mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:22:05 +00:00
Light editor can use the rotation/scale gizmos
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 265 additions and 56 deletions
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
// RB end
// jmarshall
#define ENGINE_BRANCH "master"
#define ENGINE_BRANCH "Imgui docking"
// jmarshall end
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#include "LightEditor.h"
#include "../imgui/BFGimgui.h"
#include "../imgui/ImGuizmo.h"
#include "renderer/Material.h"
#include "renderer/Image.h"
@ -62,6 +61,9 @@ void LightInfo::Defaults()
skipSpecular = false;
hasCenter = false;
lightStyle = -1;
scale.Set( 1, 1, 1 );
@ -174,6 +176,42 @@ void LightInfo::FromDict( const idDict* e )
// RB: Quake 1 light styles
lightStyle = e->GetInt( "style", -1 );
// get the rotation matrix in either full form, or single angle form
idMat3 axis;
if( !e->GetMatrix( "rotation", "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1", axis ) )
// RB: TrenchBroom interop
// support "angles" like in Quake 3
if( e->GetAngles( "angles", "0 0 0", angles ) )
if( angles.pitch != 0.0f || angles.yaw != 0.0f || angles.roll != 0.0f )
axis = angles.ToMat3();
float angle = e->GetFloat( "angle" );
if( angle != 0.0f )
axis = idAngles( 0.0f, angle, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
angles = axis.ToAngles();
scale.Set( 1, 1, 1 );
// the returned idDict is supposed to be used by idGameEdit::EntityChangeSpawnArgs()
@ -268,6 +306,12 @@ void LightInfo::ToDict( idDict* e )
e->Set( "style", DELETE_VAL );
e->Set( "rotation", DELETE_VAL );
//if( angles.yaw != 0.0f || angles.pitch != 0.0f || angles.roll != 0.0f )
e->SetAngles( "angles", angles );
@ -313,20 +357,19 @@ void LightEditor::Init( const idDict* dict, idEntity* light )
gameEdit->EntityGetOrigin( light, entityPos );
const char* name = dict->GetString( "name", NULL );
if( name )
entityName = name;
title.Format( "Light Editor: %s at (%s)", name, entityPos.ToString() );
//title.Format( "Light Editor: %s at (%s)", name, entityPos.ToString() );
//idassert( 0 && "LightEditor::Init(): Given entity has no 'name' property?!" );
entityName = ""; // TODO: generate name or handle gracefully or something?
title.Format( "Light Editor: <unnamed> light at (%s)", entityPos.ToString() );
entityName = gameEdit->GetUniqueEntityName( "light" );
//title.Format( "Light Editor: <unnamed> light at (%s)", entityPos.ToString() );
title = "Light Editor";
@ -371,6 +414,16 @@ void LightEditor::Reset()
currentTexture = NULL;
currentTextureMaterial = NULL;
currentStyleIndex = 0;
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE;
mCurrentGizmoMode = ImGuizmo::WORLD;
useSnap = false;
//snap = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f };
//bounds[] = { -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
//boundsSnap[] = { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f };
boundSizing = false;
boundSizingSnap = false;
@ -397,7 +450,7 @@ void LightEditor::LoadLightTextures()
const idMaterial* mat = declManager->MaterialByIndex( i, false );
idStr matName = mat->GetName();
matName.ToLower(); // FIXME: why? (this is from old doom3 code)
if( matName.Icmpn( "lights/", strlen( "lights/" ) ) == 0 || matName.Icmpn( "fogs/", strlen( "fogs/" ) ) == 0 )
@ -603,10 +656,11 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
bool changes = false;
bool showTool = isShown;
bool isOpen;
if( ImGui::Begin( title, &isOpen ) )
// RB: handle arrow key inputs like in TrenchBroom
@ -622,7 +676,13 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
// TODO use view direction like just global values
if( io.KeysDown[K_LALT] )
if( io.KeysDown[K_UPARROW] )
if( io.KeysDown[K_R] )
// reset rotation like in Blender
changes = true;
else if( io.KeysDown[K_UPARROW] )
cur.origin.z += 1;
changes = true;
@ -654,6 +714,11 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
changes = true;
if( !entityName.IsEmpty() )
ImGui::SeparatorText( entityName.c_str() );
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Light Volume" );
