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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __SERIALIZER_H__
#define __SERIALIZER_H__
#define SERIALIZE_BOOL( ser, x ) ( ( x ) = ser.SerializeBoolNonRef( x ) )
#define SERIALIZE_ENUM( ser, x, type, max ) ( ( x ) = (type)ser.SerializeUMaxNonRef( x, max ) )
#define SERIALIZE_CVAR_FLOAT( ser, cvar ) { float a = cvar.GetFloat(); ser.Serialize( a ); cvar.SetFloat( a ); }
#define SERIALIZE_CVAR_INT( ser, cvar ) { int a = cvar.GetInteger(); ser.Serialize( a ); cvar.SetInteger( a ); }
#define SERIALIZE_CVAR_BOOL( ser, cvar ) { bool a = cvar.GetBool(); SERIALIZE_BOOL( ser, a ); cvar.SetBool( a ); }
#define SERIALIZE_MATX( ser, var ) \
{ \
int rows = var.GetNumRows(); \
int cols = var.GetNumColumns(); \
ser.Serialize( rows ); \
ser.Serialize( cols ); \
if ( ser.IsReading() ) { \
var.SetSize( rows, cols ); \
} \
for ( int y = 0; y < rows; y++ ) { \
for ( int x = 0; x < rows; x++ ) { \
ser.Serialize( var[x][y] ); \
} \
} \
} \
#define SERIALIZE_VECX( ser, var ) \
{ \
int size = var.GetSize(); \
ser.Serialize( size ); \
if ( ser.IsReading() ) { \
var.SetSize( size ); \
} \
for ( int x = 0; x < size; x++ ) { \
ser.Serialize( var[x] ); \
} \
} \
#define SERIALIZE_JOINT( ser, var ) \
{ \
uint16 jointIndex = ( var == NULL_JOINT_INDEX ) ? 65535 : var; \
ser.Serialize( jointIndex ); \
var = ( jointIndex == 65535 ) ? NULL_JOINT_INDEX : (jointIndex_t)jointIndex; \
} \
ser.SerializeCheckpoint( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
class idSerializer {
idSerializer( idBitMsg & msg_, bool writing_) : msg( &msg_ ), writing( writing_ )
,magic( 0 )
{ }
bool IsReading() { return !writing; }
bool IsWriting() { return writing; }
// SerializeRange - minSize through maxSize inclusive of all possible values
void SerializeRange( int & value, int minSize, int maxSize ) { // Supports signed types
if ( writing ) {
msg->WriteBits( value - minSize, idMath::BitsForInteger( maxSize-minSize ) );
} else {
value = minSize + msg->ReadBits( idMath::BitsForInteger( maxSize-minSize ) );
assert( value >= minSize && value <= maxSize );
// SerializeUMax - maxSize inclusive, unsigned
void SerializeUMax( int & value, int maxSize ) { // Unsigned only
if ( writing ) {
msg->WriteBits( value, idMath::BitsForInteger( maxSize ) );
} else {
value = msg->ReadBits( idMath::BitsForInteger( maxSize ) );
assert( value <= maxSize );
// SerializeUMaxNonRef - maxSize inclusive, unsigned, no reference
int SerializeUMaxNonRef( int value, int maxSize ) { // Unsigned only
if ( writing ) {
msg->WriteBits(value, idMath::BitsForInteger( maxSize ) );
} else {
value = msg->ReadBits( idMath::BitsForInteger( maxSize ) );
assert( value <= maxSize );
return value;
//void SerializeBitMsg( idBitMsg & inOutMsg, int numBytes ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteBitMsg( inOutMsg, numBytes ); } else { msg->ReadBitMsg( inOutMsg, numBytes ); } }
// this is still needed to compile Rage code
void SerializeBytes( void * bytes, int numBytes ) { SanityCheck(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < numBytes ; i++ ) { Serialize( ((uint8 *)bytes)[i] ); } };
bool SerializeBoolNonRef( bool value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteBool(value); } else { value = msg->ReadBool(); } return value; } // We return a value so we can support bit fields (can't pass by reference)
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void SerializeQ( idVec3 & value ) { Serialize( value ); }
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void SerializeQ( float & value ) { Serialize( value ); }
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void SerializeUQ( float & value ) { Serialize( value ); }
void SerializeQ( idMat3 & axis, int bits = 15 ) { Serialize( axis ); }
// SerializeQ - Quantizes a float to a variable number of bits (assumes signed, uses simple quantization)
