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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __BITMSG_H__
#define __BITMSG_H__
idBitMsg operates on a sequence of individual bits. It handles byte ordering and
avoids alignment errors. It allows concurrent writing and reading. The data set with Init
is never free-d.
class idBitMsg {
idBitMsg() { InitWrite( NULL, 0 ); }
idBitMsg( byte * data, int length ) { InitWrite( data, length ); }
idBitMsg( const byte * data, int length ) { InitRead( data, length ); }
// both read & write
void InitWrite( byte *data, int length );
// read only
void InitRead( const byte *data, int length );
// get data for writing
byte * GetWriteData();
// get data for reading
const byte * GetReadData() const;
// get the maximum message size
int GetMaxSize() const;
// generate error if not set and message is overflowed
void SetAllowOverflow( bool set );
// returns true if the message was overflowed
bool IsOverflowed() const;
// size of the message in bytes
int GetSize() const;
// set the message size
void SetSize( int size );
// get current write bit
int GetWriteBit() const;
// set current write bit
void SetWriteBit( int bit );
// returns number of bits written
int GetNumBitsWritten() const;
// space left in bytes for writing
int GetRemainingSpace() const;
// space left in bits for writing
int GetRemainingWriteBits() const;
// Write State
// save the write state
void SaveWriteState( int &s, int &b, uint64 &t ) const;
// restore the write state
void RestoreWriteState( int s, int b, uint64 t );
// Reading
// bytes read so far
int GetReadCount() const;
// set the number of bytes and bits read
void SetReadCount( int bytes );
// get current read bit
int GetReadBit() const;
// set current read bit
void SetReadBit( int bit );
// returns number of bits read
int GetNumBitsRead() const;
// number of bytes left to read
int GetRemainingData() const;
// number of bits left to read
int GetRemainingReadBits() const;
// save the read state
void SaveReadState( int &c, int &b ) const;
// restore the read state
void RestoreReadState( int c, int b );
// Writing
// begin writing
void BeginWriting();
// write up to the next byte boundary
void WriteByteAlign();
// write the specified number of bits
void WriteBits( int value, int numBits );
void WriteBool( bool c );
void WriteChar( int8 c );
void WriteByte( uint8 c );
void WriteShort( int16 c );
void WriteUShort( uint16 c );
void WriteLong( int32 c );
void WriteLongLong( int64 c );
void WriteFloat( float f );
void WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits );
void WriteAngle8( float f );
void WriteAngle16( float f );
void WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits );
void WriteString( const char *s, int maxLength = -1, bool make7Bit = true );
void WriteData( const void *data, int length );
void WriteNetadr( const netadr_t adr );
void WriteUNorm8( float f ) { WriteByte( idMath::Ftob( f * 255.0f ) ); }
void WriteUNorm16( float f ) { WriteUShort( idMath::Ftoi( f * 65535.0f ) ); }
void WriteNorm16( float f ) { WriteShort( idMath::Ftoi( f * 32767.0f ) ); }
void WriteDeltaChar( int8 oldValue, int8 newValue ) { WriteByte( newValue - oldValue ); }
void WriteDeltaByte( uint8 oldValue, uint8 newValue ) { WriteByte( newValue - oldValue ); }
void WriteDeltaShort( int16 oldValue, int16 newValue ) { WriteUShort( newValue - oldValue ); }
void WriteDeltaUShort( uint16 oldValue, uint16 newValue ) { WriteUShort( newValue - oldValue ); }
void WriteDeltaLong( int32 oldValue, int32 newValue ) { WriteLong( newValue - oldValue ); }
void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue ) { WriteFloat( newValue - oldValue ); }
void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) { WriteFloat( newValue - oldValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); }
bool WriteDeltaDict( const idDict &dict, const idDict *base );
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void WriteQuantizedFloat( float value );
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void WriteQuantizedUFloat( float value ); // Quantize a float to a variable number of bits (assumes unsigned, uses simple quantization)
template< typename T >
void WriteVectorFloat( const T & v ) { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { WriteFloat( v[i] ); } }
template< typename T >
void WriteVectorUNorm8( const T & v ) { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { WriteUNorm8( v[i] ); } }
template< typename T >
void WriteVectorUNorm16( const T & v ) { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { WriteUNorm16( v[i] ); } }
template< typename T >
void WriteVectorNorm16( const T & v ) { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { WriteNorm16( v[i] ); } }
// Compress a vector to a variable number of bits (assumes signed, uses simple quantization)
template< typename T, int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void WriteQuantizedVector( const T & v ) { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { WriteQuantizedFloat< _max_, _numBits_ >( v[i] ); } }
// begin reading.
