Updated .plan in release notes

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Robert Beckebans 2024-06-22 21:28:29 +02:00
parent f539821ca2
commit 2478622e7c

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@ -19,6 +19,29 @@ TBD - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.6.0
## .plan - June 22, 2024
Some people requested a separate oldschool map compiler so they don't have to open the engine every time they compile a map. Now you can just hit a button in TrenchBroomBFG.
The version also dumps a lot of legacy image loading code like the JPG and PNG libraries and replaces those with STB image header only libs like it is handled in the dhewm3 source port.
rbdmap.exe is not only dmap but also provides the collision manager and AAS builder (runAAS cmd).
So like in the embedded dmap cmd the .cm files and .aas files are also automatically built.
rbdmap.exe uses Imtui with pdcurses on Windows to have features a like progress bar and just the old terminal output on Linux.
* Added rbdmap -nogui option because pdcurses does not work with TrenchBroom
* Drastic dmap speed boost by reducing prints like in q3map
* Added collision manager and AAS builder to dmap
* Replaced JPG/PNG code with stb_image snippets from dhewm3
* Allow static glTF2 models to be inlined in dmap and kicked unused Collada DAE support
## .plan - June 14, 2024
This is a preview build that solves several issues with TrenchBroom and the required convertMapToValve220 command.