Application Scripting bundle ---------------------------- Ahthor: Stefan Urbanek NOTE: this bundle wants another name and cleanup. What is Application Scripting Bundle ? -------------------------------------- Bundle that allows users to 'script' applications. In other words, for example, users can: - extend the behaviour of application by adding their own functionality - automate tasks in the application - create a batch task How to make applications scriptable is described in StepTalk/Documentation. It can be done very easily in less than five minutes. Where to get it? ---------------- Application Scripting Bundle is part of the StepTalk and you can download it from: Installation ------------ Application Scripting Bundle is automatically installed with StepTalk. You can install it separately by doing: > make > make install Scripts ------- Scripts are stored per application domain in */Library/StepTalk/Scripts/application_name. For example GNUmail is searhing for scripts in */Library/StepTalk/Scripts/GNUmail. Feedback -------- Any bug reports and comments are welcome at