diff --git a/neo/swf/SWF_Sprites.cpp b/neo/swf/SWF_Sprites.cpp
index f1693c6f..f622bcbd 100644
--- a/neo/swf/SWF_Sprites.cpp
+++ b/neo/swf/SWF_Sprites.cpp
@@ -327,17 +327,14 @@ void idSWFSprite::WriteXML( idFile* f, const char* indentPrefix, int characterID
idSWFSprite::swfSpriteCommand_t& command = commands[i];
- base64.Encode( command.stream.Ptr(), command.stream.Length() );
+ //base64.Encode( command.stream.Ptr(), command.stream.Length() );
//base64.Decode( src );
//f->WriteFloatString( "%s\t%s\n", indentPrefix, idSWF::GetTagName( commands[i].tag ), src.Length(), src.c_str() );
//f->WriteFloatString( "%s\t%s\n", indentPrefix, idSWF::GetTagName( commands[i].tag ), commands[i].stream.Length(), base64.c_str() );
- f->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\n", indentPrefix, idSWF::GetTagName( command.tag ), command.stream.Length(), base64.c_str() );
- f->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%s\n", indentPrefix, base64.c_str() );
- //f->WriteFloatString( "%s\t%s\n", indentPrefix, idSWF::GetTagName( commands[i].tag ), commands[i].stream.Length(), commands[i].stream.Ptr() );
+ //f->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\n", indentPrefix, idSWF::GetTagName( command.tag ), command.stream.Length(), base64.c_str() );
+ //f->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%s\n", indentPrefix, base64.c_str() );
switch( command.tag )
@@ -348,17 +345,17 @@ void idSWFSprite::WriteXML( idFile* f, const char* indentPrefix, int characterID
#define HANDLE_SWF_TAG( x ) case Tag_##x: WriteXML_##x( f, command.stream, indentPrefix ); break;
HANDLE_SWF_TAG( PlaceObject2 );
- //HANDLE_SWF_TAG( PlaceObject3 );
- //HANDLE_SWF_TAG( RemoveObject2 );
+ HANDLE_SWF_TAG( PlaceObject3 );
+ HANDLE_SWF_TAG( RemoveObject2 );
//HANDLE_SWF_TAG( StartSound );
- //HANDLE_SWF_TAG( DoAction );
+ HANDLE_SWF_TAG( DoAction );
//idLib::Printf( "Export Sprite: Unhandled tag %s\n", idSWF::GetTagName( command.tag ) );
- f->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\n", indentPrefix );
+ //f->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\n", indentPrefix );
for( int i = 0; i < doInitActions.Num(); i++ )
@@ -381,7 +378,7 @@ void idSWFSprite::WriteXML_PlaceObject2( idFile* file, idSWFBitStream& bitstream
uint64 flags = bitstream.ReadU8();
int depth = bitstream.ReadU16();
- file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\tWriteFloatString( "%s\tWriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\t%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", indentPrefix, m.xx, m.yy, m.xy, m.yx, m.tx, m.ty );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", indentPrefix, m.xx, m.yy, m.xy, m.yx, m.tx, m.ty );
if( ( flags & PlaceFlagHasColorTransform ) != 0 )
@@ -407,24 +404,24 @@ void idSWFSprite::WriteXML_PlaceObject2( idFile* file, idSWFBitStream& bitstream
bitstream.ReadColorXFormRGBA( cxf );
idVec4 color = cxf.mul;
- file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\t\n", indentPrefix, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\n", indentPrefix, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w );
color = cxf.add;
- file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\t\n", indentPrefix, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\n", indentPrefix, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w );
if( ( flags & PlaceFlagHasRatio ) != 0 )
float ratio = bitstream.ReadU16() * ( 1.0f / 65535.0f );
- file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\t%f\n", indentPrefix, ratio );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%f\n", indentPrefix, ratio );
if( ( flags & PlaceFlagHasName ) != 0 )
idStr name = bitstream.ReadString();
- file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\t%s\n", indentPrefix, name.c_str() );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%s\n", indentPrefix, name.c_str() );
/*if( display->spriteInstance )
@@ -440,7 +437,7 @@ void idSWFSprite::WriteXML_PlaceObject2( idFile* file, idSWFBitStream& bitstream
if( ( flags & PlaceFlagHasClipDepth ) != 0 )
uint16 clipDepth = bitstream.ReadU16();
- file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\t%i\n", indentPrefix, clipDepth );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%i\n", indentPrefix, clipDepth );
