mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:22:05 +00:00
Small progress towards SSR. Needs more debugging
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 211 additions and 108 deletions
@ -1832,7 +1832,9 @@ void idRenderBackend::GetCurrentBindingLayout( int type )
nvrhi::BindingSetItem::Texture_SRV( 0, ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 0 )->GetTextureID() ),
nvrhi::BindingSetItem::Texture_SRV( 1, ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 1 )->GetTextureID() ),
nvrhi::BindingSetItem::Texture_SRV( 2, ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 2 )->GetTextureID() ),
nvrhi::BindingSetItem::Texture_SRV( 3, ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 3 )->GetTextureID() )
nvrhi::BindingSetItem::Texture_SRV( 3, ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 3 )->GetTextureID() ),
nvrhi::BindingSetItem::Texture_SRV( 4, ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 4 )->GetTextureID() ),
nvrhi::BindingSetItem::Texture_SRV( 5, ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 5 )->GetTextureID() )
@ -1842,6 +1844,8 @@ void idRenderBackend::GetCurrentBindingLayout( int type )
bindings[1].resourceHandle = ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 1 )->GetTextureID();
bindings[2].resourceHandle = ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 2 )->GetTextureID();
bindings[3].resourceHandle = ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 3 )->GetTextureID();
bindings[4].resourceHandle = ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 4 )->GetTextureID();
bindings[5].resourceHandle = ( nvrhi::ITexture* )GetImageAt( 5 )->GetTextureID();
if( R_UsePixelatedLook() )
@ -422,21 +422,43 @@ void idRenderBackend::PrepareStageTexturing( const shaderStage_t* pStage, const
// specular cubemap blend weights
renderProgManager.SetUniformValue( RENDERPARM_LOCALLIGHTORIGIN, viewDef->radianceImageBlends.ToFloatPtr() );
// allow reconstruction of depth buffer value to full view space position
SetVertexParms( RENDERPARM_SHADOW_MATRIX_0_X, viewDef->unprojectionToCameraRenderMatrix[0], 4 );
// we need to rotate the normals from world space to view space
idRenderMatrix viewMatrix;
idRenderMatrix::Transpose( *( idRenderMatrix* ) viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix, viewMatrix );
SetVertexParms( RENDERPARM_MODELVIEWMATRIX_X, viewMatrix[0], 4 );
// see if there is also a bump map specified
const shaderStage_t* bumpStage = surf->material->GetBumpStage();
if( bumpStage != NULL )
// per-pixel reflection mapping with bump mapping
GL_SelectTexture( 0 );
GL_SelectTexture( 1 );
GL_SelectTexture( 2 );
if( r_useHierarchicalDepthBuffer.GetBool() )
GL_SelectTexture( 3 );
GL_SelectTexture( 4 );
GL_SelectTexture( 5 );
GL_SelectTexture( 0 );
@ -5107,31 +5129,7 @@ void idRenderBackend::DrawScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion( const viewDef_t* _viewDef
int screenWidth = renderSystem->GetWidth();
int screenHeight = renderSystem->GetHeight();
commandList->clearTextureFloat( globalImages->hierarchicalZbufferImage->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources, nvrhi::Color( 1.f ) );
commandList->clearTextureFloat( globalImages->ambientOcclusionImage[0]->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources, nvrhi::Color( 1.f ) );
// build hierarchical depth buffer
if( r_useHierarchicalDepthBuffer.GetBool() )
renderLog.OpenBlock( "Render_HiZ" );
//if( R_GetMSAASamples() > 1 )
// commandList->resolveTexture( globalImages->hierarchicalZbufferImage->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources, globalImages->currentDepthImage->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources );
&bindingCache );
