Simplified screenshot garbage. Closes #652

This commit is contained in:
Robert Beckebans 2022-04-16 16:29:17 +02:00
parent 54d30bbd05
commit 51405a3e8f
10 changed files with 118 additions and 320 deletions

View file

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ idCVar com_deltaTimeClamp( "com_deltaTimeClamp", "50", CVAR_INTEGER, "don't proc
idCVar com_fixedTic( "com_fixedTic", DEFAULT_FIXED_TIC, CVAR_BOOL, "run a single game frame per render frame" );
idCVar com_noSleep( "com_noSleep", DEFAULT_NO_SLEEP, CVAR_BOOL, "don't sleep if the game is running too fast" );
idCVar com_smp( "com_smp", "1", CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "run the game and draw code in a separate thread" );
idCVar com_aviDemoSamples( "com_aviDemoSamples", "16", CVAR_SYSTEM, "" );
idCVar com_aviDemoWidth( "com_aviDemoWidth", "256", CVAR_SYSTEM, "" );
idCVar com_aviDemoHeight( "com_aviDemoHeight", "256", CVAR_SYSTEM, "" );
idCVar com_skipGameDraw( "com_skipGameDraw", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
@ -601,13 +600,13 @@ void idCommonLocal::Frame()
idStr name;
name.Format( "demos/%s/%s_%05i", aviDemoShortName.c_str(), aviDemoShortName.c_str(), aviDemoFrameCount++ );
renderSystem->TakeScreenshot( com_aviDemoWidth.GetInteger(), com_aviDemoHeight.GetInteger(), name, com_aviDemoSamples.GetInteger(), NULL, TGA );
renderSystem->TakeScreenshot( com_aviDemoWidth.GetInteger(), com_aviDemoHeight.GetInteger(), name, NULL );
// remove any printed lines at the top before taking the screenshot
// this will call Draw, possibly multiple times if com_aviDemoSamples is > 1
renderSystem->TakeScreenshot( com_aviDemoWidth.GetInteger(), com_aviDemoHeight.GetInteger(), name, com_aviDemoSamples.GetInteger(), NULL, TGA );
renderSystem->TakeScreenshot( com_aviDemoWidth.GetInteger(), com_aviDemoHeight.GetInteger(), name, NULL );

View file

@ -476,18 +476,6 @@ void R_SetupProjectionMatrix( viewDef_t* viewDef )
// frames are going to be blended together
// for motion blurred anti-aliasing
float jitterx, jittery;
if( r_jitter.GetBool() )
static idRandom random;
jitterx = random.RandomFloat();
jittery = random.RandomFloat();
jitterx = 0.0f;
jittery = 0.0f;
if( r_useTemporalAA.GetBool() )
@ -495,6 +483,11 @@ void R_SetupProjectionMatrix( viewDef_t* viewDef )
jitterx = jitter.x;
jittery = jitter.y;
jitterx = 0.0f;
jittery = 0.0f;
// set up projection matrix

View file

@ -249,14 +249,6 @@ typedef enum
CF_SINGLE, // SP: A single texture cubemap. All six sides in one image.
} cubeFiles_t;
enum imageFileType_t
class idDeferredImage
@ -673,9 +665,8 @@ public:
idImage* randomImage256;
idImage* blueNoiseImage256;
idImage* currentRenderHDRImage;
idImage* currentRenderHDRImageQuarter;
idImage* currentRenderHDRImage64;
idImage* currentRenderLDR;
idImage* ldrImage; // tonemapped result which can be used for further post processing
idImage* taaMotionVectorsImage; // motion vectors for TAA projection
idImage* taaResolvedImage;
idImage* taaFeedback1Image;
@ -694,7 +685,7 @@ public:
idImage* smaaSearchImage;
idImage* smaaEdgesImage;
idImage* smaaBlendImage;
idImage* currentNormalsImage; // cheap G-Buffer replacement, holds normals and surface roughness
idImage* gbufferNormalsRoughnessImage; // cheap G-Buffer replacement, holds normals and surface roughness
idImage* ambientOcclusionImage[2]; // contain AO and bilateral filtering keys
idImage* hierarchicalZbufferImage; // zbuffer with mip maps to accelerate screen space ray tracing
idImage* imguiFontImage;
@ -708,8 +699,8 @@ public:
idImage* scratchImage;
idImage* scratchImage2;
idImage* accumImage;
idImage* currentRenderImage; // for SS_POST_PROCESS shaders
idImage* currentDepthImage; // for motion blur
idImage* currentRenderImage; // for SS_POST_PROCESS shaders, Doom 3 legacy but in HDR now
idImage* currentDepthImage; // for motion blur, SSAO and everything that requires depth to world pos reconstruction
idImage* originalCurrentRenderImage; // currentRenderImage before any changes for stereo rendering
idImage* loadingIconImage; // loading icon must exist always
idImage* hellLoadingIconImage; // loading icon must exist always

