2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright ( C ) 1993 - 2012 id Software LLC , a ZeniMax Media company .
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ( " Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code " ) .
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition , the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms . You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code . If not , please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below .
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms , you may contact in writing id Software LLC , c / o ZeniMax Media Inc . , Suite 120 , Rockville , Maryland 20850 USA .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# include "Precompiled.h"
# include "globaldata.h"
# include "doomlib.h"
# include <assert.h>
# include "Main.h"
# include "sys/sys_session.h"
# include "idlib/Thread.h"
# include <sys/types.h>
// Store master volume settings in archived cvars, becausue we want them to apply
// even if a user isn't signed in.
// The range is from 0 to 15, which matches the setting in vanilla DOOM.
idCVar s_volume_sound ( " s_volume_sound " , " 8 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER , " sound volume " , 0 , 15 ) ;
idCVar s_volume_midi ( " s_volume_midi " , " 8 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER , " music volume " , 0 , 15 ) ;
idCVar m_show_messages ( " m_show_messages " , " 1 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER , " show messages " , 0 , 1 ) ;
idCVar m_inDemoMode ( " m_inDemoMode " , " 1 " , CVAR_INTEGER , " in demo mode " , 0 , 1 ) ;
bool globalNetworking = false ;
bool globalPauseTime = false ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
bool debugOutput = true ;
# else
bool debugOutput = false ;
# endif
namespace DoomLib
static const char * Expansion_Names [ ] = {
" Ultimate DOOM " , " DOOM II: Hell On Earth " , " Final DOOM: TNT Evilution " , " Final DOOM: Plutonia Experiment " , " DOOM II: Master Levels " , " DOOM II: No Rest For The Living "
} ;
static const char * Skill_Names [ ] = {
" I'm Too Young To Die! " , " Hey, Not Too Rough! " , " Hurt Me Plenty! " , " Ultra-Violence " , " Nightmare "
} ;
static const char * Filter_Names [ ] = {
" #str_friends " , " #str_around " , " #str_top15 "
} ;
// Game-specific setup values.
static const char * Doom_MapNames [ ] = {
" E1M1: Hangar " , " E1M2: Nuclear Plant " , " E1M3: Toxin Refinery " , " E1M4: Command Control " , " E1M5: Phobos Lab " , " E1M6: Central Processing " , " E1M7: Computer Station " , " E1M8: Phobos Anomaly " , " E1M9: Military Base " ,
" E2M1: Deimos Anomaly " , " E2M2: Containment Area " , " E2M3: Refinery " , " E2M4: Deimos Lab " , " E2M5: Command Center " , " E2M6: Halls of the Damned " , " E2M7: Spawning Vats " , " E2M8: Tower of Babel " , " E2M9: Fortress of Mystery " ,
" E3M1: Hell Keep " , " E3M2: Slough of Despair " , " E3M3: Pandemonium " , " E3M4: House of Pain " , " E3M5: Unholy Cathedral " , " E3M6: MT. Erebus " , " E3M7: Gate to Limbo " , " E3M8: DIS " , " E3M9: Warrens " ,
" E4M1: Hell Beneath " , " E4M2: Perfect Hatred " , " E4M3: Sever The Wicked " , " E4M4: Unruly Evil " , " E4M5: They Will Repent " , " E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly " , " E4M7: And Hell Followed " , " E4M8: Unto The Cruel " , " E4M9: Fear "
} ;
static const char * Doom2_MapNames [ ] = {
" 1: Entryway " , " 2: Underhalls " , " 3: The Gantlet " , " 4: The Focus " , " 5: The Waste Tunnels " , " 6: The Crusher " , " 7: Dead Simple " , " 8: Tricks and Traps " , " 9: The Pit " , " 10: Refueling Base " ,
