/* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Copyright (C) 2009 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "../doomiphone.h" #import typedef struct { unsigned sourceName; // OpenAL sourceName pkWav_t *sfx; // NULL if unused float volume; // stored for showSound display } channel_t; static ALCcontext *Context; static ALCdevice *Device; #define MAX_CHANNELS 16 static channel_t s_channels[ MAX_CHANNELS ]; cvar_t *s_sfxVolume; void Sound_StartLocalSound( const char *filename ) { Sound_StartLocalSoundAtVolume( filename, 1.0f ); } void Sound_StartLocalSoundAtVolume( const char *filename, float volume ) { pkWav_t *sfx; sfx = PK_FindWav( filename ); if( ! sfx ) { Com_Printf( "Sound_StartLocalSound: could not cache (%s)\n", filename ); return; } // printf( "sound:%s\n", filename ); // channel 0 is reserved for UI sounds, the other channels // are for DOOM sounds channel_t *ch = &s_channels[ 0 ]; ch->sfx = sfx; ch->volume = s_sfxVolume->value * volume; alSourceStop( ch->sourceName ); alSourcef( ch->sourceName, AL_GAIN, ch->volume ); alSourcei( ch->sourceName, AL_BUFFER, sfx->alBufferNum ); alSourcef( ch->sourceName, AL_PITCH, 1.0f ); alSourcePlay( ch->sourceName ); } static void Sound_Play_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 ) { Com_Printf( "Usage: play \n" ); return; } Sound_StartLocalSound( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ); } // we won't allow music to be toggled on or off in the menu when this is true int otherAudioIsPlaying; int SysIPhoneOtherAudioIsPlaying() { return otherAudioIsPlaying; } void interruptionListener( void *inUserData, UInt32 inInterruption) { printf("Session interrupted! --- %s ---\n", inInterruption == kAudioSessionBeginInterruption ? "Begin Interruption" : "End Interruption"); if ( inInterruption == kAudioSessionBeginInterruption ) { printf("Audio interrupted.\n" ); iphonePauseMusic(); alcMakeContextCurrent( NULL ); AudioSessionSetActive( false ); } else if ( inInterruption == kAudioSessionEndInterruption ) { printf("Audio restored.\n" ); OSStatus r = AudioSessionSetActive( true ); if ( r != kAudioSessionNoError ) { printf( "AudioSessionSetActive( true ) failed: 0x%x\n", r ); } else { printf( "AudioSessionSetActive( true ) succeeded.\n" ); } alcMakeContextCurrent( Context ); if( alcGetError( Device ) != ALC_NO_ERROR ) { Com_Error( "Failed to alcMakeContextCurrent\n" ); } iphoneResumeMusic(); } } void Sound_Init( void ) { Com_Printf( "\n------- Sound Initialization -------\n" ); s_sfxVolume = Cvar_Get( "s_sfxVolume", "1.0", 0 ); Cmd_AddCommand( "play", Sound_Play_f ); // make sure background ipod music mixes with our sound effects Com_Printf( "...Initializing AudioSession\n" ); OSStatus status = 0; status = AudioSessionInitialize(NULL, NULL, interruptionListener, NULL); // else "couldn't initialize audio session" // if there is iPod music playing in the background, we want to use // the AmbientSound catagory, otherwise we will leave it at the default. // If we always set it to AmbientSound, then the mp3 background music // playback goes to software on 3.0 for a huge slowdown. UInt32 propOtherAudioIsPlaying = 'othr'; // kAudioSessionProperty_OtherAudioIsPlaying UInt32 size = sizeof( otherAudioIsPlaying ); AudioSessionGetProperty( propOtherAudioIsPlaying, &size, &otherAudioIsPlaying ); Com_Printf("OtherAudioIsPlaying = %d\n", otherAudioIsPlaying ); if ( otherAudioIsPlaying ) { UInt32 audioCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_AmbientSound; status = AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory, sizeof(audioCategory), &audioCategory); } status = AudioSessionSetActive(true); // else "couldn't set audio session active\n" Com_Printf( "...Initializing OpenAL subsystem\n" ); // get the OpenAL device Device = alcOpenDevice( NULL ); if( Device == NULL ) { Com_Printf( "Failed to alcOpenDevice\n" ); } // Create context(s) Context = alcCreateContext( Device, NULL ); if( Context == NULL ) { Com_Error( "Failed to alcCreateContext\n" ); } // Set active context alcGetError( Device ); alcMakeContextCurrent( Context ); if( alcGetError( Device ) != ALC_NO_ERROR ) { Com_Error( "Failed to alcMakeContextCurrent\n" ); } // allocate all the channels we are going to use channel_t *ch; int i; for( i = 0, ch = s_channels ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; ++i, ++ch ) { alGenSources( 1, &ch->sourceName ); if( alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR ) { Com_Error( "Allocating AL sound sources" ); } alSourcei( ch->sourceName, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE ); } Com_Printf( "------------------------------------\n" ); } /* ================== ShowSound Display active sound channels ================== */ void ShowSound() { if ( !showSound->value ) { return; } channel_t *ch; int i; for( i = 0, ch = s_channels ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; ++i, ++ch ) { int state; alGetSourcei( ch->sourceName, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state ); if ( state != AL_PLAYING ) { continue; } int v = ch->volume * 255; if ( v > 255 ) { v = 255; } color4_t color = { v, v, v, 255 }; R_Draw_Fill( i*16, 0, 12, 12, color ); } } /* ================================================================== PrBoom interface ================================================================== */ // Init at program start... void I_InitSound(void) {} // ... shut down and relase at program termination. void I_ShutdownSound(void) {} // Initialize channels? void I_SetChannels(void) {} // Get raw data lump index for sound descriptor. int I_GetSfxLumpNum (sfxinfo_t *sfx) { // find the pkWav_t for this sfxinfo char upper[16], *d = upper; for ( const char *c = sfx->name ; *c ; c++ ) { *d++ = toupper( *c ); } *d = 0; pkWav_t *pkwav = PK_FindWav( va( "newsfx/DS%s.wav", upper ) ); return pkwav - pkWavs; } // Starts a sound in a particular sound channel. // volume ranges 0 - 64 // seperation tanges is 128 straight ahead, 0 = all left ear, 255 = all right ear // pitch centers around 128 int I_StartSound(int sfx_id, int channel, int vol, int sep, int pitch, int priority) { sfxinfo_t *dsfx = &S_sfx[sfx_id]; assert( dsfx->lumpnum >= 0 && dsfx->lumpnum < pkHeader->wavs.count ); pkWav_t *sfx = &pkWavs[dsfx->lumpnum]; // printf( "sound: %s chan:%i vol:%i sep:%i pitch:%i priority:%i\n", sfx->wavData->name.name, channel, vol, sep, pitch, priority ); assert( channel >= 0 && channel < MAX_CHANNELS - 1 ); channel_t *ch = &s_channels[ 1+channel ]; alSourceStop( ch->sourceName ); if ( ch->sfx == sfx ) { // restarting the same sound alSourceRewind( ch->sourceName ); } else { alSourcei( ch->sourceName, AL_BUFFER, sfx->alBufferNum ); } ch->sfx = sfx; ch->volume = s_sfxVolume->value * vol / 64.0; alSourcef( ch->sourceName, AL_GAIN, ch->volume ); alSourcef( ch->sourceName, AL_PITCH, pitch / 128.0f ); alSourcePlay( ch->sourceName ); return (int)ch; } // Stops a sound channel. void I_StopSound(int handle) {} // Called by S_*() functions // to see if a channel is still playing. // Returns 0 if no longer playing, 1 if playing. boolean I_SoundIsPlaying(int handle) { channel_t *ch = (channel_t *)handle; if ( !ch ) { return false; } int state; alGetSourcei( ch->sourceName, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state ); return state == AL_PLAYING; } // Called by m_menu.c to let the quit sound play and quit right after it stops boolean I_AnySoundStillPlaying(void) { return false; } // Updates the volume, separation, // and pitch of a sound channel. void I_UpdateSoundParams(int handle, int vol, int sep, int pitch) {}