View file

@ -1071,9 +1071,8 @@ void idImageManager::CreateIntrinsicImages()
blueNoiseImage256 = globalImages->ImageFromFunction( "_blueNoise256", R_CreateBlueNoise256Image );
currentRenderHDRImage = globalImages->ImageFromFunction( "_currentRenderHDR", R_HDR_RGBA16FImage_ResNative_MSAAOpt );
currentRenderHDRImageQuarter = globalImages->ImageFromFunction( "_currentRenderHDRQuarter", R_HDR_RGBA16FImage_ResQuarter );
currentRenderHDRImage64 = globalImages->ImageFromFunction( "_currentRenderHDR64", R_HDR_RGBA16FImage_Res64 );
currentRenderLDR = globalImages->ImageFromFunction( "_currentRenderLDR", R_LdrNativeImage );
ldrImage = globalImages->ImageFromFunction( "_currentRenderLDR", R_LdrNativeImage );
taaMotionVectorsImage = ImageFromFunction( "_taaMotionVectors", R_HDR_RGBA16FImage_ResNative ); // RB: could be shared with
taaResolvedImage = ImageFromFunction( "_taaResolved", R_HDR_RGBA16FImage_ResNative_UAV );
@ -1107,7 +1106,7 @@ void idImageManager::CreateIntrinsicImages()
smaaEdgesImage = globalImages->ImageFromFunction( "_smaaEdges", R_SMAAImage_ResNative );
smaaBlendImage = globalImages->ImageFromFunction( "_smaaBlend", R_SMAAImage_ResNative );
currentNormalsImage = ImageFromFunction( "_currentNormals", R_GeometryBufferImage_ResNative );
gbufferNormalsRoughnessImage = ImageFromFunction( "_currentNormals", R_GeometryBufferImage_ResNative );
ambientOcclusionImage[0] = ImageFromFunction( "_ao0", R_SMAAImage_ResNative );
ambientOcclusionImage[1] = ImageFromFunction( "_ao1", R_SMAAImage_ResNative );

View file

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ void Framebuffer::ResizeFramebuffers()
int screenHeight = renderSystem->GetHeight();
globalImages->currentRenderLDR->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->ldrImage->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->currentRenderImage->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->currentDepthImage->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->currentRenderHDRImage->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void Framebuffer::ResizeFramebuffers()
globalImages->ambientOcclusionImage[i]->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->hierarchicalZbufferImage->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->currentNormalsImage->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->gbufferNormalsRoughnessImage->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->taaMotionVectorsImage->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->taaResolvedImage->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
globalImages->taaFeedback1Image->Reload( false, tr.backend.commandList );
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void Framebuffer::ResizeFramebuffers()
globalFramebuffers.ldrFBO = new Framebuffer( "_ldr",
.addColorAttachment( globalImages->currentRenderLDR->texture ) );
.addColorAttachment( globalImages->ldrImage->texture ) );
//.setDepthAttachment( globalImages->currentDepthImage->texture ) );
globalFramebuffers.hdrFBO = new Framebuffer( "_hdr",
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ void Framebuffer::ResizeFramebuffers()
globalFramebuffers.geometryBufferFBO = new Framebuffer( "_gbuffer",
.addColorAttachment( globalImages->currentNormalsImage->texture )
.addColorAttachment( globalImages->gbufferNormalsRoughnessImage->texture )
.setDepthAttachment( globalImages->currentDepthImage->texture ) );
globalFramebuffers.smaaEdgesFBO = new Framebuffer( "_smaaEdges",