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void SerializeQ( idVec3 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteQuantizedVector< idVec3, _max_, _numBits_ >( value ); } else { msg->ReadQuantizedVector< idVec3, _max_, _numBits_ >( value ); } }
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void SerializeQ( float & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteQuantizedFloat< _max_, _numBits_ >( value ); } else { value = msg->ReadQuantizedFloat< _max_, _numBits_ >(); } }
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void SerializeUQ( float & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteQuantizedUFloat< _max_, _numBits_ >( value ); } else { value = msg->ReadQuantizedUFloat< _max_, _numBits_ >(); } }
void SerializeQ( idMat3 & axis, int bits = 15 ); // Default to 15 bits per component, which has almost unnoticeable quantization
void Serialize( idMat3 & axis); // Raw 3x3 matrix serialize
void SerializeC( idMat3 & axis); // Uses compressed quaternion
template< typename _type_ >
void SerializeListElement( const idList<_type_* > & list, const _type_ *&element );
void SerializePacked(int & original);
void SerializeSPacked(int & original);
void SerializeString( char * s, int bufferSize ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteString(s); } else { msg->ReadString( s, bufferSize ); } }
//void SerializeString( idAtomicString & s ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteString(s); } else { idStr temp; msg->ReadString( temp ); s.Set( temp ); } }
void SerializeString( idStr & s ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteString(s); } else { msg->ReadString( s ); } }
//void SerializeString( idStrId & s ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteString(s.GetKey()); } else { idStr key; msg->ReadString( key ); s.Set( key );} }
void SerializeDelta( int32 & value, const int32 & base ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteDeltaLong( base, value ); } else { value = msg->ReadDeltaLong( base ); } }
void SerializeDelta( int16 & value, const int16 & base ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteDeltaShort( base, value ); } else { value = msg->ReadDeltaShort( base ); } }
void SerializeDelta( int8 & value, const int8 & base ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteDeltaChar( base, value ); } else { value = msg->ReadDeltaChar( base ); } }
void SerializeDelta( uint16 & value, const uint16 & base ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteDeltaUShort( base, value ); } else { value = msg->ReadDeltaUShort( base ); } }
void SerializeDelta( uint8 & value, const uint8 & base ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteDeltaByte( base, value ); } else { value = msg->ReadDeltaByte( base ); } }
void SerializeDelta( float & value, const float & base ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteDeltaFloat( base, value ); } else { value = msg->ReadDeltaFloat( base ); } }
// Common types, no compression
void Serialize( int64 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteLongLong(value); } else { value = msg->ReadLongLong(); } }
void Serialize( uint64 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteLongLong(value); } else { value = msg->ReadLongLong(); } }
void Serialize( int32 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteLong(value); } else { value = msg->ReadLong(); } }
void Serialize( uint32 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteLong(value); } else { value = msg->ReadLong(); } }
void Serialize( int16 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteShort(value); } else { value = msg->ReadShort(); } }
void Serialize( uint16 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteUShort(value); } else { value = msg->ReadUShort(); } }
void Serialize( uint8 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteByte(value); } else { value = msg->ReadByte(); } }
void Serialize( int8 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteChar(value); } else { value = msg->ReadChar(); } }
