mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 06:34:10 +00:00
Use id Tech 5 multithreading for generateEnvironmentProbes
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 382 additions and 53 deletions
@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ extern void Sys_CPUCount( int& logicalNum, int& coreNum, int& packageNum );
// Hyperthreading is not dead yet. Intel's Core i7 Processor is quad-core with HT for 8 logicals.
// DOOM3: We don't have that many jobs, so just set this fairly low so we don't spin up a ton of idle threads
#define MAX_JOB_THREADS 32
#define NUM_JOB_THREADS "2"
@ -482,6 +482,22 @@ struct viewEnvprobe_t
idImage* irradianceImage; // cubemap image used for diffuse IBL by backend
idImage* radianceImage; // cubemap image used for specular IBL by backend
struct calcEnvprobeParms_t
// input
byte* buffers[6]; // HDR R11G11B11F standard OpenGL cubemap sides
int samples;
int outWidth;
int outHeight;
idStr filename;
// output
halfFloat_t* outBuffer; // HDR R11G11B11F packed atlas
int time; // execution time in milliseconds
// RB end
const int MAX_CLIP_PLANES = 1; // we may expand this to six for some subview issues
@ -935,6 +951,10 @@ public:
idParallelJobList* frontEndJobList;
// RB irradiance and GGX background jobs
idParallelJobList* envprobeJobList;
idList<calcEnvprobeParms_t*> irradianceJobs;
idRenderBackend backend;
@ -1718,6 +1718,10 @@ void idRenderSystemLocal::Clear()
frontEndJobList = NULL;
// RB
envprobeJobList = NULL;
@ -2060,6 +2064,7 @@ void idRenderSystemLocal::Init()
frontEndJobList = parallelJobManager->AllocJobList( JOBLIST_RENDERER_FRONTEND, JOBLIST_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 2048, 0, NULL );
envprobeJobList = parallelJobManager->AllocJobList( JOBLIST_UTILITY, JOBLIST_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 2048, 0, NULL ); // RB
bInitialized = true;
@ -575,8 +575,6 @@ void R_MakeAmbientMap( const char* baseName, const char* suffix, int outSize, bo
bool pacifier = true;
// resample with hemispherical blending
int samples = 1000;
@ -746,54 +744,285 @@ void R_MakeAmbientMap( const char* baseName, const char* suffix, int outSize, bo
R_MakeAmbientMap_f <basename> [size]
Saves out env/<basename>_amb_ft.tga, etc
//void R_MakeAmbientMap_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
CONSOLE_COMMAND( makeAmbientMap, "Saves out env/<basename>_amb_ft.tga, etc", NULL )
void CalculateIrradianceJob( calcEnvprobeParms_t* parms )
const char* baseName;
int outSize;
float roughness;
byte* buffers[6];
if( args.Argc() != 2 && args.Argc() != 3 && args.Argc() != 4 )
int start = Sys_Milliseconds();
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
common->Printf( "USAGE: makeAmbientMap <basename> [size]\n" );
buffers[ i ] = parms->buffers[ i ];
baseName = args.Argv( 1 );
if( args.Argc() >= 3 )
const float invDstSize = 1.0f / float( parms->outHeight );
const int numMips = idMath::BitsForInteger( parms->outHeight );
// reset image to black
for( int x = 0; x < parms->outWidth; x++ )
outSize = atoi( args.Argv( 2 ) );
for( int y = 0; y < parms->outHeight; y++ )
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 0] = F32toF16( 0 );
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 1] = F32toF16( 0 );
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 2] = F32toF16( 0 );
for( int mip = 0; mip < numMips; mip++ )
float roughness = ( float )mip / ( float )( numMips - 1 );
idVec4 dstRect = R_CalculateMipRect( parms->outHeight, mip );
for( int x = dstRect.x; x < ( dstRect.x + dstRect.z ); x++ )
for( int y = dstRect.y; y < ( dstRect.y + dstRect.w ); y++ )
idVec2 octCoord;
if( mip > 0 )
// move back to [0, 1] coords
octCoord = NormalizedOctCoord( x - dstRect.x, y - dstRect.y, dstRect.z );
octCoord = NormalizedOctCoord( x, y, dstRect.z );
// convert UV coord to 3D direction
idVec3 N;
N.FromOctahedral( octCoord );
idVec3 outColor( 0, 0, 0 );
for( int s = 0; s < parms->samples; s++ )
idVec2 Xi = Hammersley2D( s, parms->samples );
idVec3 H = ImportanceSampleGGX( Xi, N, 0.95f );
float sample[3];
R_SampleCubeMapHDR( H, parms->outHeight, buffers, sample );
outColor[0] += sample[0];
outColor[1] += sample[1];
outColor[2] += sample[2];
outColor[0] /= parms->samples;
outColor[1] /= parms->samples;
outColor[2] /= parms->samples;
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 0] = F32toF16( outColor[0] );
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 1] = F32toF16( outColor[1] );
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 2] = F32toF16( outColor[2] );
int end = Sys_Milliseconds();
parms->time = end - start;
void CalculateRadianceJob( calcEnvprobeParms_t* parms )
byte* buffers[6];
int start = Sys_Milliseconds();
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
buffers[ i ] = parms->buffers[ i ];
const float invDstSize = 1.0f / float( parms->outHeight );
const int numMips = idMath::BitsForInteger( parms->outHeight );
// reset image to black
for( int x = 0; x < parms->outWidth; x++ )
for( int y = 0; y < parms->outHeight; y++ )
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 0] = F32toF16( 0 );
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 1] = F32toF16( 0 );
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 2] = F32toF16( 0 );
for( int mip = 0; mip < numMips; mip++ )
float roughness = ( float )mip / ( float )( numMips - 1 );
idVec4 dstRect = R_CalculateMipRect( parms->outHeight, mip );
for( int x = dstRect.x; x < ( dstRect.x + dstRect.z ); x++ )
for( int y = dstRect.y; y < ( dstRect.y + dstRect.w ); y++ )
idVec2 octCoord;
if( mip > 0 )
// move back to [0, 1] coords
octCoord = NormalizedOctCoord( x - dstRect.x, y - dstRect.y, dstRect.z );
octCoord = NormalizedOctCoord( x, y, dstRect.z );
// convert UV coord to 3D direction
idVec3 N;
N.FromOctahedral( octCoord );
idVec3 outColor( 0, 0, 0 );
// RB: Split Sum approximation explanation
// Epic Games makes a further approximation by assuming the view direction
// (and thus the specular reflection direction) to be equal to the output sample direction ωo.
