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2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include "../precompiled.h"
#include "Simd_Generic.h"
#include "Simd_SSE.h"
idSIMDProcessor * processor = NULL; // pointer to SIMD processor
idSIMDProcessor * generic = NULL; // pointer to generic SIMD implementation
idSIMDProcessor * SIMDProcessor = NULL;
void idSIMD::Init() {
generic = new (TAG_MATH) idSIMD_Generic;
generic->cpuid = CPUID_GENERIC;
processor = NULL;
SIMDProcessor = generic;
void idSIMD::InitProcessor( const char *module, bool forceGeneric ) {
cpuid_t cpuid;
idSIMDProcessor *newProcessor;
cpuid = idLib::sys->GetProcessorId();
if ( forceGeneric ) {
newProcessor = generic;
} else {
if ( processor == NULL ) {
if ( ( cpuid & CPUID_MMX ) && ( cpuid & CPUID_SSE ) ) {
processor = new (TAG_MATH) idSIMD_SSE;
} else {
processor = generic;
processor->cpuid = cpuid;
newProcessor = processor;
if ( newProcessor != SIMDProcessor ) {
SIMDProcessor = newProcessor;
idLib::common->Printf( "%s using %s for SIMD processing\n", module, SIMDProcessor->GetName() );
if ( cpuid & CPUID_FTZ ) {
idLib::sys->FPU_SetFTZ( true );
idLib::common->Printf( "enabled Flush-To-Zero mode\n" );
if ( cpuid & CPUID_DAZ ) {
idLib::sys->FPU_SetDAZ( true );
idLib::common->Printf( "enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode\n" );
void idSIMD::Shutdown() {
if ( processor != generic ) {
delete processor;
delete generic;
generic = NULL;
processor = NULL;
SIMDProcessor = NULL;
// Test code
#define COUNT 999 // data count (odd to catch edge cases)
#define BIG_COUNT COUNT*5 // Some tests need a larger count
#define NUMTESTS 2048 // number of tests
#define RANDOM_SEED 1013904223L //((int)idLib::sys->GetClockTicks())
idSIMDProcessor *p_simd;
idSIMDProcessor *p_generic;
long baseClocks = 0;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86)
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
#define TIME_TYPE int
#pragma warning(disable : 4731) // frame pointer register 'ebx' modified by inline assembly code
long saved_ebx = 0;
#define StartRecordTime( start ) \
__asm mov saved_ebx, ebx \
__asm xor eax, eax \
__asm cpuid \
__asm rdtsc \
__asm mov start, eax \
__asm xor eax, eax \
__asm cpuid
#define StopRecordTime( end ) \
__asm xor eax, eax \
__asm cpuid \
__asm rdtsc \
__asm mov end, eax \
__asm mov ebx, saved_ebx \
__asm xor eax, eax \
__asm cpuid
#elif MACOS_X // DG: versions for OSX and others from dhewm3
double ticksPerNanosecond;
#define TIME_TYPE uint64_t
#define StartRecordTime( start ) \
start = mach_absolute_time();
#define StopRecordTime( end ) \
end = mach_absolute_time();
#else // not _MSC_VER and _M_IX86 or MACOS_X
// FIXME: meaningful values/functions here for Linux?
