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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "dmap.h"
All triangle list functions should behave reasonably with NULL lists.
mapTri_t* AllocTri( void )
mapTri_t* tri;
tri = ( mapTri_t* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *tri ), TAG_TOOLS );
memset( tri, 0, sizeof( *tri ) );
return tri;
void FreeTri( mapTri_t* tri )
Mem_Free( tri );
This does not copy any tris, it just relinks them
mapTri_t* MergeTriLists( mapTri_t* a, mapTri_t* b )
mapTri_t** prev;
prev = &a;
while( *prev )
prev = &( *prev )->next;
*prev = b;
return a;
void FreeTriList( mapTri_t* a )
mapTri_t* next;
for( ; a ; a = next )
next = a->next;
Mem_Free( a );
mapTri_t* CopyTriList( const mapTri_t* a )
mapTri_t* testList;
const mapTri_t* tri;
testList = NULL;
for( tri = a ; tri ; tri = tri->next )
mapTri_t* copy;
copy = CopyMapTri( tri );
copy ->next = testList;
testList = copy;
return testList;
int CountTriList( const mapTri_t* tri )
int c;
c = 0;
while( tri )
tri = tri->next;
return c;
mapTri_t* CopyMapTri( const mapTri_t* tri )
mapTri_t* t;
t = ( mapTri_t* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *t ), TAG_TOOLS );
*t = *tri;
return t;
float MapTriArea( const mapTri_t* tri )
return idWinding::TriangleArea( tri->v[0].xyz, tri->v[1].xyz, tri->v[2].xyz );
Return a new list with any zero or negative area triangles removed
mapTri_t* RemoveBadTris( const mapTri_t* list )
mapTri_t* newList;
mapTri_t* copy;
const mapTri_t* tri;
newList = NULL;
for( tri = list ; tri ; tri = tri->next )
if( MapTriArea( tri ) > 0 )
copy = CopyMapTri( tri );
copy->next = newList;
newList = copy;
return newList;
void BoundTriList( const mapTri_t* list, idBounds& b )
for( ; list ; list = list->next )
b.AddPoint( list->v[0].xyz );
b.AddPoint( list->v[1].xyz );
b.AddPoint( list->v[2].xyz );
void DrawTri( const mapTri_t* tri )
idWinding w;
w.SetNumPoints( 3 );
w[0] = tri->v[0].xyz;
w[1] = tri->v[1].xyz;
w[2] = tri->v[2].xyz;
DrawWinding( &w );
Swaps the vertex order
void FlipTriList( mapTri_t* tris )
mapTri_t* tri;
for( tri = tris ; tri ; tri = tri->next )
idDrawVert v;
const struct hashVert_s* hv;
struct optVertex_s* ov;
v = tri->v[0];
tri->v[0] = tri->v[2];
tri->v[2] = v;
hv = tri->hashVert[0];
tri->hashVert[0] = tri->hashVert[2];
tri->hashVert[2] = hv;
ov = tri->optVert[0];
tri->optVert[0] = tri->optVert[2];
tri->optVert[2] = ov;
idWinding* WindingForTri( const mapTri_t* tri )
idWinding* w;
w = new idWinding( 3 );
w->SetNumPoints( 3 );
( *w )[0] = tri->v[0].xyz;
( *w )[1] = tri->v[1].xyz;
( *w )[2] = tri->v[2].xyz;
return w;
Regenerate the texcoords and colors on a fragmented tri from the plane equations
void TriVertsFromOriginal( mapTri_t* tri, const mapTri_t* original )
int i, j;
float denom;
denom = idWinding::TriangleArea( original->v[0].xyz, original->v[1].xyz, original->v[2].xyz );
if( denom == 0 )
return; // original was degenerate, so it doesn't matter
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
float a, b, c;
// find the barycentric coordinates
a = idWinding::TriangleArea( tri->v[i].xyz, original->v[1].xyz, original->v[2].xyz ) / denom;
b = idWinding::TriangleArea( tri->v[i].xyz, original->v[2].xyz, original->v[0].xyz ) / denom;
c = idWinding::TriangleArea( tri->v[i].xyz, original->v[0].xyz, original->v[1].xyz ) / denom;
// regenerate the interpolated values
tri->v[i].SetTexCoordS( a * original->v[0].GetTexCoordS()
+ b * original->v[1].GetTexCoordS() + c * original->v[2].GetTexCoordS() );
tri->v[i].SetTexCoordT( a * original->v[0].GetTexCoordT()
+ b * original->v[1].GetTexCoordT() + c * original->v[2].GetTexCoordT() );
idVec3 normal = tri->v[i].GetNormal();
for( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
normal[j] = a * original->v[0].GetNormal()[j]
+ b * original->v[1].GetNormal()[j] + c * original->v[2].GetNormal()[j];
tri->v[i].SetNormal( normal );
Generates a new list of triangles with proper texcoords from a winding
created by clipping the originalTri
OriginalTri can be NULL if you don't care about texCoords
mapTri_t* WindingToTriList( const idWinding* w, const mapTri_t* originalTri )
mapTri_t* tri;
mapTri_t* triList;
int i, j;
const idVec3* vec;
if( !w )
return NULL;
triList = NULL;
for( i = 2 ; i < w->GetNumPoints() ; i++ )
tri = AllocTri();
if( !originalTri )
memset( tri, 0, sizeof( *tri ) );
*tri = *originalTri;
tri->next = triList;
triList = tri;
for( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
if( j == 0 )
vec = &( ( *w )[0] ).ToVec3();
else if( j == 1 )
vec = &( ( *w )[i - 1] ).ToVec3();
vec = &( ( *w )[i] ).ToVec3();
tri->v[j].xyz = *vec;
if( originalTri )
TriVertsFromOriginal( tri, originalTri );
return triList;
void ClipTriList( const mapTri_t* list, const idPlane& plane, float epsilon,
mapTri_t** front, mapTri_t** back )
const mapTri_t* tri;
mapTri_t* newList;
idWinding* w, *frontW, *backW;
*front = NULL;
*back = NULL;
for( tri = list ; tri ; tri = tri->next )
w = WindingForTri( tri );
w->Split( plane, epsilon, &frontW, &backW );
newList = WindingToTriList( frontW, tri );
*front = MergeTriLists( *front, newList );
newList = WindingToTriList( backW, tri );
*back = MergeTriLists( *back, newList );
delete w;
void PlaneForTri( const mapTri_t* tri, idPlane& plane )
plane.FromPoints( tri->v[0].xyz, tri->v[1].xyz, tri->v[2].xyz );