" 11: Circle of Death " , " 12: The Factory " , " 13: Downtown " , " 14: The Inmost Dens " , " 15: Industrial Zone " , " 16: Suburbs " , " 17: Tenements " , " 18: The Courtyard " , " 19: The Citadel " , " 20: Gotcha! " ,
" 21: Nirvana " , " 22: The Catacombs " , " 23: Barrels O' Fun " , " 24: The Chasm " , " 25: Bloodfalls " , " 26: The Abandoned Mines " , " 27: Monster Condo " , " 28: The Spirit World " , " 29: The Living End " ,
" 30: Icon of Sin " , " 31: IDKFA " , " 32: Keen "
} ;
static const char * TNT_MapNames [ ] = {
" 1: System Control " , " 2: Human BBQ " , " 3: Power Control " , " 4: Wormhole " , " 5: Hangar " , " 6: Open Season " , " 7: Prison " , " 8: Metal " , " 9: Stronghold " , " 10: Redemption " , " 11: Storage Facility " ,
" 12: Crater " , " 13: Nukage Processing " , " 14: Steel Works " , " 15: Dead Zone " , " 16: Deepest Reaches " , " 17: Processing Area " , " 18: Mill " , " 19: Shipping & Respawning " , " 20: Central Processing " ,
" 21: Administration Center " , " 22: Habitat " , " 23: Lunar Mining Project " , " 24: Quarry " , " 25: Baron's Den " , " 26: Ballistyx " , " 27: Mount Pain " , " 28: Heck " , " 29: River Styx " , " 30: Last Call " , " 31: Pharaoh " , " 32: Caribbean "
} ;
static const char * Plut_MapNames [ ] = {
" 1: Congo " , " 2: Well of Souls " , " 3: Aztec " , " 4: Caged " , " 5: Ghost Town " , " 6: Baron's Lair " , " 7: Caughtyard " , " 8: Realm " , " 9: Abattoire " , " 10: Onslaught " , " 11: Hunted " , " 12: Speed " , " 13: The Crypt " , " 14: Genesis " ,
" 15: The Twilight " , " 16: The Omen " , " 17: Compound " , " 18: Neurosphere " , " 19: NME " , " 20: The Death Domain " , " 21: Slayer " , " 22: Impossible Mission " , " 23: Tombstone " , " 24: The Final Frontier " , " 25: The Temple of Darkness " ,
" 26: Bunker " , " 27: Anti-Christ " , " 28: The Sewers " , " 29: Odyssey of Noises " , " 30: The Gateway of Hell " , " 31: Cyberden " , " 32: Go 2 It "
} ;
static const char * Mast_MapNames [ ] = {
" 1: Attack " , " 2: Canyon " , " 3: The Catwalk " , " 4: The Combine " , " 5: The Fistula " , " 6: The Garrison " , " 7: Titan Manor " , " 8: Paradox " , " 9: Subspace " , " 10: Subterra " , " 11: Trapped On Titan " , " 12: Virgil's Lead " , " 13: Minos' Judgement " ,
" 14: Bloodsea Keep " , " 15: Mephisto's Maosoleum " , " 16: Nessus " , " 17: Geryon " , " 18: Vesperas " , " 19: Black Tower " , " 20: The Express Elevator To Hell " , " 21: Bad Dream "
} ;
static const char * Nerve_MapNames [ ] = {
" 1: The Earth Base " , " 2: The Pain Labs " , " 3: Canyon of the Dead " , " 4: Hell Mountain " , " 5: Vivisection " , " 6: Inferno of Blood " , " 7: Baron's Banquet " , " 8: Tomb of Malevolence " , " 9: March of Demons "
} ;
const ExpansionData App_Expansion_Data_Local [ ] = {
{ ExpansionData : : IWAD , retail , doom , " DOOM " , DOOMWADDIR " DOOM.WAD " , NULL , " base/textures/DOOMICON.PNG " , Doom_MapNames } ,
{ ExpansionData : : IWAD , commercial , doom2 , " DOOM 2 " , DOOMWADDIR " DOOM2.WAD " , NULL , " base/textures/DOOM2ICON.PNG " , Doom2_MapNames } ,
{ ExpansionData : : IWAD , commercial , pack_tnt , " FINAL DOOM: TNT EVILUTION " , DOOMWADDIR " TNT.WAD " , NULL , " base/textures/TNTICON.PNG " , TNT_MapNames } ,
{ ExpansionData : : IWAD , commercial , pack_plut , " FINAL DOOM: PLUTONIA EXPERIMENT " , DOOMWADDIR " PLUTONIA.WAD " , NULL , " base/textures/PLUTICON.PNG " , Plut_MapNames } ,
{ ExpansionData : : PWAD , commercial , pack_master , " DOOM 2: MASTER LEVELS " , DOOMWADDIR " DOOM2.WAD " , DOOMWADDIR " MASTERLEVELS.WAD " , " base/textures/MASTICON.PNG " , Mast_MapNames } ,
