diff --git a/neo/framework/Common_demos.cpp b/neo/framework/Common_demos.cpp index 87a26a26..5ac57ce0 100644 --- a/neo/framework/Common_demos.cpp +++ b/neo/framework/Common_demos.cpp @@ -312,13 +312,11 @@ void idCommonLocal::TimeRenderDemo( const char* demoName, bool twice, bool quit while( readDemo ) { BusyWait(); // SRS - BusyWait() calls UpdateScreen() which draws and renders out-of-sequence but still supports frame timing - commonLocal.frameTiming.finishSyncTime_EndFrame = Sys_Microseconds(); commonLocal.mainFrameTiming = commonLocal.frameTiming; // ** End of current logical frame ** // ** Start of next logical frame ** - commonLocal.frameTiming.startSyncTime = Sys_Microseconds(); - commonLocal.frameTiming.finishSyncTime = commonLocal.frameTiming.startSyncTime; + commonLocal.frameTiming.finishSyncTime = Sys_Microseconds(); commonLocal.frameTiming.startGameTime = commonLocal.frameTiming.finishSyncTime; AdvanceRenderDemo( true ); // SRS - Advance demo commands to manually run the next game frame during first pass of the timedemo diff --git a/neo/framework/common_frame.cpp b/neo/framework/common_frame.cpp index 7a08fd03..38e3ad64 100644 --- a/neo/framework/common_frame.cpp +++ b/neo/framework/common_frame.cpp @@ -437,10 +437,10 @@ void idCommonLocal::UpdateScreen( bool captureToImage, bool releaseMouse ) } // this should exit right after vsync, with the GPU idle and ready to draw + frameTiming.startRenderTime = Sys_Microseconds(); // SRS - Added frame timing for out-of-sequence updates (e.g. used in timedemo "twice" mode) const emptyCommand_t* cmd = renderSystem->SwapCommandBuffers( &time_frontend, &time_backend, &time_shadows, &time_gpu, &stats_backend, &stats_frontend ); // get the GPU busy with new commands - frameTiming.startRenderTime = Sys_Microseconds(); // SRS - Added frame timing for out-of-sequence updates (e.g. used in timedemo "twice" mode) renderSystem->RenderCommandBuffers( cmd ); frameTiming.finishRenderTime = Sys_Microseconds(); // SRS - Added frame timing for out-of-sequence updates (e.g. used in timedemo "twice" mode)