@ -745,6 +810,97 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Transform" );
if( io.KeysDown[K_G] )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE;
if( io.KeysDown[K_R] )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::ROTATE;
//if( ImGui::IsKeyPressed( ImGuiKey_S ) )
if( io.KeysDown[K_S] )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::SCALE;
if( mCurrentGizmoOperation != ImGuizmo::SCALE )
if( ImGui::RadioButton( "Local", mCurrentGizmoMode == ImGuizmo::LOCAL ) )
mCurrentGizmoMode = ImGuizmo::LOCAL;
if( ImGui::RadioButton( "World", mCurrentGizmoMode == ImGuizmo::WORLD ) )
mCurrentGizmoMode = ImGuizmo::WORLD;
mCurrentGizmoMode = ImGuizmo::LOCAL;
if( ImGui::RadioButton( "Translate", mCurrentGizmoOperation == ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE ) )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE;
if( ImGui::RadioButton( "Rotate", mCurrentGizmoOperation == ImGuizmo::ROTATE ) )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::ROTATE;
if( ImGui::RadioButton( "Scale", mCurrentGizmoOperation == ImGuizmo::SCALE ) )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::SCALE;
//if( ImGui::RadioButton( "Universal", mCurrentGizmoOperation == ImGuizmo::UNIVERSAL ) )
// mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::UNIVERSAL;
changes |= ImGui::DragVec3( "Origin", cur.origin, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.1f" );
changes |= ImGui::InputFloat3( "Angles", cur.angles.ToFloatPtr() );
//changes |= ImGui::DragVec3( "Angles", cur.origin, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.1f" );
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Snapping" );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Use Snapping", &useSnap );
if( useSnap )
switch( mCurrentGizmoOperation )
case ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE:
ImGui::InputFloat3( "Grid Snap", &gridSnap[0] );
case ImGuizmo::ROTATE:
ImGui::InputFloat( "Angle Snap", &angleSnap );
case ImGuizmo::SCALE:
ImGui::InputFloat( "Scale Snap", &scaleSnap );
#if 0
ImGui::Checkbox( "Bound Sizing", &boundSizing );
if( boundSizing )
ImGui::PushID( 3 );
ImGui::Checkbox( "##BoundSizing", &boundSizingSnap );
ImGui::InputFloat3( "Snap", boundsSnap );
ImGui::SeparatorText( "Color & Texturing" );
changes |= ImGui::ColorEdit3( "Color", vecToArr( cur.color ) );
@ -834,12 +990,16 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
if( ImGui::Begin( "Example: Fullscreen window", &showTool, flags ) )
// backup state before moving the light
if( !ImGuizmo::IsUsing() )
curNotMoving = cur;
//ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
ImGuizmo::SetRect( 0, 0, io.DisplaySize.x, io.DisplaySize.y );
ImGuizmo::SetOrthographic( false );
@ -857,61 +1017,92 @@ void LightEditor::Draw()
float* cameraView = viewDef.worldSpace.modelViewMatrix;
float* cameraProjection = viewDef.unjitteredProjectionMatrix;
idAngles angles( 0, 0, 90 );
idMat3 rotate = angles.ToMat3();
idMat3 rotateMatrix = cur.angles.ToMat3();
idMat3 scaleMatrix = mat3_identity;
scaleMatrix[0][0] = 16;
scaleMatrix[1][1] = 16;
scaleMatrix[2][2] = 16;
idMat4 gridMatrix( scaleMatrix * rotate, vec3_origin );
//ImGuizmo::DrawGrid( cameraView, cameraProjection, gridMatrix.ToFloatPtr(), 100.f );
//idMat3 scaleMatrix = mat3_identity;
idMat4 objectMatrix( scaleMatrix, cur.origin );
//idMat4 objectMatrix( scaleMatrix, cur.origin );
idMat4 objectMatrix( scaleMatrix * rotateMatrix, cur.origin );
ImGuizmo::DrawCubes( cameraView, cameraProjection, objectMatrix.Transpose().ToFloatPtr(), 1 );
ImGuizmo::OPERATION mCurrentGizmoOperation( ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE );
scaleMatrix[0][0] = 1;
scaleMatrix[1][1] = 1;
scaleMatrix[2][2] = 1;
if( io.KeysDown[K_G] )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE;
if( io.KeysDown[K_R] )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::ROTATE;
//if( ImGui::IsKeyPressed( ImGuiKey_S ) )
if( io.KeysDown[K_S] )
mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::SCALE;
