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2008-04-04 00:00:00 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2006 Hermitworks Entertainment Corp
This file is part of Space Trader source code.
Space Trader source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Space Trader source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Space Trader source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "tr_local.h"
#include "tr_x42-local.h"
Must always have at least one group frame specified. The first group
frame *must* be for group zero. Entries must be in order.
qhandle_t Q_EXTERNAL_CALL RE_BuildPose( qhandle_t h_mod,
const animGroupFrame_t *groupFrames0, uint numGroupFrames0, const boneOffset_t *boneOffsets0, uint numBoneOffsets0,
const animGroupFrame_t *groupFrames1, uint numGroupFrames1, const boneOffset_t *boneOffsets1, uint numBoneOffsets1,
const animGroupTransition_t *frameLerps, uint numFrameLerps )
model_t *mod = R_GetModelByHandle( h_mod );
if( !mod )
return 0;
switch( mod->type )
case MOD_X42:
x42Model_t *m = mod->x42;
x42Pose_t *ret = (x42Pose_t*)ri.Hunk_AllocateFrameMemory(
sizeof( x42Pose_t ) + sizeof( affine_t ) * (m->header.numBones + m->header.numTags) );
ret->numBones = m->header.numBones;
ret->boneMats = (affine_t*)((byte*)ret + sizeof( x42Pose_t ));
ret->numTags = m->header.numTags;
ret->tagMats = ret->boneMats + ret->numBones;
R_x42PoseBuildPose( ret, m, tr.frameCount, groupFrames0, numGroupFrames0, boneOffsets0, numBoneOffsets0,
groupFrames1, numGroupFrames1, boneOffsets1, numBoneOffsets1, frameLerps, numFrameLerps );
return (qhandle_t)ret;
case MOD_BAD:
return 0;
return 0;
qboolean R_LerpX42TagFromPose( affine_t *tag, const x42Model_t *mod, const x42Pose_t *pose, const char *tagName )
uint i;
for( i = 0; i < mod->header.numTags; i++ )
if( Q_stricmp( mod->strings + mod->tags[i].name, tagName ) == 0 )
Com_Memcpy( tag, pose->tagMats + i, sizeof( affine_t ) );
return qtrue;
Affine_Set( tag, 0, 0 );
return qfalse;
int R_LerpX42Tag( affine_t *tag, const x42Model_t *mod, int startFrame, int endFrame, float frac, const char *tagName )
int ret;
x42Pose_t *pose;
animGroupFrame_t frame;
animGroupTransition_t trans;
Perf warning:
This is not an efficient way to do things. It's just here to catch horrible
odd cases. The correct way is for the client to build a pose and use the pose
to get the tag values. You have been warned!
pose = (x42Pose_t*)ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory(
sizeof( x42Pose_t ) + sizeof( affine_t ) * (mod->header.numBones + mod->header.numTags) );
pose->numBones = mod->header.numBones;
pose->boneMats = (affine_t*)((byte*)pose + sizeof( x42Pose_t ));
pose->numTags = mod->header.numTags;
pose->tagMats = pose->boneMats + pose->numBones;
startFrame %= mod->header.numFrames;
endFrame %= mod->header.numFrames;
frame.animGroup = 0;
frame.frame0 = startFrame;
frame.frame1 = endFrame;
frame.interp = frac;
frame.wrapFrames = qtrue;
trans.animGroup = 0;
trans.interp = 0;
R_x42PoseBuildPose( pose, mod, tr.frameCount, &frame, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &trans, 1 );
ret = R_LerpX42TagFromPose( tag, mod, pose, tagName );
ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory( pose );
return ret;
qboolean Q_EXTERNAL_CALL RE_LerpTagFromPose( affine_t *tag, qhandle_t h_mod, qhandle_t pose, const char *tagName )
model_t *mod = R_GetModelByHandle( h_mod );
if( !mod )
return qfalse;
switch( mod->type )
case MOD_X42:
return R_LerpX42TagFromPose( tag, mod->x42, (x42Pose_t*)pose, tagName );
case MOD_BAD:
return qfalse;
return qfalse;