if( ( flags & PlaceFlagHasClipActions ) != 0 )
@@ -448,7 +445,115 @@ void idSWFSprite::WriteXML_PlaceObject2( idFile* file, idSWFBitStream& bitstream
// FIXME: clip actions
- file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\n", indentPrefix );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\n", indentPrefix );
+void idSWFSprite::WriteXML_PlaceObject3( idFile* file, idSWFBitStream& bitstream, const char* indentPrefix )
+ uint64 flags1 = bitstream.ReadU8();
+ uint64 flags2 = bitstream.ReadU8();
+ int depth = bitstream.ReadU16();
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\tWriteFloatString( " characterID=\"%i\"", characterID );
+ }
+ file->WriteFloatString( ">\n" );
+ if( ( flags1 & PlaceFlagHasMatrix ) != 0 )
+ {
+ swfMatrix_t m;
+ bitstream.ReadMatrix( m );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", indentPrefix, m.xx, m.yy, m.xy, m.yx, m.tx, m.ty );
+ }
+ if( ( flags1 & PlaceFlagHasColorTransform ) != 0 )
+ {
+ swfColorXform_t cxf;
+ bitstream.ReadColorXFormRGBA( cxf );
+ idVec4 color = cxf.mul;
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\n", indentPrefix, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w );
+ color = cxf.add;
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\n", indentPrefix, color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w );
+ }
+ if( ( flags1 & PlaceFlagHasRatio ) != 0 )
+ {
+ float ratio = bitstream.ReadU16() * ( 1.0f / 65535.0f );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%f\n", indentPrefix, ratio );
+ }
+ if( ( flags1 & PlaceFlagHasName ) != 0 )
+ {
+ idStr name = bitstream.ReadString();
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%s\n", indentPrefix, name.c_str() );
+ /*if( display->spriteInstance )
+ {
+ display->spriteInstance->name = name;
+ scriptObject->Set( name, display->spriteInstance->GetScriptObject() );
+ }
+ else if( display->textInstance )
+ {
+ scriptObject->Set( name, display->textInstance->GetScriptObject() );
+ }*/
+ }
+ if( ( flags1 & PlaceFlagHasClipDepth ) != 0 )
+ {
+ uint16 clipDepth = bitstream.ReadU16();
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%i\n", indentPrefix, clipDepth );
+ }
+ if( ( flags2 & PlaceFlagHasFilterList ) != 0 )
+ {
+ // we don't support filters and because the filter list is variable length we
+ // can't support anything after the filter list either (blend modes and clip actions)
+ //idLib::Warning( "PlaceObject3: has filters" );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t\n", indentPrefix );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( ( flags2 & PlaceFlagHasBlendMode ) != 0 )
+ {
+ uint8 blendMode = bitstream.ReadU8();
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\t%i\n", indentPrefix, blendMode );
+ }
+ if( ( flags1 & PlaceFlagHasClipActions ) != 0 )
+ {
+ // FIXME: clip actions
+ }
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t\n", indentPrefix );
+void idSWFSprite::WriteXML_RemoveObject2( idFile* file, idSWFBitStream& bitstream, const char* indentPrefix )
+ int depth = bitstream.ReadU16();
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t", indentPrefix, depth );
+void idSWFSprite::WriteXML_DoAction( idFile* file, idSWFBitStream& bitstream, const char* indentPrefix )
+ idBase64 base64;
+ base64.Encode( bitstream.Ptr(), bitstream.Length() );
+ file->WriteFloatString( "%s\t%s\n", indentPrefix, bitstream.Length(), base64.c_str() );
// RB end
diff --git a/neo/swf/SWF_Sprites.h b/neo/swf/SWF_Sprites.h
index ed2704c5..d40d11fc 100644
--- a/neo/swf/SWF_Sprites.h
+++ b/neo/swf/SWF_Sprites.h
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ public:
// RB begin
void WriteXML( idFile* f, const char* indentPrefix = "", int characterID = -1 );
void WriteXML_PlaceObject2( idFile* f, idSWFBitStream& bitstream, const char* indentPrefix = "" );
+ void WriteXML_PlaceObject3( idFile* f, idSWFBitStream& bitstream, const char* indentPrefix = "" );
+ void WriteXML_RemoveObject2( idFile* f, idSWFBitStream& bitstream, const char* indentPrefix = "" );
+ void WriteXML_DoAction( idFile* f, idSWFBitStream& bitstream, const char* indentPrefix = "" );
// RB end
class idSWF* GetSWF()