// This translates itself to the following code:
const idVec3 R = N;
const idVec3 V = R;
float totalWeight = 0.0f;
for( int s = 0; s < parms->samples; s++ )
idVec2 Xi = Hammersley2D( s, parms->samples );
idVec3 H = ImportanceSampleGGX( Xi, N, roughness );
idVec3 L = ( 2.0 * ( H * ( V * H ) ) - V );
float NdotL = Max( ( N * L ), 0.0f );
if( NdotL > 0.0 )
float sample[3];
R_SampleCubeMapHDR( H, parms->outHeight, buffers, sample );
outColor[0] += sample[0] * NdotL;
outColor[1] += sample[1] * NdotL;
outColor[2] += sample[2] * NdotL;
totalWeight += NdotL;
outColor[0] /= totalWeight;
outColor[1] /= totalWeight;
outColor[2] /= totalWeight;
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 0] = F32toF16( outColor[0] );
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 1] = F32toF16( outColor[1] );
parms->outBuffer[( y * parms->outWidth + x ) * 3 + 2] = F32toF16( outColor[2] );
int end = Sys_Milliseconds();
parms->time = end - start;
REGISTER_PARALLEL_JOB( CalculateIrradianceJob, "CalculateIrradianceJob" );
REGISTER_PARALLEL_JOB( CalculateRadianceJob, "CalculateRadianceJob" );
void R_MakeAmbientMapThreaded( const char* baseName, const char* suffix, int outSize, bool specular, bool deleteTempFiles )
idStr fullname;
renderView_t ref;
viewDef_t primary;
byte* buffers[6];
int width = 0, height = 0;
memset( &cubeAxis, 0, sizeof( cubeAxis ) );
cubeAxis[0][0][0] = 1;
cubeAxis[0][1][2] = 1;
cubeAxis[0][2][1] = 1;
cubeAxis[1][0][0] = -1;
cubeAxis[1][1][2] = -1;
cubeAxis[1][2][1] = 1;
cubeAxis[2][0][1] = 1;
cubeAxis[2][1][0] = -1;
cubeAxis[2][2][2] = -1;
cubeAxis[3][0][1] = -1;
cubeAxis[3][1][0] = -1;
cubeAxis[3][2][2] = 1;
cubeAxis[4][0][2] = 1;
cubeAxis[4][1][0] = -1;
cubeAxis[4][2][1] = 1;
cubeAxis[5][0][2] = -1;
cubeAxis[5][1][0] = 1;
cubeAxis[5][2][1] = 1;
// read all of the images
for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
fullname.Format( "env/%s%s.exr", baseName, envDirection[i] );
const bool captureToImage = false;
common->UpdateScreen( captureToImage );
R_LoadImage( fullname, &buffers[i], &width, &height, NULL, true, NULL );
if( !buffers[i] )
common->Printf( "loading %s failed.\n", fullname.c_str() );
for( i-- ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
Mem_Free( buffers[i] );
// set up the job
calcEnvprobeParms_t* jobParms = new calcEnvprobeParms_t;
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
jobParms->buffers[ i ] = buffers[ i ];
jobParms->samples = 1000;
jobParms->filename.Format( "env/%s%s.exr", baseName, suffix );
jobParms->outWidth = int( outSize * 1.5f );
jobParms->outHeight = outSize;
jobParms->outBuffer = ( halfFloat_t* )R_StaticAlloc( idMath::Ceil( outSize * outSize * 3 * sizeof( halfFloat_t ) * 1.5f ), TAG_IMAGE );
tr.irradianceJobs.Append( jobParms );
if( specular )
tr.envprobeJobList->AddJob( ( jobRun_t )CalculateRadianceJob, jobParms );
outSize = 32;
tr.envprobeJobList->AddJob( ( jobRun_t )CalculateIrradianceJob, jobParms );
if( args.Argc() == 4 )
if( deleteTempFiles )
roughness = atof( args.Argv( 3 ) );
roughness = 0.95f;
for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
fullname.Format( "env/%s%s.exr", baseName, envDirection[i] );
if( roughness > 0.8f )
R_MakeAmbientMap( baseName, "_amb", outSize, false, false );
R_MakeAmbientMap( baseName, "_spec", outSize, true, false );
fileSystem->RemoveFile( fullname );
@ -817,6 +1046,8 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND( generateEnvironmentProbes, "Generate environment probes", NULL
bool useThreads = true;
baseName = tr.primaryWorld->mapName;
@ -899,16 +1130,6 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND( generateEnvironmentProbes, "Generate environment probes", NULL
// restore the original axis and fov
ref.vieworg = oldPosition;
ref.viewaxis = oldAxis;
ref.fov_x = old_fov_x;