{ ExpansionData : : PWAD , commercial , pack_nerve , " DOOM 2: NO REST FOR THE LIVING " , DOOMWADDIR " DOOM2.WAD " , DOOMWADDIR " NERVE.WAD " , " base/textures/NERVEICON.PNG " , Nerve_MapNames } ,
} ;
int classicRemap [ K_LAST_KEY ] ;
const ExpansionData * GetCurrentExpansion ( ) {
return & App_Expansion_Data_Local [ DoomLib : : expansionSelected ] ;
void SetCurrentExpansion ( int expansion ) {
expansionDirty = true ;
expansionSelected = expansion ;
void SetIdealExpansion ( int expansion ) {
idealExpansion = expansion ;
idStr currentMapName ;
idStr currentDifficulty ;
void SetCurrentMapName ( idStr name ) { currentMapName = name ; }
const idStr & GetCurrentMapName ( ) { return currentMapName ; }
void SetCurrentDifficulty ( idStr name ) { currentDifficulty = name ; }
const idStr & GetCurrentDifficulty ( ) { return currentDifficulty ; }
int currentplayer = - 1 ;
Globals * globaldata [ 4 ] ;
2013-10-31 20:44:58 +00:00
//RecvFunc Recv;
//SendFunc Send;
//SendRemoteFunc SendRemote;
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bool Active = true ;
DoomInterface Interface ;
int idealExpansion = 0 ;
int expansionSelected = 0 ;
bool expansionDirty = true ;
bool skipToLoad = false ;
char loadGamePath [ MAX_PATH ] ;
bool skipToNew = false ;
int chosenSkill = 0 ;
int chosenEpisode = 1 ;
idMatchParameters matchParms ;
void * ( * Z_Malloc ) ( int size , int tag , void * user ) = NULL ;
void ( * Z_FreeTag ) ( int lowtag ) ;
idArray < idSysMutex , 4 > playerScreenMutexes ;
void ExitGame ( ) {
// TODO: If we ever support splitscreen and online,
// we'll have to call D_QuitNetGame for all local players.
DoomLib : : SetPlayer ( 0 ) ;
D_QuitNetGame ( ) ;
session - > QuitMatch ( ) ;
void ShowXToContinue ( bool activate ) {
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
DoomLib : : GetGameSKU
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
gameSKU_t GetGameSKU ( ) {
if ( common - > GetCurrentGame ( ) = = DOOM_CLASSIC ) {
} else if ( common - > GetCurrentGame ( ) = = DOOM2_CLASSIC ) {
assert ( false & & " Invalid basepath " ) ;
return GAME_SKU_DCC ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
DoomLib : : ActivateGame
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void ActivateGame ( ) {
Active = true ;
// Turn off menu toggler
int originalPlayer = DoomLib : : GetPlayer ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Interface . GetNumPlayers ( ) ; i + + ) {
DoomLib : : SetPlayer ( i ) ;
: : g - > menuactive = false ;
globalPauseTime = false ;
DoomLib : : SetPlayer ( originalPlayer ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
DoomLib : : HandleEndMatch
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void HandleEndMatch ( ) {
if ( session - > GetGameLobbyBase ( ) . IsHost ( ) ) {
ShowXToContinue ( false ) ;
session - > EndMatch ( ) ;
} ;
extern void I_InitGraphics ( ) ;
extern void D_DoomMain ( ) ;
extern bool D_DoomMainPoll ( ) ;
extern void I_InitInput ( ) ;
extern void D_RunFrame ( bool ) ;
extern void I_ShutdownSound ( ) ;
extern void I_ShutdownMusic ( ) ;
extern void I_ShutdownGraphics ( ) ;
2014-08-02 12:48:04 +00:00
extern void I_ProcessSoundEvents ( ) ;
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
void DoomLib : : InitGlobals ( void * ptr /* = NULL */ )
if ( ptr = = NULL )
ptr = new Globals ;
globaldata [ currentplayer ] = static_cast < Globals * > ( ptr ) ;
memset ( globaldata [ currentplayer ] , 0 , sizeof ( Globals ) ) ;
g = globaldata [ currentplayer ] ;
g - > InitGlobals ( ) ;