void BeginReading() const;
// read up to the next byte boundary
void ReadByteAlign() const;
// read the specified number of bits
int ReadBits( int numBits ) const;
bool ReadBool() const;
int ReadChar() const;
int ReadByte() const;
int ReadShort() const;
int ReadUShort() const;
int ReadLong() const;
int64 ReadLongLong() const;
float ReadFloat() const;
float ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const;
float ReadAngle8() const;
float ReadAngle16() const;
idVec3 ReadDir( int numBits ) const;
int ReadString( char *buffer, int bufferSize ) const;
int ReadString( idStr & str ) const;
int ReadData( void *data, int length ) const;
void ReadNetadr( netadr_t *adr ) const;
float ReadUNorm8() const { return ReadByte() / 255.0f; }
float ReadUNorm16() const { return ReadUShort() / 65535.0f; }
float ReadNorm16() const { return ReadShort() / 32767.0f; }
int8 ReadDeltaChar( int8 oldValue ) const { return oldValue + ReadByte(); }
uint8 ReadDeltaByte( uint8 oldValue ) const { return oldValue + ReadByte(); }
int16 ReadDeltaShort( int16 oldValue ) const { return oldValue + ReadUShort(); }
uint16 ReadDeltaUShort( uint16 oldValue ) const { return oldValue + ReadUShort(); }
int32 ReadDeltaLong( int32 oldValue ) const { return oldValue + ReadLong(); }
float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue ) const { return oldValue + ReadFloat(); }
float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const { return oldValue + ReadFloat( exponentBits, mantissaBits ); }
bool ReadDeltaDict( idDict &dict, const idDict *base ) const;
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
float ReadQuantizedFloat() const;
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
float ReadQuantizedUFloat() const;
template< typename T >
void ReadVectorFloat( T & v ) const { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { v[i] = ReadFloat(); } }
template< typename T >
void ReadVectorUNorm8( T & v ) const { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { v[i] = ReadUNorm8(); } }
template< typename T >
void ReadVectorUNorm16( T & v ) const { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { v[i] = ReadUNorm16(); } }
template< typename T >
void ReadVectorNorm16( T & v ) const { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { v[i] = ReadNorm16(); } }
template< typename T, int _max_, int _numBits_ >
void ReadQuantizedVector( T & v ) const { for ( int i = 0; i < v.GetDimension(); i++ ) { v[i] = ReadQuantizedFloat< _max_, _numBits_ >(); } }
static int DirToBits( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits );
static idVec3 BitsToDir( int bits, int numBits );
void SetHasChanged( bool b ) { hasChanged = b; }
bool HasChanged() const { return hasChanged; }
byte * writeData; // pointer to data for writing
const byte * readData; // pointer to data for reading
int maxSize; // maximum size of message in bytes
int curSize; // current size of message in bytes
mutable int writeBit; // number of bits written to the last written byte
mutable int readCount; // number of bytes read so far
mutable int readBit; // number of bits read from the last read byte
bool allowOverflow; // if false, generate error when the message is overflowed
bool overflowed; // set true if buffer size failed (with allowOverflow set)
bool hasChanged; // Hack
mutable uint64 tempValue;
bool CheckOverflow( int numBits );
byte * GetByteSpace( int length );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::InitWrite( byte *data, int length ) {
writeData = data;
readData = data;
maxSize = length;
curSize = 0;
writeBit = 0;
readCount = 0;
readBit = 0;
allowOverflow = false;
overflowed = false;
tempValue = 0;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::InitRead( const byte *data, int length ) {
writeData = NULL;
readData = data;
maxSize = length;
curSize = length;
writeBit = 0;
readCount = 0;
readBit = 0;
allowOverflow = false;
overflowed = false;
tempValue = 0;
ID_INLINE byte *idBitMsg::GetWriteData() {
return writeData;
ID_INLINE const byte *idBitMsg::GetReadData() const {
return readData;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetMaxSize() const {
return maxSize;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetAllowOverflow( bool set ) {
allowOverflow = set;
ID_INLINE bool idBitMsg::IsOverflowed() const {
return overflowed;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetSize() const {
return curSize + ( writeBit != 0 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetSize( int size ) {
assert( writeBit == 0 );
if ( size > maxSize ) {
curSize = maxSize;
} else {
curSize = size;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetWriteBit() const {