#define TIME_TYPE int
#define StartRecordTime( start ) \
start = 0;
#define StopRecordTime( end ) \
end = 1;
#endif // DG end
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
#define GetBest( start, end, best ) \
if ( !best || end - start < best ) { \
best = end - start; \
void PrintClocks( const char *string, int dataCount, int clocks, int otherClocks = 0 ) {
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
int i;
idLib::common->Printf( string );
for ( i = idStr::LengthWithoutColors(string); i < 48; i++ ) {
idLib::common->Printf(" ");
clocks -= baseClocks;
if ( otherClocks && clocks ) {
otherClocks -= baseClocks;
float p = (float)otherClocks / (float)clocks;
idLib::common->Printf( "c = %4d, clcks = %5d, %.1fX\n", dataCount, clocks, p );
} else {
idLib::common->Printf( "c = %4d, clcks = %5d\n", dataCount, clocks );
void GetBaseClocks() {
int i, start, end, bestClocks;
bestClocks = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
baseClocks = bestClocks;
void TestMinMax() {
int i;
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocksGeneric, bestClocksSIMD;
ALIGN16( float fsrc0[COUNT] );
ALIGN16( idVec2 v2src0[COUNT] );
ALIGN16( idVec3 v3src0[COUNT] );
ALIGN16( idDrawVert drawVerts[COUNT] );
ALIGN16( triIndex_t indexes[COUNT] );
float min = 0.0f, max = 0.0f, min2 = 0.0f, max2 = 0.0f;
idVec2 v2min, v2max, v2min2, v2max2;
idVec3 vmin, vmax, vmin2, vmax2;
const char *result;
idRandom srnd( RANDOM_SEED );
for ( i = 0; i < COUNT; i++ ) {
fsrc0[i] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
v2src0[i][0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
v2src0[i][1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
v3src0[i][0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
v3src0[i][1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
v3src0[i][2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
drawVerts[i].xyz = v3src0[i];
indexes[i] = i;
idLib::common->Printf("====================================\n" );
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
min = idMath::INFINITY;
max = -idMath::INFINITY;
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->MinMax( min, max, fsrc0, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->MinMax( float[] )", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->MinMax( min2, max2, fsrc0, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
result = ( min == min2 && max == max2 ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->MinMax( float[] ) %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->MinMax( v2min, v2max, v2src0, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->MinMax( idVec2[] )", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->MinMax( v2min2, v2max2, v2src0, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
result = ( v2min == v2min2 && v2max == v2max2 ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->MinMax( idVec2[] ) %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->MinMax( vmin, vmax, v3src0, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->MinMax( idVec3[] )", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->MinMax( vmin2, vmax2, v3src0, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
result = ( vmin == vmin2 && vmax == vmax2 ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->MinMax( idVec3[] ) %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->MinMax( vmin, vmax, drawVerts, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->MinMax( idDrawVert[] )", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->MinMax( vmin2, vmax2, drawVerts, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
result = ( vmin == vmin2 && vmax == vmax2 ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->MinMax( idDrawVert[] ) %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->MinMax( vmin, vmax, drawVerts, indexes, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->MinMax( idDrawVert[], indexes[] )", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->MinMax( vmin2, vmax2, drawVerts, indexes, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
result = ( vmin == vmin2 && vmax == vmax2 ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->MinMax( idDrawVert[], indexes[] ) %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
void TestMemcpy() {
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocksGeneric, bestClocksSIMD;
int i;
byte test0[BIG_COUNT];
byte test1[BIG_COUNT];
const char * result;
idRandom random( RANDOM_SEED );
for ( i = 0; i < BIG_COUNT; i++ ) {
test0[i] = random.RandomInt( 255 );
idLib::common->Printf("====================================\n" );
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->Memcpy( test1, test0, BIG_COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->Memcpy()", BIG_COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
for ( i = 0; i < BIG_COUNT; i++ ) {
test0[i] = random.RandomInt( 255 );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->Memcpy( test1, test0, BIG_COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
for ( i = 0; i < BIG_COUNT; i++ ) {
if ( test1[i] != test0[i] ) {
result = ( i >= BIG_COUNT ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->Memcpy() %s", result), BIG_COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
void TestMemset() {
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocksGeneric, bestClocksSIMD;
int i, j;
const char * result;
byte test0[BIG_COUNT];
idRandom random( RANDOM_SEED );
j = 1 + random.RandomInt( 254 );
idLib::common->Printf("====================================\n" );
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->Memset( test0, j, BIG_COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->Memset()", BIG_COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
j = 1 + random.RandomInt( 254 );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->Memset( test0, j, BIG_COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
for ( i = 0; i < BIG_COUNT; i++ ) {