void * DoomLib : : GetGlobalData ( int player ) {
return globaldata [ player ] ;
void DoomLib : : InitControlRemap ( ) {
memset ( classicRemap , K_NONE , sizeof ( classicRemap ) ) ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY3 ] = KEY_TAB ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY4 ] = K_MINUS ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY2 ] = K_EQUALS ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY9 ] = K_ESCAPE ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY_STICK1_UP ] = K_UPARROW ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY_DPAD_UP ] = K_UPARROW ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY_STICK1_DOWN ] = K_DOWNARROW ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY_DPAD_DOWN ] = K_DOWNARROW ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY_STICK1_LEFT ] = K_LEFTARROW ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY_DPAD_LEFT ] = K_LEFTARROW ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY_STICK1_RIGHT ] = K_RIGHTARROW ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY_DPAD_RIGHT ] = K_RIGHTARROW ;
classicRemap [ K_JOY1 ] = K_ENTER ;
keyNum_t DoomLib : : RemapControl ( keyNum_t key ) {
if ( classicRemap [ key ] = = K_NONE ) {
return key ;
} else {
if ( : : g - > menuactive & & key = = K_JOY2 ) {
return K_BACKSPACE ;
return ( keyNum_t ) classicRemap [ key ] ;
void DoomLib : : InitGame ( int argc , char * * argv )
: : g - > myargc = argc ;
: : g - > myargv = argv ;
InitControlRemap ( ) ;
D_DoomMain ( ) ;
bool DoomLib : : Poll ( )
return D_DoomMainPoll ( ) ;
bool TryRunTics ( idUserCmdMgr * userCmdMgr ) ;
bool DoomLib : : Tic ( idUserCmdMgr * userCmdMgr )
return TryRunTics ( userCmdMgr ) ;
void D_Wipe ( ) ;
void DoomLib : : Wipe ( )
D_Wipe ( ) ;
void DoomLib : : Frame ( int realoffset , int buffer )
: : g - > realoffset = realoffset ;
// The render thread needs to read the player's screens[0] array,
// so updating it needs to be in a critical section.
// This may seem like a really broad mutex (which it is), and if performance
// suffers too much, we can try to narrow the scope.
// Just be careful, because the player's screen data is updated in many different
// places.
if ( 0 < = currentplayer & & currentplayer < = 4 ) {
idScopedCriticalSection crit ( playerScreenMutexes [ currentplayer ] ) ;
D_RunFrame ( true ) ;
void DoomLib : : Draw ( )
R_RenderPlayerView ( & : : g - > players [ : : g - > displayplayer ] ) ;
angle_t GetViewAngle ( )
return g - > viewangle ;
void SetViewAngle ( angle_t ang )
g - > viewangle = ang ;
: : g - > viewxoffset = ( finesine [ g - > viewangle > > ANGLETOFINESHIFT ] * : : g - > realoffset ) > > 8 ;
: : g - > viewyoffset = ( finecosine [ g - > viewangle > > ANGLETOFINESHIFT ] * : : g - > realoffset ) > > 8 ;
void SetViewX ( fixed_t x )
: : g - > viewx = x ;
void SetViewY ( fixed_t y )
: : g - > viewy = y ;
fixed_t GetViewX ( )
return : : g - > viewx + : : g - > viewxoffset ;
fixed_t GetViewY ( )
return : : g - > viewy + : : g - > viewyoffset ;
void DoomLib : : Shutdown ( ) {
//D_QuitNetGame ();
I_ShutdownSound ( ) ;
I_ShutdownGraphics ( ) ;
W_Shutdown ( ) ;
// De-allocate the zone memory (never happened in original doom, until quit)
if ( : : g - > mainzone ) {
free ( : : g - > mainzone ) ;
// Delete the globals
if ( globaldata [ currentplayer ] ) {
delete globaldata [ currentplayer ] ;
globaldata [ currentplayer ] = NULL ;
// static
void DoomLib : : SetPlayer ( int id )
currentplayer = id ;
if ( id < 0 | | id > = MAX_PLAYERS ) {
g = NULL ;
else {
// Big Fucking hack.