return writeBit;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetWriteBit( int bit ) {
// see idBitMsg::WriteByteAlign
assert( false );
writeBit = bit & 7;
if ( writeBit ) {
writeData[curSize - 1] &= ( 1 << writeBit ) - 1;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetNumBitsWritten() const {
return ( curSize << 3 ) + writeBit;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingSpace() const {
return maxSize - GetSize();
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingWriteBits() const {
return ( maxSize << 3 ) - GetNumBitsWritten();
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SaveWriteState( int &s, int &b, uint64 &t ) const {
s = curSize;
b = writeBit;
t = tempValue;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::RestoreWriteState( int s, int b, uint64 t ) {
curSize = s;
writeBit = b & 7;
if ( writeBit ) {
writeData[curSize] &= ( 1 << writeBit ) - 1;
tempValue = t;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetReadCount() const {
return readCount;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetReadCount( int bytes ) {
readCount = bytes;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetReadBit() const {
return readBit;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetReadBit( int bit ) {
readBit = bit & 7;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetNumBitsRead() const {
return ( ( readCount << 3 ) - ( ( 8 - readBit ) & 7 ) );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingData() const {
assert( writeBit == 0 );
return curSize - readCount;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingReadBits() const {
assert( writeBit == 0 );
return ( curSize << 3 ) - GetNumBitsRead();
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SaveReadState( int &c, int &b ) const {
assert( writeBit == 0 );
c = readCount;
b = readBit;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::RestoreReadState( int c, int b ) {
assert( writeBit == 0 );
readCount = c;
readBit = b & 7;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::BeginWriting() {
curSize = 0;
overflowed = false;
writeBit = 0;
tempValue = 0;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteByteAlign() {
// it is important that no uninitialized data slips in the msg stream,
// because we use memcmp to decide if entities have changed and wether we should transmit them
// this function has the potential to leave uninitialized bits into the stream,
// however idBitMsg::WriteBits is properly initializing the byte to 0 so hopefully we are still safe
// adding this extra check just in case
curSize += writeBit != 0;
assert( writeBit == 0 || ( ( writeData[curSize - 1] >> writeBit ) == 0 ) ); // had to early out writeBit == 0 because when writeBit == 0 writeData[curSize - 1] may be the previous byte written and trigger false positives
writeBit = 0;
tempValue = 0;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteBool( bool c ) {
WriteBits( c, 1 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteChar( int8 c ) {
WriteBits( c, -8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteByte( uint8 c ) {
WriteBits( c, 8 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteShort( int16 c ) {
WriteBits( c, -16 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteUShort( uint16 c ) {
WriteBits( c, 16 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteLong( int32 c ) {
WriteBits( c, 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteLongLong( int64 c ) {
int a = c;
int b = c >> 32;
WriteBits( a, 32 );
WriteBits( b, 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteFloat( float f ) {
WriteBits( *reinterpret_cast<int *>(&f), 32 );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) {
int bits = idMath::FloatToBits( f, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
WriteBits( bits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteAngle8( float f ) {
WriteByte( ANGLE2BYTE( f ) );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteAngle16( float f ) {
WriteShort( ANGLE2SHORT(f) );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits ) {
WriteBits( DirToBits( dir, numBits ), numBits );
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::BeginReading() const {
readCount = 0;
readBit = 0;
writeBit = 0;
tempValue = 0;
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::ReadByteAlign() const {
readBit = 0;
ID_INLINE bool idBitMsg::ReadBool() const {
return ( ReadBits( 1 ) == 1 ) ? true : false;
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadChar() const {
return (signed char)ReadBits( -8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadByte() const {
return (unsigned char)ReadBits( 8 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadShort() const {