hiZGenPass->Dispatch( commandList, MAX_HIERARCHICAL_ZBUFFERS );
commandList->clearTextureFloat( globalImages->ambientOcclusionImage[0]->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources, nvrhi::Color( 1.0f ) );
if( previousFramebuffer != NULL )
@ -5680,6 +5678,26 @@ void idRenderBackend::DrawViewInternal( const viewDef_t* _viewDef, const int ste
FillDepthBufferFast( drawSurfs, numDrawSurfs );
// build hierarchical depth buffer
if( r_useHierarchicalDepthBuffer.GetBool() )
renderLog.OpenBlock( "Render_HiZ" );
commandList->clearTextureFloat( globalImages->hierarchicalZbufferImage->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources, nvrhi::Color( 1.f ) );
&bindingCache );
hiZGenPass->Dispatch( commandList, MAX_HIERARCHICAL_ZBUFFERS );
// FIXME, OPTIMIZE: merge this with FillDepthBufferFast like in a light prepass deferred renderer
@ -5726,9 +5744,35 @@ void idRenderBackend::DrawViewInternal( const viewDef_t* _viewDef, const int ste
DrawInteractions( _viewDef );
// resolve the screen for SSR
if( R_GetMSAASamples() > 1 )
renderLog.OpenBlock( "Resolve to _currentRender" );
commandList->resolveTexture( globalImages->currentRenderImage->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources, globalImages->currentRenderHDRImage->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources );
renderLog.OpenBlock( "Blit to _currentRender" );
BlitParameters blitParms;
nvrhi::IFramebuffer* currentFB = ( nvrhi::IFramebuffer* )currentFrameBuffer->GetApiObject();
blitParms.sourceTexture = currentFB->getDesc().colorAttachments[0].texture;
blitParms.targetFramebuffer = globalFramebuffers.postProcFBO->GetApiObject(); // _currentRender image
blitParms.targetViewport = nvrhi::Viewport( renderSystem->GetWidth(), renderSystem->GetHeight() );
commonPasses.BlitTexture( commandList, blitParms, &bindingCache );
// now draw any non-light dependent shading passes
int processed = 0;
if( !r_skipShaderPasses.GetBool() )
@ -6460,21 +6504,6 @@ void idRenderBackend::PostProcess( const void* data )
GL_SelectTexture( 3 );
if( r_useHierarchicalDepthBuffer.GetBool() )
// build hierarchical depth buffer
renderLog.OpenBlock( "Render_HiZ" );
commandList->clearTextureFloat( globalImages->hierarchicalZbufferImage->GetTextureHandle(), nvrhi::AllSubresources, nvrhi::Color( 1.f ) );
&bindingCache );
hiZGenPass->Dispatch( commandList, MAX_HIERARCHICAL_ZBUFFERS );
@ -371,9 +371,11 @@ void idRenderProgManager::Init( nvrhi::IDevice* device )
auto octahedronCubeBindingLayoutDesc = nvrhi::BindingLayoutDesc()
.setVisibility( nvrhi::ShaderType::Pixel )
.addItem( nvrhi::BindingLayoutItem::Texture_SRV( 0 ) ) // normal map
.addItem( nvrhi::BindingLayoutItem::Texture_SRV( 1 ) ) // radiance cube map 1
.addItem( nvrhi::BindingLayoutItem::Texture_SRV( 2 ) ) // radiance cube map 2
.addItem( nvrhi::BindingLayoutItem::Texture_SRV( 3 ) ); // radiance cube map 3
.addItem( nvrhi::BindingLayoutItem::Texture_SRV( 1 ) ) // HDR _currentRender
.addItem( nvrhi::BindingLayoutItem::Texture_SRV( 2 ) ) // _currentDepth
.addItem( nvrhi::BindingLayoutItem::Texture_SRV( 3 ) ) // radiance cube map 1
.addItem( nvrhi::BindingLayoutItem::Texture_SRV( 4 ) ) // radiance cube map 2
.addItem( nvrhi::BindingLayoutItem::Texture_SRV( 5 ) ); // radiance cube map 3
auto octahedronCubeBindingLayout = device->createBindingLayout( octahedronCubeBindingLayoutDesc );
@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
Texture2D t_NormalMap : register( t0 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
Texture2D t_RadianceCubeMap1 : register( t1 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
Texture2D t_RadianceCubeMap2 : register( t2 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
Texture2D t_RadianceCubeMap3 : register( t3 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
