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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include "../idlib/precompiled.h"
idSWFScriptObject * idSWF::HitTest( idSWFSpriteInstance * spriteInstance, const swfRenderState_t & renderState, int x, int y, idSWFScriptObject * parentObject ) {
if ( spriteInstance->parent != NULL ) {
swfDisplayEntry_t * thisDisplayEntry = spriteInstance->parent->FindDisplayEntry( spriteInstance->depth );
if ( thisDisplayEntry->cxf.mul.w + thisDisplayEntry->cxf.add.w < 0.001f ) {
return NULL;
if ( !spriteInstance->isVisible ) {
return NULL;
if ( spriteInstance->scriptObject->HasValidProperty( "onRelease" )
|| spriteInstance->scriptObject->HasValidProperty( "onPress" )
|| spriteInstance->scriptObject->HasValidProperty( "onRollOver" )
|| spriteInstance->scriptObject->HasValidProperty( "onRollOut" )
|| spriteInstance->scriptObject->HasValidProperty( "onDrag" )
) {
parentObject = spriteInstance->scriptObject;
// rather than returning the first object we find, we actually want to return the last object we find
idSWFScriptObject * returnObject = NULL;
float xOffset = spriteInstance->xOffset;
float yOffset = spriteInstance->yOffset;
for ( int i = 0; i < spriteInstance->displayList.Num(); i++ ) {
const swfDisplayEntry_t & display = spriteInstance->displayList[i];
idSWFDictionaryEntry * entry = FindDictionaryEntry( display.characterID );
if ( entry == NULL ) {
swfRenderState_t renderState2;
renderState2.matrix = display.matrix.Multiply( renderState.matrix );
renderState2.ratio = display.ratio;
if ( entry->type == SWF_DICT_SPRITE ) {
idSWFScriptObject * object = HitTest( display.spriteInstance, renderState2, x, y, parentObject );
if ( object != NULL && object->Get( "_visible" ).ToBool() ) {
returnObject = object;
} else if ( entry->type == SWF_DICT_SHAPE && ( parentObject != NULL ) ) {
idSWFShape * shape = entry->shape;
for ( int i = 0; i < shape->fillDraws.Num(); i++ ) {
const idSWFShapeDrawFill & fill = shape->fillDraws[i];
for ( int j = 0; j < fill.indices.Num(); j+=3 ) {
idVec2 xy1 = renderState2.matrix.Transform( fill.startVerts[fill.indices[j+0]] );
idVec2 xy2 = renderState2.matrix.Transform( fill.startVerts[fill.indices[j+1]] );
idVec2 xy3 = renderState2.matrix.Transform( fill.startVerts[fill.indices[j+2]] );
idMat3 edgeEquations;
edgeEquations[0].Set( xy1.x + xOffset, xy1.y + yOffset, 1.0f );
edgeEquations[1].Set( xy2.x + xOffset, xy2.y + yOffset, 1.0f );
edgeEquations[2].Set( xy3.x + xOffset, xy3.y + yOffset, 1.0f );
idVec3 p( x, y, 1.0f );
idVec3 signs = p * edgeEquations;
bool bx = signs.x > 0;
bool by = signs.y > 0;
bool bz = signs.z > 0;
if ( bx == by && bx == bz ) {
// point inside
returnObject = parentObject;
} else if ( entry->type == SWF_DICT_MORPH ) {
// FIXME: this should be roughly the same as SWF_DICT_SHAPE
} else if ( entry->type == SWF_DICT_TEXT ) {
// FIXME: this should be roughly the same as SWF_DICT_SHAPE
} else if ( entry->type == SWF_DICT_EDITTEXT ) {
idSWFScriptObject * editObject = NULL;
if ( display.textInstance->scriptObject.HasProperty( "onRelease" ) || display.textInstance->scriptObject.HasProperty( "onPress" ) ) {
// if the edit box itself can be clicked, then we want to return it when it's clicked on
editObject = &display.textInstance->scriptObject;
} else if ( parentObject != NULL ) {
// otherwise, we want to return the parent object
editObject = parentObject;
if ( editObject == NULL ) {
if ( display.textInstance->text.IsEmpty() ) {
const idSWFEditText * shape = entry->edittext;
const idSWFEditText * text = display.textInstance->GetEditText();