static void R_X42ModelGetBounds( vec3_t bounds[2], const x42Model_t *m, const x42Pose_t * RESTRICT pose, trRefEntity_t *ent )
uint i;
vec3_t tmp;
if( !m->header.numBones )
VectorSet( bounds[0], -32, -32, -32 );
VectorSet( bounds[1], 32, 32, 32 );
tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = m->bones[0].extent;
VectorSubtract( pose->boneMats[0].origin, tmp, bounds[0] );
VectorAdd( pose->boneMats[0].origin, tmp, bounds[1] );
for( i = 1; i < pose->numBones; i++ )
vec3_t vm, vM;
tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = m->bones[i].extent;
VectorSubtract( pose->boneMats[i].origin, tmp, vm );
VectorAdd( pose->boneMats[i].origin, tmp, vM );
AddPointToBounds( vm, bounds[0], bounds[1] );
AddPointToBounds( vM, bounds[0], bounds[1] );
static bool R_X42ModelInView( vec3_t bounds[2], const x42Model_t *m, const x42Pose_t * RESTRICT pose, trRefEntity_t *ent )
vec3_t c;
bounds[0][0] = -m->header.boundingBox.mins[0];
bounds[0][1] = m->header.boundingBox.mins[2];
bounds[0][2] = m->header.boundingBox.mins[1];
bounds[1][0] = -m->header.boundingBox.maxs[0];
bounds[1][1] = m->header.boundingBox.maxs[2];
bounds[1][2] = m->header.boundingBox.maxs[1];
//cull by AABB if we can
switch( R_CullLocalBox( bounds ) )
case CULL_IN:
return true;
//do spheres
case CULL_OUT:
return false;
if( ent->e.nonNormalizedAxes )
//can't do a good sphere test when an
//arbitrary scale has been applied
return true;
c[0] = -m->[0];
c[1] = m->[2];
c[2] = m->[1];
switch( R_CullLocalPointAndRadius( c, m->header.boundingSphere.radius ) )
case CULL_IN:
return true;
return false;
static uint R_X42ComputeLOD( const vec3_t bounds[2], const x42Model_t *mod, trRefEntity_t *ent )
float flod;
if( mod->header.numLods < 2 )
// model has only 1 LOD level, skip computations and bias
flod = 0;
// multiple LODs exist, so compute projected bounding sphere
// and use that as a criteria for selecting LOD
float radius = RadiusFromBounds( bounds[0], bounds[1] );
float projectedRadius = R_ProjectRadius( radius, ent->e.origin );
if( projectedRadius != 0 )
float res_factor = (float)(glConfig.vidWidth * glConfig.vidHeight) / (float)(1280 * 1024);
float lodscale = r_lodscale->value;
if( lodscale > 20 ) lodscale = 20;
if( res_factor < 0 ) res_factor = 0;
if( res_factor > 1 ) res_factor = 1;
flod = 1.0f - projectedRadius * (lodscale * 1.4F) * res_factor;
// object intersects near view plane, e.g. view weapon
flod = 0;
flod *= (float)(int)mod->header.numLods;
if( flod < 0 )
flod = 0;
else if( flod >= mod->header.numLods )
flod = mod->header.numLods - 1;
flod += r_lodbias->integer;
if( flod < 0 )
flod = 0;
else if( flod >= mod->header.numLods )
flod = mod->header.numLods - 1;
return (uint)(int)flod;
void RB_SurfaceX42( x42Surface_t *s )
uint i;
uint bV, sV, bI, sI;
bool needTanBasis, needNorm;
if( !s->group->numElems )
RB_CheckSurface( tess.shader, tess.fogNum, s->group->primType );
RB_CHECKOVERFLOW( s->group->numVerts, s->group->numElems );
bV = tess.numVertexes;
needNorm = tess.shader->neededAttribs & VA_NORMAL;
needTanBasis = tess.shader->neededAttribs & (VA_TANGENT | VA_BINORMAL);
R_AnimateX42Group( s->model, s->group, s->pose, + tess.numVertexes, sizeof([0] ),
needNorm ? tess.normal + tess.numVertexes : NULL, needNorm ? sizeof( tess.normal[0] ) : 0,
needTanBasis ? tess.tangent + tess.numVertexes : NULL, needTanBasis ? sizeof( tess.tangent[0] ) : 0,
needTanBasis ? tess.binormal + tess.numVertexes : NULL, needTanBasis ? sizeof( tess.binormal[0] ) : 0 );
tess.numVertexes += s->group->numVerts;
sV = s->group->firstVert;