if ( test0[i] != j ) {
result = ( i >= BIG_COUNT ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->Memset() %s", result), BIG_COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
j = 0;
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->Memset( test0, j, BIG_COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->Memset( 0 )", BIG_COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->Memset( test0, j, BIG_COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
for ( i = 0; i < BIG_COUNT; i++ ) {
if ( test0[i] != j ) {
result = ( i >= BIG_COUNT ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->Memset( 0 ) %s", result), BIG_COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
void TestBlendJoints() {
int i, j;
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocksGeneric, bestClocksSIMD;
idTempArray< idJointQuat > baseJoints( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointQuat > joints1( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointQuat > joints2( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointQuat > blendJoints( COUNT );
idTempArray< int > index( COUNT );
float lerp = 0.3f;
const char *result;
idRandom srnd( RANDOM_SEED );
for ( i = 0; i < COUNT; i++ ) {
idAngles angles;
angles[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
baseJoints[i].q = angles.ToQuat();
baseJoints[i].t[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
baseJoints[i].t[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
baseJoints[i].t[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
baseJoints[i].w = 0.0f;
angles[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
blendJoints[i].q = angles.ToQuat();
blendJoints[i].t[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
blendJoints[i].t[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
blendJoints[i].t[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
blendJoints[i].w = 0.0f;
index[i] = i;
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < COUNT; j++ ) {
joints1[j] = baseJoints[j];
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->BlendJoints( joints1.Ptr(), blendJoints.Ptr(), lerp, index.Ptr(), COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->BlendJoints()", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < COUNT; j++ ) {
joints2[j] = baseJoints[j];
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->BlendJoints( joints2.Ptr(), blendJoints.Ptr(), lerp, index.Ptr(), COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
for ( i = 0; i < COUNT; i++ ) {
if ( !joints1[i].t.Compare( joints2[i].t, 1e-3f ) ) {
if ( !joints1[i].q.Compare( joints2[i].q, 1e-2f ) ) {
result = ( i >= COUNT ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->BlendJoints() %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
void TestBlendJointsFast() {
int i, j;
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocksGeneric, bestClocksSIMD;
idTempArray< idJointQuat > baseJoints( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointQuat > joints1( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointQuat > joints2( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointQuat > blendJoints( COUNT );
idTempArray< int > index( COUNT );
float lerp = 0.3f;
const char *result;
idRandom srnd( RANDOM_SEED );
for ( i = 0; i < COUNT; i++ ) {
idAngles angles;
angles[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
baseJoints[i].q = angles.ToQuat();
baseJoints[i].t[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
baseJoints[i].t[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
baseJoints[i].t[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
baseJoints[i].w = 0.0f;
angles[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
blendJoints[i].q = angles.ToQuat();
blendJoints[i].t[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
blendJoints[i].t[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
blendJoints[i].t[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
blendJoints[i].w = 0.0f;
index[i] = i;
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < COUNT; j++ ) {
joints1[j] = baseJoints[j];
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->BlendJointsFast( joints1.Ptr(), blendJoints.Ptr(), lerp, index.Ptr(), COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->BlendJointsFast()", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < COUNT; j++ ) {
joints2[j] = baseJoints[j];
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->BlendJointsFast( joints2.Ptr(), blendJoints.Ptr(), lerp, index.Ptr(), COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
for ( i = 0; i < COUNT; i++ ) {
if ( !joints1[i].t.Compare( joints2[i].t, 1e-3f ) ) {
if ( !joints1[i].q.Compare( joints2[i].q, 1e-2f ) ) {
result = ( i >= COUNT ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->BlendJointsFast() %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
void TestConvertJointQuatsToJointMats() {
int i;
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocksGeneric, bestClocksSIMD;
idTempArray< idJointQuat > baseJoints( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointMat > joints1( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointMat > joints2( COUNT );
const char *result;
idRandom srnd( RANDOM_SEED );
for ( i = 0; i < COUNT; i++ ) {
idAngles angles;
angles[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
baseJoints[i].q = angles.ToQuat();
baseJoints[i].t[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
baseJoints[i].t[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
baseJoints[i].t[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->ConvertJointQuatsToJointMats( joints1.Ptr(), baseJoints.Ptr(), COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->ConvertJointQuatsToJointMats()", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->ConvertJointQuatsToJointMats( joints2.Ptr(), baseJoints.Ptr(), COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
for ( i = 0; i < COUNT; i++ ) {
