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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
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#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "dmap.h"
int c_active_brushes;
int c_nodes;
// if a brush just barely pokes onto the other side,
// let it slide by without chopping
int CountBrushList( uBrush_t* brushes )
int c;
c = 0;
for( ; brushes ; brushes = brushes->next )
return c;
int BrushSizeForSides( int numsides )
int c;
// allocate a structure with a variable number of sides at the end
// c = (int)&(((uBrush_t *)0)->sides[numsides]); // bounds checker complains about this
c = sizeof( uBrush_t ) + sizeof( side_t ) * ( numsides - 6 );
return c;
uBrush_t* AllocBrush( int numsides )
uBrush_t* bb;
int c;
c = BrushSizeForSides( numsides );
bb = ( uBrush_t* )Mem_Alloc( c, TAG_TOOLS );
memset( bb, 0, c );
return bb;
void FreeBrush( uBrush_t* brushes )
int i;
for( i = 0 ; i < brushes->numsides ; i++ )
if( brushes->sides[i].winding )
delete brushes->sides[i].winding;
if( brushes->sides[i].visibleHull )
delete brushes->sides[i].visibleHull;
Mem_Free( brushes );
void FreeBrushList( uBrush_t* brushes )
uBrush_t* next;
for( ; brushes ; brushes = next )
next = brushes->next;
FreeBrush( brushes );
Duplicates the brush, the sides, and the windings
uBrush_t* CopyBrush( uBrush_t* brush )
uBrush_t* newbrush;
int size;
int i;
size = BrushSizeForSides( brush->numsides );
newbrush = AllocBrush( brush->numsides );
memcpy( newbrush, brush, size );
for( i = 0 ; i < brush->numsides ; i++ )
if( brush->sides[i].winding )
newbrush->sides[i].winding = brush->sides[i].winding->Copy();
return newbrush;
void DrawBrushList( uBrush_t* brush )
int i;
side_t* s;
for( ; brush ; brush = brush->next )
for( i = 0 ; i < brush->numsides ; i++ )
s = &brush->sides[i];
if( !s->winding )
GLS_Winding( s->winding, 0 );
void PrintBrush( uBrush_t* brush )
int i;
common->Printf( "brush: %p\n", brush );
for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides ; i++ )
common->Printf( "\n" );
Sets the mins/maxs based on the windings
returns false if the brush doesn't enclose a valid volume
bool BoundBrush( uBrush_t* brush )
int i, j;
idWinding* w;
for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
w = brush->sides[i].winding;
if( !w )
for( j = 0; j < w->GetNumPoints(); j++ )
brush->bounds.AddPoint( ( *w )[j].ToVec3() );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( brush->bounds[0][i] < MIN_WORLD_COORD || brush->bounds[1][i] > MAX_WORLD_COORD
|| brush->bounds[0][i] >= brush->bounds[1][i] )
return false;
return true;
makes basewindigs for sides and mins / maxs for the brush
returns false if the brush doesn't enclose a valid volume
bool CreateBrushWindings( uBrush_t* brush )
int i, j;
idWinding* w;
idPlane* plane;
side_t* side;
for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
side = &brush->sides[i];
plane = &dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[side->planenum];
w = new idWinding( *plane );
for( j = 0; j < brush->numsides && w; j++ )
if( i == j )
if( brush->sides[j].planenum == ( brush->sides[i].planenum ^ 1 ) )
continue; // back side clipaway
plane = &dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[brush->sides[j].planenum ^ 1];
w = w->Clip( *plane, 0 );//CLIP_EPSILON);
if( side->winding )
delete side->winding;
side->winding = w;
return BoundBrush( brush );
Creates a new axial brush
uBrush_t* BrushFromBounds( const idBounds& bounds )
uBrush_t* b;
int i;
idPlane plane;
b = AllocBrush( 6 );
b->numsides = 6;
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
plane[0] = plane[1] = plane[2] = 0;
plane[i] = 1;
plane[3] = -bounds[1][i];
b->sides[i].planenum = FindFloatPlane( plane );
plane[i] = -1;
plane[3] = bounds[0][i];
b->sides[3 + i].planenum = FindFloatPlane( plane );
CreateBrushWindings( b );
return b;
float BrushVolume( uBrush_t* brush )
int i;
idWinding* w;
idVec3 corner;
float d, area, volume;
idPlane* plane;
if( !brush )
return 0;
// grab the first valid point as the corner
w = NULL;
for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
w = brush->sides[i].winding;
if( w )
if( !w )
return 0;
corner = ( *w )[0].ToVec3();
// make tetrahedrons to all other faces
volume = 0;
for( ; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
w = brush->sides[i].winding;
if( !w )
plane = &dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[brush->sides[i].planenum];
d = -plane->Distance( corner );
area = w->GetArea();
volume += d * area;
volume /= 3;
return volume;
FIXME: use new brush format
void WriteBspBrushMap( const char* name, uBrush_t* list )
idFile* f;
side_t* s;
int i;
idWinding* w;
common->Printf( "writing %s\n", name );
f = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( name );
if( !f )
common->Error( "Can't write %s\b", name );
f->Printf( "{\n\"classname\" \"worldspawn\"\n" );
for( ; list ; list = list->next )
f->Printf( "{\n" );
for( i = 0, s = list->sides ; i < list->numsides ; i++, s++ )
w = new idWinding( dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[s->planenum] );
f->Printf( "( %i %i %i ) ", ( int )( *w )[0][0], ( int )( *w )[0][1], ( int )( *w )[0][2] );