View file

@ -2091,7 +2091,7 @@ void idRenderBackend::AmbientPass( const drawSurf_t* const* drawSurfs, int numDr
if( fillGbuffer )
commandList->clearTextureFloat( globalImages->currentNormalsImage->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources, nvrhi::Color( 0.f ) );
commandList->clearTextureFloat( globalImages->gbufferNormalsRoughnessImage->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources, nvrhi::Color( 0.f ) );
if( !fillGbuffer && r_useSSAO.GetBool() && r_ssaoDebug.GetBool() )
@ -5754,7 +5754,7 @@ void idRenderBackend::Bloom( const viewDef_t* _viewDef )
&bindingCache );
@ -6094,7 +6094,7 @@ void idRenderBackend::DrawScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion( const viewDef_t* _viewDef
SetFragmentParm( RENDERPARM_JITTERTEXOFFSET, jitterTexOffset ); // rpJitterTexOffset
GL_SelectTexture( 0 );
GL_SelectTexture( 1 );
if( r_useHierarchicalDepthBuffer.GetBool() )
@ -6408,7 +6408,7 @@ void idRenderBackend::DrawScreenSpaceGlobalIllumination( const viewDef_t* _viewD
SetFragmentParm( RENDERPARM_JITTERTEXOFFSET, jitterTexOffset ); // rpJitterTexOffset
GL_SelectTexture( 0 );
GL_SelectTexture( 1 );
if( r_useHierarchicalDepthBuffer.GetBool() )
@ -6556,7 +6556,7 @@ void idRenderBackend::ExecuteBackEndCommands( const emptyCommand_t* cmds )
ssaoPass = new SsaoPass(
&commonPasses, globalImages->currentDepthImage->GetTextureHandle(),
globalImages->ambientOcclusionImage[0]->GetTextureHandle() );
@ -7002,7 +7002,7 @@ void idRenderBackend::DrawViewInternal( const viewDef_t* _viewDef, const int ste
// RB: this needs to be done after next post processing steps later on
BlitParameters blitParms;
blitParms.sourceTexture = ( nvrhi::ITexture* )globalImages->currentRenderLDR->GetTextureID();
blitParms.sourceTexture = ( nvrhi::ITexture* )globalImages->ldrImage->GetTextureID();
blitParms.targetFramebuffer = deviceManager->GetCurrentFramebuffer();
blitParms.targetViewport = nvrhi::Viewport( renderSystem->GetWidth(), renderSystem->GetHeight() );
commonPasses.BlitTexture( commandList, blitParms, &bindingCache );

View file

@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ public:
virtual const emptyCommand_t* SwapCommandBuffers_FinishCommandBuffers();
virtual void RenderCommandBuffers( const emptyCommand_t* commandBuffers );
virtual void TakeScreenshot( int width, int height, const char* fileName, int downSample, renderView_t* ref, int exten );
virtual void TakeScreenshot( int width, int height, const char* fileName, renderView_t* ref );
virtual byte* CaptureRenderToBuffer( int width, int height, renderView_t* ref );
virtual void CropRenderSize( int width, int height );
virtual void CropRenderSize( int x, int y, int width, int height );
@ -1216,7 +1216,6 @@ extern idCVar r_singleSurface; // suppress all but one surface on each entity
extern idCVar r_shadowPolygonOffset; // bias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing
extern idCVar r_shadowPolygonFactor; // scale value for stencil shadow drawing
extern idCVar r_jitter; // randomly subpixel jitter the projection matrix
extern idCVar r_orderIndexes; // perform index reorganization to optimize vertex use
extern idCVar r_debugLineDepthTest; // perform depth test on debug lines

View file

@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ void idRenderSystemLocal::CaptureRenderToFile( const char* fileName, bool fixAlp
RenderCommandBuffers( frameData->cmdHead );
#if !defined(USE_VULKAN) && !defined(USE_NVRHI)
#if !defined( USE_VULKAN ) && !defined( USE_NVRHI )
glReadBuffer( GL_BACK );
// include extra space for OpenGL padding to word boundaries