float textLength = display.textInstance->GetTextLength();
float lengthDiff = fabs( shape->bounds.br.x - shape->bounds.tl.x ) - textLength;
idVec3 tl;
idVec3 tr;
idVec3 br;
idVec3 bl;
float xOffset = spriteInstance->xOffset;
float yOffset = spriteInstance->yOffset;
float topOffset = 0.0f;
if ( text->align == SWF_ET_ALIGN_LEFT ) {
tl.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.tl.x + xOffset, shape->bounds.tl.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
tr.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.br.x - lengthDiff + xOffset, shape->bounds.tl.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
br.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.br.x - lengthDiff + xOffset, shape->bounds.br.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
bl.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.tl.x + xOffset, shape->bounds.br.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
} else if ( text->align == SWF_ET_ALIGN_RIGHT ) {
tl.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.tl.x + lengthDiff + xOffset, shape->bounds.tl.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
tr.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.br.x + xOffset, shape->bounds.tl.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
br.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.br.x + xOffset, shape->bounds.br.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
bl.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.tl.x + lengthDiff + xOffset, shape->bounds.br.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
} else if ( text->align == SWF_ET_ALIGN_CENTER ) {
float middle = ( ( shape->bounds.br.x + xOffset ) + ( shape->bounds.tl.x + xOffset ) ) / 2.0f;
tl.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( middle - ( textLength / 2.0f ), shape->bounds.tl.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
tr.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( middle + ( textLength / 2.0f ), shape->bounds.tl.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
br.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( middle + ( textLength / 2.0f ), shape->bounds.br.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
bl.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( middle - ( textLength / 2.0f ), shape->bounds.br.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
} else {
tl.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.tl.x + xOffset, shape->bounds.tl.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
tr.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.br.x + xOffset, shape->bounds.tl.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
br.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.br.x + xOffset, shape->bounds.br.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
bl.ToVec2() = renderState2.matrix.Transform( idVec2( shape->bounds.tl.x + xOffset, shape->bounds.br.y + topOffset + yOffset ) );
tl.z = 1.0f;
tr.z = 1.0f;
br.z = 1.0f;
bl.z = 1.0f;
idMat3 edgeEquations;
edgeEquations[0] = tl;
edgeEquations[1] = tr;
edgeEquations[2] = br;
idVec3 p( x, y, 1.0f );
idVec3 signs = p * edgeEquations;
bool bx = signs.x > 0;
bool by = signs.y > 0;
bool bz = signs.z > 0;
if ( bx == by && bx == bz ) {
// point inside top right triangle
returnObject = editObject;
edgeEquations[0] = tl;
edgeEquations[1] = br;
edgeEquations[2] = bl;
signs = p * edgeEquations;
bx = signs.x > 0;
by = signs.y > 0;
bz = signs.z > 0;
if ( bx == by && bx == bz ) {
// point inside bottom left triangle
