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174 lines
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Smalltalk language extensions to NSObjects
1. Source
2. Symbolic Selectors
3. Iterators and cycles
4. Exception handling
1. Source
Smalltalk script can be list of methods or just list of statements. List of
statements is like single method without method name.
List of methods
Source begins with '[|' (left square bracket) and is followed by optional list
of script variables. Methods are separated by '!' and are encoles by ']' (right
square bracket).
Example without vars:
self other.
Transcript showLine:'This is other'.
Example with vars:
[| :var1 :var2
"Your code here...".
"Your code here...".
Simple script (statements)
Simple script is just list of smalltalk statements. It is like contents of one
Why source begins with '[|' and not just '['?
Look at this example:
[one two three]
It has more meanings. It can be:
- list of methods with one method named 'one'. 'two' is target object and
'three' is a message.
- simple statement with block. 'one' is target object and 'two' and 'three'
are messages.
2. Symbolic selectors
In StepTalk symbolic selectors are mapped to normal selectors.
Comparison operators (NSObject)
Symb. sel. Real sel.
= isEqual:
== isSame:
~= notEqual:
~~ notSame:
< isLessThan:
> isGreatherThan:
<= isLessOrEqualThan:
>= isGreatherOrEqualThan:
Target type Selector Argument Type Real Selector
NSArray @ NSNumber objectAtIndex:
NSArray , any arrayByAddingObject:
NSArray + any arrayByAddingObject:
NSMutableArray += any addObject:
NSMutableArray -= any removeObject:
NSDictionary @ any objectForKey:
NSUserDefaults @ any objectForKey:
NSString , NSString stringByAppendingString:
NSString / NSString stringByAppendingPathComponent:
NSString @ NSNumber characterAtIndex:
NSMutableString += NSString appendString:
NSSet < NSSet isSubsetOfSet:
NSMutableSet += any addObject:
NSMutableSet -= any removeObject:
NSDate - NSDate timeIntervalSinceDate:
NSNumber +,-,*,/ NSNumber add:,subtract:,multiply:,divide:
Special selectors to create objects from two NSNumbers
Symb.sel. Real sel. Result Methods
<> rangeWith: range location, length
@ pointWith: point x, y
@@ sizeWith: size width, height
str := 'This is string.'.
substr := str substringWithRange: (8 <> 3)
range := str rangeOfString: 'str'.
newRange := ( (range location) <> 6).
3. Iterator and cycles
To create a cycle, you may use whileTrue: or whileFalse: on NSBlock
conditionBlock whileTrue: toDoBlock.
To use a sequence of numbers, you may use to:do: or to:step:do: on NSNumber
min to: max do: block
min to: max step: step do: block
Array iterators
Following methods will iterate through all objects in receiver.
Selector Description
do: Evaluate block for each object in array and return last evaluated
select: Create new array which will contain those objects from receiver,
for which value of block was true
reject: Create new array which will contain those objects from receiver,
for which value of block was false
collect: Create new array from block return values.
detect: Return first object for which block evaluation result is true.
Othervise return nil.
4. Exception handling
If you want to handle an exception, you may do so by using blocks. You send
handler: message to guarded block.
guardedBlock handler: handlerBlock.
If exception occures in guarded block, then handler block is evaluated.