if( (tess.shader->neededAttribs & VA_TEXCOORD0) && s->model->vertTc )
for( i = 0; i < s->group->numVerts; i++ )
tess.texCoords[bV + i][0][0] = s->model->vertTc[sV + i][0];
tess.texCoords[bV + i][0][1] = s->model->vertTc[sV + i][1];
if( (tess.shader->neededAttribs & VA_COLOR) && s->model->vertCl )
for( i = 0; i < s->group->numVerts; i++ )
*(uint*)tess.vertexColors[bV + i] = *(uint*)s->model->vertCl[sV + i];
bI = tess.numIndexes;
sI = s->group->firstIndex;
if( sI == X42_NO_INDICES )
//generate implicit indices
for( i = 0; i < s->group->numElems; i++ )
tess.indexes[bI + i] = (glIndex_t)(bV + i);
//copy the indices over
for( i = 0; i < s->group->numElems; i++ )
tess.indexes[bI + i] = bV + s->model->indices[sI + i];
tess.numIndexes += s->group->numElems;
void R_AddX42Surfaces( trRefEntity_t *ent )
uint i;
const x42Model_t *m;
x42Pose_t *oldpose, *newpose;
vec3_t bounds[2];
uint iLod;
x42lodRange_t *lod;
if( (ent->e.renderfx & RF_THIRD_PERSON) && !tr.viewParms.isPortal )
m = (const x42Model_t*)tr.currentModel->x42;
if( !ent->e.poseData )
animGroupFrame_t frame;
animGroupTransition_t trans;
if( ent->e.renderfx & RF_WRAP_FRAMES )
ent->e.frame %= m->header.numFrames;
ent->e.oldframe %= m->header.numFrames;
frame.animGroup = 0;
frame.frame0 = ent->e.oldframe;
frame.frame1 = ent->e.frame;
frame.interp = 1.0F - ent->e.backlerp;
frame.wrapFrames = (ent->e.renderfx & RF_WRAP_FRAMES) ? qtrue : qfalse;
newpose = (x42Pose_t*)ri.Hunk_AllocateFrameMemory(
sizeof( x42Pose_t ) + sizeof( affine_t ) * (m->header.numBones + m->header.numTags) );
newpose->numBones = m->header.numBones;
newpose->boneMats = (affine_t*)((byte*)newpose + sizeof( x42Pose_t ));
newpose->numTags = m->header.numTags;
newpose->tagMats = newpose->boneMats + newpose->numBones;
trans.animGroup = 0;
trans.interp = 0;
R_x42PoseBuildPose( newpose, m, tr.frameCount, &frame, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &trans, 1 );
ent->e.poseData = (qhandle_t)newpose;
oldpose = (x42Pose_t*)ent->e.poseData;
if( r_nocull->integer )
R_X42ModelGetBounds( bounds, m, oldpose, ent );
else if( !R_X42ModelInView( bounds, m, oldpose, ent ) )
iLod = R_X42ComputeLOD( bounds, m, ent );
lod = m->lods + iLod;
R_SetupEntityLighting( &tr.refdef, ent );
newpose = (x42Pose_t*)R_GetCommandMemory( sizeof( x42Pose_t ) );
if( !newpose )
newpose->boneMats = (affine_t*)R_GetCommandMemory( sizeof( affine_t ) * oldpose->numBones );
newpose->tagMats = NULL;
if( !newpose->boneMats )
newpose->numBones = oldpose->numBones;
newpose->numTags = 0;
Com_Memcpy( newpose->boneMats, oldpose->boneMats, sizeof( affine_t ) * oldpose->numBones );
for( i = lod->firstGroup; i < lod->firstGroup + lod->numGroups; i++ )
const x42group_t *g = m->groups + i;
x42Surface_t *surf;
shader_t *shader;
if ( g->numElems == 0 )
surf = (x42Surface_t*)R_GetCommandMemory( sizeof( x42Surface_t ) );
if( !surf )
surf->surfType = SF_X42;
surf->model = (x42Model_t*)m;
surf->group = (x42group_t*)g;
surf->pose = newpose;
if( ent->e.customShader )
shader = R_GetShaderByHandle( ent->e.customShader );
else if( ent->e.customSkin > 0 && ent->e.customSkin < tr.numSkins )
uint j;
skin_t *skin;
skin = R_GetSkinByHandle( ent->e.customSkin );
// match the surface name to something in the skin file
shader = tr.defaultShader;
for( j = 0; j < skin->numSurfaces; j++ )
// the names have both been lowercased
if( !strcmp( skin->surfaces[j]->name, m->strings + g->surfaceName ) )
shader = skin->surfaces[j]->shader;
shader = R_GetShaderByHandle( m->groupMats[i] );
if( shader->defaultShader )
shader = tr.defaultShader;
R_AddDrawSurf( (surfaceType_t*)surf, shader, 0, qfalse );