void Serialize( bool & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteByte(value?1:0); } else { value = msg->ReadByte() != 0; } }
void Serialize( float & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteFloat(value); } else { value = msg->ReadFloat(); } }
void Serialize( idRandom2 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteLong(value.GetSeed()); } else { value.SetSeed( msg->ReadLong() ); } }
void Serialize( idVec3 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteVectorFloat(value); } else { msg->ReadVectorFloat(value); } }
void Serialize( idVec2 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteVectorFloat(value); } else { msg->ReadVectorFloat(value); } }
void Serialize( idVec6 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteVectorFloat(value); } else { msg->ReadVectorFloat(value); } }
void Serialize( idVec4 & value ) { SanityCheck(); if ( writing ) { msg->WriteVectorFloat(value); } else { msg->ReadVectorFloat(value); } }
// serialize an angle, normalized to between 0 to 360 and quantized to 16 bits
void SerializeAngle( float & value ) {
if ( writing ) {
float nAngle = idMath::AngleNormalize360( value );
assert( nAngle >= 0.0f ); // should never get a negative angle
uint16 sAngle = nAngle * ( 65536.0f / 360.0f );
msg->WriteUShort( sAngle );
} else {
uint16 sAngle = msg->ReadUShort();
value = sAngle * ( 360.0f / 65536.0f );
//void Serialize( degrees_t & value ) {
// SanityCheck();
// float angle = value.Get();
// Serialize( angle );
// value.Set( angle );
// }
//void SerializeAngle( degrees_t & value ) {
// SanityCheck();
// float angle = value.Get();
// SerializeAngle( angle );
// value.Set( angle );
// }
//void Serialize( radians_t & value ) {
// SanityCheck();
// // convert to degrees
// degrees_t d( value.Get() * idMath::M_RAD2DEG );
// Serialize( d );
// if ( !writing ) {
// // if reading, get the value we read in degrees and convert back to radians
// value.Set( d.Get() * idMath::M_DEG2RAD );
// }
// }
//void SerializeAngle( radians_t & value ) {
// SanityCheck();
// // convert to degrees
// degrees_t d( value.Get() * idMath::M_RAD2DEG );
// // serialize as normalized degrees between 0 - 360
// SerializeAngle( d );
// if ( !writing ) {
// // if reading, get the value we read in degrees and convert back to radians
// value.Set( d.Get() * idMath::M_DEG2RAD );
// }
// }
//void Serialize( idColor & value ) {
// Serialize( value.r );
// Serialize( value.g );
// Serialize( value.b );
// Serialize( value.a );
void SanityCheck() {
if ( writing ) {
msg->WriteUShort( 0xCCCC );
msg->WriteUShort( magic );
} else {
int cccc = msg->ReadUShort();
int m = msg->ReadUShort();
assert( cccc == 0xCCCC );
assert( m == magic );
// For release builds
if ( cccc != 0xCCCC ) {
idLib::Error( "idSerializer::SanityCheck - cccc != 0xCCCC" );
if ( m != magic ) {
idLib::Error( "idSerializer::SanityCheck - m != magic" );
void SerializeCheckpoint( const char * file, int line ) {
const uint32 tagValue = 0xABADF00D;
uint32 tag = tagValue;
Serialize( tag );
if ( tag != tagValue ) {
idLib::Error( "SERIALIZE_CHECKPOINT: tag != tagValue (file: %s - line: %i)", file, line );
idBitMsg & GetMsg() { return *msg; }
bool writing;
idBitMsg * msg;
int magic;
class idSerializerScopedBlock {
idSerializerScopedBlock( idSerializer &ser_, int maxSizeBytes_ ) {
ser = &ser_;
maxSizeBytes = maxSizeBytes_;
startByte = ser->IsReading() ? ser->GetMsg().GetReadCount() : ser->GetMsg().GetSize();
startWriteBits = ser->GetMsg().GetWriteBit();
~idSerializerScopedBlock() {
// Serialize remaining bits
while ( ser->GetMsg().GetWriteBit() != startWriteBits ) {
ser->SerializeBoolNonRef( false );
// Verify we didn't go over
int endByte = ser->IsReading() ? ser->GetMsg().GetReadCount() : ser->GetMsg().GetSize();
int sizeBytes = endByte - startByte;
if ( !verify( sizeBytes <= maxSizeBytes ) ) {
idLib::Warning( "idSerializerScopedBlock went over maxSize (%d > %d)", sizeBytes, maxSizeBytes );
// Serialize remaining bytes
uint8 b=0;