return (short)ReadBits( -16 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadUShort() const {
return (unsigned short)ReadBits( 16 );
ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadLong() const {
return ReadBits( 32 );
ID_INLINE int64 idBitMsg::ReadLongLong() const {
int64 a = ReadBits( 32 );
int64 b = ReadBits( 32 );
int64 c = ( 0x00000000ffffffff & a ) | ( b << 32 );
return c;
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadFloat() const {
float value;
*reinterpret_cast<int *>(&value) = ReadBits( 32 );
return value;
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const {
int bits = ReadBits( 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits );
return idMath::BitsToFloat( bits, exponentBits, mantissaBits );
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadAngle8() const {
return BYTE2ANGLE( ReadByte() );
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadAngle16() const {
return SHORT2ANGLE( ReadShort() );
ID_INLINE idVec3 idBitMsg::ReadDir( int numBits ) const {
return BitsToDir( ReadBits( numBits ), numBits );
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteQuantizedFloat( float value ) {
enum { storeMax = ( 1 << ( _numBits_ - 1 ) ) - 1 };
if ( _max_ > storeMax ) {
// Scaling down (scale should be < 1)
const float scale = (float)storeMax / (float)_max_;
WriteBits( idMath::ClampInt( -storeMax, storeMax, idMath::Ftoi( value * scale ) ), -_numBits_ );
} else {
// Scaling up (scale should be >= 1) (Preserve whole numbers when possible)
enum { scale = storeMax / _max_ };
WriteBits( idMath::ClampInt( -storeMax, storeMax, idMath::Ftoi( value * scale ) ), -_numBits_ );
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteQuantizedUFloat( float value ) {
enum { storeMax = ( 1 << _numBits_ ) - 1 };
if ( _max_ > storeMax ) {
// Scaling down (scale should be < 1)
const float scale = (float)storeMax / (float)_max_;
WriteBits( idMath::ClampInt( 0, storeMax, idMath::Ftoi( value * scale ) ), _numBits_ );
} else {
// Scaling up (scale should be >= 1) (Preserve whole numbers when possible)
enum { scale = storeMax / _max_ };
WriteBits( idMath::ClampInt( 0, storeMax, idMath::Ftoi( value * scale ) ), _numBits_ );
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadQuantizedFloat() const {
enum { storeMax = ( 1 << ( _numBits_ - 1 ) ) - 1 };
if ( _max_ > storeMax ) {
// Scaling down (scale should be < 1)
const float invScale = (float)_max_ / (float)storeMax;
return (float)ReadBits( -_numBits_ ) * invScale;
} else {
// Scaling up (scale should be >= 1) (Preserve whole numbers when possible)
// Scale will be a whole number.
// We use a float to get rid of (potential divide by zero) which is handled above, but the compiler is dumb
const float scale = storeMax / _max_;
const float invScale = 1.0f / scale;
return (float)ReadBits( -_numBits_ ) * invScale;
template< int _max_, int _numBits_ >
float idBitMsg::ReadQuantizedUFloat() const {
enum { storeMax = ( 1 << _numBits_ ) - 1 };
if ( _max_ > storeMax ) {
// Scaling down (scale should be < 1)
const float invScale = (float)_max_ / (float)storeMax;
return (float)ReadBits( _numBits_ ) * invScale;
} else {
// Scaling up (scale should be >= 1) (Preserve whole numbers when possible)
// Scale will be a whole number.
// We use a float to get rid of (potential divide by zero) which is handled above, but the compiler is dumb
const float scale = storeMax / _max_;
const float invScale = 1.0f / scale;
return (float)ReadBits( _numBits_ ) * invScale;
Writes all the values from the array to the bit message.
template< class _arrayType_ >
void WriteFloatArray( idBitMsg & message, const _arrayType_ & sourceArray ) {
for( int i = 0; i < idTupleSize< _arrayType_ >::value; ++i ) {
message.WriteFloat( sourceArray[i] );
Writes _num_ values from the array to the bit message.
template< class _arrayType_ >
void WriteDeltaFloatArray( idBitMsg & message, const _arrayType_ & oldArray, const _arrayType_ & newArray ) {
for( int i = 0; i < idTupleSize< _arrayType_ >::value; ++i ) {
message.WriteDeltaFloat( oldArray[i], newArray[i] );
Reads _num_ values from the array to the bit message.
template< class _arrayType_ >
_arrayType_ ReadFloatArray( const idBitMsg & message ) {
_arrayType_ result;
for( int i = 0; i < idTupleSize< _arrayType_ >::value; ++i ) {
result[i] = message.ReadFloat();
return result;
Reads _num_ values from the array to the bit message.
template< class _arrayType_ >
_arrayType_ ReadDeltaFloatArray( const idBitMsg & message, const _arrayType_ & oldArray ) {
_arrayType_ result;
for( int i = 0; i < idTupleSize< _arrayType_ >::value; ++i ) {
result[i] = message.ReadDeltaFloat( oldArray[i] );
return result;
#endif /* !__BITMSG_H__ */