ref.fov_y = old_fov_y;
cvarSystem->SetCVarInteger( "r_windowWidth", res_w );
cvarSystem->SetCVarInteger( "r_windowHeight", res_h );
R_SetNewMode( false ); // the same as "vid_restart"
common->Printf( "Wrote a env set with the name %s\n", baseName.c_str() );
@ -928,8 +1149,46 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND( generateEnvironmentProbes, "Generate environment probes", NULL
fullname.Format( "%s/envprobe%i", baseName.c_str(), i );
R_MakeAmbientMap( fullname.c_str(), "_amb", IRRADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, false, false );
R_MakeAmbientMap( fullname.c_str(), "_spec", RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, true, true );
if( useThreads )
R_MakeAmbientMapThreaded( fullname.c_str(), "_amb", IRRADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, false, false );
R_MakeAmbientMapThreaded( fullname.c_str(), "_spec", RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, true, true );
R_MakeAmbientMap( fullname.c_str(), "_amb", IRRADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, false, false );
R_MakeAmbientMap( fullname.c_str(), "_spec", RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, true, true );
if( useThreads )
tr.envprobeJobList->Submit( NULL, JOBLIST_PARALLELISM_MAX_CORES );
for( int j = 0; j < tr.irradianceJobs.Num(); j++ )
calcEnvprobeParms_t* job = tr.irradianceJobs[ j ];
R_WriteEXR( job->filename, ( byte* )job->outBuffer, 3, job->outWidth, job->outHeight, "fs_basepath" );
common->Printf( "%s convolved in %5.1f seconds\n\n", job->filename.c_str(), job->time * 0.001f );
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
if( job->buffers[i] )
Mem_Free( job->buffers[i] );
Mem_Free( job->outBuffer );
delete job;
int end = Sys_Milliseconds();
@ -937,6 +1196,56 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND( generateEnvironmentProbes, "Generate environment probes", NULL
common->Printf( "convolved probes in %5.1f seconds\n\n", ( end - start ) * 0.001f );
R_MakeAmbientMap_f <basename> [size]
Saves out env/<basename>_amb_ft.tga, etc
//void R_MakeAmbientMap_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
CONSOLE_COMMAND( makeAmbientMap, "Saves out env/<basename>_amb_ft.tga, etc", NULL )
const char* baseName;
int outSize;
float roughness;
if( args.Argc() != 2 && args.Argc() != 3 && args.Argc() != 4 )
common->Printf( "USAGE: makeAmbientMap <basename> [size]\n" );
baseName = args.Argv( 1 );
if( args.Argc() >= 3 )
outSize = atoi( args.Argv( 2 ) );
outSize = 32;
if( args.Argc() == 4 )
roughness = atof( args.Argv( 3 ) );
roughness = 0.95f;
if( roughness > 0.8f )
R_MakeAmbientMap( baseName, "_amb", outSize, false, false );
R_MakeAmbientMap( baseName, "_spec", outSize, true, false );
//void R_MakeBrdfLut_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
@ -956,8 +1265,6 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND( makeBrdfLUT, "make a GGX BRDF lookup table", NULL )
// outSize = atoi( args.Argv( 1 ) );
bool pacifier = true;
// resample with hemispherical blending
int samples = 1024;
@ -113,6 +113,5 @@ struct dynamicShadowVolumeParms_t
void DynamicShadowVolumeJob( const dynamicShadowVolumeParms_t* parms );
void DynamicShadowVolume_SetupSPURSHeader( CellSpursJob128* job, const dynamicShadowVolumeParms_t* parms );
@ -80,6 +80,5 @@ struct preLightShadowVolumeParms_t
void PreLightShadowVolumeJob( const preLightShadowVolumeParms_t* parms );
void PreLightShadowVolume_SetupSPURSHeader( CellSpursJob128* job, const preLightShadowVolumeParms_t* parms );
@ -83,6 +83,5 @@ struct staticShadowVolumeParms_t
void StaticShadowVolumeJob( const staticShadowVolumeParms_t* parms );
void StaticShadowVolume_SetupSPURSHeader( CellSpursJob128* job, const staticShadowVolumeParms_t* parms );
Reference in a new issue