`RBDOOM-3-BFG is a modernization effort of DOOM-3-BFG.`
RBDOOM-3-BFG is based on DOOM-3-BFG and the goal of this port is to bring DOOM-3-BFG up to latest technology in 2019 making it closer to Doom 2016 while still remaining a DOOM 3 port regarding the gameplay.
I started this project in 2012 and focused on making this code being future proof so other cool projects can build interesting things on top of it without the need to fix a lot of stuff first. Over 40 people all over the world contributed cool patches. Some results are:
* Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing as a cheap alternative for MSAA. For more information see "Anti-Aliasing Methods in CryENGINE 3" and the docs at http://www.iryoku.com/smaa/
* RBDOOM-3-BFG allows mod editing and has many tiny fixes so custom content can be put into mod directories and the engine accepts it like vanilla Doom 3. DOOM 3 BFG wasn't designed for actual development or modding support. Many things like reading anything outside of the packed resource files was not supported. I also fixed many things in the renderer like r_showTris.
Left: Wrong original Blinn-Phong in sRGB gamma space. Right: Gamma correct HDR rendering in linear RBG + ACES Film Tonemapping Try it yourself, it is hard to see the effect in a single Screenshot.
* If you want to see what is planned or in progress in a Trello style manner look here: [RBDOOM-3-BFG projects](https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/RBDOOM-3-BFG/projects)
* Give Mara's and McGuire's DeepGBuffer Screen Space Global Illumination a second try with Christoph Schieds' A-SVGF realtime denoising because A-SVGF works really well in Q2RTX
* Port Virtual Texturing support from [IcedTech](https://github.com/jmarshall23/IcedTech)
ADDITIONAL TERMS: The Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
To play the game, you need the game data from a legal copy of the game.
Currently this requires a Windows installer, whether that be the GOG installer or by using Steam for Windows.
Note: the original DVD release of Doom 3 BFG contains encrypted data that is decoded by Steam on install.
On Linux and OSX the easiest way to install is with SteamCMD: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD
See the description on https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Linux (OS X is directly below that) on how to install SteamCMD on your system. You won't have to create a new user.
(replace <YOUR_STEAM_LOGIN_NAME> with your steam login name)
When it's done you should have the normal windows installation of Doom 3 BFG in ./doom3bfg/ and the needed files in ./doom3bfg/base/
That number is the "AppID" of Doom 3 BFG; if you wanna use this to get the data of other games you own, you can look up the AppID at https://steamdb.info/
NOTE that we've previously recommended using download_depot in the Steam console to install the game data. That turned out to be unreliable and result in broken, unusable game data. So use SteamCMD instead, as described above.
Alternatively with the GOG installer, you can use Wine to install the game. See https://winehq.org/download for details on how to install wine for Linux and Mac.
Once Wine is installed and configured on your system install Doom 3 BFG edition using the downloaded installers from gog.com:
> wine setup_doom_3_bfg_1.14_\(13452\)_\(g\).exe
(there will be several .exe files from GOG, make sure all of them are in the same directory)
Once this is complete, by default you can find your Doom 3 BFG "base/" directory at ".wine/drive_c/GOG\ Games/DOOM\ 3\ BFG/base".
Note that you may want to add the following line to the bottom of the default.cfg in whatever "base/" directory you use:
> set sys_lang "english"
This will ensure the game and its menus are in english and don't default to something else. Alternatives include:
set sys_lang "english"
set sys_lang "french"
set sys_lang "german"
set sys_lang "italian"
set sys_lang "japanese"
set sys_lang "spanish"
1. Install Doom 3 BFG in Steam (Windows version) or SteamCMD, make sure it's getting
2. Create your own Doom 3 BFG directory, e.g. /path/to/Doom3BFG/
3. Copy the game-data's base dir from Steam or GOG to that directory
r_hdrAutoExposure [0 or 1] | Adaptive tonemapping with HDR. This allows to have very bright or very dark scenes but the camera will adapt to it so the scene won't loose details
exportScriptEvents | Command: Generates a new script/doom_events.script that reflects all registered class events in the idClass C++ system. The gamecode still needs to be extended to add the original comments of the events
postLoadExportFlashAtlas | Cvar: Set to 1 at startup to dump the Flash images to exported/swf/
postLoadExportFlashToSWF | Cvar: Set to 1 at startup to dump the Flash .bswf files as .swf (WIP)
postLoadExportFlashToJSON | Cvar: Set to 1 at startup to dump the Flash .bswf files as .json. Can be reimported into the engine and imported into Blender for inspection
dmap mapfile | Command: Compiles a .map to its corresponding BSP .proc, Collision .cm files and Area Awareness System (AI navigation) .aas files. Just type dmap to list all options
dmap `[glfile]` mapfile | DMap option that exports the BSP areas and portals to .obj for debugging purposes
convertMapToJSON mapfile | Command: Convert .map file to new .json map format with polygons instead of brushes. This was easy because the original .map format is only an array of entities and each entity has a simple dictionary for its values. This JSON format contains all level data and can be imported and exported to Blender without loosing any data. The new DMap can also compile map files with the .json suffix like regular maps.
If you want to report an issue with the game, you should make sure that your report includes all information useful to characterize and reproduce the bug.
* Search on Google
* Include the computer's hardware and software description ( CPU, RAM, 3D Card, distribution, kernel etc. )
* If appropriate, send a console log, a screenshot, an strace ..
* If you are sending a console log, make sure to enable developer output:
> RBDoom3BFG.exe +set developer 1 +set logfile 2
You can find your qconsole.log on Windows in C:\Users\<your user name>\Saved Games\id Software\RBDOOM 3 BFG\base\
**A**: It is fun, period. Doom 3 was an impressive milestone in total game development in 2004. In 2011 id Software added lot stuff from the development of Rage like its own Flash SWF and ActionScript 2 interpreter, proper support for gamepads and widescreens. It also combines the gamecode for D3 and its missionpacks and runs it in a seperate thread and it has many multithreaded rendering optimizations. DOOM-3-BFG is one of the most transparent games available where you can open all files and inspect how the game was built.
**Q**: Can I use this engine to make a commercial game?
**A**: You can but don't bother me to give you free support and you probably should use Unreal Engine 4. I am a full time game developer and usually don't have time for any free support.
**A**: Apart from the Git diffs, you can look for `// RB` in the source code. Many other contributors commented their changes in the same way. I enforced the usage of Astyle in this project which also makes it alot easier to compare it against other ports of DOOM-3-BFG. Simply format the other ports with Astyle like I do in neo/astyle-code.bat and you can compare the code easily in WinMerge or KDiff3.