View file

@ -401,12 +401,11 @@ public:
// aviDemo uses this.
// Will automatically tile render large screen shots if necessary
// Samples is the number of jittered frames for anti-aliasing
// If ref == NULL, common->UpdateScreen will be used
// This will perform swapbuffers, so it is NOT an approppriate way to
// generate image files that happen during gameplay, as for savegame
// markers. Use WriteRender() instead.
virtual void TakeScreenshot( int width, int height, const char* fileName, int samples, struct renderView_s* ref, int exten ) = 0;
virtual void TakeScreenshot( int width, int height, const char* fileName, struct renderView_s* ref ) = 0;
// RB
virtual byte* CaptureRenderToBuffer( int width, int height, renderView_t* ref ) = 0;

View file

@ -124,8 +124,6 @@ idCVar r_swapInterval( "r_swapInterval", "1", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVA
idCVar r_gamma( "r_gamma", "1.0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "changes gamma tables", 0.5f, 3.0f );
idCVar r_brightness( "r_brightness", "1", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "changes gamma tables", 0.5f, 2.0f );
idCVar r_jitter( "r_jitter", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "randomly subpixel jitter the projection matrix" );
idCVar r_skipStaticInteractions( "r_skipStaticInteractions", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "skip interactions created at level load" );
idCVar r_skipDynamicInteractions( "r_skipDynamicInteractions", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "skip interactions created after level load" );
idCVar r_skipSuppress( "r_skipSuppress", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_BOOL, "ignore the per-view suppressions" );
@ -773,312 +771,143 @@ void R_ReportSurfaceAreas_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
NO LONGER SUPPORTED (FIXME: make standard case work)
Used to allow the rendering of an image larger than the actual window by
tiling it into window-sized chunks and rendering each chunk separately
If ref isn't specified, the full session UpdateScreen will be done.
void R_ReadTiledPixels( int width, int height, byte* buffer, renderView_t* ref = NULL )
bool R_ReadPixelsRGB8( nvrhi::IDevice* device, CommonRenderPasses* pPasses, nvrhi::ITexture* texture, nvrhi::ResourceStates textureState, const char* fullname )
#if !defined(USE_VULKAN) && !defined(USE_NVRHI)
nvrhi::TextureDesc desc = texture->getDesc();
nvrhi::TextureHandle tempTexture;
nvrhi::FramebufferHandle tempFramebuffer;
// include extra space for OpenGL padding to word boundaries
int sysWidth = renderSystem->GetWidth();
int sysHeight = renderSystem->GetHeight();
nvrhi::CommandListHandle commandList = device->createCommandList();
byte* temp = NULL;
if( ref && ref->rdflags & RDF_IRRADIANCE )
if( textureState != nvrhi::ResourceStates::Unknown )
// * 2 = sizeof( half float )
//temp = ( byte* )R_StaticAlloc( ENVPROBE_CAPTURE_SIZE * ENVPROBE_CAPTURE_SIZE * 3 * 2 );
temp = ( byte* )R_StaticAlloc( ( sysWidth + 3 ) * sysHeight * 3 );
commandList->beginTrackingTextureState( texture, nvrhi::TextureSubresourceSet( 0, 1, 0, 1 ), textureState );
// foresthale 2014-03-01: fixed custom screenshot resolution by doing a more direct render path
if( sysWidth > width )
switch( desc.format )
sysWidth = width;
case nvrhi::Format::RGBA8_UNORM:
case nvrhi::Format::SRGBA8_UNORM:
tempTexture = texture;
desc.format = nvrhi::Format::SRGBA8_UNORM;
desc.isRenderTarget = true;
desc.initialState = nvrhi::ResourceStates::RenderTarget;
desc.keepInitialState = true;
tempTexture = device->createTexture( desc );
tempFramebuffer = device->createFramebuffer( nvrhi::FramebufferDesc().addColorAttachment( tempTexture ) );
pPasses->BlitTexture( commandList, tempFramebuffer, texture );
if( sysHeight > height )
nvrhi::StagingTextureHandle stagingTexture = device->createStagingTexture( desc, nvrhi::CpuAccessMode::Read );