if ( !joints1[i].Compare( joints2[i], 1e-4f ) ) {
result = ( i >= COUNT ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->ConvertJointQuatsToJointMats() %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
void TestConvertJointMatsToJointQuats() {
int i;
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocksGeneric, bestClocksSIMD;
idTempArray< idJointMat > baseJoints( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointQuat > joints1( COUNT );
idTempArray< idJointQuat > joints2( COUNT );
const char *result;
idRandom srnd( RANDOM_SEED );
for ( i = 0; i < COUNT; i++ ) {
idAngles angles;
angles[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
baseJoints[i].SetRotation( angles.ToMat3() );
idVec3 v;
v[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
v[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
v[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 10.0f;
baseJoints[i].SetTranslation( v );
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->ConvertJointMatsToJointQuats( joints1.Ptr(), baseJoints.Ptr(), COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->ConvertJointMatsToJointQuats()", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->ConvertJointMatsToJointQuats( joints2.Ptr(), baseJoints.Ptr(), COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
for ( i = 0; i < COUNT; i++ ) {
if ( !joints1[i].q.Compare( joints2[i].q, 1e-4f ) ) {
if ( !joints1[i].t.Compare( joints2[i].t, 1e-4f ) ) {
result = ( i >= COUNT ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->ConvertJointMatsToJointQuats() %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
void TestTransformJoints() {
int i, j;
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocksGeneric, bestClocksSIMD;
idTempArray< idJointMat > joints( COUNT+1 );
idTempArray< idJointMat > joints1( COUNT+1 );
idTempArray< idJointMat > joints2( COUNT+1 );
idTempArray< int > parents( COUNT+1 );
const char *result;
idRandom srnd( RANDOM_SEED );
for ( i = 0; i <= COUNT; i++ ) {
idAngles angles;
angles[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
joints[i].SetRotation( angles.ToMat3() );
idVec3 v;
v[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 2.0f;
v[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 2.0f;
v[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 2.0f;
joints[i].SetTranslation( v );
parents[i] = i - 1;
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j <= COUNT; j++ ) {
joints1[j] = joints[j];
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->TransformJoints( joints1.Ptr(), parents.Ptr(), 1, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->TransformJoints()", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j <= COUNT; j++ ) {
joints2[j] = joints[j];
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->TransformJoints( joints2.Ptr(), parents.Ptr(), 1, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
for ( i = 1; i <= COUNT; i++ ) {
if ( !joints1[i].Compare( joints2[i], 1e-3f ) ) {
result = ( i >= COUNT ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->TransformJoints() %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
void TestUntransformJoints() {
int i, j;
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocksGeneric, bestClocksSIMD;
idTempArray< idJointMat > joints( COUNT+1 );
idTempArray< idJointMat > joints1( COUNT+1 );
idTempArray< idJointMat > joints2( COUNT+1 );
idTempArray< int > parents( COUNT+1 );
const char *result;
idRandom srnd( RANDOM_SEED );
for ( i = 0; i <= COUNT; i++ ) {
idAngles angles;
angles[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
angles[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 180.0f;
joints[i].SetRotation( angles.ToMat3() );
idVec3 v;
v[0] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 2.0f;
v[1] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 2.0f;
v[2] = srnd.CRandomFloat() * 2.0f;
joints[i].SetTranslation( v );
parents[i] = i - 1;
bestClocksGeneric = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j <= COUNT; j++ ) {
joints1[j] = joints[j];
StartRecordTime( start );
p_generic->UntransformJoints( joints1.Ptr(), parents.Ptr(), 1, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksGeneric );
PrintClocks( "generic->UntransformJoints()", COUNT, bestClocksGeneric );
bestClocksSIMD = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j <= COUNT; j++ ) {
joints2[j] = joints[j];
StartRecordTime( start );
p_simd->UntransformJoints( joints2.Ptr(), parents.Ptr(), 1, COUNT );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocksSIMD );
for ( i = 1; i <= COUNT; i++ ) {
if ( !joints1[i].Compare( joints2[i], 1e-3f ) ) {
result = ( i >= COUNT ) ? "ok" : S_COLOR_RED"X";
PrintClocks( va( " simd->UntransformJoints() %s", result ), COUNT, bestClocksSIMD, bestClocksGeneric );
void TestMath() {
int i;
TIME_TYPE start, end, bestClocks;
idLib::common->Printf("====================================\n" );
float tst = -1.0f;
float tst2 = 1.0f;
float testvar = 1.0f;
idRandom rnd;
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = fabs( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " fabs( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
int tmp = * ( int * ) &tst;
tmp &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
tst = * ( float * ) &tmp;
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Fabs( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = 10.0f + 100.0f * rnd.RandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = sqrt( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst * 0.01f;
tst = 10.0f + 100.0f * rnd.RandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " sqrt( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.RandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Sqrt( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.RandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Sqrt( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.RandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Sqrt16( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.RandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Sqrt16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Sin( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Sin( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Sin16( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Sin16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Cos( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Cos( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Cos16( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Cos16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
idMath::SinCos( tst, tst, tst2 );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::SinCos( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
idMath::SinCos16( tst, tst, tst2 );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( "idMath::SinCos16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Tan( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Tan( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Tan16( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Tan16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::ASin( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst * ( 1.0f / idMath::PI );
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::ASin( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::ASin16( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst * ( 1.0f / idMath::PI );
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::ASin16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::ACos( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst * ( 1.0f / idMath::PI );
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::ACos( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::ACos16( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst * ( 1.0f / idMath::PI );
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::ACos16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::ATan( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::ATan( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::ATan16( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::ATan16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Pow( 2.7f, tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst * 0.1f;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Pow( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Pow16( 2.7f, tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst * 0.1f;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Pow16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Exp( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst * 0.1f;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Exp( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Exp16( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst * 0.1f;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Exp16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
tst = fabs( tst ) + 1.0f;
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Log( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Log( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
tst = fabs( tst ) + 1.0f;
StartRecordTime( start );
tst = idMath::Log16( tst );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
testvar = ( testvar + tst ) * tst;
tst = rnd.CRandomFloat();
PrintClocks( " idMath::Log16( tst )", 1, bestClocks );
idLib::common->Printf( "testvar = %f\n", testvar );
idMat3 resultMat3;
idQuat fromQuat, toQuat, resultQuat;
idCQuat cq;
idAngles ang;
fromQuat = idAngles( 30, 45, 0 ).ToQuat();
toQuat = idAngles( 45, 0, 0 ).ToQuat();
cq = idAngles( 30, 45, 0 ).ToQuat().ToCQuat();
ang = idAngles( 30, 40, 50 );
bestClocks = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
resultMat3 = fromQuat.ToMat3();
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
PrintClocks( " idQuat::ToMat3()", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
resultQuat.Slerp( fromQuat, toQuat, 0.3f );
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
PrintClocks( " idQuat::Slerp()", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
resultQuat = cq.ToQuat();
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
PrintClocks( " idCQuat::ToQuat()", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
resultQuat = ang.ToQuat();
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
PrintClocks( " idAngles::ToQuat()", 1, bestClocks );
bestClocks = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMTESTS; i++ ) {
StartRecordTime( start );
resultMat3 = ang.ToMat3();
StopRecordTime( end );
GetBest( start, end, bestClocks );
PrintClocks( " idAngles::ToMat3()", 1, bestClocks );
void idSIMD::Test_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
// RB begin
#if defined(_WIN32)
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL );
// RB end
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
p_simd = processor;
p_generic = generic;
if ( idStr::Length( args.Argv( 1 ) ) != 0 ) {
cpuid_t cpuid = idLib::sys->GetProcessorId();
idStr argString = args.Args();
argString.Replace( " ", "" );
if ( idStr::Icmp( argString, "SSE" ) == 0 ) {
if ( !( cpuid & CPUID_MMX ) || !( cpuid & CPUID_SSE ) ) {
common->Printf( "CPU does not support MMX & SSE\n" );
p_simd = new (TAG_MATH) idSIMD_SSE;
} else {
common->Printf( "invalid argument, use: MMX, 3DNow, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AltiVec\n" );
idLib::common->SetRefreshOnPrint( true );
idLib::common->Printf( "using %s for SIMD processing\n", p_simd->GetName() );
idLib::common->Printf("====================================\n" );
idLib::common->Printf("====================================\n" );
idLib::common->SetRefreshOnPrint( false );
if ( p_simd != processor ) {
delete p_simd;
p_simd = NULL;
p_generic = NULL;
// RB begin
#if defined(_WIN32)
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
// RB end
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00