/* File: SoundEngine.h Abstract: These functions play background music tracks, multiple sound effects, and support stereo panning with a low-latency response. Version: 1.7 Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /*================================================================================================== SoundEngine.h ==================================================================================================*/ #if !defined(__SoundEngine_h__) #define __SoundEngine_h__ //================================================================================================== // Includes //================================================================================================== // System Includes #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #else typedef int OSStatus; typedef int SInt32; typedef unsigned int UInt32; typedef float Float32; typedef unsigned char Boolean; #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif //================================================================================================== // Sound Engine //================================================================================================== /*! @enum SoundEngine error codes @abstract These are the error codes returned from the SoundEngine API. @constant kSoundEngineErrUnitialized The SoundEngine has not been initialized. Use SoundEngine_Initialize(). @constant kSoundEngineErrInvalidID The specified EffectID was not found. This can occur if the effect has not been loaded, or if an unloaded is trying to be accessed. @constant kSoundEngineErrFileNotFound The specified file was not found. @constant kSoundEngineErrInvalidFileFormat The format of the file is invalid. Effect data must be little-endian 8 or 16 bit LPCM. @constant kSoundEngineErrDeviceNotFound The output device was not found. */ enum { kSoundEngineErrUnitialized = 1, kSoundEngineErrInvalidID = 2, kSoundEngineErrFileNotFound = 3, kSoundEngineErrInvalidFileFormat = 4, kSoundEngineErrDeviceNotFound = 5 }; /*! @function SoundEngine_Initialize @abstract Initializes and sets up the sound engine. Calling after a previous initialize will reset the state of the SoundEngine, with all previous effects and music tracks erased. Note: This is not required, loading an effect or background track will initialize as necessary. @param inMixerOutputRate A Float32 that represents the output sample rate of the mixer unit. Setting this to 0 will use the default rate (the sample rate of the device) @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_Initialize(Float32 inMixerOutputRate); OSStatus SoundEngine_Reactivate(); /*! @function SoundEngine_Teardown @abstract Tearsdown the sound engine. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_Teardown(); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetMasterVolume @abstract Sets the overall volume of all sounds coming from the process @param inValue A Float32 that represents the level. The range is between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetMasterVolume(Float32 inValue); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetListenerPosition @abstract Sets the position of the listener in the 3D space @param inX A Float32 that represents the listener's position along the X axis. @param inY A Float32 that represents the listener's position along the Y axis. @param inZ A Float32 that represents the listener's position along the Z axis. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetListenerPosition(Float32 inX, Float32 inY, Float32 inZ); OSStatus SoundEngine_SetListenerDirection(Float32 inX, Float32 inY, Float32 inZ); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetListenerGain @abstract Sets the gain of the listener. Must be >= 0.0 @param inValue A Float32 that represents the listener's gain @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetListenerGain(Float32 inValue); /*! @function SoundEngine_LoadBackgroundMusicTrack @abstract Tells the background music player which file to play @param inPath The absolute path to the file to play. @param inAddToQueue If true, file will be added to the current background music queue. If false, queue will be cleared and only loop the specified file. @param inLoadAtOnce If true, file will be loaded completely into memory. If false, data will be streamed from the file as needed. For games without large memory pressure and/or small background music files, this can save memory access and improve power efficiency @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_LoadBackgroundMusicTrack(const char* inPath, Boolean inAddToQueue, Boolean inLoadAtOnce); /*! @function SoundEngine_UnloadBackgroundMusicTrack @abstract Tells the background music player to release all resources and stop playing. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_UnloadBackgroundMusicTrack(); /*! @function SoundEngine_StartBackgroundMusic @abstract Tells the background music player to start playing. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_StartBackgroundMusic(); /*! @function SoundEngine_StopBackgroundMusic @abstract Tells the background music player to stop playing. @param inAddToQueue If true, playback will stop when all tracks have completed. If false, playback will stop immediately. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_StopBackgroundMusic(Boolean inStopAtEnd); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetBackgroundMusicVolume @abstract Sets the volume for the background music player @param inValue A Float32 that represents the level. The range is between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetBackgroundMusicVolume(Float32 inValue); /*! @function SoundEngine_GetBackgroundMusicVolume @abstract Gets the volume for the background music player @result A Float32 representing the background music player volume, or 0 if it's not enabled */ Float32 SoundEngine_GetBackgroundMusicVolume(); /*! @function SoundEngine_LoadLoopingEffect @abstract Loads a sound effect from a file and return an ID to refer to that effect. Note: The files MUST all be in the same data format and sample rate @param inLoopFilePath The absolute path to the file to load. This is the file that will loop continually. @param inAttackFilePath The absolute path to the file to load. This will play once at the start of the effect. Set to NULL if no attack is desired, looping file will play immediately. @param inDecayFilePath The absolute path to the file to load. This will play once after looping has been ended. Triggered using SoundEngine_StopEffect with the inDoDecay set to true. Set to NULL if no decay is desired, looping file will stop immediately. @param outEffectID A UInt32 ID that refers to the effect. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_LoadLoopingEffect(const char* inLoopFilePath, const char* inAttackFilePath, const char* inDecayFilePath, UInt32* outEffectID); /*! @function SoundEngine_LoadEffect @abstract Loads a sound effect from a file and return an ID to refer to that effect. @param inPath The absolute path to the file to load. @param outEffectID A UInt32 ID that refers to the effect. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_LoadEffect(const char* inPath, UInt32* outEffectID); /*! @function SoundEngine_UnloadEffect @abstract Releases all resources associated with the given effect ID @param inEffectID The ID of the effect to unload. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_UnloadEffect(UInt32 inEffectID); /*! @function SoundEngine_StartEffect @abstract Starts playback of an effect @param inEffectID The ID of the effect to start. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_StartEffect(UInt32 inEffectID); /*! @function SoundEngine_StopEffect @abstract Stops playback of an effect @param inEffectID The ID of the effect to stop. @param inDoDecay Whether to play the decay file or stop immmediately (this is ignored for non-looping effects) @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_StopEffect(UInt32 inEffectID, Boolean inDoDecay); /*! @function SoundEngine_Vibrate @abstract Tells the device to vibrate */ #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE #define SoundEngine_Vibrate() AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(kSystemSoundID_Vibrate) #endif /*! @function SoundEngine_SetEffectPitch @abstract Applies pitch shifting to an effect @param inEffectID The ID of the effect to adjust @param inValue A Float32 that represents the pitch scalar, with 1.0 being unchanged. Must be greater than 0. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetEffectPitch(UInt32 inEffectID, Float32 inValue); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetEffectVolume @abstract Sets the volume for an effect @param inEffectID The ID of the effect to adjust @param inValue A Float32 that represents the level. The range is between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetEffectLevel(UInt32 inEffectID, Float32 inValue); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetEffectPosition @abstract Tells the engine whether a given effect should loop when played or if it should play through just once and stop. @param inEffectID The ID of the effect to adjust @param inX A Float32 that represents the effect's position along the X axis. Maximum distance is 100000.0 (absolute, not per axis), reference distance (distance from which gain begins to attenuate) is 1.0 @param inY A Float32 that represents the effect's position along the Y axis. Maximum distance is 100000.0 (absolute, not per axis), reference distance (distance from which gain begins to attenuate) is 1.0 @param inZ A Float32 that represents the effect's position along the Z axis. Maximum distance is 100000.0 by default (absolute, not per axis), reference distance (distance from which gain begins to attenuate) is 1.0 @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetEffectPosition(UInt32 inEffectID, Float32 inX, Float32 inY, Float32 inZ); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetEffectsVolume @abstract Sets the overall volume for the effects @param inValue A Float32 that represents the level. The range is between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetEffectsVolume(Float32 inValue); /*! @function SoundEngine_GetEffectsVolume @abstract Gets the overall volume for the effects @result A Float32 representing the effects volume, or 0 if it's disabled */ Float32 SoundEngine_GetEffectsVolume(); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetMaxDistance @abstract Sets the maximum distance for effect attenuation. Gain will attenuate between the reference distance and the maximum distance, after which gain will be 0.0 @param inValue A Float32 that represents the level. Must be greater than 0.0. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetMaxDistance(Float32 inValue); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetReferenceDistance @abstract Sets the distance at which effect gain attenuation begins. It will attenuate between the reference distance and the maximum distance. Sounds closer than the reference distance will have no attenuation applied @param inValue A Float32 that represents the level. Must be greater than 0.0. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetReferenceDistance(Float32 inValue); /*! @function SoundEngine_SetEffectReferenceDistance @abstract Sets the distance at which effect gain attenuation begins. It will attenuate between the reference distance and the maximum distance. Sounds closer than the reference distance will have no attenuation applied @param inEffectId The sound engine effect Id @param inValue A Float32 that represents the level. Must be greater than 0.0. @result A OSStatus indicating success or failure. */ OSStatus SoundEngine_SetEffectReferenceDistance(UInt32 inEffectID, Float32 inValue); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif