Finally, Crytek's SMAA works at leat in SMAA 1x mode

This commit is contained in:
Robert Beckebans 2015-12-28 23:22:58 +01:00
parent 0b5d931e1e
commit 127b2ed5e8
4 changed files with 1474 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -28,12 +28,6 @@
* _______ ___ ___ ___ ___
* / || \/ | / \ / \
* | (---- | \ / | / ^ \ / ^ \
* \ \ | |\/| | / /_\ \ / /_\ \
* ----) | | | | | / _____ \ / _____ \
* |_______/ |__| |__| /__/ \__\ /__/ \__\
* E N H A N C E D
* S U B P I X E L M O R P H O L O G I C A L A N T I A L I A S I N G
@ -482,7 +476,7 @@
* On some compilers, discard cannot be used in vertex shaders. Thus, they need
* On some compilers, discard and texture cannot be used in vertex shaders. Thus, they need
* to be compiled separately.
@ -526,6 +520,10 @@
// Porting Functions
#if defined(SMAA_HLSL_3)
#define API_V_DIR(v) v
#define API_V_COORD(v) v
#define API_V_BELOW(v1, v2) v1 > v2
#define API_V_ABOVE(v1, v2) v1 < v2
#define SMAATexture2D(tex) sampler2D tex
#define SMAATexturePass2D(tex) tex
#define SMAASampleLevelZero(tex, coord) tex2Dlod(tex, float4(coord, 0.0, 0.0))
@ -538,6 +536,10 @@
#define SMAA_BRANCH [branch]
#if defined(SMAA_HLSL_4) || defined(SMAA_HLSL_4_1)
#define API_V_DIR(v) v
#define API_V_COORD(v) v
#define API_V_BELOW(v1, v2) v1 > v2
#define API_V_ABOVE(v1, v2) v1 < v2
SamplerState LinearSampler { Filter = MIN_MAG_LINEAR_MIP_POINT; AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; };
SamplerState PointSampler { Filter = MIN_MAG_MIP_POINT; AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; };
#define SMAATexture2D(tex) Texture2D tex
@ -557,6 +559,16 @@ SamplerState PointSampler { Filter = MIN_MAG_MIP_POINT; AddressU = Clamp; Addres
#if defined(SMAA_GLSL_3) || defined(SMAA_GLSL_4)
//#define API_V_DIR(v) -(v)
//#define API_V_COORD(v) (1.0 - v)
//#define API_V_BELOW(v1, v2) v1 < v2
//#define API_V_ABOVE(v1, v2) v1 > v2
#define API_V_DIR(v) v
#define API_V_COORD(v) v
#define API_V_BELOW(v1, v2) v1 > v2
#define API_V_ABOVE(v1, v2) v1 < v2
#define SMAATexture2D(tex) sampler2D tex
#define SMAATexturePass2D(tex) tex
#define SMAASampleLevelZero(tex, coord) textureLod(tex, coord, 0.0)
@ -568,7 +580,7 @@ SamplerState PointSampler { Filter = MIN_MAG_MIP_POINT; AddressU = Clamp; Addres
#define lerp(a, b, t) mix(a, b, t)
#define saturate(a) clamp(a, 0.0, 1.0)
#define saturate(a) clamp(a, 0.0, 10.0)
#if defined(SMAA_GLSL_4)
#define mad(a, b, c) fma(a, b, c)
#define SMAAGather(tex, coord) textureGather(tex, coord)
@ -644,9 +656,9 @@ void SMAAMovc(bool4 cond, inout float4 variable, float4 value) {
void SMAAEdgeDetectionVS(float2 texcoord,
out float4 offset[3]) {
offset[0] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0), texcoord.xyxy);
offset[1] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), texcoord.xyxy);
offset[2] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4(-2.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0), texcoord.xyxy);
offset[0] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, API_V_DIR(-1.0)), texcoord.xyxy);
offset[1] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, API_V_DIR(1.0)), texcoord.xyxy);
offset[2] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4(-2.0, 0.0, 0.0, API_V_DIR(-2.0)), texcoord.xyxy);
@ -658,12 +670,12 @@ void SMAABlendingWeightCalculationVS(float2 texcoord,
pixcoord = texcoord *;
// We will use these offsets for the searches later on (see @PSEUDO_GATHER4):
offset[0] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4(-0.25, -0.125, 1.25, -0.125), texcoord.xyxy);
offset[1] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4(-0.125, -0.25, -0.125, 1.25), texcoord.xyxy);
offset[0] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4(-0.25, API_V_DIR(-0.125), 1.25, API_V_DIR(-0.125)), texcoord.xyxy);
offset[1] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4(-0.125, API_V_DIR(-0.25), -0.125, API_V_DIR(1.25)), texcoord.xyxy);
// And these for the searches, they indicate the ends of the loops:
offset[2] = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xxyy,
float4(-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0) * float(SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS),
float4(-2.0, 2.0, API_V_DIR(-2.0), API_V_DIR(2.0)) * float(SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS),
float4(offset[0].xz, offset[1].yw));
@ -672,7 +684,7 @@ void SMAABlendingWeightCalculationVS(float2 texcoord,
void SMAANeighborhoodBlendingVS(float2 texcoord,
out float4 offset) {
offset = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), texcoord.xyxy);
offset = mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, float4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, API_V_DIR(1.0)), texcoord.xyxy);
@ -860,6 +872,7 @@ float4 SMAADecodeDiagBilinearAccess(float4 e) {
* These functions allows to perform diagonal pattern searches.