Texture2D t_Depth : register( t4 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
Texture2D t_Color : register( t1 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
Texture2D t_Depth : register( t2 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
Texture2D t_RadianceCubeMap1 : register( t3 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
Texture2D t_RadianceCubeMap2 : register( t4 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
Texture2D t_RadianceCubeMap3 : register( t5 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 1 ) );
SamplerState s_Material : register( s0 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 2 ) );
SamplerState s_LinearClamp : register( s1 VK_DESCRIPTOR_SET( 2 ) );
@ -59,18 +60,15 @@ struct PS_OUT
#if 0
#if 1
float linearDepthTexelFetch( int2 hitPixel )
// Load returns 0 for any value accessed out of bounds
return linearizeDepth( t_Depth.Load( int3( hitPixel, 0 ) ).r );
float depth = texelFetch( t_Depth, hitPixel, 0 ).r;
float2 uv = hitPixel * rpWindowCoord.xy;
// can be either view space or world space depending on rpModelMatrix
float3 ReconstructPosition( float2 S, float depth )
// derive clip space from the depth buffer and screen position
float2 uv = S * rpWindowCoord.xy;
float3 ndc = float3( uv.x * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0 - uv.y * 2.0, depth );
float clipW = -rpProjectionMatrixZ.w / ( -rpProjectionMatrixZ.z - ndc.z );
@ -78,27 +76,16 @@ float3 ReconstructPosition( float2 S, float depth )
// camera space position
float4 csP;
csP.x = dot4( rpModelMatrixX, clip );
csP.y = dot4( rpModelMatrixY, clip );
csP.z = dot4( rpModelMatrixZ, clip );
csP.w = dot4( rpModelMatrixW, clip );
csP.x = dot4( rpShadowMatrices[0], clip );
csP.y = dot4( rpShadowMatrices[1], clip );
csP.z = dot4( rpShadowMatrices[2], clip );
csP.w = dot4( rpShadowMatrices[3], clip );
csP.xyz /= csP.w;
return csP.xyz;
return csP.z;
float3 GetPosition( int2 ssP )
float depth = texelFetch( t_Depth, ssP, 0 ).r;
// offset to pixel center
float3 P = ReconstructPosition( float2( ssP ) + _float2( 0.5 ), depth );
return P;
float distanceSquared( float2 a, float2 b )
@ -113,8 +100,7 @@ void swap( inout float a, inout float b )
b = t;
#if 0
bool intersectsDepthBuffer( float z, float minZ, float maxZ )
bool intersectsDepthBuffer( float z, float minZ, float maxZ, float zThickness )
* Based on how far away from the camera the depth is,
@ -122,11 +108,10 @@ bool intersectsDepthBuffer( float z, float minZ, float maxZ )
* artifacts. Driving this value up too high can cause
* artifacts of its own.
float depthScale = min( 1.0f, z * cb_strideZCutoff );
z += cb_zThickness + lerp( 0.0f, 2.0f, depthScale );
return ( maxZ >= z ) && ( minZ - cb_zThickness <= z );
//float depthScale = min( 1.0f, z * cb_strideZCutoff );
//z += cb_zThickness + lerp( 0.0f, 2.0f, depthScale );
return ( maxZ >= z ) && ( minZ - zThickness <= z );
// By Morgan McGuire and Michael Mara at Williams College 2014
// Released as open source under the BSD 2-Clause License
@ -135,10 +120,10 @@ bool intersectsDepthBuffer( float z, float minZ, float maxZ )
// Returns true if the ray hit something
bool TraceScreenSpaceRay(
// Camera-space ray origin, which must be within the view volume
float3 csOrig,
float3 rayOrigin,
// Unit length camera-space ray direction
float3 csDir,
float3 rayDir,
// Camera space thickness to ascribe to each pixel in the depth buffer
float zThickness,
@ -157,48 +142,60 @@ bool TraceScreenSpaceRay(
out float2 hitPixel,
// Camera space location of the ray hit
out float3 hitPoint )
out float3 hitPoint,
out float3 rayDebug )
// Clip to the near plane
//float rayLength = ( ( csOrig.z + csDir.z * cb_maxDistance ) < cb_nearPlaneZ ) ?