returnObject = editObject;
return returnObject;
bool idSWF::HandleEvent( const sysEvent_t * event ) {
if ( !IsLoaded() || !IsActive() || ( !inhibitControl && useInhibtControl ) ) {
return false;
if ( event->evType == SE_KEY ) {
if ( event->evValue == K_MOUSE1 ) {
mouseEnabled = true;
idSWFScriptVar var;
if ( event->evValue2 ) {
idSWFScriptVar waitInput = globals->Get( "waitInput" );
if ( waitInput.IsFunction() ) {
useMouse = false;
idSWFParmList waitParms;
waitParms.Append( event->evValue );
waitInput.GetFunction()->Call( NULL, waitParms );
} else {
useMouse = true;
idSWFScriptObject * hitObject = HitTest( mainspriteInstance, swfRenderState_t(), mouseX, mouseY, NULL );
if ( hitObject != NULL ) {
mouseObject = hitObject;
var = hitObject->Get( "onPress" );
if ( var.IsFunction() ) {
idSWFParmList parms;
parms.Append( event->inputDevice );
var.GetFunction()->Call( hitObject, parms );
return true;
idSWFScriptVar var = hitObject->Get( "onDrag" );
if ( var.IsFunction() ) {
idSWFParmList parms;
parms.Append( mouseX );
parms.Append( mouseY );
parms.Append( true );
var.GetFunction()->Call( hitObject, parms );
return true;
idSWFParmList parms;
parms.Append( hitObject );
Invoke( "setHitObject", parms );
} else {
if ( mouseObject ) {
var = mouseObject->Get( "onRelease" );
if ( var.IsFunction() ) {
idSWFParmList parms;
parms.Append( mouseObject ); // FIXME: Remove this
var.GetFunction()->Call( mouseObject, parms );
mouseObject = NULL;
if ( hoverObject ) {
hoverObject = NULL;
if ( var.IsFunction() ) {
return true;
return false;
const char * keyName = idKeyInput::KeyNumToString( (keyNum_t)event->evValue );
idSWFScriptVar var = shortcutKeys->Get( keyName );
// anything more than 32 levels of indirection we can be pretty sure is an infinite loop
for ( int runaway = 0; runaway < 32; runaway++ ) {
idSWFParmList eventParms;
eventParms.Append( event->inputDevice );
if ( var.IsString() ) {
// alias to another key
var = shortcutKeys->Get( var.ToString() );
} else if ( var.IsObject() ) {
// if this object is a sprite, send fake mouse events to it
idSWFScriptObject * object = var.GetObject();
// make sure we don't send an onRelease event unless we have already sent that object an onPress
bool wasPressed = object->Get( "_pressed" ).ToBool();
object->Set( "_pressed", event->evValue2 );
if ( event->evValue2 ) {
var = object->Get( "onPress" );
} else if ( wasPressed ) {
var = object->Get( "onRelease" );
if ( var.IsFunction() ) {
var.GetFunction()->Call( object, eventParms );
return true;
} else if ( var.IsFunction() ) {
if ( event->evValue2 ) {
// anonymous functions only respond to key down events
var.GetFunction()->Call( NULL, eventParms );
return true;
return false;
idSWFScriptVar useFunction = globals->Get( "useFunction" );
if ( useFunction.IsFunction() && event->evValue2 ) {
const char * action = idKeyInput::GetBinding( event->evValue );
if ( idStr::Cmp( "_use", action ) == 0 ) {
useFunction.GetFunction()->Call( NULL, idSWFParmList() );
idSWFScriptVar waitInput = globals->Get( "waitInput" );
if ( waitInput.IsFunction() ) {
useMouse = false;
if ( event->evValue2 ) {
idSWFParmList waitParms;
waitParms.Append( event->evValue );
waitInput.GetFunction()->Call( NULL, waitParms );
} else {
useMouse = true;
idSWFScriptVar focusWindow = globals->Get( "focusWindow" );
if ( focusWindow.IsObject() ) {
idSWFScriptVar onKey = focusWindow.GetObject()->Get( "onKey" );
if ( onKey.IsFunction() ) {
// make sure we don't send an onRelease event unless we have already sent that object an onPress
idSWFScriptObject * object = focusWindow.GetObject();