while ( sizeBytes < maxSizeBytes ) {
ser->Serialize( b );
int finalSize = ( ( ser->IsReading() ? ser->GetMsg().GetReadCount() : ser->GetMsg().GetSize() ) - startByte );
verify( maxSizeBytes == finalSize );
idSerializer * ser;
int maxSizeBytes;
int startByte;
int startWriteBits;
ID_INLINE void idSerializer::SerializeQ( idMat3 &axis, int bits ) {
const float scale = ( ( 1 << ( bits - 1 ) ) - 1 );
if ( IsWriting() ) {
idQuat quat = axis.ToQuat();
int maxIndex = 0;
for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < 4; i++ ) {
if ( idMath::Fabs( quat[i] ) > idMath::Fabs( quat[maxIndex] ) ) {
maxIndex = i;
msg->WriteBits( maxIndex, 2 );
idVec3 out;
if ( quat[maxIndex] < 0.0f ) {
out.x = -quat[( maxIndex + 1 ) & 3];
out.y = -quat[( maxIndex + 2 ) & 3];
out.z = -quat[( maxIndex + 3 ) & 3];
} else {
out.x = quat[( maxIndex + 1 ) & 3];
out.y = quat[( maxIndex + 2 ) & 3];
out.z = quat[( maxIndex + 3 ) & 3];
msg->WriteBits( idMath::Ftoi( out.x * scale ), -bits);
msg->WriteBits( idMath::Ftoi( out.y * scale ), -bits);
msg->WriteBits( idMath::Ftoi( out.z * scale ), -bits);
} else if ( IsReading() ) {
idQuat quat;
idVec3 in;
int maxIndex = msg->ReadBits(2);
in.x = (float)msg->ReadBits(-bits) / scale;
in.y = (float)msg->ReadBits(-bits) / scale;
in.z = (float)msg->ReadBits(-bits) / scale;
quat[( maxIndex + 1 ) & 3] = in.x;
quat[( maxIndex + 2 ) & 3] = in.y;
quat[( maxIndex + 3 ) & 3] = in.z;
quat[maxIndex] = idMath::Sqrt( idMath::Fabs( 1.0f - in.x * in.x - in.y * in.y - in.z * in.z ) );
axis = quat.ToMat3();
ID_INLINE void idSerializer::Serialize( idMat3 & axis ) {
Serialize( axis[0] );
Serialize( axis[1] );
Serialize( axis[2] );
ID_INLINE void idSerializer::SerializeC( idMat3 & axis ) {
if ( IsWriting() ) {
idCQuat cquat = axis.ToCQuat();
Serialize( cquat.x );
Serialize( cquat.y );
Serialize( cquat.z );
} else if ( IsReading() ) {
idCQuat cquat;
Serialize( cquat.x );
Serialize( cquat.y );
Serialize( cquat.z );
axis = cquat.ToMat3();
template< typename _type_ >
ID_INLINE void idSerializer::SerializeListElement( const idList<_type_* > & list, const _type_ *&element ) {
if ( IsWriting() ) {
int index = list.FindIndex( const_cast<_type_ *>(element) );
assert( index >= 0 );
SerializePacked( index );
} else if ( IsReading() ) {
int index = 0;
SerializePacked( index );
element = list[index];
Writes out 7 bits at a time, using every 8th bit to signify more bits exist
NOTE - Signed values work with this function, but take up more bytes
Use SerializeSPacked if you anticipate lots of negative values
ID_INLINE void idSerializer::SerializePacked(int & original) {
if ( IsWriting() ) {
uint32 value = original;
while ( true ) {
uint8 byte = value & 0x7F;
value >>= 7;
byte |= value ? 0x80 : 0;
msg->WriteByte( byte ); // Emit byte
if ( value == 0 ) {
} else {
uint8 byte = 0x80;
uint32 value = 0;
int32 shift = 0;
while ( byte & 0x80 && shift < 32 ) {
byte = msg->ReadByte();
value |= (byte & 0x7F) << shift;
shift += 7;
original = value;
Writes out 7 bits at a time, using every 8th bit to signify more bits exist
NOTE - An extra bit of the first byte is used to store the sign
(this function supports negative values, but will use 2 bytes for values greater than 63)
ID_INLINE void idSerializer::SerializeSPacked(int & value) {
if ( IsWriting() ) {
uint32 uvalue = idMath::Abs( value );
// Write the first byte specifically to handle the sign bit
uint8 byte = uvalue & 0x3f;
byte |= value < 0 ? 0x40 : 0;
uvalue >>= 6;
byte |= uvalue > 0 ? 0x80 : 0;
msg->WriteByte( byte );
while ( uvalue > 0 ) {
uint8 byte2 = uvalue & 0x7F;
uvalue >>= 7;
byte2 |= uvalue ? 0x80 : 0;
msg->WriteByte( byte2 ); // Emit byte
} else {
// Load the first byte specifically to handle the sign bit
uint8 byte = msg->ReadByte();
uint32 uvalue = byte & 0x3f;
bool sgn = (byte & 0x40) ? true : false;
int32 shift = 6;
while ( byte & 0x80 && shift < 32 ) {
byte = msg->ReadByte(); // Read byte
uvalue |= (byte & 0x7F) << shift;
shift += 7;
value = sgn ? -((int)uvalue) : uvalue;