f->Printf( "( %i %i %i ) ", ( int )( *w )[1][0], ( int )( *w )[1][1], ( int )( *w )[1][2] );
f->Printf( "( %i %i %i ) ", ( int )( *w )[2][0], ( int )( *w )[2][1], ( int )( *w )[2][2] );
f->Printf( "notexture 0 0 0 1 1\n" );
delete w;
f->Printf( "}\n" );
f->Printf( "}\n" );
fileSystem->CloseFile( f );
int FilterBrushIntoTree_r( uBrush_t* b, node_t* node )
uBrush_t* front, *back;
int c;
if( !b )
return 0;
// add it to the leaf list
if( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF )
b->next = node->brushlist;
node->brushlist = b;
// classify the leaf by the structural brush
if( b->opaque )
node->opaque = true;
return 1;
// split it by the node plane
SplitBrush( b, node->planenum, &front, &back );
FreeBrush( b );
c = 0;
c += FilterBrushIntoTree_r( front, node->children[0] );
c += FilterBrushIntoTree_r( back, node->children[1] );
return c;
Mark the leafs as opaque and areaportals and put brush
fragments in each leaf so portal surfaces can be matched
to materials
void FilterBrushesIntoTree( uEntity_t* e )
primitive_t* prim;
uBrush_t* b, *newb;
int r;
int c_unique, c_clusters;
common->Printf( "----- FilterBrushesIntoTree -----\n" );
c_unique = 0;
c_clusters = 0;
for( prim = e->primitives ; prim ; prim = prim->next )
b = prim->brush;
if( !b )
newb = CopyBrush( b );
r = FilterBrushIntoTree_r( newb, e->tree->headnode );
c_clusters += r;
common->Printf( "%5i total brushes\n", c_unique );
common->Printf( "%5i cluster references\n", c_clusters );
tree_t* AllocTree( void )
tree_t* tree;
tree = ( tree_t* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *tree ), TAG_TOOLS );
memset( tree, 0, sizeof( *tree ) );
return tree;
node_t* AllocNode( void )
node_t* node;
node = ( node_t* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *node ), TAG_TOOLS );
memset( node, 0, sizeof( *node ) );
return node;
int BrushMostlyOnSide( uBrush_t* brush, idPlane& plane )
int i, j;
idWinding* w;
float d, max;
int side;
max = 0;
for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
w = brush->sides[i].winding;
if( !w )
for( j = 0; j < w->GetNumPoints(); j++ )
d = plane.Distance( ( *w )[j].ToVec3() );
if( d > max )
max = d;
if( -d > max )
max = -d;
side = PSIDE_BACK;
return side;
Generates two new brushes, leaving the original
void SplitBrush( uBrush_t* brush, int planenum, uBrush_t** front, uBrush_t** back )
uBrush_t* b[2];
int i, j;
idWinding* w, *cw[2], *midwinding;
side_t* s, *cs;
float d, d_front, d_back;
*front = *back = NULL;
idPlane& plane = dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[planenum];
// check all points
d_front = d_back = 0;
for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
w = brush->sides[i].winding;
if( !w )
for( j = 0; j < w->GetNumPoints(); j++ )
d = plane.Distance( ( *w )[j].ToVec3() );
if( d > 0 && d > d_front )
d_front = d;
if( d < 0 && d < d_back )
d_back = d;
if( d_front < 0.1 ) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
// only on back
*back = CopyBrush( brush );
if( d_back > -0.1 ) // PLANESIDE_EPSILON)
// only on front
*front = CopyBrush( brush );
// create a new winding from the split plane
w = new idWinding( plane );
for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides && w; i++ )
idPlane& plane2 = dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[brush->sides[i].planenum ^ 1];
w = w->Clip( plane2, 0 ); // PLANESIDE_EPSILON);
if( !w || w->IsTiny() )
// the brush isn't really split
int side;
side = BrushMostlyOnSide( brush, plane );
if( side == PSIDE_FRONT )
*front = CopyBrush( brush );
if( side == PSIDE_BACK )
*back = CopyBrush( brush );
if( w->IsHuge() )
common->Printf( "WARNING: huge winding\n" );
midwinding = w;
// split it for real
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
b[i] = AllocBrush( brush->numsides + 1 );
memcpy( b[i], brush, sizeof( uBrush_t ) - sizeof( brush->sides ) );
b[i]->numsides = 0;
b[i]->next = NULL;
b[i]->original = brush->original;
// split all the current windings
for( i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++ )
s = &brush->sides[i];
w = s->winding;
if( !w )
w->Split( plane, 0 /*PLANESIDE_EPSILON*/, &cw[0], &cw[1] );
for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
if( !cw[j] )
if ( cw[j]->IsTiny() )
delete cw[j];
cs = &b[j]->sides[b[j]->numsides];
*cs = *s;
cs->winding = cw[j];
// see if we have valid polygons on both sides
for( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
if( !BoundBrush( b[i] ) )
if( b[i]->numsides < 3 )
FreeBrush( b[i] );
b[i] = NULL;
if( !( b[0] && b[1] ) )
if( !b[0] && !b[1] )
common->Printf( "split removed brush\n" );
common->Printf( "split not on both sides\n" );
if( b[0] )
FreeBrush( b[0] );
*front = CopyBrush( brush );
if( b[1] )
FreeBrush( b[1] );
*back = CopyBrush( brush );
// add the midwinding to both sides
for( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
cs = &b[i]->sides[b[i]->numsides];
cs->planenum = planenum ^ i ^ 1;
cs->material = NULL;
if( i == 0 )
cs->winding = midwinding->Copy();
cs->winding = midwinding;
float v1;
int i;
for( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
v1 = BrushVolume( b[i] );
if( v1 < 1.0 )
FreeBrush( b[i] );
b[i] = NULL;
// common->Printf ("tiny volume after clip\n");
*front = b[0];
*back = b[1];