bool wasPressed = object->Get( "_kpressed" ).ToBool();
object->Set( "_kpressed", event->evValue2 );
if ( event->evValue2 || wasPressed ) {
idSWFParmList parms;
parms.Append( event->evValue );
parms.Append( event->evValue2 );
onKey.GetFunction()->Call( focusWindow.GetObject(), parms ).ToBool();
return true;
} else if ( event->evValue == K_LSHIFT || event->evValue == K_RSHIFT ) {
idSWFParmList parms;
parms.Append( event->evValue );
parms.Append( event->evValue2 );
onKey.GetFunction()->Call( focusWindow.GetObject(), parms ).ToBool();
return false;
idLib::Warning( "Circular reference in %s shortcutKeys.%s", filename.c_str(), keyName );
} else if ( event->evType == SE_CHAR ) {
idSWFScriptVar focusWindow = globals->Get( "focusWindow" );
if ( focusWindow.IsObject() ) {
idSWFScriptVar onChar = focusWindow.GetObject()->Get( "onChar" );
if ( onChar.IsFunction() ) {
idSWFParmList parms;
parms.Append( event->evValue );
parms.Append( idKeyInput::KeyNumToString( (keyNum_t)event->evValue ) );
onChar.GetFunction()->Call( focusWindow.GetObject(), parms ).ToBool();
return true;
} else if ( event->evType == SE_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE || event->evType == SE_MOUSE ) {
mouseEnabled = true;
isMouseInClientArea = true;
// Mouse position in screen space needs to be converted to SWF space
if ( event->evType == SE_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE ) {
const float pixelAspect = renderSystem->GetPixelAspect();
const float sysWidth = renderSystem->GetWidth() * ( pixelAspect > 1.0f ? pixelAspect : 1.0f );
const float sysHeight = renderSystem->GetHeight() / ( pixelAspect < 1.0f ? pixelAspect : 1.0f );
float scale = swfScale * sysHeight / (float)frameHeight;
float invScale = 1.0f / scale;
float tx = 0.5f * ( sysWidth - ( frameWidth * scale ) );
float ty = 0.5f * ( sysHeight - ( frameHeight * scale ) );
mouseX = idMath::Ftoi( ( static_cast<float>( event->evValue ) - tx ) * invScale );
mouseY = idMath::Ftoi( ( static_cast<float>( event->evValue2 ) - ty ) * invScale );
} else {
mouseX += event->evValue;
mouseY += event->evValue2;
mouseX = Max( Min( mouseX, idMath::Ftoi( frameWidth + renderBorder ) ), idMath::Ftoi( 0.0f - renderBorder ) );
mouseY = Max( Min( mouseY, idMath::Ftoi(frameHeight) ), 0 );
bool retVal = false;
idSWFScriptObject * hitObject = HitTest( mainspriteInstance, swfRenderState_t(), mouseX, mouseY, NULL );
if ( hitObject != NULL ) {
hasHitObject = true;
} else {
hasHitObject = false;
if ( hitObject != hoverObject ) {
// First check to see if we should call onRollOut on our previous hoverObject
if ( hoverObject != NULL ) {
idSWFScriptVar var = hoverObject->Get( "onRollOut" );
if ( var.IsFunction() ) {
var.GetFunction()->Call( hoverObject, idSWFParmList() );
retVal = true;
hoverObject = NULL;
// Then call onRollOver on our hitObject
if ( hitObject != NULL ) {
hoverObject = hitObject;
idSWFScriptVar var = hitObject->Get( "onRollOver" );
if ( var.IsFunction() ) {
var.GetFunction()->Call( hitObject, idSWFParmList() );
retVal = true;
if ( mouseObject != NULL ) {
idSWFScriptVar var = mouseObject->Get( "onDrag" );
if ( var.IsFunction() ) {
idSWFParmList parms;
parms.Append( mouseX );
parms.Append( mouseY );
parms.Append( false );
var.GetFunction()->Call( mouseObject, parms );
return true;
return retVal;
} else if ( event->evType == SE_MOUSE_LEAVE ) {
isMouseInClientArea = false;
} else if ( event->evType == SE_JOYSTICK ) {
idSWFParmList parms;
parms.Append( event->evValue );
parms.Append( event->evValue2 / 32.0f );
Invoke( "onJoystick", parms );
return false;