commandList->copyTexture( stagingTexture, nvrhi::TextureSlice(), tempTexture, nvrhi::TextureSlice() );
if( textureState != nvrhi::ResourceStates::Unknown )
sysHeight = height;
commandList->setTextureState( texture, nvrhi::TextureSubresourceSet( 0, 1, 0, 1 ), textureState );
// make sure the game / draw thread has completed
device->executeCommandList( commandList );
// discard anything currently on the list
tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
size_t rowPitch = 0;
void* pData = device->mapStagingTexture( stagingTexture, nvrhi::TextureSlice(), nvrhi::CpuAccessMode::Read, &rowPitch );
int originalNativeWidth = glConfig.nativeScreenWidth;
int originalNativeHeight = glConfig.nativeScreenHeight;
//if( !ref || ( ref && !( ref->rdflags & RDF_IRRADIANCE ) ) )
if( !pData )
glConfig.nativeScreenWidth = sysWidth;
glConfig.nativeScreenHeight = sysHeight;
return false;
// disable scissor, so we don't need to adjust all those rects
r_useScissor.SetBool( false );
uint32_t* newData = nullptr;
for( int xo = 0 ; xo < width ; xo += sysWidth )
if( rowPitch != desc.width * 4 )
for( int yo = 0 ; yo < height ; yo += sysHeight )
newData = new uint32_t[desc.width * desc.height];
for( uint32_t row = 0; row < desc.height; row++ )
// foresthale 2014-03-01: fixed custom screenshot resolution by doing a more direct render path
// discard anything currently on the list
tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if( ref )
// ref is only used by envShot, Event_camShot, etc to grab screenshots of things in the world,
// so this omits the hud and other effects
tr.primaryWorld->RenderScene( ref );
// build all the draw commands without running a new game tic
// this should exit right after vsync, with the GPU idle and ready to draw
const emptyCommand_t* cmd = tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// get the GPU busy with new commands
tr.RenderCommandBuffers( cmd );
// discard anything currently on the list (this triggers SwapBuffers)
tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// foresthale 2014-03-01: note: ref is always NULL in every call path to this function
if( ref )
// discard anything currently on the list
tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// build commands to render the scene
tr.primaryWorld->RenderScene( ref );
// finish off these commands
const emptyCommand_t* cmd = tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// issue the commands to the GPU
tr.RenderCommandBuffers( cmd );
const bool captureToImage = false;
common->UpdateScreen( captureToImage, false );
int w = sysWidth;
if( xo + w > width )
w = width - xo;
int h = sysHeight;
if( yo + h > height )
h = height - yo;
if( ref && ref->rdflags & RDF_IRRADIANCE )
glReadPixels( 0, 0, w, h, GL_RGB, GL_HALF_FLOAT, buffer );
R_VerticalFlipRGB16F( buffer, w, h );
glReadBuffer( GL_FRONT );
glReadPixels( 0, 0, w, h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, temp );
int row = ( w * 3 + 3 ) & ~3; // OpenGL pads to dword boundaries
for( int y = 0 ; y < h ; y++ )
memcpy( buffer + ( ( yo + y )* width + xo ) * 3,
temp + y * row, w * 3 );
memcpy( newData + row * desc.width, static_cast<char*>( pData ) + row * rowPitch, desc.width * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
pData = newData;
// foresthale 2014-03-01: fixed custom screenshot resolution by doing a more direct render path
// discard anything currently on the list
tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// fix alpha
byte* data = static_cast<byte*>( pData );
if( !ref || ( ref && !( ref->rdflags & RDF_IRRADIANCE ) ) )
for( int i = 0; i < ( desc.width * desc.height ); i++ )
glConfig.nativeScreenWidth = originalNativeWidth;
glConfig.nativeScreenHeight = originalNativeHeight;
data[ i * 4 + 3 ] = 0xff;
r_useScissor.SetBool( true );
R_WritePNG( fullname, static_cast<byte*>( pData ), 4, desc.width, desc.height, true, "fs_basepath" );
R_StaticFree( temp );
if( newData )
delete[] newData;
newData = nullptr;
device->unmapStagingTexture( stagingTexture );
return true;
Move to tr_imagefiles.c...
Downsample is the number of steps to mipmap the image before saving it
If ref == NULL, common->UpdateScreen will be used
// RB: changed .tga to .png
void idRenderSystemLocal::TakeScreenshot( int width, int height, const char* fileName, int blends, renderView_t* ref, int exten )
void idRenderSystemLocal::TakeScreenshot( int widthIgnored, int heightIgnored, const char* fileName, renderView_t* ref )
byte* buffer;
int i, j, c, temp;
idStr finalFileName;
finalFileName.Format( "%s.%s", fileName, fileExten[exten] );
takingScreenshot = true;
int pix = width * height;
const int bufferSize = pix * 3 + 18;
// make sure the game / draw thread has completed
if( exten == EXR )
buffer = ( byte* )R_StaticAlloc( pix * 3 * 2 );
else if( exten == PNG )
buffer = ( byte* )R_StaticAlloc( pix * 3 );
else if( exten == TGA )
buffer = ( byte* )R_StaticAlloc( bufferSize );
memset( buffer, 0, bufferSize );
// discard anything currently on the list
//tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if( blends <= 1 )
// discard anything currently on the list
tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if( ref )
if( exten == PNG || exten == EXR )
R_ReadTiledPixels( width, height, buffer, ref );
else if( exten == TGA )
R_ReadTiledPixels( width, height, buffer + 18, ref );
// ref is only used by envShot, Event_camShot, etc to grab screenshots of things in the world,
// so this omits the hud and other effects
tr.primaryWorld->RenderScene( ref );
unsigned short* shortBuffer = ( unsigned short* )R_StaticAlloc( pix * 2 * 3 );
memset( shortBuffer, 0, pix * 2 * 3 );
// enable anti-aliasing jitter
r_jitter.SetBool( true );
for( i = 0 ; i < blends ; i++ )
if( exten == PNG )
R_ReadTiledPixels( width, height, buffer, ref );
else if( exten == TGA )
R_ReadTiledPixels( width, height, buffer + 18, ref );
for( j = 0 ; j < pix * 3 ; j++ )
if( exten == PNG )
shortBuffer[j] += buffer[j];
else if( exten == TGA )
shortBuffer[j] += buffer[18 + j];
// divide back to bytes
for( i = 0 ; i < pix * 3 ; i++ )
if( exten == PNG )
buffer[i] = shortBuffer[i] / blends;
else if( exten == TGA )
buffer[18 + i] = shortBuffer[i] / blends;
R_StaticFree( shortBuffer );
r_jitter.SetBool( false );
// build all the draw commands without running a new game tic
// this should exit right after vsync, with the GPU idle and ready to draw
const emptyCommand_t* cmd = tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if( exten == EXR )
R_WriteEXR( finalFileName, buffer, 3, width, height, "fs_basepath" );
//R_WritePNG( finalFileName, buffer, 3, width, height, false, "fs_basepath" );
else if( exten == PNG )
R_WritePNG( finalFileName, buffer, 3, width, height, false, "fs_basepath" );
// fill in the header (this is vertically flipped, which qglReadPixels emits)
buffer[2] = 2; // uncompressed type
buffer[12] = width & 255;
buffer[13] = width >> 8;
buffer[14] = height & 255;
buffer[15] = height >> 8;
buffer[16] = 24; // pixel size
// get the GPU busy with new commands
tr.RenderCommandBuffers( cmd );
// swap rgb to bgr
c = 18 + width * height * 3;
// discard anything currently on the list (this triggers SwapBuffers)
tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
for( i = 18 ; i < c ; i += 3 )
temp = buffer[i];
buffer[i] = buffer[i + 2];
buffer[i + 2] = temp;
R_ReadPixelsRGB8( deviceManager->GetDevice(), &tr.backend.GetCommonPasses(), globalImages->ldrImage->GetTextureHandle() , nvrhi::ResourceStates::RenderTarget, fileName );
fileSystem->WriteFile( finalFileName, buffer, c, "fs_basepath" );
R_StaticFree( buffer );
// discard anything currently on the list
tr.SwapCommandBuffers( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
takingScreenshot = false;
// RB begin
