImGui::Combo( "Style", ¤tStyleIndex, StyleItemsGetter, this, styleNames.Num() + 1 ) )
changes = true;
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Color & Texturing" );
// -1 because 0 is "<No Lightstyle>"
cur.lightStyle = ( currentStyleIndex > 0 ) ? currentStyleIndex - 1 : -1;
changes |= ImGui::ColorEdit3( "Color", vecToArr( cur.color ) );
@ -752,6 +739,21 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
ImColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), ImColor( 255, 255, 255, 128 ) );
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Flicker Style" );
if( ImGui::Combo( "Style", ¤tStyleIndex, StyleItemsGetter, this, styleNames.Num() + 1 ) )
changes = true;
// -1 because 0 is "<No Lightstyle>"
cur.lightStyle = ( currentStyleIndex > 0 ) ? currentStyleIndex - 1 : -1;
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Misc Options" );
changes |= ImGui::Checkbox( "Cast Shadows", &cur.castShadows );
changes |= ImGui::Checkbox( "Skip Specular", &cur.skipSpecular );
// TODO: allow multiple lights selected at the same time + "apply different" button?
// then only the changed attribute (e.g. color) would be set to all lights,
// but they'd keep their other individual properties (eg radius)
@ -777,7 +779,6 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
if( isShown && !showTool )
// TODO: do the same as when pressing cancel?
isShown = showTool;
impl::SetReleaseToolMouse( false );
@ -41,11 +41,18 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
namespace ImGuiTools
enum ELightType
class LightInfo
bool pointLight;
float fallOff;
ELightType lightType;
idStr strTexture;
bool equalRadius;
bool explicitStartEnd;
@ -60,16 +67,16 @@ public:
idVec3 lightRadius;
bool castShadows;
bool castSpecular;
bool skipSpecular;
bool hasCenter;
bool isParallel;
int lightStyle;
void Defaults();
void DefaultProjected();
void DefaultPoint();
void DefaultProjected();
void DefaultSun();
void FromDict( const idDict* e );
void ToDict( idDict* e );
Reference in a new issue