float2 SMAASearchDiag1(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), float2 texcoord, float2 dir, out float2 e) {
dir.y = API_V_DIR(dir.y);
float4 coord = float4(texcoord, -1.0, 1.0);
float3 t = float3(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xy, 1.0);
while (coord.z < float(SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG - 1) &&
@ -872,6 +885,7 @@ float2 SMAASearchDiag1(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), float2 texcoord, float2 dir, out
float2 SMAASearchDiag2(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), float2 texcoord, float2 dir, out float2 e) {
dir.y = API_V_DIR(dir.y);
float4 coord = float4(texcoord, -1.0, 1.0);
coord.x += 0.25 * SMAA_RT_METRICS.x; // See @SearchDiag2Optimization
float3 t = float3(SMAA_RT_METRICS.xy, 1.0);
@ -909,6 +923,8 @@ float2 SMAAAreaDiag(SMAATexture2D(areaTex), float2 dist, float2 e, float offset)
// Move to proper place, according to the subpixel offset:
texcoord.y += SMAA_AREATEX_SUBTEX_SIZE * offset;
texcoord.y = API_V_COORD(texcoord.y);
// Do it!
return SMAA_AREATEX_SELECT(SMAASampleLevelZero(areaTex, texcoord));
@ -932,7 +948,7 @@ float2 SMAACalculateDiagWeights(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), SMAATexture2D(areaTex),
if (d.x + d.y > 2.0) { // d.x + d.y + 1 > 3
// Fetch the crossing edges:
float4 coords = mad(float4(-d.x + 0.25, d.x, d.y, -d.y - 0.25), SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, texcoord.xyxy);
float4 coords = mad(float4(-d.x + 0.25, API_V_DIR(d.x), d.y, API_V_DIR(-d.y - 0.25)), SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, texcoord.xyxy);
float4 c;
c.xy = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, coords.xy, int2(-1, 0)).rg; = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2( 1, 0)).rg;
@ -967,10 +983,10 @@ float2 SMAACalculateDiagWeights(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), SMAATexture2D(areaTex),
if (d.x + d.y > 2.0) { // d.x + d.y + 1 > 3
// Fetch the crossing edges:
float4 coords = mad(float4(-d.x, -d.x, d.y, d.y), SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, texcoord.xyxy);
float4 coords = mad(float4(-d.x, API_V_DIR(-d.x), d.y, API_V_DIR(d.y)), SMAA_RT_METRICS.xyxy, texcoord.xyxy);
float4 c;
c.x = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, coords.xy, int2(-1, 0)).g;
c.y = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, coords.xy, int2( 0, -1)).r;
c.y = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, coords.xy, int2( 0, API_V_DIR(-1))).r; = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2( 1, 0)).gr;
float2 cc = mad(float2(2.0, 2.0), c.xz, c.yw);
@ -1009,8 +1025,11 @@ float SMAASearchLength(SMAATexture2D(searchTex), float2 e, float offset) {
float2 coord = mad(scale, e, bias);
coord.y = API_V_COORD(coord.y);
// Lookup the search texture:
return SMAA_SEARCHTEX_SELECT(SMAASampleLevelZero(searchTex, mad(scale, e, bias)));
return SMAA_SEARCHTEX_SELECT(SMAASampleLevelZero(searchTex, coord));
@ -1062,26 +1081,26 @@ float SMAASearchXRight(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), SMAATexture2D(searchTex), float2
float SMAASearchYUp(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), SMAATexture2D(searchTex), float2 texcoord, float end) {
float2 e = float2(1.0, 0.0);
while (texcoord.y > end &&
while (API_V_BELOW(texcoord.y, end) &&
e.r > 0.8281 && // Is there some edge not activated?
e.g == 0.0) { // Or is there a crossing edge that breaks the line?
e = SMAASampleLevelZero(edgesTex, texcoord).rg;
texcoord = mad(-float2(0.0, 2.0), SMAA_RT_METRICS.xy, texcoord);
texcoord = mad(-float2(0.0, API_V_DIR(2.0)), SMAA_RT_METRICS.xy, texcoord);
float offset = mad(-(255.0 / 127.0), SMAASearchLength(SMAATexturePass2D(searchTex),, 0.0), 3.25);
return mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.y, offset, texcoord.y);
return mad(SMAA_RT_METRICS.y, API_V_DIR(offset), texcoord.y);
float SMAASearchYDown(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), SMAATexture2D(searchTex), float2 texcoord, float end) {
float2 e = float2(1.0, 0.0);
while (texcoord.y < end &&
while (API_V_ABOVE(texcoord.y, end) &&
e.r > 0.8281 && // Is there some edge not activated?