byte* idRenderSystemLocal::CaptureRenderToBuffer( int width, int height, renderView_t* ref )
byte* buffer;
@ -1098,7 +927,7 @@ byte* idRenderSystemLocal::CaptureRenderToBuffer( int width, int height, renderV
// buffer = ( byte* )R_StaticAlloc( pix * 3 );
R_ReadTiledPixels( width, height, buffer, ref );
//R_ReadTiledPixels( width, height, buffer, ref );
takingScreenshot = false;
@ -1149,7 +978,7 @@ void R_ScreenshotFilename( int& lastNumber, const char* base, idStr& fileName )
time( &aclock );
struct tm* t = localtime( &aclock );
sprintf( fileName, "%s%s-%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d-%03d", base, "rbdoom-3-bfg",
sprintf( fileName, "%s%s-%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d-%03d.png", base, "rbdoom-3-bfg",
1900 + t->tm_year, 1 + t->tm_mon, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec, lastNumber );
// RB end
@ -1174,10 +1003,8 @@ R_BlendedScreenShot
screenshot [filename]
screenshot [width] [height]
screenshot [width] [height] [samples]
#define MAX_BLENDS 256 // to keep the accumulation in shorts
void R_ScreenShot_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
static int lastNumber = 0;
@ -1195,41 +1022,30 @@ void R_ScreenShot_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
blends = 1;
R_ScreenshotFilename( lastNumber, "screenshots/", checkname );
case 2:
width = renderSystem->GetWidth();
height = renderSystem->GetHeight();
blends = 1;
checkname = args.Argv( 1 );
case 3:
width = atoi( args.Argv( 1 ) );
height = atoi( args.Argv( 2 ) );
blends = 1;
R_ScreenshotFilename( lastNumber, "screenshots/", checkname );
case 4:
width = atoi( args.Argv( 1 ) );
height = atoi( args.Argv( 2 ) );
blends = atoi( args.Argv( 3 ) );
if( blends < 1 )
blends = 1;
if( blends > MAX_BLENDS )
blends = MAX_BLENDS;
R_ScreenshotFilename( lastNumber, "screenshots/", checkname );
common->Printf( "usage: screenshot\n screenshot <filename>\n screenshot <width> <height>\n screenshot <width> <height> <blends>\n" );
common->Printf( "usage: screenshot\n screenshot <filename>\n screenshot <width> <height>" );
// put the console away
tr.TakeScreenshot( width, height, checkname, blends, NULL, PNG );
tr.TakeScreenshot( width, height, checkname, NULL );
common->Printf( "Wrote %s\n", checkname.c_str() );
@ -1243,6 +1059,8 @@ R_EnvShot_f
envshot <basename>
Saves out env/<basename>_ft.tga, etc
RB: This is outdated and probably a relict from Rage. It could be updated to dump panorama images for tools like Blender or Substance Painter
void R_EnvShot_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
@ -1348,7 +1166,7 @@ void R_EnvShot_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
ref.viewaxis = axis[i];
fullname.Format( "env/%s%s", baseName, extension );
tr.TakeScreenshot( size, size, fullname, blends, &ref, PNG );
tr.TakeScreenshot( size, size, fullname, &ref );
// restore the original resolution, axis and fov
@ -1375,7 +1193,7 @@ void R_TransformCubemap( const char* orgDirection[6], const char* orgDir, const
for( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
// read every image images
fullname.Format( "%s/%s%s.%s", orgDir, baseName, orgDirection[i], fileExten [TGA] );
fullname.Format( "%s/%s%s.tga", orgDir, baseName, orgDirection[i] );
common->Printf( "loading %s\n", fullname.c_str() );
const bool captureToImage = false;
common->UpdateScreen( captureToImage );
@ -1412,7 +1230,7 @@ void R_TransformCubemap( const char* orgDirection[6], const char* orgDir, const
R_ApplyCubeMapTransforms( i, buffers[i], width );
//save the images with the appropiate skybox naming convention
fullname.Format( "%s/%s/%s%s.%s", destDir, baseName, baseName, destDirection[i], fileExten [TGA] );
fullname.Format( "%s/%s/%s%s.tga", destDir, baseName, baseName, destDirection[i] );
common->Printf( "writing %s\n", fullname.c_str() );
common->UpdateScreen( false );
R_WriteTGA( fullname, buffers[i], width, width, false, "fs_basepath" );