// ( cb_nearPlaneZ - csOrig.z ) / csDir.z : cb_maxDistance;
float rayLength = 10000;
float3 csEndPoint = csOrig + csDir * rayLength;
float4 rayEndPoint = float4( rayOrigin + rayDir * rayLength, 1.0 );
// Project into homogeneous clip space
//float4 H0 = mul( float4( csOrig, 1.0f ), viewToTextureSpaceMatrix );
float4 csPos = float4( csOrig, 1.0 );
float4 ray4D = float4( rayOrigin, 1.0 );
float4 H0;
H0.x = dot4( csPos, rpProjectionMatrixX );
H0.y = dot4( csPos, rpProjectionMatrixY );
H0.z = dot4( csPos, rpProjectionMatrixZ );
H0.w = dot4( csPos, rpProjectionMatrixW );
H0.xy *= rpWindowCoord.zw;
H0.x = dot4( ray4D, rpProjectionMatrixX );
H0.y = dot4( ray4D, rpProjectionMatrixY );
H0.z = dot4( ray4D, rpProjectionMatrixZ );
H0.w = dot4( ray4D, rpProjectionMatrixW );
//H0.xy *= rpWindowCoord.zw;
//float4 H1 = mul( float4( csEndPoint, 1.0f ), viewToTextureSpaceMatrix );
float4 H1;
H1.x = dot4( csPos, rpProjectionMatrixX );
H1.y = dot4( csPos, rpProjectionMatrixY );
H1.z = dot4( csPos, rpProjectionMatrixZ );
H1.w = dot4( csPos, rpProjectionMatrixW );
H1.xy *= rpWindowCoord.zw;
H1.x = dot4( rayEndPoint, rpProjectionMatrixX );
H1.y = dot4( rayEndPoint, rpProjectionMatrixY );
H1.z = dot4( rayEndPoint, rpProjectionMatrixZ );
H1.w = dot4( rayEndPoint, rpProjectionMatrixW );
//H1.xy *= rpWindowCoord.zw;
float k0 = 1.0f / H0.w;
float k1 = 1.0f / H1.w;
// The interpolated homogeneous version of the camera-space points
float3 Q0 = csOrig * k0;
float3 Q1 = csEndPoint * k1;
float3 Q0 = rayOrigin * k0;
float3 Q1 = rayEndPoint.xyz * k1;
// Screen-space endpoints
float2 P0 = H0.xy * k0;
float2 P1 = H1.xy * k1;
#if 0
rayDebug.xy = H0.xy;
//rayDebug.xy = rayOrigin.xy * rpWindowCoord.xy;
//rayDebug.y = 0;
rayDebug.z = 0;
//rayDebug = rayDir.xyz * 0.5 + 0.5;
return false;
// If the line is degenerate, make it cover at least one pixel
// to avoid handling zero-pixel extent as a special case later
P1 += ( distanceSquared( P0, P1 ) < 0.0001f ) ? float2( 0.01f, 0.01f ) : 0.0f;
P1 += ( distanceSquared( P0, P1 ) < 0.0001 ) ? float2( 0.01, 0.01 ) : 0.0;
float2 delta = P1 - P0;
// Permute so that the primary iteration is in x to collapse
@ -234,26 +231,36 @@ bool TraceScreenSpaceRay(
k0 += dk * jitter;
// Slide P from P0 to P1, (now-homogeneous) Q from Q0 to Q1, k from k0 to k1
float4 PQk = float4( P0, Q0.z, k0 );
float4 dPQk = float4( dP, dQ.z, dk );
float4 PQk = float4( P0.xy, Q0.z, k0 );
float4 dPQk = float4( dP.xy, dQ.z, dk );
float3 Q = Q0;
// Adjust end condition for iteration direction
float end = P1.x * stepDir;
float stepCount = 0.0f;
float prevZMaxEstimate = csOrig.z;
float stepCount = 0.0;
float prevZMaxEstimate = rayOrigin.z;
float rayZMin = prevZMaxEstimate;
float rayZMax = prevZMaxEstimate;
float sceneZMax = rayZMax + 100.0f;
float sceneZMax = rayZMax + 1000.0;
// We only advance the z field of Q in the inner loop, since
// Q.xy is never used until after the loop terminates.
