DrawElements with Vulkan

This commit is contained in:
Robert Beckebans 2018-11-01 18:12:15 +01:00
parent 5ec3ab6b18
commit 472596a548
2 changed files with 146 additions and 28 deletions

View file

@ -358,7 +358,9 @@ Automatically enables 2D mapping or cube mapping if needed
void idImage::Bind()
RENDERLOG_PRINTF( "GL_BindTexture( %s )\n", GetName() );
vkcontext.imageParms[ vkcontext.currentImageParm ] = this;

View file

@ -1432,7 +1432,146 @@ idRenderBackend::DrawElementsWithCounters
void idRenderBackend::DrawElementsWithCounters( const drawSurf_t* surf )
// get vertex buffer
const vertCacheHandle_t vbHandle = surf->ambientCache;
idVertexBuffer* vertexBuffer;
if( vertexCache.CacheIsStatic( vbHandle ) )
vertexBuffer = &vertexCache.staticData.vertexBuffer;
const uint64 frameNum = ( int )( vbHandle >> VERTCACHE_FRAME_SHIFT ) & VERTCACHE_FRAME_MASK;
if( frameNum != ( ( vertexCache.currentFrame - 1 ) & VERTCACHE_FRAME_MASK ) )
idLib::Warning( "RB_DrawElementsWithCounters, vertexBuffer == NULL" );
vertexBuffer = &vertexCache.frameData[vertexCache.drawListNum].vertexBuffer;
const int vertOffset = ( int )( vbHandle >> VERTCACHE_OFFSET_SHIFT ) & VERTCACHE_OFFSET_MASK;
// get index buffer
const vertCacheHandle_t ibHandle = surf->indexCache;
idIndexBuffer* indexBuffer;
if( vertexCache.CacheIsStatic( ibHandle ) )
indexBuffer = &vertexCache.staticData.indexBuffer;
const uint64 frameNum = ( int )( ibHandle >> VERTCACHE_FRAME_SHIFT ) & VERTCACHE_FRAME_MASK;
if( frameNum != ( ( vertexCache.currentFrame - 1 ) & VERTCACHE_FRAME_MASK ) )
idLib::Warning( "RB_DrawElementsWithCounters, indexBuffer == NULL" );
indexBuffer = &vertexCache.frameData[vertexCache.drawListNum].indexBuffer;
// RB: 64 bit fixes, changed int to ptrdiff_t
const ptrdiff_t indexOffset = ( ptrdiff_t )( ibHandle >> VERTCACHE_OFFSET_SHIFT ) & VERTCACHE_OFFSET_MASK;
RENDERLOG_PRINTF( "Binding Buffers: %p:%i %p:%i\n", vertexBuffer, vertOffset, indexBuffer, indexOffset );
if( surf->jointCache )
// DG: this happens all the time in the erebus1 map with blendlight.vfp,
// so don't call assert (through verify) here until it's fixed (if fixable)
// else the game crashes on linux when using debug builds
// FIXME: fix this properly if possible?
// RB: yes but it would require an additional blend light skinned shader
//if( !verify( renderProgManager.ShaderUsesJoints() ) )
if( !renderProgManager.ShaderUsesJoints() )
// DG end
if( !verify( !renderProgManager.ShaderUsesJoints() || renderProgManager.ShaderHasOptionalSkinning() ) )
if( surf->jointCache )
idUniformBuffer jointBuffer;
if( !vertexCache.GetJointBuffer( surf->jointCache, &jointBuffer ) )
idLib::Warning( "RB_DrawElementsWithCounters, jointBuffer == NULL" );
assert( ( jointBuffer.GetOffset() & ( glConfig.uniformBufferOffsetAlignment - 1 ) ) == 0 );
//const GLintptr ubo = jointBuffer.GetAPIObject();
//glBindBufferRange( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, ubo, jointBuffer.GetOffset(), jointBuffer.GetSize() );
renderProgManager.CommitUniforms( glStateBits );
if( currentIndexBuffer != ( GLintptr )indexBuffer->GetAPIObject() || !r_useStateCaching.GetBool() )
glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ( GLintptr )indexBuffer->GetAPIObject() );
currentIndexBuffer = ( GLintptr )indexBuffer->GetAPIObject();
const VkBuffer buffer = indexBuffer->GetAPIObject();
const VkDeviceSize offset = indexBuffer->GetOffset();
vkCmdBindIndexBuffer( vkcontext.commandBuffer[ vkcontext.currentFrameData ], buffer, offset, VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT16 );
if( ( vertexLayout != LAYOUT_DRAW_VERT ) || ( currentVertexBuffer != ( GLintptr )vertexBuffer->GetAPIObject() ) || !r_useStateCaching.GetBool() )
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ( GLintptr )vertexBuffer->GetAPIObject() );
currentVertexBuffer = ( GLintptr )vertexBuffer->GetAPIObject();
glEnableVertexAttribArray( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_VERTEX );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_NORMAL );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_COLOR );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_COLOR2 );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_ST );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_TANGENT );
glVertexAttribPointer( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_VERTEX, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof( idDrawVert ), ( void* )( DRAWVERT_XYZ_OFFSET ) );
glVertexAttribPointer( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_NORMAL, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof( idDrawVert ), ( void* )( DRAWVERT_NORMAL_OFFSET ) );
glVertexAttribPointer( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_COLOR, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof( idDrawVert ), ( void* )( DRAWVERT_COLOR_OFFSET ) );
glVertexAttribPointer( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_COLOR2, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof( idDrawVert ), ( void* )( DRAWVERT_COLOR2_OFFSET ) );
glVertexAttribPointer( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_ST, 2, GL_HALF_FLOAT, GL_TRUE, sizeof( idDrawVert ), ( void* )( DRAWVERT_ST_OFFSET ) );
glVertexAttribPointer( PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_TANGENT, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof( idDrawVert ), ( void* )( DRAWVERT_TANGENT_OFFSET ) );
vertexLayout = LAYOUT_DRAW_VERT;
const VkBuffer buffer = vertexBuffer->GetAPIObject();
const VkDeviceSize offset = vertexBuffer->GetOffset();
vkCmdBindVertexBuffers( vkcontext.commandBuffer[ vkcontext.currentFrameData ], 0, 1, &buffer, &offset );
glDrawElementsBaseVertex( GL_TRIANGLES,
r_singleTriangle.GetBool() ? 3 : surf->numIndexes,
( triIndex_t* )indexOffset,
vertOffset / sizeof( idDrawVert ) );
vkcontext.commandBuffer[ vkcontext.currentFrameData ],
surf->numIndexes, 1, ( indexOffset >> 1 ), vertOffset / sizeof( idDrawVert ), 0 );
// RB: added stats
pc.c_drawIndexes += surf->numIndexes;
@ -1653,22 +1792,11 @@ This routine is responsible for setting the most commonly changed state
void idRenderBackend::GL_State( uint64 stateBits, bool forceGlState )
uint64 diff = stateBits ^ glStateBits;
if( !r_useStateCaching.GetBool() || forceGlState )
glStateBits = stateBits | ( glStateBits & GLS_KEEP );
if( viewDef != NULL && viewDef->isMirror )
// make sure everything is set all the time, so we
// can see if our delta checking is screwing up
glStateBits |= GLS_MIRROR_VIEW;
else if( diff == 0 )
glStateBits = stateBits;
@ -1688,18 +1816,6 @@ void idRenderBackend::GL_SelectTexture( int index )
vkcontext.currentImageParm = index;
This handles the flipping needed when the view being
rendered is a mirored view.
void idRenderBackend::GL_Cull( cullType_t cullType )