if ( globalNetworking & & session - > GetGameLobbyBase ( ) . GetMatchParms ( ) . matchFlags | MATCH_ONLINE ) {
currentplayer = 0 ;
g = globaldata [ currentplayer ] ;
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#if 0
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void DoomLib : : SetNetworking ( RecvFunc rf , SendFunc sf , SendRemoteFunc sendRemote )
Recv = rf ;
Send = sf ;
SendRemote = sendRemote ;
2013-10-31 20:44:58 +00:00
# endif
2012-11-26 18:58:24 +00:00
int DoomLib : : GetPlayer ( )
return currentplayer ;
byte DoomLib : : BuildSourceDest ( int toNode ) {
byte sourceDest = 0 ;
sourceDest | = : : g - > consoleplayer < < 2 ;
sourceDest | = RemoteNodeToPlayerIndex ( toNode ) ;
return sourceDest ;
void I_Printf ( char * error , . . . ) ;
void DoomLib : : GetSourceDest ( byte sourceDest , int * source , int * dest ) {
int src = ( sourceDest & 12 ) > > 2 ;
int dst = sourceDest & 3 ;
* source = PlayerIndexToRemoteNode ( src ) ;
//I_Printf( "GetSourceDest Current Player(%d) %d --> %d\n", GetPlayer(), src, *source );
* dest = PlayerIndexToRemoteNode ( dst ) ;
int nodeMap [ 4 ] [ 4 ] = {
{ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } , //Player 0
{ 1 , 0 , 2 , 3 } , //Player 1
{ 2 , 0 , 1 , 3 } , //Player 2
{ 3 , 0 , 1 , 2 } //Player 3
} ;
int DoomLib : : RemoteNodeToPlayerIndex ( int node ) {
//This needs to be called with the proper doom globals set so this calculation will work properly
int player = : : g - > consoleplayer ;
if ( player = = 2 & & node = = 2 ) {
int suck = 0 ;
if ( node = = player ) {
return 0 ;
if ( node - player < = 0 ) {
return node + 1 ;
return node ; */
return nodeMap [ : : g - > consoleplayer ] [ node ] ;
int indexMap [ 4 ] [ 4 ] = {
{ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } , //Player 0
{ 1 , 0 , 2 , 3 } , //Player 1
{ 1 , 2 , 0 , 3 } , //Player 2
{ 1 , 2 , 3 , 0 } //Player 3
} ;
int DoomLib : : PlayerIndexToRemoteNode ( int index ) {
/*int player = ::g->consoleplayer;
if ( index = = 0 ) {
return player ;
if ( index < = player ) {
return index - 1 ;
return index ; */
return indexMap [ : : g - > consoleplayer ] [ index ] ;
2013-11-16 15:22:42 +00:00
void I_Error ( const char * error , . . . ) ;
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extern bool useTech5Packets ;
void DoomLib : : PollNetwork ( ) {
#if 0
if ( ! useTech5Packets ) {
if ( ! globalNetworking ) {
return ;
int c ;
struct sockaddr fromaddress ;
socklen_t fromlen ;
doomdata_t sw ;
while ( 1 ) {
int receivedSize = recvfrom ( : : g - > insocket , & sw , sizeof ( doomdata_t ) , MSG_DONTWAIT , & fromaddress , & fromlen ) ;
//c = WSARecvFrom(::g->insocket, &buffer, 1, &num_recieved, &flags, (struct sockaddr*)&fromaddress, &fromlen, 0, 0);
if ( receivedSize < 0 )
int err = sys_net_errno ;
if ( err ! = SYS_NET_EWOULDBLOCK ) {
I_Error ( " GetPacket: %d " , err ) ;
//I_Printf ("GetPacket: %s",strerror(errno));
return ;
printf ( " RECEIVED PACKET!! \n " ) ;
int source ;
int dest ;
GetSourceDest ( sw . sourceDest , & source , & dest ) ;
//Push the packet onto the network stack to be processed.
DoomLib : : Send ( ( char * ) & sw , receivedSize , NULL , dest ) ;
# endif
void DoomLib : : SendNetwork ( ) {
if ( ! globalNetworking ) {
return ;
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void DoomLib : : RunSound ( ) {
2013-11-05 17:25:17 +00:00
I_ProcessSoundEvents ( ) ;
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