ImGuizmo::MODE mCurrentGizmoMode( ImGuizmo::LOCAL );
bool useSnap = false;
float snap[3] = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f };
float bounds[] = { -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
float boundsSnap[] = { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f };
bool boundSizing = false;
bool boundSizingSnap = false;
scaleMatrix[0][0] = 16;
scaleMatrix[1][1] = 16;
scaleMatrix[2][2] = 16;
idMat4 gizmoMatrix( scaleMatrix, cur.origin );
idMat4 gizmoMatrix( scaleMatrix * rotateMatrix, cur.origin );
idMat4 manipMatrix = gizmoMatrix.Transpose();
ImGuizmo::Manipulate( cameraView, cameraProjection, mCurrentGizmoOperation, mCurrentGizmoMode, manipMatrix.ToFloatPtr(), NULL, useSnap ? &snap[0] : NULL, boundSizing ? bounds : NULL, boundSizingSnap ? boundsSnap : NULL );
const float* snap = NULL;
if( useSnap )
switch( mCurrentGizmoOperation )
case ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE:
snap = &gridSnap[0];
case ImGuizmo::ROTATE:
snap = &angleSnap;
case ImGuizmo::SCALE:
snap = &scaleSnap;
ImGuizmo::Manipulate( cameraView, cameraProjection, mCurrentGizmoOperation, mCurrentGizmoMode, manipMatrix.ToFloatPtr(), NULL, useSnap ? snap : NULL, boundSizing ? bounds : NULL, boundSizingSnap ? boundsSnap : NULL );
if( ImGuizmo::IsUsing() )
cur.origin.x = manipMatrix[3].x;
cur.origin.y = manipMatrix[3].y;
cur.origin.z = manipMatrix[3].z;
//if( mCurrentGizmoOperation == ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE )
gizmoMatrix = manipMatrix.Transpose();
cur.origin = gizmoMatrix.GetTranslation();
changes = true;
changes = true;
if( ( mCurrentGizmoOperation & ImGuizmo::SCALE ) == 0 )
idMat3 axis = gizmoMatrix.ToMat3();
cur.angles = axis.ToAngles();
changes = true;
if( mCurrentGizmoOperation == ImGuizmo::SCALE )
// Use DecomposeMatrixToComponents just for the scaling
float matrixTranslation[3], matrixRotation[3], matrixScale[3];
ImGuizmo::DecomposeMatrixToComponents( &manipMatrix[0][0], matrixTranslation, matrixRotation, matrixScale );
cur.scale.x = matrixScale[0];
cur.scale.y = matrixScale[1];
cur.scale.z = matrixScale[2];
if( matrixScale[0] != 1.0f || matrixScale[1] != 1.0f || matrixScale[2] != 1.0f )
if( cur.lightType == LIGHT_SPOT )
cur.lightRight = curNotMoving.lightRight * matrixScale[0];
cur.lightUp = curNotMoving.lightUp * matrixScale[1];
cur.lightTarget = curNotMoving.lightTarget * matrixScale[2];
else //if( cur.lightType == LIGHT_POINT )
cur.lightRadius.x = curNotMoving.lightRadius.x * matrixScale[0];
cur.lightRadius.y = curNotMoving.lightRadius.y * matrixScale[1];
cur.lightRadius.z = curNotMoving.lightRadius.z * matrixScale[2];
if( matrixScale[0] != matrixScale[1] || matrixScale[1] != matrixScale[2] )
cur.equalRadius = false;
changes = true;
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#include <idlib/Dict.h>
#include "../../edit_public.h"
#include "../imgui/BFGimgui.h"
#include "../imgui/ImGuizmo.h"
namespace ImGuiTools
@ -63,13 +65,16 @@ public:
idVec3 lightTarget;
idVec3 lightCenter;
idVec3 color;
idVec3 origin;
idAngles angles; // RBDOOM specific, saved to map as "angles"
idVec3 scale; // not saved to .map
idVec3 lightRadius;
bool castShadows;
bool skipSpecular;
bool hasCenter;
int lightStyle;
int lightStyle; // RBDOOM specific, saved to map as "style"
@ -92,6 +97,7 @@ private:
LightInfo original;
LightInfo cur; // current status of the light
LightInfo curNotMoving;
idEntity* lightEntity;
@ -104,6 +110,18 @@ private:
idList<idStr> styleNames;
int currentStyleIndex;
ImGuizmo::OPERATION mCurrentGizmoOperation = ImGuizmo::TRANSLATE;
ImGuizmo::MODE mCurrentGizmoMode = ImGuizmo::WORLD;
bool useSnap = false;
float gridSnap[3] = { 4.0f, 4.0f, 4.0f };
float angleSnap = 15.0f;
float scaleSnap = 0.1f;
float bounds[6] = { -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
float boundsSnap[3] = { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f };
bool boundSizing = false;
bool boundSizingSnap = false;
void LoadLightStyles();
static bool StyleItemsGetter( void* data, int idx, const char** out_text );
Reference in a new issue