e.g == 0.0) { // Or is there a crossing edge that breaks the line?
e = SMAASampleLevelZero(edgesTex, texcoord).rg;
texcoord = mad(float2(0.0, 2.0), SMAA_RT_METRICS.xy, texcoord);
texcoord = mad(float2(0.0, API_V_DIR(2.0)), SMAA_RT_METRICS.xy, texcoord);
float offset = mad(-(255.0 / 127.0), SMAASearchLength(SMAATexturePass2D(searchTex),, 0.5), 3.25);
return mad(-SMAA_RT_METRICS.y, offset, texcoord.y);
return mad(-SMAA_RT_METRICS.y, API_V_DIR(offset), texcoord.y);
@ -1098,6 +1117,8 @@ float2 SMAAArea(SMAATexture2D(areaTex), float2 dist, float e1, float e2, float o
// Move to proper place, according to the subpixel offset:
texcoord.y = mad(SMAA_AREATEX_SUBTEX_SIZE, offset, texcoord.y);
texcoord.y = API_V_COORD(texcoord.y);
// Do it!
return SMAA_AREATEX_SELECT(SMAASampleLevelZero(areaTex, texcoord));
@ -1113,10 +1134,10 @@ void SMAADetectHorizontalCornerPattern(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), inout float2 wei
rounding /= leftRight.x + leftRight.y; // Reduce blending for pixels in the center of a line.
float2 factor = float2(1.0, 1.0);
factor.x -= rounding.x * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, texcoord.xy, int2(0, 1)).r;
factor.x -= rounding.y * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2(1, 1)).r;
factor.y -= rounding.x * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, texcoord.xy, int2(0, -2)).r;
factor.y -= rounding.y * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2(1, -2)).r;
factor.x -= rounding.x * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, texcoord.xy, int2(0, API_V_DIR(1))).r;
factor.x -= rounding.y * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2(1, API_V_DIR(1))).r;
factor.y -= rounding.x * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, texcoord.xy, int2(0, API_V_DIR(-2))).r;
factor.y -= rounding.y * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2(1, API_V_DIR(-2))).r;
weights *= saturate(factor);
@ -1131,9 +1152,9 @@ void SMAADetectVerticalCornerPattern(SMAATexture2D(edgesTex), inout float2 weigh
float2 factor = float2(1.0, 1.0);
factor.x -= rounding.x * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, texcoord.xy, int2( 1, 0)).g;
factor.x -= rounding.y * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2( 1, 1)).g;
factor.x -= rounding.y * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2( 1, API_V_DIR(1))).g;
factor.y -= rounding.x * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, texcoord.xy, int2(-2, 0)).g;
factor.y -= rounding.y * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2(-2, 1)).g;
factor.y -= rounding.y * SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex,, int2(-2, API_V_DIR(1))).g;
weights *= saturate(factor);
@ -1233,7 +1254,7 @@ float4 SMAABlendingWeightCalculationPS(float2 texcoord,
float2 sqrt_d = sqrt(d);
// Fetch the bottom crossing edges:
float e2 = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, coords.xz, int2(0, 1)).g;
float e2 = SMAASampleLevelZeroOffset(edgesTex, coords.xz, int2(0, API_V_DIR(1))).g;
// Get the area for this direction: = SMAAArea(SMAATexturePass2D(areaTex), sqrt_d, e1, e2, subsampleIndices.x);
@ -1280,7 +1301,7 @@ float4 SMAANeighborhoodBlendingPS(float2 texcoord,
bool h = max(a.x, a.z) > max(a.y, a.w); // max(horizontal) > max(vertical)
// Calculate the blending offsets:
float4 blendingOffset = float4(0.0, a.y, 0.0, a.w);
float4 blendingOffset = float4(0.0, API_V_DIR(a.y), 0.0, API_V_DIR(a.w));
float2 blendingWeight = a.yw;
SMAAMovc(bool4(h, h, h, h), blendingOffset, float4(a.x, 0.0, a.z, 0.0));
SMAAMovc(bool2(h, h), blendingWeight, a.xz);

View file

@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ static void R_HDR_RGBA16FImage_Res64( idImage* image )
static void R_SMAAImage_ResNative( idImage* image )
image->GenerateImage( NULL, glConfig.nativeScreenWidth, glConfig.nativeScreenHeight, TF_NEAREST, TR_CLAMP, TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGBA );
image->GenerateImage( NULL, glConfig.nativeScreenWidth, glConfig.nativeScreenHeight, TF_LINEAR, TR_CLAMP, TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGBA );
// RB end
@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ static void R_CreateSMAASearchImage( idImage* image )
// RB end

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -5009,8 +5009,8 @@ void RB_PostProcess( const void* data )
#if 1
//globalImages->smaaEdgesImage->CopyFramebuffer( viewport.x1, viewport.y1, viewport.GetWidth(), viewport.GetHeight() );
@ -5029,7 +5029,7 @@ void RB_PostProcess( const void* data )
#if 0
#if 1
//GL_SelectTexture( 0 );