for( ;
( ( PQk.x * stepDir ) <= end ) && ( stepCount < maxSteps ) &&
//!intersectsDepthBuffer( sceneZMax, rayZMin, rayZMax ) &&
!intersectsDepthBuffer( sceneZMax, rayZMin, rayZMax, zThickness ) &&
( ( rayZMax < sceneZMax - zThickness ) || ( rayZMin > sceneZMax ) ) &&
( sceneZMax != 0.0f );
++stepCount )
stepCount += 1.0 )
// The depth range that the ray covers within this loop
// iteration. Assume that the ray is moving in increasing z
// and swap if backwards. Because one end of the interval is
// shared between adjacent iterations, we track the previous
// value and then swap as needed to ensure correct ordering
rayZMin = prevZMaxEstimate;
// Compute the value at 1/2 pixel into the future
rayZMax = ( dPQk.z * 0.5f + PQk.z ) / ( dPQk.w * 0.5f + PQk.w );
prevZMaxEstimate = rayZMax;
if( rayZMin > rayZMax )
@ -262,9 +269,12 @@ bool TraceScreenSpaceRay(
hitPixel = permute ? PQk.yx : PQk.xy;
//rayDebug.xy = hitPixel;
// You may need hitPixel.y = depthBufferSize.y - hitPixel.y; here if your vertical axis
// is different than ours in screen space
sceneZMax = linearDepthTexelFetch( int2( hitPixel ) );
sceneZMax = linearDepthTexelFetch( hitPixel );
PQk += dPQk;
@ -272,7 +282,9 @@ bool TraceScreenSpaceRay(
// Advance Q based on the number of steps
Q.xy += dQ.xy * stepCount;
hitPoint = Q * ( 1.0f / PQk.w );
return intersectsDepthBuffer( sceneZMax, rayZMin, rayZMax );
return intersectsDepthBuffer( sceneZMax, rayZMin, rayZMax, zThickness );
//return false;
@ -300,21 +312,29 @@ void main( PS_IN fragment, out PS_OUT result )
localNormal.z = sqrt( 1.0f - dot3( localNormal, localNormal ) );
float3 globalNormal;
#if 1
globalNormal.x = dot3( localNormal, fragment.texcoord2 );
globalNormal.y = dot3( localNormal, fragment.texcoord3 );
globalNormal.z = dot3( localNormal, fragment.texcoord4 );
globalNormal = fragment.texcoord2.z;
globalNormal = fragment.texcoord3.z;
globalNormal = fragment.texcoord4.z;
float3 globalPosition = fragment.texcoord5.xyz;
float3 globalView = normalize( globalPosition - rpGlobalEyePos.xyz );
float3 reflectionVector = reflect( globalView, globalNormal );
reflectionVector = normalize( reflectionVector );
float2 octCoord0 = GetSampleVector( reflectionVector );
float2 octCoord1 = octCoord0;
float2 octCoord2 = octCoord0;
#if 1
#if 0
// parallax box correction using portal area bounds
float hitScale = 0.0;
float3 bounds[2];
@ -355,6 +375,54 @@ void main( PS_IN fragment, out PS_OUT result )
radiance += t_RadianceCubeMap2.SampleLevel( s_LinearClamp, octCoord1, mip ).rgb * rpLocalLightOrigin.y;
radiance += t_RadianceCubeMap3.SampleLevel( s_LinearClamp, octCoord2, mip ).rgb * rpLocalLightOrigin.z;
#if 1
// both in camera space
float3 rayOrigin, rayDir;
//rayOrigin.xy = fragment.position.xy * rpWindowCoord.xy;
rayOrigin.x = dot3( globalPosition, rpModelViewMatrixX );
rayOrigin.y = dot3( globalPosition, rpModelViewMatrixY );
rayOrigin.z = dot3( globalPosition, rpModelViewMatrixZ );
rayDir.x = dot3( reflectionVector, rpModelViewMatrixX );
rayDir.y = dot3( reflectionVector, rpModelViewMatrixY );
rayDir.z = dot3( reflectionVector, rpModelViewMatrixZ );
//rayDir = normalize( globalNormal );
float2 hitPixel;
float3 hitPoint;
float3 rayDebug = float3( 0, 0, 1 );
bool intersect = TraceScreenSpaceRay(
rayDebug );
#if 0
result.color.rgba = float4( rayDir.xyz * 0.5 + 0.5, 1 );
if( intersect )
radiance = float3( 0, 1, 0 );
radiance = t_Color.Sample( s_LinearClamp, hitPixel * rpWindowCoord.xy ).rgb;
//radiance = linearDepthTexelFetch( fragment.position.xy );// / 16000;
//radiance = float3( 0, 0, 1 );
radiance = rayDebug;
// give it a red blood tint
//radiance *= float3( 0.5, 0.25, 0.25 );
Reference in a new issue